18 research outputs found

    Assessment of Clinical Nursing Competencies: Literature Review

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    Introduction: In Slovene nursing higher education, there is a lack of empirical evidence to support the choice of tolls for assessment of clinical skills and competencies. This literature review aims to critically discuss identified methods of clinical nursing skills assessment and competencies currently used in nursing higher education in other countries

    Perceptions of caring between Slovene and Russian members of nursing teams

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    Purpose: To measure the perceptions of caring between Slovene and Russian members of nursing teams and compare the results with earlier findings in other European Union (EU) countries.Methods: A cross sectional study that included nurses and nursing assistants in Slovenia (n = 294) and Russia (n = 531). Data were collected using the 25-item Caring Dimensions Inventory.Results: The most endorsed item for Slovene and Russian members of nursing teams was an item related to medication administration. All items that were endorsed by Russian participants were also endorsed by Slovenian participants; however, they ascribed a different level of importance to individual aspects of caring. Discussion: Compared with other EU countries, such as the UK and Spain, Slovenian and Russian members of nursing teams endorsed more technical aspects of nursing duties as caring, suggesting cultural differences and previous influences of the biomedical model on nursing education and practice

    An international cross-cultural study of nursing student's perceptions of caring

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Background: Single studies suggest that nursing students perceive caring as more an instrumental than expressive behaviour and indicate some differences between caring perceptions in junior and senior nursing students. However, there are limited studies investigating caring perceptions in nursing students across multiple cultures. Objective: To determine perceptions of caring in Slovene, Croatian, Chinese and Russian nursing students and explore whether there are statistically significant differences in perceptions of caring between countries and between first and third-year nursing students. Design: A cross-sectional descriptive study design was used. Settings and participants: The study included 604 nursing students enrolled in first and third year in seven different nursing faculties in four countries: Slovenia; China; Croatia; and the Russian Federation. Methods: The 25-item Caring Dimension Inventory (CDI-25) was used to measure caring perceptions. We also included demographic questions regarding age, gender, country, year of study and type of study. Demographic data were analysed using descriptive analysis while a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) adjusted for unequal sample sizes was performed together with a post hoc analysis of the results. Results: The results of two-way ANOVA showed that both main effects (country and year of study) were statistically significant, as well as their interaction at the 0.05 significance level. The main effect for country was F(3, 596) = 3.591, p < 0.0136 indicating a significant difference in CDI-25 between Slovenia (M = 108.9, SD = 9.2), Russian Federation (M = 107.1, SD = 8.2), China (M = 102.8, SD = 9.7) and Croatia (M = 110.0, SD = 8.6). Conclusions: Perceptions of caring in nursing students differ across countries, probably due to different educational systems, curricula, cultural differences and societal values. Implementing caring theories in nursing curricula could help students to cultivate caring during their education

    Impact of Education, Working Conditions, and Interpersonal Relationships on Caregivers’ Job Satisfaction

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    Aim: To explore relationships between caregivers’ education, healthcare working conditions, interpersonal relationships, and caregivers’ general job satisfaction

    Caring for patient and safety in medication administration in nursing

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    Izhodišča: Poznavanje vzrokov za napake pri dajanju zdravil, ovir sporočanja ter ocene sporočanja je pomembno za zagotavljanje kakovostne in varne obravnave pacientov, takšnih raziskav pa v slovenskem okolju primanjkuje. Strokovnjaki ocenjujejo, da je za varnost pacientov med drugim potrebna tudi ustrezna kultura skrbi, vendar je zaenkrat še premalo raziskav, ki bi potrdili povezanost kulture skrbi s kazalniki kakovosti in varnostjo pacientov. Z doktorsko disertacijo smo želeli raziskati zaznavanje vzrokov za napake pri dajanju zdravil, ovir sporočanja in ocene sporočanja napak ter kulturo skrbi, izraženo kot zaznavanje skrbi posameznika pri lastnem delu, pri sodelavcih in nadrejenih, v delovnem okolju ter ugotoviti njihove povezave. Metode: Izvedli smo multicentrično presečno opazovalno raziskavo z uporabo zaporednega pojasnjevalnega načrta mešanih metod na populaciji zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi na internih in kirurških oddelkih v 11 slovenskih bolnišnicah. Podatke v okviru kvantitativnega dela smo zbrali s pomočjo petih psihometrično veljavnih in zanesljivih vprašalnikov. Zbrane podatke smo nato analizirali z uporabo deskriptivne in inferenčne statistike. V okviru kvalitativnega dela smo uporabili metodo utemeljene teorije, podatke pa zbrali s pomočjo vprašanj odprtega tipa v anketnem vprašalniku in delno strukturiranimi intervjuji. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da so vzroki za nastanek napak organizacijske in individualne narave. Anketiranci so komponente kadrovsko-delovni procesi, komunikacija z zdravniki in znanje ocenili z najvišjimi povprečnimi ocenami. Ugotovili smo pomanjkljivo sporočanje napak, saj so anketiranci ocenili, da se na njihovem oddelku sporoči manj kot 60 % vseh napak pri dajanju zdravil (p ≤ 0,001). Kar 37,6 % pa jih je ocenilo, da se vse vrste napak sporočijo v 0–20 %. Na pomanjkljivo sporočanje napak pri dajanju zdravil vpliva več dejavnikov na organizacijski in individualni ravni, kot največji oviri pa sta bili z najvišjimi povprečnimi ocenami ocenjeni komponenti odziv in strah. Rezultati so pokazali tudi, da je zaznavanje vzrokov za napake, ovir sporočanja, ocene sporočanja in kulture skrbi odvisno od določenih demografskih značilnosti posameznika, oddelkov in ustanov. Kultura skrbi je na srednji ravni, saj so anketiranci povprečno ocenili vse elemente kulture skrbi, povprečno so ocenili k osebi osredotočeno skrb v okolju, skrb pri svojem delu pa so ocenili bolje kot skrb pri nadrejenem in sodelavcih. Anketiranci, ki so bolje ocenili k osebi osredotočeno skrb v okolju, klimo varnosti, skrb pri lastnem delu in skrb pri nadrejenem, so ocenili, da se sporoči višji odstotek napak, in sicer 61–100 % vseh napak (p ≤ 0,05). Z rezultati kvalitativne raziskave smo dobili še bolj poglobljen vpogled v obravnavano problematiko. Razprava in zaključki: Kultura skrbi je osnova za zagotavljanje varnosti pri dajanju zdravil, vendar je slednja odvisna od številnih drugih, predvsem sistemskih dejavnikov. Za boljšo varnost pri dajanju zdravil potrebujemo sistemski pristop obravnave napak. Na oddelkih in predvsem na ravni ustanov potrebujemo neobtožujočo, nekaznovalno učno kulturo, v kateri bodo zaposleni brez strahu sporočali napake.Background: Knowing the causes of medication errors, barriers of reporting and estimation of reported medication errors are important for ensuring patients’ quality and safety and there is a lack of such studies in Slovenia. Experts estimate, that among other factors caring culture is also needed for patient safety, however, there is a lack of research confirming the link between caring culture and quality indicators and patient safety. Therefore, we wanted to research perception of causes of errors in medication administration, barriers of reporting, estimation of reported errors and caring culture expressed as caring of care providers, co-workers, managers and in a working environment and determine their correlations. Methods: A multicentre cross-sectional observational study using mixed methods sequential explanatory design was conducted on a population of employees in nursing working on internal and surgical wards in eleven Slovenian hospitals. Data within quantitative strand were gathered using five psychometric valid and reliable questionnaires and then analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The grounded theory approach was used within qualitative strand. Data were gathered using open ended survey questions and semi-structured interviews. Results: Results showed there are organizational and individual causes of medication errors. Nurse staffing and work processes, physician communication and knowledge were assessed with highest average values. We found underreporting, as respondents assessed there are a less than 60% of occurred medication administration errors reported on their wards (p ≤ 0.001). 37.6% evaluated that all errors are reported in 0-20%. Underreporting is influenced by several factors at the organizational and individual level. Response and fear were found with highest average values. Results also showed that perception of medication administration error causes, reporting barriers and estimation of reported errors are dependent on certain demographic characteristics of individuals, wards and institutions. Caring culture is average, as respondents assessed all elements of caring culture with average mean values. Person-centred climate was assessed as the average, while caring of the provider was assessed better than caring of managers and co-workers. Respondents who assessed person-centred climate, safety climate, caring of provider and caring of manager with higher mean values perceived better medication error reporting, they perceived that 61-100% of all errors is reported (p ≤ 0,05). Results of a qualitative strand provided even more in-depth insight into the researched problem. Discussion and conclusions: Caring culture is the foundation for ensuring medication administration safety, but the latter is dependent on several other mainly organizational, system factors. A system approach is needed to manage medication administration safety. Non-punitive, non-blaming learning culture is needed on hospital wards and especially at the institutional level, so nurses can report errors without fear

    Tools for Identification of Psychosocial Needs of Oncology Patients: Scoping Review Protocol

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    Objective: This scoping review aims to systematically map and synthesize the existing literature on the tools employed by oncology nurses for the identification of psychosocial needs in oncology patients. Specific objectives are: to characterize tools in terms of content, structure, reliability, and validity, to identify theoretical underpinnings, scoring, and use of the tools for the psychosocial needs of oncology patients, and to determine the strengths and limitations of tools. Introduction: Research shows that oncology nurses need to invest more effort because screening and assessment of psychosocial needs are not carried out routinely or systematically, without the involvement of family members. The majority of published research suggests that health professionals` ability to recognize cancer patients` emotional stress is insufficient. Oncology nurses are unable to identify the needs and symptoms of patients and feel incapable of recognizing psychosocial needs as well as the need for support. Inclusion criteria: Inclusion criteria will be: adult oncology patients with varying genders and cultural backgrounds, encompassing different stages of cancer therapy, including individuals undergoing active treatment and/or receiving palliative care (population); utilization of psychosocial assessment tools by oncology nurses (concept); and a global perspective, without restrictions on geographic location (context). The scoping review will encompass a comprehensive examination of several study designs, encompassing both experimental and quasi-experimental approaches, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method research. In addition to research articles, reviews, text and opinion papers will also be taken into account for inclusion in this scoping review. Methods: The scoping review that is being suggested will adhere to the JBI approach for conducting scoping reviews. CINAHL Ultimate, MEDLINE-PsycINFO, Web of Science PubMed, The Cochrane Library will be searched. In addition, we will search gray literature in The ProQuest Dissertations &amp; Theses Database, and Evidence Search. All published studies written in English will be incorporated. The search will be conducted by December 2023 and will include all previously published studies. The citations of relevant studies will be imported into the reference management software EndNote to remove duplicates. The titles and abstracts will be evaluated by two or more independent reviewers to determine their compliance with the inclusion criteria established for the review. These results will be presented using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses extension for scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR) flow diagram, as outlined in the PRISMA-ScR statement. Two independent reviewers will independently extract data using a JBI data extraction instrument. The study findings will be presented in the form of a narrative summary

    Teaching and Learning in Nursing

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    A significant body of knowledge is the basis for a holistic, caring and scientific evidence-based nursing education in practice for professional development. Quality teaching leads to good learning and both aspects are two of the main issues of quality assurance in nursing education today. To begin with, not all nursing students have the same levels of motivation or learning abilities. It is with cognisance of providing quality care for patients that the role of the nurse educator has to be to enhance nursing students' learning using scientific evidence based teaching. Research around teaching and learning processes is an important part of the delivery of quality education, which in turn impacts on students' learning results and experiences, thereby, ensuring holistic biopsychosocial care to patients. The main aim of teaching and learning in nursing, at all levels, is to enhance the nurses' contribution to assist the individuals, families and communities in promoting and preserving health, well-being and to efficiently respond to illnesses. We hope that this book can be used as a resource to increase the body of knowledge in teaching and learning in nursing, thereby enhancing the role and contribution of health care professionals to clinical practice

    Uporabnost maščobnih kislin omega-3 pri obravnavi ran na koži

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    Uvod: Namen članka je prikazati analizo podatkov o učinkih maščobnih kislin omega-3 na celjenje ran ter njihovo uporabnost pri obravnavi ran na koži. Metode: Za pregled literature ter analizo dobljenih virov so bile uporabljene podatkovne baze: PubMed, CINAHL, Medline in ScienceDirect. Iskanje je bilo izvedeno s ključnimi besedami v angleščini: omega-3, fish oil, polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), wound, wound healing, in Boolovim operatorjem AND. V analizo so bile vključene eksperimentalne ali randomizirane klinične raziskave, objavljene v angleškem jeziku in izdane od 1993 do januarja 2014, ki so vključevale preprečevanje ali zdravljenje akutnih ali kroničnih ran na koži z uporabo maščobnih kislin omega-3. Izključitveni kriterij je bil obravnava uporabe maščobnih kislin omega-3 pri opeklinah. Iz iskalnega nabora 1151 zadetkov je bilo v podrobno analizo vključenih 15 raziskav. Rezultati: Rezultati analize literature so pokazali, da so maščobne kisline omega-3 večinoma neučinkovite pri obravnavi travmatskih in kirurških ran na koži, potencialno učinkovite pri obravnavi diabetičnih ran in učinkovite pri obravnavi razjed zaradi pritiska. Diskusija in zaključek: Protivnetni učinek maščobnih kislin omega-3 upočasnjuje in moti celjenje akutnih ran na koži, vendar lahko z njimi obvladujemo lokalne vnetne odzive in pospešujemo reepitelizacijo pri kroničnih ranah. Za oblikovanje natančnih smernic uporabe bodo potrebna nadaljnja raziskovanja

    CELLUTOME™ Epidermal Harvesting System

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    Background: Treatment of acute and chronic wounds are a major challenge. In modern medicine, numerous approaches to wound healing are known. One of them is the use of epidermal autologous grafts. The purpose of this article is to present the use of automated epidermal harvesting system (CELLUTOMETM Epidermal Harvesting System; KCI, an Acelity company, San Antonio, TX, USA) in General Hospital dr. Jože Potrč Ptuj, Slovenija. Case presentation: Treatment of a patient with a chronic wound after ruptured varicose veins on the right shin, a patient with a chronic wound after crash injury and a patient with nonhealing postoperative wound using CELLUTOMETM Epidermal Harvesting System are described. Conclusion: Our results showed the positive effects of epidermal autologous grafts on the healing process of various types of wounds and confirmed the advantages of this system for the production of epidermal autologous grafts