72 research outputs found

    Das valas comuns aos direitos humanos: a descoberta dos desaparecimentos forçados na Espanha contemporânea

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    Este texto se baseia numa investigação de campo “multissituada” de sete anos sobre o impacto do ciclo mais recente de exumações de fossas comuns da Guerra Civil espanhola, levada a termo em diversos cenários: exumações, atos comemorativos, conferências acadêmicas sobre a memória, apresentações de livros, concertos musicais, retiros universitários, assembléias, diversas ONG, grupos de trabalho com apoio institucional, laboratórios forenses, exposições de arte, manifestações, etc. Explora a forma pela qual os discursos e conceitos transnacionais dos direitos humanos tem se convertido paulatinamente em guias fundamentais da ação de muitas das associações que promovem o que se conhece como “recuperação da memória histórica, na medida em que o debate tem ido crescendo, se sofisticando, institucionalizando e, finalmente, indo a juízo. Neste sentido, a sequência de informações da Anistia Internacional sobre o processo ou o auto ditado por Baltasar Garzón aos 16 de setembro de 2008, a controvérsia gerada por ele até sua inibição aos 18 de novembro de 2008 e os sucessos derivados do processo que se lhe abriu no Supremo Tribunal, tem atuado como catalisadores desta irrupção dos direitos humanos nos debates sobre a memória, através de figuras jurídicas como as dos “crimes contra a humanidade”, os “desaparecimentos forçados”, e outras.Peer reviewe

    Computational functional prediction of novel long noncoding RNA in TCGA Glioblastoma multiforme sample

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    According to international human genome sequencing consortium 2004[43], it was known that only less than 2% of the total human genome code for proteins. This ignited quite a surprise in the scientific community. Since then, a lot of researchers are attracted towards the noncoding part of the genome. There are explosion of researches addressing the role of the 98% of the human untranslated regions of the genome. This shows that the transcription is not only limited to the protein coding regions of the genome rather more than 90% of the genome are likely to be transcribed. [43] This will result in the transcription of tens and thousands of the long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) with little or no coding potential. However, the molecular mechanism and function of long noncoding RNAs are still an open research topic. Although the functions of limited lncRNAs are identified, there is still a gap in identifying the function of novel lncRNAs. This project implements different computational methods to predict the function of novel lncRNAs identified from TCGA glioblastoma multiforme samples. The methods used in this functional prediction include both expression and sequence-based analysis approach. In expression-based analysis, the co-expressing genes with lncRNAs are used to predict the possible functional relation. In sequence based analysis, the gene-protein and lncRNA-protein interactions together with miRNA-lncRNA interactions are considered towards the possible functional predictions. The result from the integrated functional prediction on the novel lncRNAs show that TCGA_gbm3-153501 novel lncRNA which is co-expressed together with the THBS1 gene with correlation coefficient of more that 0.5 is predicted to function in cell-cell and cell-to-matrix interactions, platelet aggregation, angiogenesis, and tumorigenesis. [202] MSI1, RBM3 and RBM8A are RNA binding proteins (RBPs) that have binding site on both the first top five differentially expressed lncRNAs which are TCGA_gbm-2-104096501, TCGA_gbm-3-153501, TCGA_gbm-5-63687001 and TCGA_gbm-17-10671251 and IGF2 which is among the top 10 differentially expressed genes. Therefore, these lncRNAs are predicted to have functional role in cell proliferation and maintenance of stem cells in the central nervous system

    Untersuchungen zum Formfüllungsmechanismus beim Vakuum-Lost-Foam-Eisenguss

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    Herstellung verlorener Formen mit verlorenen Modellen

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    Über die Beschreibung des Bauteilverzugs im Aluminium-Kokillenguss als Folge behinderter Schwindung

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    Die Abweichung vom Sollmaß im Sinne eines Bauteilverzuges stellt in der Gießerei ein prominentes qualitätsminderndes Phänomen dar. Diese Verzugsproblematik als Folge von behinderter Erstarrungs- und Abkühlungsschwindung ist für praktisch alle Formgussteile relevant, jedoch für den Dauerformguss mit seinen mechanisch steifen und thermisch gut leitenden Formen von besonderer Bedeutung. Als eine der dominierenden Einflussgrößen auf die Ausprägung der Maßabweichungen des Gussteils wurde bereits in früheren Abhandlungen die Temperatur bei Aufhebung des Formzwanges identifiziert, bisher jedoch ohne dabei klare Mechanismen zu beschreiben. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird an einem speziell konstruierten Kokillengussteil aus AlSi7Mg0,3 die Temperatur bis zu der Aufhebung des Formzwanges (Entformungstemperatur) von nahe Solidus- bis zur Umgebungstemperatur variiert. Die dabei resultierenden Maßabweichungen werden in die Anteile der freien Schwindung sowie der plastischen Formänderung in Folge der behinderten Schwindung zerlegt. Die Zusammenhänge dieser Anteile werden ermittelt und daraus ein phänomenologisches Beschreibungsmodell erarbeitet. Abschließend wird auf Basis dieses Modells die potenzielle Verzugsreduzierung durch die Wahl der Entformungstemperatur bewertet

    Исторические аспекты становления и развития теории благосостояния

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    Теория благосостояния неразрывна с изучением методов организации хозяйства, которые обеспечивают в обществе необходимое количество благ. Природу благосостояния пытались изучить с давних времен, и по сей день открывают что-то новое в данном вопросе. Главной проблемой в этой области является само определение общественного благосостояния, что же все-таки на него влияет и от чего оно зависит. В данной статье рассматриваются различные исторические аспекты становления и развития теории благосостояния, рассматривается то, как менялось представление ученых о сущности благосостояния с течением времени