19 research outputs found

    A method to measure the resonance transitions between the gravitationally bound quantum states of neutrons in the GRANIT spectrometer

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    We present a method to measure the resonance transitions between the gravitationally bound quantum states of neutrons in the GRANIT spectrometer. The purpose of GRANIT is to improve the accuracy of measurement of the quantum states parameters by several orders of magnitude, taking advantage of long storage of Ultracold neutrons at specula trajectories. The transitions could be excited using a periodic spatial variation of a magnetic field gradient. If the frequency of such a perturbation (in the frame of a moving neutron) coincides with a resonance frequency defined by the energy difference of two quantum states, the transition probability will sharply increase. The GRANIT experiment is motivated by searches for short-range interactions (in particular spin-dependent interactions), by studying the interaction of a quantum system with a gravitational field, by searches for extensions of the Standard model, by the unique possibility to check the equivalence principle for an object in a quantum state and by studying various quantum optics phenomena

    Industrial electron accelerators type ILU

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    The paper describes ILU type industrial electron accelerators. Their main parameters, design, principle of action, electron beam extraction devices, wide set of auxiliary equipment for various technological processes and ways of their usage are discussed as well.Описаны промышленные ускорители электронов серии ИЛУ. Приведены основные параметры, устройство и принцип действия. Дается краткое описание систем выпуска ускоренного пучка в атмосферу для различных технологических процессов.Описано промислові прискорювачі електронів серії ЫЛП. Наведено основні параметри, будова і принцип дії. Дається короткий опис систем випуску прискореного пучку в атмосферу для різних технологічних процесів

    Electron accelerator for energy up to 5.0 MeV and beam power up to 50 kW with Х-ray converter

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    The paper describes the industrial electron accelerator ILU-10 for electron energy up to 5 MeV and beam power up to 50 kW specially designed for use in industrial applications. The ILU-10 accelerator generates the vertical electron beam. The beam line turns the beam through an angle of 90° and transports the beam to the vertically posed Xray converter to generate the horizontal beam of X-rays.Приводиться опис прискорювача електронів ІЛУ-10 на енергію 5 МеВ потужністю 50 кВт, спеціально розробленого для таких комплексів. Для спрощення конструкції конвеєрної системи подачі оброблюваної продукції в зону опромінення використовується випускний пристрій з поворотом пучка на 90 градусів інаступною конвертацією електронного пучка в гамма-випромінювання на вертикально розташованій мішені.Приводится описание ускорителя электронов ИЛУ-10 на энергию 5 МэВ мощностью 50 кВт, специально разработанного для таких комплексов. Для упрощения конструкции конвейерной системы подачи обрабатываемой продукции в зону облучения используется выпускное устройство с поворотом пучка на 90 градусов и последующей конвертацией электронного пучка в гамма-излучение на вертикально расположенной мишени

    Strategic guidelines for ensuring food security in the Sverdlovsk region

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    Ensuring the food security of the Russian Federation includes a set of areas in the implementation of which the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are involved, taking into account economic opportunities, natural and climatic conditions of the regions and other circumstances that are important for obtaining positive results in the field of ensuring food security. In connection with the foregoing, the topic of this scientific article is relevant both from a theoretical and practical point of view. The scientific novelty of the study is associated with an in-depth economic analysis of food security in the Sverdlovsk region, taking into account the regulation of regional legislation. The purpose of the study is to identify the interaction of economics and law in the field of ensuring food security of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the context of indicators of the Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of the norms of the regional law "On Ensuring Food Security of the Sverdlovsk Region" on the development of agriculture and agro-industrial production in the Sverdlovsk Region in terms of ensuring food security of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The theoretical significance of the work is due to the fact that the obtained results and conclusions develop and supplement a number of sections of the agrarian economy in terms of assessing the impact of agriculture on ensuring food security. The practical significance of this study is characterized by the possibility of using the material by the authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as the subjects of agricultural activity and in the educational process at an agricultural university