744 research outputs found

    The moral landscape of pediatric oncology : an empirical study on best interests, parental authority and child participation in decision making

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    Few medical specialties encounter so many ethical challenges as pediatrics does. It is a specialty that inherently has features that are morally charged. Pediatric ethics examines the broad issues of (1) the concept of the child__s best interest; (2) parental responsibility and authority in decision-making about the life and health of a child; (3) the emerging desire and capacity for self-determination of an older child, and (4) the professional obligation of a pediatrician to act in the best interests of the child. Much is written about these issues, but often the literature on these topics is either __academic__ and theoretical in nature, or casuistic. It remains difficult to utilize what is written in the reality of pediatric practice. In this thesis we reflect on the question how the concepts of best interests, parental authority and child participation can and should be translated and made operational in the everyday encounter between parents, physicians and children. We therefore combine theoretical conceptions of the best interest standard, child participation and parental authority with a close look on how these concepts actually function in pediatric practice, and how they are conceived by actors in the pediatric field.UBL - phd migration 201

    Selecting informative food items for compiling food-frequency questionnaires: comparison of procedures

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    The authors automated the selection of foods in a computer system that compiles and processes tailored FFQ. For the selection of food items, several methods are available. The aim of the present study was to compare food lists made by MOM2, which identifies food items with highest between-person variance in intake of the nutrients of interest without taking other items into account, with food lists made by forward regression. The name MOM2 refers to the variance, which is the second moment of the nutrient intake distribution. Food items were selected for the nutrients of interest from 2 d of recorded intake in 3524 adults aged 25–65 years. Food lists by 80 % MOM2 were compared to those by 80 % explained variance for regression on differences between the number and type of food items, and were evaluated on (1) the percentage of explained variance and (2) percentage contribution to population intake computed for the selected items on the food list. MOM2 selected the same food items for Ca, a few more for fat and vitamin C, and a few less for carbohydrates and dietary fibre than forward regression. Food lists by MOM2 based on 80 % of variance in intake covered 75–87 % of explained variance for different nutrients by regression and contributed 53–75 % to total population intake. Concluding, for developing food lists of FFQ, it appears sufficient to select food items based on the contribution to variance in nutrient intake without taking covariance into accoun

    Recht op seksuele gezondheid en de rol van de arts

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    FdR – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    EHRM 31 januari 2023, Y t. Frankrijk, nr. 76888/17, ECLI:CE:ECHR:2023:0131JUD007688817

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    EHRMEHRC 2023-0071FdR – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde
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