U trogodišnjem pokusu ispitivani su pojedinačni i združeni učinci ampelotehničkih tretmana na količinu šećera i ukupnu kiselost u moštu kultivara Zweigelt. Istraživanja su provedena na proizvodnim površinama FeraVina d.o.o. Feričanci tijekom razdoblja 2006.-2008. godine. Pokus je postavljen po planu podijeljenih parcela (split-plot) u četiri ponavljanja. Za glavni čimbenik određeno je svojstvo «opterećenje trsa» u tri razine (24, 18 i 12 pupova po trsu), a kao podčimbenik «djelomična kasna ručna defolijacija» u dvije razine (ostavljeni i uklonjeni listovi u zoni grožđa). Količina šećera u moštu nije zavisila niti o jednome ispitivanome ampelotehničkome zahvatu, već isključivo o godini, kao najvećem i statistički visoko značajnome izvoru varijabiliteta. Učinci godine i djelomične kasne defolijacije statistički su visoko značajno (P≤0,01) utjecali na smanjenje ukupne kiselosti mošta u odnosu na tretman s ostavljenim lišćem u zoni grožđa.The individual and combined effects of ampelotechnical treatments on the amount of sugar and total acidity of Zweigelt variety were examined by the three-years experiments. The investigations were carried out in the Feravino Ldt Feričanci production areas from 2006 to 2008. The experiments was set up by split plot plan with four replications. The main factor was determined by the crop load in three levels (24, 18 and 12 buds per vine), and factor by late hand partial defoliation at two levels (left and removed leaves in the zone of graphes). The amount of sugar in the must did not depend on any ampelotecnical treatments tested but only on the year as the largest and statistically significant sources of variability. The effects of the late and partial defoliation were statistically highly significant (P<0.01) in decreasing the total acidity of must compared to the treatment with abandoned leaves in the grapes zone