368 research outputs found

    Pittosporum pit scale, Planchonia Arabidis (Hemiptera: Asterolecaniidae) and its leaf galls induced on Pittosporum Tobira in Southern Italy

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    The morphology of the adult female pittosporum pit scale, Planchonia arabidis, a commonly encountered sap-feeding insect in Europe, is described and illustrated, based on material collected from southern Italy on Pittosporum tobira. Histopathological observations are made for the first time on the aforementioned host-plant on which typical pit galls are induced by P. arabidis. Distribution and host-plant data is also provided for this species at a global level.peer-reviewe

    Pathogenicity of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica on potato

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    Host–parasite relationships and pathogenicity of Meloidogyne javanica on potatoes (newly recorded from Malta) were studied under glasshouse and natural conditions. Potato cvs Cara and Spunta showed a typical susceptible reaction to M. javanica under natural and artificial infections, respectively. In potato tubers, M. javanica induced feeding sites that consisted of three to four hypertrophied giant cells per adult female. Infection of feeder roots by the nematode resulted in mature large galls which usually contained at least one mature female and egg mass. In both tubers and roots, feeding sites were characterized by giant cells containing granular cytoplasm and many hypertrophied nuclei. Cytoplasm in giant cells was aggregated alongside the thickened cell walls. Stelar tissues within galls appeared disorganized. The relationship between initial nematode population density ( P ) [0–64 eggs + second-stage juveniles (J2s) per cm 3 soil] and growth of cv. Spunta potato seedlings was tested under glasshouse conditions. A Seinhorst model [ y = m + (1 − m ) z ( P − T ) ] was fitted to fresh shoot weight and shoot height data of nematode-inoculated and control plants. Tolerance limits ( T ) for fresh shoot weight and shoot height of cv. Spunta plants infected with M. javanica were 0·50 and 0·64 eggs + J2s per cm 3 soil, respectively. The m parameter in that model (i.e. the minimum possible y -values) for fresh shoot weight and shoot height were 0·60 and 0·20, respectively, at P = 64 eggs + J2s per cm 3 soil. Root galling was proportional to the initial nematode population density. Maximum nematode reproduction rate was 51·2 at a moderate initial population density ( P = 4 eggs + J2s per cm 3 soil).peer-reviewe

    Математические модели для исследования влияния оксида азота и миоглобина на кислородный режим клетки

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    Предложена математическая модель трехмерного диффузионного транспорта и утилизации кислорода, оксида азота и модель плоской диффузии кислорода, оксида азота и миоглобина, учитывающая их взаимодействие в клетке. Приведены результаты вычислительных экспериментов по исследованию кислородного режима мышечной клетки.Запропоновано математичну модель тримірної дифузії та утилізації кисню, оксиду азоту та модель площинної дифузії кисню, оксиду азоту і міоглобіну з урахуванням їхньої взаємодії. Наведено результати обчислювальних експериментів з досліджень кисневого режиму м’язової клітини.The purpose of our study was to develop the model of O₂ and NO transport and interaction between NO and Mb in the muscle cell for calculation of main characteristics of oxygen regime in the cell — O₂ parameters

    Relationship of Schistonchus caprifici (Aphelenchoididae) with fig inflorescences, the fig pollinator Blastophaga psenes, and its cleptoparasite Philotrypesis caricae

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    L'association entre le nématode #Schistonchus caprifici, la guêpe pollinisatrice #Blastophaga psenes et le parasitoïde #Philotrypesis caricae a été étudiée en hiver, au printemps et en automne dans les inflorescences (sycones) du figuier (#Ficus carica var. #sylvestris) dans le sud de l'Italie. C'est la première fois qu'est signalée l'association d'un #Schistonchus sp. avec une guêpe parasitoïde. Tous les stades biologiques de #S. caprifici ont été trouvés dans l'hémocoele des femelles ailées de #B. psenes et de #P. caricae. Aucune association n'a été observée avec les mâles aptères des deux guêpes. Pour ces deux guêpes de la figue, le nombre de femelles ailées transportant des nématodes est plus élevé en juin qu'en mars. Cependant, le pourcentage de #P. caricae transportant #S. caprificiestde50 est de 50% (mars) et 20% (juin) moins élevé que pour #B. psenes. Le nombre de nématodes transportés par chaque femelle ailée est de 1-3 et 1-23 pour #P. caricae et 1-14 et 1-116 pour #B. psenes en mars et juin, respectivement. Les mensurations de femelles associées aux insectes (provenant des deux guêpes) et, de celles phytoparasites, de #S. caprifici$ ne diffèrent pas. Les examens histopathologiques révèlent la présence des colonies de nématodes à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur des bouquets d'anthères et des filets. Le nématode provoque des nécroses de l'épiderme et du parenchyme cortical des filets et la formation dans les anthères de cellules épidermiques hypertrophiées, riches en cytoplasme à coloration foncée. (Résumé d'auteur

    On some arthropods associated with Ficus species (Moraceae) in the Maltese Islands

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    An account is given on the 39 arthropod species which were found on different Ficus trees in the Maltese Islands. Seventeen species represent new records for Malta including Anothopoda fici, Asetadiptacus emiliae, Astichus bachmaieri, Ecphylus caudatus, Empoasca alsiosa, Eupristina verticillata, Ficocyba ficaria, Gynaikothrips ficorum, Josephiella microcarpae, Philotrypesis caricae, Pleistodontes sp., Rhaphitelus maculats, Rhyncaphytoptus ficifoliae, Scobicia chevrieri, Silba adipata, Singhiella citrifolii and Zanchius breviceps. Anothopoda fici and Zanchius breviceps, also represent new records for the entire European territory. Of the 39 arthropods, 33 feed on Ficus trees, whereas the rest are either parasitoids or predators of some of these plant feeders. The 33 species which use Ficus as their host-plant spend most of their development on and utilise the aforementioned trees as their main source of food, at least during their larval development.peer-reviewe