7 research outputs found

    Pregled ampelografskih proučevanj in modifikacije trsnega izbora

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    ‘Pinore’: The New Red Wine Variety Cross-Bred between ‘Pinot Noir’ and ‘Regent’ Vines

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    Renewed interest in varieties that are more tolerant to diseases has emerged, which is mainly due to increased awareness by producers and consumers regarding the impact of phytochemicals in the environment. This paper describes the first Slovenian grapevine variety ‘Pinore’ crossed between the Vitis vinifera L. ‘Pinot Noir’ clone Mf and ‘Regent’ vines. The aim was to create an early ripening grape cultivar that has a good tolerance to biotic stress (e.g., downy and powdery mildew, botrytis) combined with the benefits of established cultivars and their intense wine colors. Some ampelographic characteristics of young shoots, mature leaves, bunches, and berries are presented, and its major agronomic traits, ripening time, grape yield, quality performances, and disease resistance were evaluated over a three-year period (2014–2017). Wine sensory analyses were performed and compared with the international variety ‘Pinot Noir’. The examined genotype showed good agronomic performance and a high wine quality as far as the content of polyphenols is concerned, especially in terms of anthocyanins and tolerance to diseases (Ren3/9 and Rpv3.1); it is significantly different compared to the reference variety ‘Pinot Noir’. In terms of ampelographic characteristics, the main differences are in the number of leaf lobes, the depth of the lateral sinuses, and the content of anthocyanins in its flesh. The investigated genotype has been proposed to the Committee of new varieties in Slovenia for the variety recognition procedure, and completion of the procedure planned for the end of 2023

    Smernice za strokovno utemeljeno gnojenje

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    The Impact of Climatic Warming on Earlier Wine-Grape Ripening in Northeastern Slovenia

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    In this study, the development trends of bioclimatic parameters recorded at the Maribor and Murska Sobota climate stations from 1952 to 2022 and the dynamics of grape ripening in early-, medium-, and late-ripening grape varieties in the Podravje wine-growing region in Slovenia (north-eastern Slovenia) from 1980 to 2022 were investigated. Based on the data on soluble solids content, total acidity, and the recommended harvest date per year (until the technological ripeness of the grapes; 76°Oe), trends for shortening the growing period of the vines were calculated. Temperature changes have been more pronounced since 1980. The number of so-called hot days (with a maximum of T > 30 °C) has increased the most, which has the greatest impact on other bioclimatic parameters, e.g., the average temperature and growing degree days (GDDs) and the Huglin index (HI). For the period of 1980 to 2022, the trends were 0.44 °C (Murska Sobota) and 0.51 °C (Maribor) per decade, respectively. The trends were more pronounced for the average temperature in the period of May–June (TMJ). After 1980, the HI increased by about 10 units per year. As a result of the climate warming, grapes in north-eastern Slovenia ripened 26 (‘Sauvignon Blanc’) to 35 (‘Welschriesling’) days earlier. The trends showed a decrease in total acidity, which can be attributed to the higher temperatures during the growing season period, especially during the ripening period of the grapes (véraison). After 2010, the average temperatures during the growing season (1 April to 31 October) in Podravje were 1.6 °C higher than in the 1980s. In line with the earlier ripening of the grapes, the actual average temperature from 1 April to the harvest date was a further 1.0 °C higher. The higher temperatures in the late-ripening varieties ‘Riesling’ and ‘Furmint’ had a positive effect on the lower total acidity. Total annual precipitation and precipitation in the growing season for the period 1980 to 2022 in the Maribor area show decreasing trends of 6 mm/m2 (p = 0.001) and 4 mm/m2 (p = 0.012), respectively. In the eastern sub-wine-growing region of Podravje (Murska Sobota), the trends in precipitation were not significant

    Biometric assessment of some ampelotechnical measures significance on cv. Zweigelt (Vitis vinifera l.) in the Feričanci vineyards

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    U trogodišnjem pokusu ispitivani su pojedinačni i združeni učinci ampelotehničkih tretmana na količinu šećera i ukupnu kiselost u moštu kultivara Zweigelt. Istraživanja su provedena na proizvodnim površinama FeraVina d.o.o. Feričanci tijekom razdoblja 2006.-2008. godine. Pokus je postavljen po planu podijeljenih parcela (split-plot) u četiri ponavljanja. Za glavni čimbenik određeno je svojstvo «opterećenje trsa» u tri razine (24, 18 i 12 pupova po trsu), a kao podčimbenik «djelomična kasna ručna defolijacija» u dvije razine (ostavljeni i uklonjeni listovi u zoni grožđa). Količina šećera u moštu nije zavisila niti o jednome ispitivanome ampelotehničkome zahvatu, već isključivo o godini, kao najvećem i statistički visoko značajnome izvoru varijabiliteta. Učinci godine i djelomične kasne defolijacije statistički su visoko značajno (P≤0,01) utjecali na smanjenje ukupne kiselosti mošta u odnosu na tretman s ostavljenim lišćem u zoni grožđa.The individual and combined effects of ampelotechnical treatments on the amount of sugar and total acidity of Zweigelt variety were examined by the three-years experiments. The investigations were carried out in the Feravino Ldt Feričanci production areas from 2006 to 2008. The experiments was set up by split plot plan with four replications. The main factor was determined by the crop load in three levels (24, 18 and 12 buds per vine), and factor by late hand partial defoliation at two levels (left and removed leaves in the zone of graphes). The amount of sugar in the must did not depend on any ampelotecnical treatments tested but only on the year as the largest and statistically significant sources of variability. The effects of the late and partial defoliation were statistically highly significant (P<0.01) in decreasing the total acidity of must compared to the treatment with abandoned leaves in the grapes zone

    Patterns of Copper Bioaccumulation and Translocation in Grapevine Grafts Depending on Rootstocks

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    The long-term use of copper (Cu) fungicides in viticulture in Europe has led to Cu accumulation in vineyard top soils. However, less is known about the accumulation of Cu in grapevine grafts after the callusing process/before planting in the nursery. This paper presents the capacity of 5BB and SO4 rootstocks to accumulate Cu, as well as the patterns of translocation in the grafts. After heat forcing (callusing), the grapevine grafts of Sauvignon Blanc on 5BB and SO4 rootstocks were grown in pots for six months in a glasshouse and exposed to various Cu formulations (Cu-oxychloride, Cu-gluconate) and concentrations in peat (50, 150, 500, and 1000 mg Cu of dry weight (DW)). In addition to monitoring the shoot growth dynamics and analyzing the copper content in graft organs, bioaccumulation (BAFs) and translocation factors (TFs) of Cu were calculated. The mean Cu concentrations were ranked as follows: roots (15–164) > rootstock trunks (8–38) > canes (5–21) mg kg−1 DW. The Cu concentrations depended on the Cu formulation and concentration in the substrate. Higher Cu content was found in the roots of both rootstocks (5BB and SO4, 23–155 and 15–164 mg kg−1 DW, respectively) and the lowest in the canes (less than 10 mg kg−1 DW) of grafts grown in Cu-oxychloride-treated peat. Based on the BAFs and TFs, both rootstocks could be considered as Cu exclusive. A higher translocation rate was determined in systemic Cu-gluconate and SO4 rootstock. With shoot length measurements, the significant inhibitory effects of Cu on grapevine grafts growth could not be confirmed, despite the inhibitory effects that were clearly expressed in the first two months of growth. Soils containing more than 500 mg Cu/kg−1 are less suitable for growing vine grafts

    Smernice za strokovno utemeljeno gnojenje

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    Smernice za strokovno utemeljeno gnojenj