14 research outputs found
New diagnostic methods in bronchology
Tato práce se zabývá vývojem a optimalizací moderních metod umožňujících časnou diagnostiku plicní rakoviny a prekancerózních lézí s ohledem na jejich přínos a začlenění do rutinní klinické praxe. V rámci práce jsme vyvinuli zařízení pro kontaktní měření endobronchiální teploty (termobronchoskopie) a v pilotní studii jsme prokázali statisticky významný rozdíl teploty na endoluminálním povrchu bronchu jak v oblasti nádoru, tak i nad nádorově infiltrovanými uzlinami v porovnání se zdravou sliznicí jak ipsilaterálně, tak i kontralaterálně. Dále jsme zkonstruovali zařízení pro spektroskopii bronchiální sliznice v blízkém infračerveném pásmu, identifikovali charakteristiky pro lokalizaci solitárního plicního uzle a prokázali, že použití tohoto systému zvyšuje počet pozitivních bioptických nálezů v porovnání s endobronchiálním ultrazvukem. V následující části popisujeme další techniky časné diagnostiky bronchogenního karcinomu, jako je endobronchiální ultrasonografie, optická koherenční tomografie, konfokální fluorescenční mikroendoskopie, reflektanční spektroskopie, autofluorescenční bronchoskopie, fluorescenční bronchoskopie a zobrazení v úzkém pásmu (narrow band imaging), a stručně uvádíme naše zkušenosti s některými z nich v rámci provedených pilotních projektů. V další části jsme ukázali, že...The aim of this work has been the development and optimization of methods for early diagnosis of lung cancer, their utility and integration into daily practice. Firstly, we developed a device for measurement of endobronchial temperature (thermobronchoscopy) and found significant difference in endoluminal temperature above tumors and infiltrated lymph nodes compared to healthy regions. We further designed an appliance for near infrared spectroscopy of the bronchial mucosa and identified spectroscopic features useful for localization of solitary pulmonary nodule. The use of the appliance improved yield of endobronchial biopsy compared to endobronchial ultrasound. In the next part of the study, we describe further techniques for early diagnosis of lung cancer including endobronchial ultrasound, optical coherence tomography, confocal fluorescence microendoscopy, reflectance spectroscopy, autofluorescence bronchoscopy, fluorescence bronchoscopy, and narrow band imaging with concise introduction of our experience gained in several pilot projects. Next, we showed the utility of measurement of acetic acid in exhaled air as a promising biomarker for non-invasive identification of patients with symptomatic acid gastroesophageal reflux. Lastly, we demonstrated significant difference in radiation dose in HRCT...externí pracovištěexternal workplacesFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult
NLTE wind models of hot subdwarf stars
We calculate NLTE models of stellar winds of hot compact stars (central stars
of planetary nebulae and subdwarf stars). The studied range of subdwarf
parameters is selected to cover a large part of these stars. The models predict
the wind hydrodynamical structure and provide mass-loss rates for different
abundances. Our models show that CNO elements are important drivers of subdwarf
winds, especially for low-luminosity stars. We study the effect of X-rays and
instabilities on these winds. Due to the line-driven wind instability, a
significant part of the wind could be very hot.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in Astrophysics and Space Science. The final
publication will be available at springerlink.com
New diagnostic methods in bronchology
The aim of this work has been the development and optimization of methods for early diagnosis of lung cancer, their utility and integration into daily practice. Firstly, we developed a device for measurement of endobronchial temperature (thermobronchoscopy) and found significant difference in endoluminal temperature above tumors and infiltrated lymph nodes compared to healthy regions. We further designed an appliance for near infrared spectroscopy of the bronchial mucosa and identified spectroscopic features useful for localization of solitary pulmonary nodule. The use of the appliance improved yield of endobronchial biopsy compared to endobronchial ultrasound. In the next part of the study, we describe further techniques for early diagnosis of lung cancer including endobronchial ultrasound, optical coherence tomography, confocal fluorescence microendoscopy, reflectance spectroscopy, autofluorescence bronchoscopy, fluorescence bronchoscopy, and narrow band imaging with concise introduction of our experience gained in several pilot projects. Next, we showed the utility of measurement of acetic acid in exhaled air as a promising biomarker for non-invasive identification of patients with symptomatic acid gastroesophageal reflux. Lastly, we demonstrated significant difference in radiation dose in HRCT..
New diagnostic methods in bronchology
The aim of this work has been the development and optimization of methods for early diagnosis of lung cancer, their utility and integration into daily practice. Firstly, we developed a device for measurement of endobronchial temperature (thermobronchoscopy) and found significant difference in endoluminal temperature above tumors and infiltrated lymph nodes compared to healthy regions. We further designed an appliance for near infrared spectroscopy of the bronchial mucosa and identified spectroscopic features useful for localization of solitary pulmonary nodule. The use of the appliance improved yield of endobronchial biopsy compared to endobronchial ultrasound. In the next part of the study, we describe further techniques for early diagnosis of lung cancer including endobronchial ultrasound, optical coherence tomography, confocal fluorescence microendoscopy, reflectance spectroscopy, autofluorescence bronchoscopy, fluorescence bronchoscopy, and narrow band imaging with concise introduction of our experience gained in several pilot projects. Next, we showed the utility of measurement of acetic acid in exhaled air as a promising biomarker for non-invasive identification of patients with symptomatic acid gastroesophageal reflux. Lastly, we demonstrated significant difference in radiation dose in HRCT..
Transluminace plic - hledání solitárních plicních uzlů pomocí IR záření
Tento článek obsahuje popis vývoje zařízení s metodikou pro transluminaci plicní tkáně s cílem nalezení solitárních plicních uzlů s minimalizací zátěže pro pacienta. Zařízení na prosvětlování plicní tkáně je založeno na infračerveném světle a bronchoskopu (či trokaru), který umožňuje přenos infračerveného záření po průsvitu tkání do kamery. První pokusy byly provedeny na vepřových plicích ex vivo, pokračovali jsme přes vepřové plíce in vivo, nyní se plánuje testování na pacientech
Extracorporeal Oxygenation Techniques in Adult Critical Airway Obstruction: A Review
Extracorporeal life support has been increasingly utilized in different clinical settings to manage either critical respiratory or heart failure. Complex airway surgery with significant or even total perioperative airway obstruction represents an indication for this technique to prevent/overcome a critical period of severe hypoxaemia, hypoventilation, and/or apnea. This review summarizes the current published scientific evidence on the utility of extracorporeal respiratory support in airway obstruction associated with hypoxaemia, describes the available methods, their clinical indications, and possible limitations. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation using veno-arterial or veno-venous mode is most commonly employed in such scenarios caused by endoluminal, external, or combined obstruction of the trachea and main bronchi
B[e] Phenomenon in a Binary System V2028 Cyg
We present a preliminary analysis of our five-years observation campaign of the B[e] stellar system V2028 Cyg (MWC 623). The time variability of spectral features is described