9 research outputs found

    The Impact of Gender Identity on In-Group Trust

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    The article discusses the problem of the influence of gender identity on intra-group trust. Various scientific views on the category of trust are examined. Attention is also paid to the socio-psychological function of trust. Trust, in turn, is the foundation of the relationship between people and a factor in the effectiveness of cooperation. Having defined gender identity, we can say which form of identification positively affects internal group trust, and therefore the effectiveness of cooperation in a sports team. The article describes what type of gender identification (masculinity, femininity, androgyny) positively affects internal group trust, and does this have any connection with the success of a sports team. Also in the article to answer our tasks: 1) conduct a theoretical analysis of foreign and domestic theories of the formation of gender identity; 2) to study the theoretical foundations of the phenomenon of trust and analyze the importance of trust as a component of interpersonal communication in a sports team; 3) conduct a study to determine the gender identity of the person and determine the level of trust in the sports team; 4) analyze the relationship between gender identity and trust in a sports team; 5) to trace the influence of these factors on the success of a football team

    Comparative assessment of physicians’ and senior medical students’ basic knowledge in treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most common pathologies of the respira-tory system. This disease ranks third in the group of the main causes of death in the world. The effective treatment of COPD has been developed by today. However, a significant part of physicians has an insufficient amount of education in this matter

    Rational antimicrobial chemotherapy: assessment of the level of basic knowledge of general practitioners. Final results of the KANT project

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    Introduction: The irrational use of medicines leads to a decrease in the quality of care, an increase in treatment costs and side effects. In the case of antibacterial drugs, in addition to all the above-mentioned consequences, their improper use can lead to an aggravation of the existing and quite challenging problem of our time – the growth of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic microorganisms. The aim of the study: to determine the level of basic knowledge of medical specialists in the field of a rational use of antimicrobial drugs (AMD). Materials and methods: The study was based on an analysis of an anonymous multicenter survey in the framework of the KANT project (the full name of the project is “Physicians’ (Students’) Knowledge of Antimicrobials Usage”). It was conducted in 2018–2019 in 10 major centers of Russia. Results and iscussion: According to the results of the study, the respondents showed a low level of knowledge of the rational use of antibacterial drugs. The best results are obtained for questions No.1 (time interval for evaluating the effectiveness of the initial antimicrobial therapy (AMT)), No.2 (rationality and period of AMD change with a positive clinical effect), and No.9 (determining the mode of using the proposed drugs), whereas the worst results were obtained for questions No.3 (determining irrational combinations of AMD), No.4 (determining a situation requiring a long course of AMT), and No.7 (choosing auxiliary drugs for bacterial respiratory infections). Conclusion: The results obtained in the study indicate the need for additional educational activities among health professionals

    Pharmacotherapy, etiopathogenesis, and diagnostics of bronchial asthma: assessment of the level of senior medical students’ knowledge. Comparison of the ASSA-I AND ASSA-II project results

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    Bronchial asthma (BA) is an incurable chronic disease that can become controlled after the appointment of rational and reasonable therapy. Due to the prevalence of this pathology, a patient with asthma can be met by a doctor of any specialty, so every clinician should have basic knowledge in the field of this nosology. We aimed to analyze the results of the first and second stages of the ASSA project and to determine the differences in the levels of senior students’ knowledge in the field of B

    Pharmacotherapy, etiopathogenesis, and diagnostics of bronchial asthma: assessment of the level of senior medical students’ knowledge. Comparison of the ASSA-I AND ASSA-II project results

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    Bronchial asthma (BA) is an incurable chronic disease that can become controlled after the appointment of rational and reasonable therapy. Due to the prevalence of this pathology, a patient with asthma can be met by a doctor of any specialty, so every clinician should have basic knowledge in the field of this nosology. We aimed to analyze the results of the first and second stages of the ASSA project and to determine the differences in the levels of senior students’ knowledge in the field of B

    Pharmacotherapy and other aspects of senior medical students’ knowledge in community-acquired pneumonia: the final results of the KNOCAP II project

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    Introduction: Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) remains an extensive medical and social problem. It is the most common human disease and one of the leading causes of death from infectious diseases. Increasing the level of senior medical students’ knowledge of the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of CAP will improve the level of medical care to the population. The aim of the study: to determine the level of senior medical students’ basic knowledge of CAP prevention, diagnosis and treatment with the help of a pharmacoepidemiological study. Materials and methods: The multicenter study “KNOCAP” (the full name of the project “The Assessment of Physicians’ and Students’ Knowledge of Community-acquired Pneumonia Basics”) presents the results of an anonymous prospective survey aimed at assessing the knowledge and preferences of senior medical students in terms of the CAP pharmacotherapy. In the second stage of the project (2017–2019). The results from 394 senior students from 8 centers of Russia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan were received and analyzed. An original questionnaire was developed for this study on the basis of the current clinical guidelines. Conclusion: The final results of a prospective survey revealed an insufficient level of students’ basic knowledge of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of CAP. The study revealed a statistically significant heterogeneity of knowledge levels in different centers, which indicates the need for the introduction of unified and in-depth training programs in this area

    Community-acquired pneumonia: the dynamics of senior medical students’ knowledge

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    Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is an acute infectious disease. Inflammation of the lower respiratory system, interstitium, and microvasculature, mainly of bacterial etiology, is a typical pathological sign of this disease. It is one of the leading causes of death from infectious diseases. The survey was conducted within the KNOCAP multicenter research project (the full name of the project “The assessment of students' and physicians' knowledge of community-acquired pneumonia basics”). We have assessed the knowledge and preferences of doctors and 85 senior medical students from Belgorod National Research University majoring in Medicine by surveying them two times – before and after the conduction of educational activities. The first stage of the project was carried out in 2017-2018, the second one – in 2018-2019. Educational activities were held during the educational process (in particular, during Clinical Pharmacology). The greatest difficulties appeared when answering the questions: the choice of the main criterion for the terminating antimicrobial therapy (AMT); the choice of the main diagnostic sign when examining a CAP patient; the choice of the criterion for CAP diagnosis confirmation. This study makes a significant contribution to the development of a practical health care system because it allows both identifying "weak spots" and improving the quality of CAP patients’ management tactics. There is a necessity to conduct more studies about this matter since the current health care system is experiencing changes, and new clinical guidelines are published