231 research outputs found

    Reply to Turkheimer and Waldron and Wahlsten.

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    Reply to Turkheimer and Waldron and Wahlsten.

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    Early Screening of an Anxiety-prone Temperament in Young Dutch Children with a Multi-ethnic Background

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    __Abstract__ Al op peuterleeftijd zijn er bij sommige kinderen signalen van overmatige angst zichtbaar. De BIQ-SF, een korte en makkelijk af te nemen vragenlijst, blijkt uitermate geschikt om allochtone en autochtone jonge kinderen in de Nederlandse populatie met een verhoogd risico op de ontwikkeling van angstproblemen op te sporen

    Developing and testing Kanjingo: a mobile app for post-editing

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    This paper describes the development of the mobile post-editing application Kanjingo, and the developers’ intentions for the tool. There have, to date, been two rounds of usability testing of Kanjingo completed, with good responses from participants. Despite this, it remains difficult to make a commercial case for smartphone post-editing. Aquest article descriu el desenvolupament de Kanjingo, una aplicació mòbil per a la postedició, i les motivacions de la seva creació. L’aplicació ha estat sotmesa, fins ara, a dues rondes d’avaluació pel que fa a la facilitat d’ús, amb respostes positives dels participants. Amb tot, encara no s’ha pogut convertir en projecte comercial per a la postedició amb telèfons intel·ligents. Este artículo describe el desarrollo de Kanjingo, una aplicación móvil para la posedición, y las motivaciones de su creación. La aplicación ha sido sometida, hasta la fecha, a dos rondas de evaluación sobre su facilidad de uso, con respuestas positivas de los participantes. Sin embargo, todavía no se ha podido convertir en proyecto comercial para la posedición con teléfonos inteligentes

    A First-Tier Framework for Assessing Toxicological Risk from Vaporized Cannabis Concentrates

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    Vaporization is an increasingly prevalent means to consume cannabis, but there is little guidance for manufacturers or regulators to evaluate additive safety. This paper presents a first-tier framework for regulators and cannabis manufacturers without significant toxicological expertise to conduct risk assessments and prioritize additives in cannabis concentrates for acceptance, elimination, or further evaluation. Cannabinoids and contaminants (e.g., solvents, pesticides, etc.) are excluded from this framework because of the complexity involved in their assessment; theirs would not be a first-tier toxicological assessment. Further, several U.S. state regulators have provided guidance for major cannabinoids and contaminants. Toxicological risk assessment of cannabis concentrate additives, like other types of risk assessment, includes hazard assessment, dose–response, exposure assessment, and risk characterization steps. Scarce consumption data has made exposure assessment of cannabis concentrates difficult and variable. Previously unpublished consumption data collected from over 54,000 smart vaporization devices show that 50th and 95th percentile users consume 5 and 57 mg per day on average, respectively. Based on these and published data, we propose assuming 100 mg per day cannabis concentrate consumption for first-tier risk assessment purposes. Herein, we provide regulators, cannabis manufacturers, and consumers a preliminary methodology to evaluate the health risks of cannabis concentrate additives

    Teeltvervroeging bij teunisbloem

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    Zwadmaaien van graszaadgewassen

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    Rijenafstand, zaaizaadhoeveelheid en zaaidatum bij teunisbloem

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    Resultaten van de graszaadteeltproeven oogst 1972

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