22 research outputs found

    Informatika na Cizím Teritoriu aneb Co jsme viděli na stážích

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    Publikace si klade za cíl především poskytnout informace o tom, jak probíhá výuka předmětů zaměřených na počítačem podporovanou výuku různých oborů na zahraničních univerzitách. Některá navštívená pracoviště se zaměřovala také na přípravu budoucích učitelů informatiky. Tomuto cíli odpovídá i struktura jednotlivých zpráv. Představíme vám celkem 12 pracovišť z Belgie, Německa, Polska a Slovenska. O každém se dozvíte, čemu se věnují a pro koho zajišťují výuku. Základem je ale popis zkušeností přímo z výuky a příkladů dobré praxe. Na konci každé zprávy se také můžete seznámit s hostem i hostitelem. Publikace je primárně určena současným i budoucím učitelům, doufáme ale, že si v ní inspiraci najde každý

    Role tištěné mapy ve festivalovém cestovním ruchu

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    Atlas Živých jmen

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    Evaluation of Electrical Resistance of Electrodes with Conductive Ink for Agriculture Application Using Computer Technology

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    The article presents the ongoing research, which aims to select suitable electrodes and mixtures of conductive inks, which will be used as a converter between pressure and electrical quantities in the design of planar pressure transducers. In the described research, we continue in our previous work and in the work of other authors who have previously dealt with the properties of conductive inks and electrodes. Due to the only partial results in the given field, we decided to perform an extensive and original measurement of total 172 combinations of different electrode sizes, various conductive ink mixtures and ink layer thicknesses. Thanks to this, it will be possible in the future to select a suitable combination of electrodes and inks when designing pressure sensors for industrial and agricultural applications without the need to perform time-consuming preparatory measurements. The aim of the measurement is also to determine the usable working range of pressures and the corresponding sensitivity for certain combinations of electrodes and inks, and also to exclude those variants which are unsuitable for the given purposes. This paper presents the introductory part of the measurement, which aims to verify the methodology of the measurement on a test plate at robotized workspace, that is connected in real time with PC via the program LabView. The described introductory measurement proved our methodology to be suitable to the given purpose; however, there emerged minor problems concerning the actual working pressure range of the transducer and consequential necessary adjustments of the control program

    Atlas Živých jmen

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    Crowdsourcing of Popular Toponyms: How to Collect and Preserve Toponyms in Spoken Use

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    The article presents a process of collecting unstandardized toponyms, in particular urbanonyms (place names denoting objects located in the cadastre of the city), within the territory of two municipalities in the Czech Republic. The collecting process was performed in two phases by crowdsourcing, using a web map application created especially for this purpose. In the first phase (October 2019–September 2020) it was collecting as many unstandardized toponyms as possible. In the second phase (October 2020–January 2021) we focused on the degree of the knowledge of these toponyms among the population living within the studied territory. The interest on the side of the general public was surprising in both phases. In the first phase, over five hundred respondents submitted more than two and a half thousand place names, most of them during the first two weeks. More than nine hundred respondents actively participated in the second phase, thanks to which we received an average of 200 responses for each place name. As regards the motivation of the public, it was most often altruism, patriotism, and curiosity that stimulated them; in the second phase, the element of gamification, embedded into the map application, also had a positive effect. The collected data can be used, for instance, in the activities of local authorities in the process of standardization of place names or as reference data for maps used within the integrated rescue system

    Toponyma v krajině a možnosti jejich výzkumu

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    Příspěvek představuje webovou mapovou aplikaci s názvem Toponyma v krajině, kterou v současnostivyvíjejí pracovníci Fakulty přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogické Technické univerzity v Liberci.Cílem této aplikace je zachytit a zpřístupnit toponyma a jejich varianty z vybraných území Libereckéhokraje. Aplikace vizualizuje geografické názvosloví příslušného areálu na kartografickémpodkladě, a to jak souhrnně, tak podle zvolených parametrů (druh objektu a jeho název, strukturaa počet uživatelů, formální utvářenost, motivace, vztahový model jmen apod.). Vytvořené technickéřešení poskytuje možnost zpracovat stejným způsobem toponymii různých obcí, a tudíž umožnísrovnat územní distribuci různých formálních a sémantickomotivačních prostředků, jež se v země-pisném názvosloví vyskytují.The article introduces a web map application called Toponyma v krajině (Toponyms in the Landscape)which is currently developed at the Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education of the TechnicalUniversity of Liberec. The main goal of the application is to record toponyms and their variants ofthe chosen areas in the Liberec region and make it accessible to public. The application makes it possibleto visualize toponomy of a particular area on the cartographic base. The toponyms can be displayedeither completely or separately according to the chosen parameters such as onymical object,users, form, motivation, relational model and so on. This technical solution enables to process toponymsof various cadasters in the same way and thus to compare distribution of various formal andmotivational components in toponomy.263