1,439 research outputs found

    Path dependence or convergence? The evolution of corporate ownership around the world

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    We offer a theory that sheds light on the current debate over whether the form of corporate ownership converges to the Berle-Means image. Our analytical results are threefold. First, legal rules and firm-specific protective arrangements are complementary. Secondly, corporate ownership patterns can be convergent or path dependent depending on the relative importance of these protective arrangements. We predict, for example, diffuse stock ownership in countries that impose legal limits on blockholders’ power to expropriate minority investor rights. Thirdly, we find that convergence toward diffuse share ownership is a movement towards the social optimum. Our empirical results suggest a case for the co-existence of path dependence and functional convergence (convergence to the diffuse form of share ownership through cross-listings on U.S. stock exchanges that impose more stringent disclosure and listing requirements). These results have implications for the design of executive compensation, the case for institutional investor activism and the proposal to increase shareholder power

    Expenditures on Sport Apparel: Creating Consumer Profiles through Interval Regression Modelling

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    Using a heterodox theoretical approach, this article presents sport consumer profiles based on socio-demographic and sport-related lifestyle characteristics. Sport apparel is operationalized as a categorical, hierarchical variable. Given the censored nature of the dependent variable, a two step Heckman-type approach with an interval regression model was used. Data were obtained from a cross-sectional sample of adults in Flanders, Belgium (N=1355). The results indicate that the decision to spend money on sport clothing and shoes is mainly determined by sport-related lifestyle characteristics, confirming the emerging importance of lifestyle in understanding the decision to consume material goods. However, the variability in the amount of money spent on sport apparel is explained by both socio-demographic variables and sport-related lifestyle characteristics. Consequently, both socio-demographic and lifestyle variables are used in the interval regression models, which is introduced as a novel technique to create consumer profiles. These profiles assist sporting goods marketers in refining their strategies to reach specific target markets

    TIDAL:exploring the potential of data physicalization‑based interactive environment on runners' motivation

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    Representing fitness-related data physically can better help people gain awareness and reflect on their physical activity behavior. However, there has been limited research conducted on the impact of physicalizing personal data in a public context, particularly regarding its effect on motivations for physical activity. Augmenting the physical environment with interactive technology holds great promise in facilitating outdoor physical activity. To explore the design space of data physicalization-based interactive environments, we created TIDAL, a design concept that provides physical rewards in the form of tiles on the road to acknowledge runners’ goal achievements. We created a video prototype as a probe to gather insights through semi-structured interviews with six recreational runners to evaluate TIDAL. The co-constructing stories method, a participatory design technique, was employed during these interviews to facilitate qualitative evaluation. The results of our study showed that TIDAL has the potential to increase runners’ motivation. We reported the key insights derived from participants’ feedback and co-constructed stories and discussed the broader implications of our work.</p

    The group of dyadic unitary matrices

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    We introduce the group DU(m) of m x m dyadic unitary matrices, i.e. unitary matrices with all entries having a real and an imaginary part that are both rational numbers with denominator of the form 2(p) (with p a non-negative integer). We investigate in detail the finite groups DU(1) and DU(2) and the discrete, but infinite groups DU(3) and DU(4). We further introduce the subgroup XDU(m) of DU(m), consisting of those members of DU(m) that have constant line sum 1. The study of XDU(2) and XDU(4) leads to conclusions concerning the synthesis of quantum computers acting on one and two qubits, respectively

    Do non-profit sport organisations innovate? Types and preferences of service innovation within regional sport federations

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    Research question: Little is known about innovation in the non-profit sport sector. The present research addresses this gap by questioning whether and to what extent sport federations innovate. It aims to identify types of innovation implemented by sport federations and their attitude and preferences towards innovation.  Research methods: An online questionnaire was administered to a sample of key representatives (i.e. Chair, Secretary General or Directors) of regional sport federations in Belgium (n=101; 70% response rate).  Results and Findings: Directed content analysis of the service innovations described by respondents reveals ten different types of sport and non-sport service innovations. Results suggest that membership size and categories of sport influence preferences in knowledge creation/appropriation, and ultimately the type of innovation developed. This paper also suggests that sport federations are driven by demands by members in meeting their expectations of new services and are not risk averse. On average, the sport federations surveyed have a positive attitude towards newness which favours innovativeness.  Implications: The present study would help researchers to advance further into the knowledge of service innovation in non-profit organisations. It should act as a foundation for research and practice on specific types of service innovation in sport. Managers should realise the importance of attitude for innovation and use the suggested typology to provide new services in different categories and meet members’ expectations

    Determinants of Service Innovation: a Typology of Sports Federations

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    The increasing commercialisation of the sports sector and changing consumer demands are some of the issues that create challenges for non-profit sports in contemporary society. It is important for managers and marketers of these organisations to innovate because innovation is a way to grow within a competitive environment and to meet customers expectations. The present study aims to develop an explorative typology of sports federations based on their attitudes and perceptions of determinants of innovation and their innovation capacity. A cluster analysis suggested three clusters with different responses towards service innovation: traditional sports federations, financially secure sports federations and competitive sports federations. Sports federations perceiving competition in terms of financial and human resources, favouring change and paid staff involvement in decision-making processes, and with negative economic perceptions are significantly more innovative. These findings have implications for the management and marketing of non-profit sports organisations

    From Problem to Solution: Developing a Personalized Smartphone Application for Recreational Runners following a Three-step Design Approach

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to design and test a smartphone application which supports personalized running experiences for less experienced runners. As a result of a multidisciplinary three-step design approach Inspirun was developed. Inspirun is a personalized running-application for Android smartphones that aims to fill the gap between running on your own (static) schedule, and having a personal trainer that accommodates the schedule to your needs and profile. With the use of GPS and Bluetooth heart rate monitor support, a user's progress gets tracked. The application adjusts the training schedule after each training session, motivating the runner without a real life coach. Results from three user studies are promising; participants were very satisfied with the personalized approach, both in the profiling and de adaptation of their training scheme

    A Unified Model of Non-Profit Sport Organizations Performance: Perspectives from the Literature

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    Little consensus has emerged about how organizational performance should be defined and measured. Most studies have used traditional approaches to give their own perspective about organizational performance and effectiveness, but none have recently tried to encompass these different views into one unified model. In the present paper, Chelladurai's systems view of organizations is used to integrate the dimensions of organizational performance highlighted by previous studies on non-profit sport organizations. These organizational performance dimensions are highlighted and categorized into macro-dimensions (e.g., financial resources acquisition, size, internal atmosphere, organizational operating, financial independence, achieving elite sport success and mass sport participation). Relationships between these macro-dimensions are analyzed. A multidimensional framework is developed which gives an overview of which dimensions constitute organizational performance in non-profit sport organizations and of how to measure them. Further research directions and management implications are discussed

    NutriColoring:designing a doodling toolkit to support daily self-reported dietary assessment among office workers

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    This study was motivated by a desire to help working-age individuals gain a better understanding of their daily nutritional intakes with a new self-reported dietary assessment method because an unhealthy eating behavior increases the risks of developing chronic diseases. In this study, we present the design and evaluation of NutriColoring, a food diary that leverages doodling on sketches to report and reflect on everyday diet in the working context. Through a 2-week field study involving 18 participants, the usefulness of NutriColoring in facilitating dietary assessment was tested by making comparisons with the typical bullet diary method. Our quantitative results showed that NutriColoring provided users with improved dietary assessment experience and intrinsic motivations, with significantly low task frustration and high enjoyment. Because of the freedom and playfulness in reporting intakes at work, the interview findings showed a high acceptance of employing NutriColoring at work. This article is concluded with a set of implications for the design and development of a Doodling toolkit to support healthy eating behaviors among office worker
