200 research outputs found

    Interprofessional education for first year psychology students: career plans, perceived relevance and attitudes

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    Undergraduate psychology students have been largely excluded from interprofessional education (IPE) initiatives. In contrast to many health professions, undergraduate psychology students do not engage in work placements as part of their degree, and many enter careers outside the health care context. However, the collaborative skills gained through an IPE experience may well be beneficial to students who work in this wider context. This research examines whether undergraduate psychology students’ views of IPE vary according to their planned career directions, and if so, whether the perceived relevance of IPE mediates the relationships. A sample of 188 Australian university undergraduate psychology students completed an online questionnaire following completion of a first-year IPE health sciences program. Path analysis indicated that psychology students’ attitudes towards IPE are associated with both professional identification and practitioner orientation, fully mediated through the perceived relevance of IPE to future career and study plans. Stronger professional identification and practitioner orientation were associated with greater perceived relevance and more positive and less negative attitudes towards IPE. Placing a stronger emphasis on the generalizability of IP skills taught may increase students’ awareness of the relevance outside of the health context, reducing disengagement of students planning alternative careers


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    Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η εκτίμηση της τρωτότητας στην εξωτερική ρύπανση σε τμήμα του καρστικού υδροφορέα Μιτσικελίου στο Νομό Ιωαννίνων. Ο υδροφορέας αυτός αναπτύσσεται στα ανθρακικά πετρώματα ασβεστολιθικού τύπου της Ιόνιας ζώνης. Για την εκτίμηση της τρωτότητας εφαρμόσθηκε η μέθοδος PaPRIKa, η οποία λαμβάνει υπόψη τέσσερις παραμέτρους: P (Protection, ικανότητα προστασίας), R (Reservoir, γεωλογικός ταμιευτήρας), I (Infiltration, κατείσδυση), και Ka (Karstification, ανάπτυξη του καρστ). Με βάση τον χάρτη τρωτότητας, προκύπτει ότι η περιοχή έρευνας χαρακτηρίζεται από υψηλή έως πολύ υψηλή τρωτότητα. Η υψηλή τρωτότητα οφείλεται στον έντονο κατακερματισμό των ασβεστολίθων, στον υψηλό βαθμό καρστικοποίησης, στην απουσία επικάρστ και στη σχετικά αυξημένη υδροπερατότητα του εδαφικού καλύμματος, όπου αυτό αναπτύσσεται. Τέλος, γίνονται προτάσεις ιδιαίτερων μέτρων προστασίας του καρστικού υδροφορέα Μιτσικελίου, λόγω της υψηλής τρωτότητας που εμφανίζει

    Coupling Measurements of an Antenna System Suitable for Relay-Aided WiMAX Network

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    YesIn this paper two novel antennas, suitable for access and backhaul links, are designed, fabricated and tested for a Relay Station in a WiMAX wireless network. A single modi¯ed E-shaped patch antenna is described, presenting 10 dB gain over 12.4% bandwidth. This antenna element is used for the design of a 4 £ 4 planar array which provides experimental gain of 21.2 dB. The antenna system on the Relay Station operates at 3.4 GHz and includes one single antenna element for access link realization and an antenna array for the backhaul link realization. These antennas are installed in two con¯guration arrangements and tested in terms of their radiation performances and coupling e®ects. The simulated and measured results are quite satisfactory and in good agreement at which the maximum coupling between the access and backhaul antennas is found below ¡25 dB for all tested cases

    Плавный пуск асинхронного двигателя

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    Актуальность работы. Широкое распространение устройств, называемых Soft Starter, устройств плавного пуска (УПП), а также устройств безударного тока, созданных для ограничения негативной динамики пусковых токов и электромагнитных моментов асинхронного двигателей (АД) с короткозамкнутым ротором, стало результатом эффективного соотношения "цена/качество" для УПП. Однако, проблема реальной, количественной оценки преимуществ и недостатков использования УПП для АД остается актуальной

    Distortion in Social Choice Problems: The First 15 Years and beyond

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    The notion of distortion in social choice problems has been defined to measure the loss in efficiency-typically measured by the utilitarian social welfare, the sum of utilities of the participating agents-due to having access only to limited information about the preferences of the agents. We survey the most significant results of the literature on distortion from the past 15 years, and highlight important open problems and the most promising avenues of ongoing and future work