9 research outputs found

    Aerobni anoksigeni fototrofi Jadranskog mora

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    Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs are a newly discovered member of the bacterial community in the Adriatic Sea. During the last seven years, when we started to study these organisms, we have collected a considerable number of samples from different environments, from the coast, the estuary, and the open sea. Here we have compiled data from 34 georeferenced study sites from four studies that summarize all that is known about aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs and examine the spatial and vertical distribution and environmental factors affecting this community in the Adriatic Sea. We found horizontal and vertical influences on AAP distribution, mainly salinity, nitrates, chlorophyll a, ammonium, temperature, and soluble reactive phosphorus. Much is known about their ecology in the Adriatic, and with a new survey underway, we will expand our knowledge of their community composition and their role in carbon flux to higher trophic levels.Aerobni anoksigeni fototrofi relativno su novi član bakterijske zajednice u Jadranskom moru. U posljednjih sedam godina, od kada smo započeli proučavati ove organizme, prikupili smo znatan broj uzoraka iz različitih okoliÅ”a, obalnog, estuarnog i područja otvorenog mora. U ovom radu objedinili smo podatke s 34 georeferencirane lokacije istraživanja iz četiri studije koje sažimaju sva saznanja o aerobnim anoksigenim fototrofima te istražili prostornu i vertikalnu raspodjelu, kao i okoliÅ”ne čimbenike koji utječu na ovu zajednicu u Jadranskom moru. Utvrdili smo čimbenike koji utječu na horizontalnu i vertikalnu raspodjelu AAP, uglavnom salinitet, nitrate, klorofil a, amonijeve ione, temperaturu te topljivi reaktivni fosfor. Iako se dosta zna o njihovoj ekologiji u Jadranu, aktualnim istraživanjem proÅ”irit ćemo naÅ”e znanje o sastavu ove zajednice i njihovoj ulozi u protoku ugljika prema viÅ”im trofičkim razinama

    Kvaliteta mora za kupanje na plažama u KaŔtelima (Hrvatska) u razdoblju primjene Direktive o upravljanju kvalitetom vode za kupanje 2006/7/EC

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    We analyzed and discussed bathing water quality at 11 official bathing sites in KaÅ”tela (Croatia) in the period 2009-2022. The results showed spatial and temporal variations in quality. The worst bathing water quality was in the eastern part of the area, at beaches Torac, Kamp and Gojača. Levels of indicator microorganisms at identified sources of fecal pollution near these beaches indicate a significant load of fecal material to these areas. The observed decrease in annual fecal indicator bacteria exceedances, while not statistically significant, indicates a trend toward improvement in water quality. The number of sites with worse annual and final assessment showed a decreasing trend only since 2017 and 2020, respectively, which is not a ā€˜sufficientā€™ time period to draw a clear conclusion about the trend. The improvements are probably the result of intensive work in recent years to improve the sewage system in the area. In the annual and final assessment, bathing sites from KaÅ”tela with ā€˜poorā€™ water quality accounted on average for more than 27% of all waters with ā€˜poorā€™ quality in Croatia. This implies that additional efforts are needed to eliminate the sources of fecal pollution in the area.U ovom smo radu analizirali kvalitetu mora za kupanje na 11 službenih plaža u KaÅ”telima (Hrvatska) u razdoblju 2009.-2022. Rezultati su pokazali prostorne i vremenske varijacije kvalitete. NajloÅ”ija kvaliteta mora za kupanje zabilježena je u istočnom dijelu područja, na plažama Torac, Kamp i Gojača. Razine indikatorskih mikroorganizama na utvrđenim izvorima fekalnog onečiŔćenja u blizini ovih plaža ukazuju na značajno opterećenje fekalnim materijalom u ovim područjima. Iako trend smanjena broja prekoračenja graničnih vrijednosti indikatorskih mikroorganizama tijekom godine nije statistički značajan, ipak upućuje na poboljÅ”anja. Broj lokacija s loÅ”ijom godiÅ”njom i konačnom ocjenom pokazuje trend pada tek od 2017. odnosno 2020. godine, Å”to nije dovoljno vremensko razdoblje da bi se moglo jasno zaključiti o trendu. PoboljÅ”anja su vjerojatno rezultat intenzivnog rada na poboljÅ”anju kanalizacijskog sustava na tom području u posljednjih nekoliko godina. U godiÅ”njoj i konačnoj ocjeni, kaÅ”telanske plaže s nezadovoljavajućom kvalitetom mora u prosjeku su činile viÅ”e od 27% svih plaža nezadovoljavajuće kvalitete u Hrvatskoj. To ukazuje da su potrebni dodatni napori za uklanjanje izvora fekalnog onečiŔćenja na cijelom području

    The role of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in the structure and dynamics of microbial community in the central Adriatic sea

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    U radu je istražena uloga aerobnih anoksigenih fototrofa (AAF) u mikrobnoj mreži duž trofičkog gradijenta, zajedno s bioloÅ”kim i fizikalno-kemijskim čimbenicima koji su utjecali na njihovu prostorno-vremensku raspodjelu. AAF su bakterije čiji je metabolizam fotoheterotrofan, odnosno primarno heterotrofan, ali dio stanične energije mogu priskrbiti koriÅ”tenjem svjetla. Njihove brojnosti su iznosile od 0,26 x 104 st mL-1 na otvorenome moru do 23,45 x 104 st mL-1 u estuariju Krke, dok su udjeli u ukupnim prokariotima bili između 1,13% i 23,88%. Izračunata je i njihova biomasa koja je iznosila od 0,07 Ī¼g C L-1 do 6,24 Ī¼g C L-1, s najviÅ”im vrijednostima ljeti u estuariju Krke i najmanjim zimi na otvorenome moru. Brojnost i biomasa opadale su od eutrofnijeg obalnog prema oligotrofnijem otvorenome moru, potvrđujući hipotezu da AAF odabiru okoliÅ”e s viÅ”e hranjiva. Podatci ukazuju na značajnu ulogu fosfora na rast ovih organizama. Na promjene u cijeloj mikrobnoj zajednici utjecali su prozirnost mora, klorofil i salinitet. Heterotrofne bakterije (HB), zajedno s AAF, su uglavnom tijekom cijele godine bile kontrolirane predacijom od strane heterotrofnih nanoflagelata (HNF). Na sezonskoj skali primijećena je izraženija kontrola HB predatorima u toplijem razdoblju, dok je na prostornoj skali najjača povezanost predatora i plijena uočena na područjima estuarija Krke i KaÅ”telanskog zaljeva. Jačina povezanosti (D) je opadala od obalnih područja prema otvorenome moru gdje je bila izraženija u toplijem razdoblju istraživanja.The present study investigated the role of Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophs (AAPs) in the microbial food web along the trophic gradient, together with biological and physicochemical parameters that influenced their spatial-temporal distribution. AAPs are prokaryotes with photoheterotrophic metabolism, meaning primarily heterotrophic, but by harvesting light they can supplement a part of cellular energy requirements. Their abundance varied between 0.26 x 104 cell mL-1 at the open sea and 23.45 x 104 cell mL-1 in the Krka River estuary, while their proportion in the total prokaryotes ranged between 1.13% and 23.88%, respectively. Calculated biomass of AAPs ranged between 0.07 and 6.24 Ī¼g C L-1, with the highest values during summer in the estuarine areas and the lowest during winter in the open sea. Thus, we observed a trend of decreasing abundances and biomass from more eutrophic coastal to the oligotrophic open sea area, which confirmed the hypothesis that these organisms prefer environments with higher nutrient concentrations. Our data indicate that phosphorus limitation in the environment could be an important factor for AAP growth. The main driving factors for the whole picoplankton community variance were water column transparency, chlorophyll and salinity. Heterotrophic bacteria (HB), together with AAPs, were mainly controlled by means of predation by heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) during the investigated period. On a seasonal scale, more pronounced control of HB by predators was noticed during the warmer period of the year, while on a spatial scale the strongest coupling between predator and prey was noticed in the Krka River estuary and the KaÅ”tela Bay. The intensity of the observed coupling (D) was decreasing from the coastal to the open sea areas, where it was more noticeable during warmer research periods

    The role of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in the structure and dynamics of microbial community in the central Adriatic sea

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    U radu je istražena uloga aerobnih anoksigenih fototrofa (AAF) u mikrobnoj mreži duž trofičkog gradijenta, zajedno s bioloÅ”kim i fizikalno-kemijskim čimbenicima koji su utjecali na njihovu prostorno-vremensku raspodjelu. AAF su bakterije čiji je metabolizam fotoheterotrofan, odnosno primarno heterotrofan, ali dio stanične energije mogu priskrbiti koriÅ”tenjem svjetla. Njihove brojnosti su iznosile od 0,26 x 104 st mL-1 na otvorenome moru do 23,45 x 104 st mL-1 u estuariju Krke, dok su udjeli u ukupnim prokariotima bili između 1,13% i 23,88%. Izračunata je i njihova biomasa koja je iznosila od 0,07 Ī¼g C L-1 do 6,24 Ī¼g C L-1, s najviÅ”im vrijednostima ljeti u estuariju Krke i najmanjim zimi na otvorenome moru. Brojnost i biomasa opadale su od eutrofnijeg obalnog prema oligotrofnijem otvorenome moru, potvrđujući hipotezu da AAF odabiru okoliÅ”e s viÅ”e hranjiva. Podatci ukazuju na značajnu ulogu fosfora na rast ovih organizama. Na promjene u cijeloj mikrobnoj zajednici utjecali su prozirnost mora, klorofil i salinitet. Heterotrofne bakterije (HB), zajedno s AAF, su uglavnom tijekom cijele godine bile kontrolirane predacijom od strane heterotrofnih nanoflagelata (HNF). Na sezonskoj skali primijećena je izraženija kontrola HB predatorima u toplijem razdoblju, dok je na prostornoj skali najjača povezanost predatora i plijena uočena na područjima estuarija Krke i KaÅ”telanskog zaljeva. Jačina povezanosti (D) je opadala od obalnih područja prema otvorenome moru gdje je bila izraženija u toplijem razdoblju istraživanja.The present study investigated the role of Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophs (AAPs) in the microbial food web along the trophic gradient, together with biological and physicochemical parameters that influenced their spatial-temporal distribution. AAPs are prokaryotes with photoheterotrophic metabolism, meaning primarily heterotrophic, but by harvesting light they can supplement a part of cellular energy requirements. Their abundance varied between 0.26 x 104 cell mL-1 at the open sea and 23.45 x 104 cell mL-1 in the Krka River estuary, while their proportion in the total prokaryotes ranged between 1.13% and 23.88%, respectively. Calculated biomass of AAPs ranged between 0.07 and 6.24 Ī¼g C L-1, with the highest values during summer in the estuarine areas and the lowest during winter in the open sea. Thus, we observed a trend of decreasing abundances and biomass from more eutrophic coastal to the oligotrophic open sea area, which confirmed the hypothesis that these organisms prefer environments with higher nutrient concentrations. Our data indicate that phosphorus limitation in the environment could be an important factor for AAP growth. The main driving factors for the whole picoplankton community variance were water column transparency, chlorophyll and salinity. Heterotrophic bacteria (HB), together with AAPs, were mainly controlled by means of predation by heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) during the investigated period. On a seasonal scale, more pronounced control of HB by predators was noticed during the warmer period of the year, while on a spatial scale the strongest coupling between predator and prey was noticed in the Krka River estuary and the KaÅ”tela Bay. The intensity of the observed coupling (D) was decreasing from the coastal to the open sea areas, where it was more noticeable during warmer research periods

    The role of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in the structure and dynamics of microbial community in the central Adriatic sea

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    U radu je istražena uloga aerobnih anoksigenih fototrofa (AAF) u mikrobnoj mreži duž trofičkog gradijenta, zajedno s bioloÅ”kim i fizikalno-kemijskim čimbenicima koji su utjecali na njihovu prostorno-vremensku raspodjelu. AAF su bakterije čiji je metabolizam fotoheterotrofan, odnosno primarno heterotrofan, ali dio stanične energije mogu priskrbiti koriÅ”tenjem svjetla. Njihove brojnosti su iznosile od 0,26 x 104 st mL-1 na otvorenome moru do 23,45 x 104 st mL-1 u estuariju Krke, dok su udjeli u ukupnim prokariotima bili između 1,13% i 23,88%. Izračunata je i njihova biomasa koja je iznosila od 0,07 Ī¼g C L-1 do 6,24 Ī¼g C L-1, s najviÅ”im vrijednostima ljeti u estuariju Krke i najmanjim zimi na otvorenome moru. Brojnost i biomasa opadale su od eutrofnijeg obalnog prema oligotrofnijem otvorenome moru, potvrđujući hipotezu da AAF odabiru okoliÅ”e s viÅ”e hranjiva. Podatci ukazuju na značajnu ulogu fosfora na rast ovih organizama. Na promjene u cijeloj mikrobnoj zajednici utjecali su prozirnost mora, klorofil i salinitet. Heterotrofne bakterije (HB), zajedno s AAF, su uglavnom tijekom cijele godine bile kontrolirane predacijom od strane heterotrofnih nanoflagelata (HNF). Na sezonskoj skali primijećena je izraženija kontrola HB predatorima u toplijem razdoblju, dok je na prostornoj skali najjača povezanost predatora i plijena uočena na područjima estuarija Krke i KaÅ”telanskog zaljeva. Jačina povezanosti (D) je opadala od obalnih područja prema otvorenome moru gdje je bila izraženija u toplijem razdoblju istraživanja.The present study investigated the role of Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophs (AAPs) in the microbial food web along the trophic gradient, together with biological and physicochemical parameters that influenced their spatial-temporal distribution. AAPs are prokaryotes with photoheterotrophic metabolism, meaning primarily heterotrophic, but by harvesting light they can supplement a part of cellular energy requirements. Their abundance varied between 0.26 x 104 cell mL-1 at the open sea and 23.45 x 104 cell mL-1 in the Krka River estuary, while their proportion in the total prokaryotes ranged between 1.13% and 23.88%, respectively. Calculated biomass of AAPs ranged between 0.07 and 6.24 Ī¼g C L-1, with the highest values during summer in the estuarine areas and the lowest during winter in the open sea. Thus, we observed a trend of decreasing abundances and biomass from more eutrophic coastal to the oligotrophic open sea area, which confirmed the hypothesis that these organisms prefer environments with higher nutrient concentrations. Our data indicate that phosphorus limitation in the environment could be an important factor for AAP growth. The main driving factors for the whole picoplankton community variance were water column transparency, chlorophyll and salinity. Heterotrophic bacteria (HB), together with AAPs, were mainly controlled by means of predation by heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) during the investigated period. On a seasonal scale, more pronounced control of HB by predators was noticed during the warmer period of the year, while on a spatial scale the strongest coupling between predator and prey was noticed in the Krka River estuary and the KaÅ”tela Bay. The intensity of the observed coupling (D) was decreasing from the coastal to the open sea areas, where it was more noticeable during warmer research periods

    Is TBX agar a suitable medium for monitoring Escherichia coli in bathing water using the membrane filtration method?

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    The use of a suitable method for the enumeration of indicator microorganisms is of crucial importance for reliable monitoring and assessment of the quality of bathing waters. Among other characteristics, the method should be selective enough and ensure acceptable relative recovery of target microorganisms. This study presents the basic parameters, relative recovery and categorical performance characteristics of Tryptone Bile X-glucuronide (TBX) agar for Escherichia coli (E. coli) enumeration in bathing water samples using the membrane filtration method. The results of the relative recovery study, in which TBX agar was compared against temperature- modified ISO 9308- 1:2014, showed that in order to achieve a satisfactory relative recovery of E. coli with TBX agar at 44 Ā± 0.5 Ā°C, the resuscitation period on a non-selective medium (Minerals Modified Glutamate Agar, MMGA) at 36 Ā± 2 Ā°C is crucial. Incubation on a double-layer MMGA/TBX medium with a 6-h resuscitation period and alternating incubation on single-layer MMGA and TBX agar with a 4-h resuscitation period resulted in acceptable and very similar relative recovery. The achieved performance characteristics of the tested medium, double- layer MMGA/TBX agar, are acceptable. The selectivity was matrix-dependent and was 60.6% for inland and 69.9% for coastal waters. No significant effect of the resuscitation period on selectivity was recorded. Finally, the results showed that when the resuscitation period on a non-selective medium is included, TBX agar is a suitable medium for E. coli enumeration in bathing water samples using the membrane filtration method and that its use, theoretically, would not have negative effects on the assessment of bathing water qualit

    Picoplankton diversity in an oligotrophic and high salinity environment in the central Adriatic Sea

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    Abstract By combining qualitative 16S metabarcoding and quantitative CARD-FISH methods with neural gas analysis, different patterns of the picoplankton community were revealed at finer taxonomic levels in response to changing environmental conditions in the Adriatic Sea. We present the results of a one-year study carried out in an oligotrophic environment where increased salinity was recently observed. We have shown that the initial state of community structure changes according to environmental conditions and is expressed as qualitative and quantitative changes. A general pattern of increasing diversity under harsh environmental conditions, particularly under the influence of increasing salinity at the expense of community abundance was observed. Considering the trend of changing seawater characteristics due to climate change, this study helps in understanding a possible structural change in the microbial community of the Adriatic Sea that could affect higher levels of the marine food web

    Clinical guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients with invasive breast cancer ā€“ Croatian Oncology Society (BC-3 COS)

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    Rak dojke je najčeŔći zloćudni tumor u žena koji se može probirom, redovitim kontrolama i zdravstvenim odgojem otkriti u ranim stadijima bolesti i uspjeÅ”no liječiti. Metode liječenja uključuju kirurgiju, kemoterapiju, radioterapiju, endokrinu terapiju, imunoterapiju, ciljanu terapiju te simptomatsko-suportivnu terapiju, koja se primjenjuje ovisno o stadiju bolesti, bioloÅ”kim obilježjima tumora i općem stanju, dobi i komorbidetima bolesnica. Plan liječenja definira multidisciplinarni tim. S obzirom na pojavnost ove bolesti, mogućnost ranog otkrivanja i mogućeg značajnog učinka terapijskih postupaka na tijek bolesti, potrebno je definirati i pravilno standardizirati pristup u dijagnostici, liječenju i praćenju ovih bolesnica. U tekstu su iznesene smjernice s ciljem primjene standardiziranih postupaka u svakodnevnom radu s bolesnicama s rakom dojke u Republici Hrvatskoj.Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, which can be diagnosed early through screening, early detection and through education. When diagnosed early, it can be successfully treated. Treatment modalities include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, endocrine therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy and supportive therapy applied depending on the stage of the disease, tumor and patientĀ“s characteristics. Treatment should be defined by a multidisciplinary team. Due to the incidence of this disease, opportunity of early detection and possible significant influence of various treatment modalities on the course of the disease, it is important to define and implement a standardized approach for diagnosis , treatment and monitoring algorithm. The following text presents the clinical guidelines in order to standardize the procedures and criteria for diagnosis,treatment and monitoring of breast cancer patients in the Republic of Croatia