4,670 research outputs found

    Study of Adjustable Gains for Control of Oscillation Frequency and Oscillation Condition in 3R-2C Oscillator

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    An idea of adjustable gain in order to obtain controllable features is very useful for design of tuneable oscillators. Several active elements with adjustable properties (current and voltage gain) are discussed in this paper. Three modified oscillator conceptions that are quite simple, directly electronically adjustable, providing independent control of oscillation condition and frequency were designed. Positive and negative aspects of presented method of control are discussed. Expected assumptions of adjustability are verified experimentally on one of the presented solution

    High-Order Lowpass Filters Using DVCC Elements

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    Special cells using a differential voltage current conveyor are presented. The use of these cells for high-order lowpass filter design is described. The filters can be designed to operate in different modes

    Comparison of Constant and Temperature Dependent Blood Perfusion in Temperature Prediction for Superficial Hyperthermia

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether prediction of the 3D temperature profile for superficial hyperthermia using constant blood perfusion model could be matched to one with a temperature dependent blood perfusion. We compared three different constant blood perfusion scenarios with one temperature dependent blood perfusion using a layered model of biological tissue consisting of skin (2 mm), fat (10 mm) and muscle (108 mm). For all four scenarios the maximum temperature of 43 °C was found in the muscle tissue in the close proximity (1 – 3 mm) of fat layer. Cumulative histograms of temperature versus volume were identical for the region of 100x100x40 mm3 under the applicator aperture for the three constant blood perfusion models. For temperature dependent blood perfusion model, 85 % of the studied region was covered with the temperature equal or higher than 40 °C in comparison with 43 % for the constant blood perfusion models. Hence this study demonstrates that constant blood perfusion scenarios cannot be matched to one with a temperature dependent blood perfusion

    ASCA Discovery of an X-ray Pulsar in the Error Box of SGR1900+14

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    We present a 2 - 10 keV ASCA observation of the field around the soft gamma repeater SGR1900+14. One quiescent X-ray source was detected in this observation, and it was in the SGR error box. In 2 - 10 keV X-rays, its spectrum may be fit by a power law with index -2.2, and its unabsorbed flux is 9.6 x 10^-12 erg cm^-2 s^-1. We also find a clear 5.16 s period. The properties of the three well-studied soft gamma repeaters are remarkably similar to one another, and provide evidence that all of them are associated with young, strongly magnetized neutron stars in supernova remnants.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Preliminary Parallaxes of 40 L and T Dwarfs from the U.S. Naval Observatory Infrared Astrometry Program

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    We present preliminary trigonometric parallaxes and proper motions for 22 L dwarfs and 18 T dwarfs measured using the ASTROCAM infrared imager. Relative to absolute parallax corrections are made by employing 2MASS and/or SDSS photometry for reference frame stars. We combine USNO infrared and optical parallaxes with the best available CIT system photometry to determine M_J, M_H, and M_K values for 37 L dwarfs between spectral types L0 to L8 and 19 T dwarfs between spectral types T0.5 and T8 and present selected absolute magnitude versus spectral type and color diagrams, based on these results. Luminosities and temperatures are estimated for these objects. Of special interest are the distances of several objects which are at or near the L-T dwarf boundary so that this important transition can be better understood. The previously reported early-mid T dwarf luminosity excess is clearly confirmed and found to be present at J, H, and K. The large number of objects that populate this luminosity excess region indicates that it cannot be due entirely to selection effects. The T dwarf sequence is extended to M_J~16.9 by 2MASS J041519-0935 which, at d = 5.74 pc, is found to be the least luminous [log(L/L_sun)=-5.58] and coldest (T_eff~760 K) brown dwarf known. Combining results from this paper with earlier USNO CCD results we find that, in contrast to the L dwarfs, there are no examples of low velocity (V_tan < 20 km/s) T dwarfs. We briefly discuss future directions for the USNO infrared astrometry program.Comment: 73 pages, 9 figures, 9 tables, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Electronics and Trigger developments for the Diffractive Physics Proposal at 220 m from LHC-ATLAS

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    The instrumentation consists of two sets of Roman Pots installed respectively at 216 and 224m on both sides from the ATLAS IP to measure with precision the position (< 10 micrometers) and the timing (< 5ps) of the two back to back diffracted protons tracks. Each Roman Pot is equipped with several planes of Silicon strips detectors read out by a new version of the ATLAS Silicon tracker ABCD readout chip with a longer latency (6.4 microseconds) and fast OR outputs defining a track segment. Theses inputs are to be combined in time with the ATLAS level 1 trigger accept signal. In addition, these tracks are time filtered with a very fast timing detector (MCP-PMT) allowing to constraint further at the level 2 the position of the IP within a one millimetre precision., The description of the electronics and trigger system as well as the various technical issues associated with such challenging experiments (clocks, cabling,, time monitoring) will be presented

    Periodic Bursts of Coherent Radio Emission from an Ultracool Dwarf

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    We report the detection of periodic (p = 1.96 hours) bursts of extremely bright, 100% circularly polarized, coherent radio emission from the M9 dwarf TVLM 513-46546. Simultaneous photometric monitoring observations have established this periodicity to be the rotation period of the dwarf. These bursts, which were not present in previous observations of this target, confirm that ultracool dwarfs can generate persistent levels of broadband, coherent radio emission, associated with the presence of kG magnetic fields in a large-scale, stable configuration. Compact sources located at the magnetic polar regions produce highly beamed emission generated by the electron cyclotron maser instability, the same mechanism known to generate planetary coherent radio emission in our solar system. The narrow beams of radiation pass our line of sight as the dwarf rotates, producing the associated periodic bursts. The resulting radio light curves are analogous to the periodic light curves associated with pulsar radio emission highlighting TVLM 513-46546 as the prototype of a new class of transient radio source.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Infrared Excess in the Be Star Delta Scorpii

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    We present infrared photometric observations of the Be binary system delta Scorpii obtained in 2006. The J,H and K magnitudes are the same within the errors compared to observations taken 10 months earlier. We derive the infrared excess from the observation and compare this to the color excess predicted by a radiative equilibrium model of the primary star and its circumstellar disk. We use a non-LTE computational code to model the gaseous envelope concentrated in the star's equatorial plane and calculate the expected spectral energy distribution and Halpha emission profile of the star with its circumstellar disk. Using the observed infrared excess of delta Sco, as well as Halpha spectroscopy bracketing the IR observations in time, we place constraints on the radial density distribution in the circumstellar disk. Because the disk exhibits variability in its density distribution, this work will be helpful in understanding its dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, to be published in PASP May 200

    Fine Structure in the Circumstellar Environment of a Young, Solar-like Star: the Unique Eclipses of KH 15D

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    Results of an international campaign to photometrically monitor the unique pre-main sequence eclipsing object KH 15D are reported. An updated ephemeris for the eclipse is derived that incorporates a slightly revised period of 48.36 d. There is some evidence that the orbital period is actually twice that value, with two eclipses occurring per cycle. The extraordinary depth (~3.5 mag) and duration (~18 days) of the eclipse indicate that it is caused by circumstellar matter, presumably the inner portion of a disk. The eclipse has continued to lengthen with time and the central brightness reversals are not as extreme as they once were. V-R and V-I colors indicate that the system is slightly bluer near minimum light. Ingress and egress are remarkably well modeled by the passage of a knife-edge across a limb-darkened star. Possible models for the system are briefly discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetic Reconnection Triggered by the Parker Instability in the Galaxy: Two-Dimensional Numerical Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations and Application to the Origin of X-Ray Gas in the Galactic Halo

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    We propose the Galactic flare model for the origin of the X-ray gas in the Galactic halo. For this purpose, we examine the magnetic reconnection triggered by Parker instability (magnetic buoyancy instability), by performing the two-dimensional resistive numerical magnetohydrodynamic simulations. As a result of numerical simulations, the system evolves as following phases: Parker instability occurs in the Galactic disk. In the nonlinear phase of Parker instability, the magnetic loop inflates from the Galactic disk into the Galactic halo, and collides with the anti-parallel magnetic field, so that the current sheets are created in the Galactic halo. The tearing instability occurs, and creates the plasmoids (magnetic islands). Just after the plasmoid ejection, further current-sheet thinning occurs in the sheet, and the anomalous resistivity sets in. Petschek reconnection starts, and heats the gas quickly in the Galactic halo. It also creates the slow and fast shock regions in the Galactic halo. The magnetic field (B3μB\sim 3 \muG), for example, can heat the gas (n103n\sim 10^{-3} cm3^{-3}) to temperature of 106\sim 10^6 K via the reconnection in the Galactic halo. The gas is accelerated to Alfv\'en velocity (300\sim 300 km s1^{-1}). Such high velocity jets are the evidence of the Galactic flare model we present in this paper, if the Doppler shift of the bipolar jet is detected in the Galactic halo. Full size figures are available at http://www.kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~tanuma/study/ApJ2002/ApJ2002.htmlComment: 13 pages, 12 figures, uses emulateapj.sty, accepted by Ap