5 research outputs found

    Comparison of dietary oils with different polyunsaturated fatty acid n-3 and n-6 content in the rat model of cutaneous wound healing

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    Dietary supplementation with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) n-3 can affect cutaneous wound healing; however, recent findings demonstrate the variable extent of their influence on the quality of healing. Here, we compare the effect of several dietary oils, containing different levels of PUFA n-3 and PUFA n-6, on wound healing in the rat model. Rats were fed the feed mixture with 8% palm oil (P), safflower oil (S), fish oil (F) or Schizochytrium microalga extract (Sch) and compared to the animals fed by control feed mixture (C). Dorsal full-thickness cutaneous excisions were performed after 52 days of feeding and skin was left to heal for an additional 12 days. Histopathological analysis of skin wounds was performed, including immune cells immunolabeling and the determination of hydroxyproline amount as well as gene expression analyses of molecules contributing to different steps of the healing. Matrix-assisted-laser-desorption-ionization mass-spectrometry-imaging (MALDI-MSI) was used to determine the amount of collagen alpha-1(III) chain fragment in healing samples. Treatment by Schizochytrium extract resulted in decrease in the total wound area, in contrast to the safflower oil group where the size of the wound was larger when comparing to control animals. Diet with Schizochytrium extract and safflower oils displayed a tendency to increase the number of new vessels. The number of MPO-positive cells was diminished following any of oil treatment in comparison to the control, but their highest amount was found in animals with a fish oil diet. On the other hand, the number of CD68-positive macrophages was increased, with the most significant enhancement in the fish oil and safflower oil group. Hydroxyproline concentration was the highest in the safflower oil group but it was also enhanced in all other analyzed treatments in comparison to the control. MALDI-MSI signal intensity of a collagen III fragment decreased in the sequence C > S > Sch > P > F treatment. In conclusion, we observed differences in tissue response during healing between dietary oils, with the activation of inflammation observed following the treatment with oil containing high eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) level (fish oil) and enhanced healing features were induced by the diet with high content of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, Schizochytrium extract)

    Study of organs of mice in inhalation experiments

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    Zadáním diplomové práce je studovat potenciální nebezpečí pro živé organizmy vyplývající z inhalace nanočástic vybraných těžkých kovů. Hlavním cílem je zkoumání orgánů pokusných bílých myší po řízené inhalaci nanočástic olova. Vzorky jater a plic jsou odebírány v časových intervalech z jedinců v inhalačních pokusech a dále jsou zpracovány příslušnými procedurami pro jejich hodnocení. Pro stanovení obsahu olova je zkoumané orgány nezbytné nejprve rozložit v kyselině dusičné pomocí tlakového mikrovlnného rozkladu a následně stanovit obsah olova v mineralizátech metodou bezplamenové atomové absorpční spektrometrie. Dále jsou sledovány projevy působení olova na tkáně orgánů pomocí mikroskopie histologických preparátů barvených hematoxylin-eosinem. V závěru práce jsou vyhodnoceny a vzájemně porovnány výsledky obou přístupů.The diploma thesis is devoted to study potential risks for living organisms resulting from inhalation of nanoparticles of chosen heavy metals. The main aim of this work is the investigation of organs from experimental white mice after their guided inhalation of lead nanoparticles. The samples of liver and lungs from these animals are taken in time periods during the inhalation experiments and processed by specific methods for their evaluation. After pressurized microwave assisted decomposition of selected samples of mice organs in high purity concentrated nitric acid the content of lead is determined by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization. Furthermore, the changes are monitored using the microscopy of histological slides stained with hematoxylin-eosin. The results of both approaches are evaluated and compared within the frame of this work.

    Quality of Life of Patients with Bronchial Obstruktion

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    Institute of Theory and Practice of Nursing First Faculty of Medicine Charles University in PragueÚstav teorie a praxe ošetřovatelství 1. LF UK v PrazeFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult