447 research outputs found

    Il lavoro e le piattaforme digitali: the same old story? = Work and digital platforms: the same old story? WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 336/2017

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    This essay deals with the theme of work through digital platforms, highlighting the complexity and difficulty of providing a unitary understanding. The identifying trait of the various forms of use of digital platforms is the availability of on demand job performances, which - not always - appear easily visible, being often embedded in the final product placed on the market. Drawing a distinction between work exchanged through digital platforms even though carried out in the material economy, and work carried out strictly on digital platforms, the essay attempts to highlight the essence of the legal qualification of such performance, pointing out the difficulty of extending the case law formulated on Uber to all types of work done through (or on) platforms. Finally, there is a need for regulatory efforts to look at the specificities of these forms of work, paying attention to the need for social security rules against the risks inherent in the so-called gig economy model to which work on digital platforms often appears to be linked to

    Dizionario gramsciano / Gramsci Dictionary: Positivism

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    This is the abstract of the entry on “Positivismo” (translated into English) published in the Dizionario gramsciano (Gramsci Dictionary)

    Biology II (BIO1201) Syllabus

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    Kinetics of Mosquito-Injected Plasmodium Sporozoites in Mice: Fewer Sporozoites Are Injected into Sporozoite-Immunized Mice

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    Malaria is initiated when the mosquito introduces sporozoites into the skin of a mammalian host. To successfully continue the infection, sporozoites must invade blood vessels in the dermis and be transported to the liver. A significant number of sporozoites, however, may enter lymphatic vessels in the skin or remain in the skin long after the mosquito bite. We have used fluorescence microscopy of Plasmodium berghei sporozoites expressing a fluorescent protein to evaluate the kinetics of sporozoite disappearance from the skin. Sporozoites injected into immunized mice were rapidly immobilized, did not appear to invade dermal blood vessels and became morphologically degraded within several hours. Strikingly, mosquitoes introduced significantly fewer sporozoites into immunized than into non-immunized mice, presumably by formation of an immune complex between soluble sporozoite antigens in the mosquito saliva and homologous host antibodies at the proboscis tip. These results indicate that protective antibodies directed against sporozoites may function both by reducing the numbers of sporozoites injected into immunized hosts and by inhibiting the movement of injected sporozoites into dermal blood vessels

    Air quality assessment during COVID-19: A case study of Serbia

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    The discovery of a new virus has forced many countries to introduce drastic measures at the beginning of the pandemic to protect human health. These measures include the reduced mobility of people and the reduction of certain economic activities. As a consequence, studies conducted in different countries have reported significant improvement in air quality. This paper aims to assess the impact of quarantine and lockdown measures on air quality in the city of Bor. Data regarding concentrations of PM10 and SO2 were collected using three monitoring stations located in the urban part of the city and compared with corresponding periods in 2019 and 2021. The results have shown that concentrations of these pollutants were even higher during the lockdown period. Concentrations of SO2 were 58 % higher compared to those in the corresponding period in 2019 and 56 % higher compared to those in 2021. The mean daily values of PM10 were 47 % higher compared to those in 2019 and 29 % higher compared to those in 2021

    Human Biology OER, BIO 1100, Course Outline

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    This course will include selected biological concepts, including the chemical basis of life, cell structure and division, a broad survey of the major systems of the human body with a special emphasis on human health disease, human evolution and ecology. This course should provide students who do not plan to continue in the sciences or pre-health programs with a working knowledge of life science that will be useful in making informed decisions on health and the environmen

    La cessione dei riposi e delle ferie secondo l’art. 24 del d.lgs. n. 151/2015 = The transfer of rest and holidays according to art. 24 of Legislative Decree no. 151/2015. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 299/2016

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    The paper deals with the new work-life balance improvement mechanism introduced by art. 24 of Legislative Decree n. 151/2015, namely allowing employees to donate unspent time-off to colleagues. Preliminarily, the author compares this standard with the one introduced by the French legislature in 2014 (Loi Mathys), analyzing the differences. While the French law requires an agreement with the employer, the Italian provision does not have that effect. In addition, the Italian standard is slightly more restrictive as regards the chronological age of the child of the employee who benefits from the donation: whereas in France it is less than twenty years, in Italy, the child must be under-aged. The French law requires that employees donate their days off anonymously and the employer can not disclose their identity. Moreover, it specifies more - by reference to the concepts of illness, disability or injuries of such severity that the constant presence of the parent is required - those that the Italian legislature simply states as "special health conditions." The main difference is in the immediate operability of the institute introduced by the French standard, which does not need any intervention by the collective bargaining, which - however - our legislature assigns the task to determine the extent, terms and conditions of the time-off gifting. Subsequently, the paper analyzes the legal form of the gifting: this is a bilateral negotiating transaction between the transferor and transferee, which the employer is unrelated to, that can be assimilated to the donation, concerning its own time, or rather the right to take time off work. The demands which legitimize the gifting are represented by the need - for the worker - to care for their seriously ill minor children who need constant assistance. Finally, since the standard is enshrined in the intervention of collective bargaining the paper examines the few collective agreements so far issued on the subject

    Intradermal immunization of mice with radiation-attenuated sporozoites of Plasmodium yoelii induces effective protective immunity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Intravenous injection of mice with attenuated <it>Plasmodium berghei </it>sporozoites induces sterile immunity to challenge with viable sporozoites. Non-intravenous routes have been reported to yield poor immunity. Because intravenous immunization has been considered to be unacceptable for large scale vaccination of humans, assessment was made of the results of intradermal immunization of mice with <it>Plasmodium yoelii</it>, a rodent malaria parasite whose infectivity resembles that of human malaria.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Mice were immunized with two injections of isolated, radiation-attenuated <it>P. yoelii </it>sporozoites, either by intravenous (IV) or intradermal (ID) inoculation. In an attempt to enhance protective immunogenicity of ID-injections, one group of experimental mice received topical application of an adjuvant, Imiquimod, while another group had their injections accompanied by local "tape-stripping" of the skin, a procedure known to disrupt the stratum corneum and activate local immunocytes. Challenge of immunized and non-immunized control mice was by bite of sporozoite-infected mosquitoes. Degree of protection among the various groups of mice was determined by microscopic examination of stained blood smears. Statistical significance of protection was determined by a one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's <it>post hoc </it>test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two intravenous immunizations produced 94% protection to mosquito bite challenge; intradermal immunization produced 78% protection, while intradermal immunization accompanied by "tape-stripping" produced 94% protection. There were no statistically significant differences in degree of protective immunity between immunizations done by intravenous versus intradermal injection.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The use of a sub-microlitre syringe for intradermal injections yielded excellent protective immunity. ID-immunization with large numbers of radiation-attenuated <it>P. yoelii </it>sporozoites led to levels of protective immunity comparable to those achieved by IV-immunization. It remains to be determined whether an adjuvant treatment can be found to substantially reduce the numbers of attenuated sporozoites required to achieve a strong protective immunity with as few doses as possible for possible extension to immunization of humans.</p

    Chapter Poteri dell’imprenditore e tutele del lavoratore a cinquant’anni dalla legge n. 300/1970

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    Once having reconstructed the founding premises of the concept of subordinate work, as a legal instrument functional to the governance of work in business organization, the essay focuses on the limitation of entrepreneurial powers created by the Workers’ Statute to protect worker freedom and dignity and on recent legislative changes introduced by the so-called Jobs Act

    Autonomia privata e norma inderogabile nella nuova disciplina del mutamento di mansioni = Private autonomy and mandatory rule in the new discipline of job change. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 262/2015

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    This paper focuses on the new rule, concerning the possible modifications of the employee’s tasks in the individual employment relationship (art. 3 decreto legislativo n. 81/2015). The rule gives the opportunity to assign the employee lower tasks, in some cases, through a unilateral decision of the employer, or even through the provisions of the collective agreement, or - finally - by individual agreement, as long as stipulated in front of conciliation officers and according to worker’s interest. Moreover, in the case of assignment to higher tasks, the worker is given the option to give up the promotion. Overall, it is clear the enhancement of private autonomy in the matter employee’s tasks shift
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