388 research outputs found

    Rotating sample magnetometer for cryogenic temperatures and high magnetic fields

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    We report on the design and implementation of a rotating sample magnetometer (RSM) operating in the variable temperature insert of a cryostat equipped with a high-field magnet. The limited space and the cryogenic temperatures impose the most critical design parameters: the small bore size of the magnet requires a very compact pick-up coil system and the low temperatures demand a very careful design of the bearings. Despite these difficulties the RSM achieves excellent resolution at high magnetic field sweep rates, exceeding that of a typical vibrating sample magnetometer by about a factor of ten. In addition the gas-flow cryostat and the high-field superconducting magnet provide a temperature and magnetic field range unprecedented for this type of magnetometer.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Over-utilization of Advanced Imaging in the Hospital Setting: An Educational Approach to Reduce Unnecessary Inpatient Studies

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    By several measures, health care spending continues to rise, forcing businesses and families to cut back on operations and household expenses. In 2008, health care spending in the United States reached 2.4trilliondollars,andisprojectedtoreach2.4 trillion dollars, and is projected to reach 3.1 trillion in 2012.During the past decades, there has been a steady increase in the utilization of expensive inpatient imaging studies, with an overall increase in health care costs. In particular, advanced imaging includes CT, MRI and Nuclear Medicine, used for the diagnosis and management of hospitalized patients. The reasons for unnecessary imaging examinations include indirect financial benefit to physicians, medico-legal considerations, lack of accepted guidelines or failure to follow established ones. In the United States alone, it is estimated that CT testing accounts for around 6,000 additional cancers per year, with about half of those proving fatal. Each radiologic study using gadolinium presented a 2.4% risk of developing nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, with significant morbidity and mortality. We have shown that education of the ordering physicians is a feasible and cost effective means to decrease the over-otilization of advanced imaging in the inpatient setting

    The vascular bone marrow niche influences outcome in chronic myeloid leukemia via the E-selectin - SCL/TAL1-CD44 axis.

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    The endosteal bone marrow niche and vascular endothelial cells provide sanctuaries for leukemic cells. In murine chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) CD44 on leukemia cells and E-selectin on bone marrow endothelium are essential mediators for the engraftment of leukemic stem cells. We hypothesized that non-adhesion of CML-initiating cells to E-selectin on the bone marrow endothelium may lead to superior eradication of leukemic stem cells in CML after treatment with imatinib than imatinib alone. Indeed, here we show that treatment with the E-selectin inhibitor GMI-1271 in combination with imatinib prolongs survival of mice with CML via decreased contact time of leukemia cells with bone marrow endothelium. Non-adhesion of BCR-ABL1(+) cells leads to an increase of cell cycle progression and an increase of expression of the hematopoietic transcription factor and proto-oncogene Scl/Tal1 in leukemia-initiating cells. We implicate SCL/TAL1 as an indirect phosphorylation target of BCR-ABL1 and as a negative transcriptional regulator of CD44 expression. We show that increased SCL/TAL1 expression is associated with improved outcome in human CML. These data demonstrate the BCR-ABL1-specific, cell-intrinsic pathways leading to altered interactions with the vascular niche via the modulation of adhesion molecules - which could be exploited therapeutically in the future

    Final results from the EU project AVATAR: aerodynamic modelling of 10 MW wind turbines

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    This paper presents final results from the EU project AVATAR in which aerodynamic models are improved and validated for wind turbines on a scale of 10 MW and more. Special attention is paid to the improvement of low fidelity engineering (BEM based) models with higher fidelity (CFD) models but also with intermediate fidelity free vortex wake (FVW) models. The latter methods were found to be a good basis for improvement of induction modelling in engineering methods amongst others for the prediction of yawed cases, which in AVATAR was found to be one of the most challenging subjects to model. FVW methods also helped to improve the prediction of tip losses. Aero-elastic calculations with BEM based and FVW based models showed that fatigue loads for normal production cases were over predicted with approximately 15% or even more. It should then be realised that the outcome of BEM based models does not only depend on the choice of engineering add-ons (as is often assumed) but it is also heavily dependent on the way the induced velocities are solved. To this end an annulus and element approach are discussed which are assessed with the aid of FVW methods. For the prediction of fatigue loads the so-called element approach is recommended but the derived yaw models rely on an annulus approach which pleads for a generalised solution method for the induced velocities

    Latest results from the EU project AVATAR: aerodynamic modelling of 10 MW wind turbines

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    This paper presents the most recent results from the EU project AVATAR in which aerodynamic models are improved and validated for wind turbines on a scale of 10 MW and more. Measurements on a DU 00-W-212 airfoil are presented which have been taken in the pressurized DNW-HDG wind tunnel up to a Reynolds number of 15 Million. These measurements are compared with measurements in the LM wind tunnel for Reynolds numbers of 3 and 6 Million and with calculational results. In the analysis of results special attention is paid to high Reynolds numbers effects. CFD calculations on airfoil performance showed an unexpected large scatter which eventually was reduced by paying even more attention to grid independency and domain size in relation to grid topology. Moreover calculations are presented on flow devices (leading and trailing edge flaps and vortex generators). Finally results are shown between results from 3D rotor models where a comparison is made between results from vortex wake methods and BEM methods at yawed conditions

    Innocent Frauds Meet Goodhart’s Law in Monetary Policy

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    This paper discusses recent UK monetary policies as instances of Galbraith’s ‘innocent frauds’, including the idea that money is a thing rather than a relationship, the fallacy of composition that what is possible for one bank is possible for all banks, and the belief that the money supply can be controlled by reserves management. The origins of the idea of QE, and its defense when it was applied in Britain, are analysed through this lens. An empirical analysis of the effect of reserves on lending is conducted; we do not find evidence that QE ‘worked’ either by a direct effect on money spending, or through an equity market effect. These findings are placed in a historical context in a comparison with earlier money control experiments in the UK
