122 research outputs found


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    The article presents the results of empirical research on the main theoretical approaches to the concept of educational services. It is determined that the concept of educational services in the system of higher education has certain features in terms of interpretation and adaptation of accordingly defined goals, functions and approaches. After all, educational services have an economic, social and cultural component. Therefore, we can conclude about the complex nature of educational services, namely: as a symbiosis of public and personal well-being. The specifics of educational services are also determined, including the impossibility of demonstrating educational services; inability to allocate educational services; ability to change; storage is impossible; lack of sole ownership; long performance; receiving deferred benefits. Key words: higher education; educational services; quality of educational services


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    The article presents the results of empirical research of the main theoretical approaches to the concept of efficiency of management services in the field of higher education. It is determined that the concept of efficiency management is a complex multifaceted indicator that includes certain performance indicators related to efficiency, profitability, effectiveness, etc., in economics and management there is no single general approach to determining the effectiveness of management. It is proved that the effectiveness of management is a complex indicator that determines the use of resource opportunities to achieve a certain goal, and these concepts are complementary and interrelated, this approach from the point of view of economics is integrated with all management functions.Ключові слова: higher education; management efficiency; management effectiveness; management efficiency in higher education; educational services


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    This article presents the results of research on the value and target priorities in the quality management process in higher education. It is determined that the quality of education is a mean of development of the individual and society, a condition of trust in the educational sphere, it reflects the degree of conformity of the properties and results of educational processivity to certain norms and standards of education. It is established that the quality is traced in the presence of competencies that characterize the ability of graduates of the institution to effectively pursue professional activity in modern socio-economic conditions.Each specific historical level of the qualitative parameters of higher education is the result of determining the goal, or the spontaneity and purpose of indifference, or the symbiosis of the two previous possibilities. It is necessary to take into account the fact that in the absolute majority of cases the quality of higher education does not have a self-sufficient target status, but rather becomes the context and prerequisite for achieving some other strategic goal of individual or supra-individual (social, cultural, civilizational, global) value. The totality of these circumstances exacerbates the need to analyze the quality of higher education through the lens of a hierarchy of targets. Goal setting is the process of justification and goal setting. And the goal can be achieved by combining objective factors and ways and actions to do so. It is also proved that the structural components of personality, value orientations are the most important component of an individual's organization, his ethical-psychological and intellectual activity. And worldview is a set of views, principles, understanding of the world and program of action and forms the foundation of human consciousness. The acquired knowledge and beliefs, combined in the worldview, form a system of understanding by the man of the world and himself.Therefore, the quality of education can be ensured if the management system is in place, which involves the organization of a continuous process of influence of the management entity on its object and the appropriate coordination of their joint activities. The process of quality assurance in higher education should be systematic and include monitoring of the educational environment, comprehensive analysis of the factors influencing the quality of education and developing models of quality management of educational services.Keywords: value, purpose, target priorities, quality management of higher education quality, quality of educatio


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    The article deals with the development of university autonomy in Europe, and it is determined that it actively influences the quality assurance of higher education and at the present stage of development justifies high demands from society. The importance of applying a systematic approach to the development of the concept of university autonomy is determined, as there are correlation relations between the components of autonomy and mutual influence. Indeed, the high level of financial autonomy allows the institution to make decisions on the number of employees and the level of remuneration, which correlates with the level of personnel autonomy, namely, the recruitment and career opportunities. The presence of highly skilled teaching staff gives hope for high-performance scientific developments and achievements in the preparation of students. Key words: higher education, autonomy, organizational autonomy, financial autonomy, staffing  autonomy, academic autonomy. кандидат наук з державного управління, Воробйова О. П. Аналіз  розвитку автономії університетів у Європі  / Інститут вищої освіти НАПН України, Україна, КиївУ статті розглянуто розвиток університетської автономії у Європі та визначено, що це активно впливає на забезпечення якості вищої освіти та на сучасному етапі розвитку виправдовує високі вимоги від суспільства. Визначено важливість застосування системного підходу до розвитку концепції університетської автономії, адже існують кореляційні зв’язки між складовими автономії та взаємний вплив. Адже високий рівень фінансової автономії дозволяє закладу самостійно приймати рішення щодо кількості співробітників та рівня оплати праці, а це корелюється з рівнем кадрової автономії, а саме процедури прийняття на роботу та можливість кар’єрного зросту. Наявність висококваліфікованого науково-викладацького персоналу даю надії на високопродуктивні наукові розробки та досягнення у підготовці студентів. Ключові слова: вища освіта, автономія, організаційна автономія,  фінансова автономія,  кадрова автономія,  академічна автономія

    Analysis of migration processes based on census data

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    The subject matter of research is the internal migration processes of the Russian population in the period from the 1960s to 2010. The research is based on the data about the territorial population flows published in the all-Union census materials of 1970, 1979, and 1989, and in the all-Russia census materials of 2002 and 2010. The basic migration flows and directions are considered. Methodologically, the analysis of migration is based on the use of end-to-end indicators enabling to assess the dynamics of migration processes over a long period. Special attention is paid to rural-urban internal migrations, the volumes, patterns and consequences of which have not been so far properly investigated or assessed. The authors offer and calculate relative indicators that have never been used to assess the processes in question. To make the census materials of the soviet and post-soviet periods comparable, the economic zoning adopted before 2000 is used, and the administrative-territorial network is unified. The authors confirm the hypothesis that from decade to decade the intensity of territorial mobility of both urban and rural population was reduced. Interregional migration flows are considered, and various tendencies and migration intensity for over four decades are de ned. The authors analyze the dynamics in the structure of migrants by the time they lived in the place of their permanent residence in various regions. The research shows that the tendencies developed at that time and persisting continue to adversely affect the territorial re-distribution of population and the regional social and economic development of the country. The research results can be used in adjusting the regional socio-economic and migration policy.The article has been prepared with the support of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation Project № 14–02–00525


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    The article examines the impact of globalization on the development of the higher education sector. It is determined that a single educational space has been formed, aimed at increasing the competitiveness of higher education institutions, by ensuring the quality of training and training of specialists in accordance with the demands of the information society and the modern knowledge-based economy. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors of globalization processes and determine their impact on the higher education sector in the context of the development of quality assurance in higher education. The basis for implementing the research goal is the use of such methods as logical analysis (analysis of the main principles for the development of globalization processes) synthesis (defined aspects of implementation of the process of ensuring the quality of higher education). Ukraine's higher education management system must adapt to the new globalized developmental conditions and use them in favor of their own national interests, which will enable them to develop a new strategy for effective political, economic and social development of the country. Key words: higher education, higher education sector, globalization, information society, knowledge-based society.кандидат наук з державного управління, Воробйова О.П. Вплив глобалізаційних процесів на розвиток галузі вищої освіти / Інститут вищої освіти НАПН України, Україна, КиївУ статті розглянуто вплив глобалізації на розвиток галузі вищої освіти, визначено, що сформовано єдиний освітній простір, направлений на підвищення  конкурентоздатності закладів вищої освіти, шляхом забезпечення якості навчання та підготовку спеціалістів відповідно до запитів інформаційного суспільства та сучасної економіки, що базується на знаннях. Метою даного дослідження  є аналіз чинників глобалізаційних процесів та визначення їх впливу на галузь вищої освіти у контексті розвитку забезпечення якості вищої освіти. Основою реалізації дослідницької мети є використання таких методів, як логічний, аналіз (проаналізовано основні засади щодо розвитку глобалізаційних процесів) синтез (визначено аспекти реалізації процесу забезпечення якості вищої освіти). Система управління вищою освітою України повинна адаптуватися до нових глобалізаційних умов розвитку та використати їх на користь власних національних інтересів, що дасть змогу виробити нову стратегію для ефективного політичного, економічного та соціального розвитку країни. Ключові слова: вища освіта, галузь вищої освіти, глобалізація, інформаційне суспільство, суспільство, що засноване на знаннях

    Stress Factors of the Virtual Environment of a Metropolis: Perception of Youth

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    The purpose of this article is to study typical stress factors of the urban environment in its virtual refraction in the context of the subjective assessment of their importance by urban youth. As a result of a survey of 210 respondents, in the age range from 18 to 30, living in two large cities of the Ural Federal District, Ekaterinburg and Tyumen, a list of typical stress factors of a virtual city environment was identified, among which the most mentioned by young people are an overabundance of information and a violation of the usability of the information content, and the most stressful are the intrusiveness of virtual city services and deanonymization.The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project No. 20-013-00830 Real and Virtual Space of a Metropolis: Stress and Behavioural Deviations of Urban Youth”

    Universal and national cultural features of the naming in sports

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    The features of the sports language picture of the world in the context of the French culture of language, whose key element is the linguistic personality, who acts as the actor of the communicative process related to sports activities (both professional and amateur