166 research outputs found

    Fortification of food with micronutrients: development of methodological and regulatory framework in the Russian Federation

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    The available scientific literature, domestic and international regulatory codes of normative documents concerning the fortification of various types of food products have been analyzed. The groups of food products of conventional and regular consumption included into the diets of all categories of consumers, recommended for fortification with essential micronutrients, have been determined: wheat and cereal flour (spelt wheat, buckwheat, oat, corn flour, etc.); pastry; milk and dairy products, including ice cream; non-alcoholic soft drinks; mineralized drinking water; fruit and vegetable juices; fat and oil products (vegetable oils, margarines, spreads, mayonnaise); confectionery and sweets (pastry, sugar, chocolate); cereals (breakfast cereals, muesli, ready-to-eat extruded cereals, instant pasta and cereals, mixtures for bakery, flour for sweet pastry); food concentrates (jelly, instant drinks, concentrates of sweet foods, instant food, instant cereal concentrates); table salt. The groups of food products assigned for certain categories of population are used as part of therapeutic diets for patients with various diseases (metabolic disorder syndrome, cardio-vascular system pathology with atherosclerotic vascular injury, type 2 diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal tract diseases, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, diabetic nephropathy, etc.), as well as assigned to reduce the risk of diseases developing, the nutrients are recommended for targeted fortification of certain types of food. Examples of micronutrients fortification of sausages and minced meat semifinished products are given below. Requirements for fortification of mass consumption food products and for fortification of foods for special dietary uses are formulated in this article, the amount of fortifying components in the various groups of food products are justified, ensuring their efficiency for improving the micronutrient status and safety of its consumption. Based on the analysis of the available scientific literature, domestic and international regulatory framework of normative documents on fortification of various types of food products, recommendations have been developed for fortification of food with micronutrients


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    Abstract. The aim of the article is to consider the psychological characteristics of involvement of youth in extremist community through the Internet. Methods. The theoretical analysis and modeling were used as the main methods.Results. The Internet is described as a means and space of psychological influence on young people, which can be both positive and negative. Absorption of teenagers, boys and young men, in a virtual space essentially converts their activity and, as a result, transform the leading activity, which in turn leads to different mental tumors. Three main effects from the exposure of the Internet are found out: «the effect of the goals of drift», mythology and «the effect of excitement»; their impact on the individual in each age periods is noted. Consideration of the main motivational reasons, taking into account the specifics of building human interaction with the environment made it possible to identify and describe the main types of behavioural patterns exhibited by young people on the Internet. The degree of activity of young people in the network is described from the perspective of integrated strategies of behaviour: information blocking, changes in the distance, control, transformations. Risk groups of users, the most susceptible to extremist manipulations are designated. «Vulnerability areas» of representatives of each group are summarized and described; a step-by-step algorithm of victims’ involvement in extremist communities by recruiters is described.Scientific novelty of the present study consists in discussion of one of the most acute problems of the present – the changed conditions of a growing and socialization of younger generation; constant stay in network virtual space is an integral part of today’s existence, wherein unformed and immature person is very vulnerable to the influence of extremist content. To prevent the increased potential threat of involvement of young people in destructive, asocial and criminal activity, the authors suggest to draw close attention and to subject to the purposeful attacks of extremist communities. Detailed studying of social and psychological features of network behaviour of youth being affected by the dangerous content will help to provide well-timed prophylaxis of extremist moods among young people.Practical significance. The materials of the research can be used to identify and effectively prevent the influence of extremist groups on young Internet users.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научно- исследовательского проекта «Интернет как инструмент формирования психологической готовности молодежи к экстремистскому поведению», проект № 16-29-09512Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научно- исследовательского проекта «Интернет как инструмент формирования психологической готовности молодежи к экстремистскому поведению», проект № 16-29-0951


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    A pronounced ability for empathy and high emotional intelligence are considered as important components of the profession of a psychologist. The study of empathy abilities and emotional intelligence of students-psychologists in comparison with students of the control group was carried out. The results obtained indicate a high level of empathy abilities among psychology students and the relationship of empathy ability with emotional intelligence and its components.Выраженная способность к эмпатии и высокий эмоциональный интеллект рассматриваются как важные составляющие профессии психолога. Выполнено исследование способностей к эмпатии и эмоционального интеллекта студентов-психологов в сравнении со студентами контрольной группы. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о высоком уровне способностей к эмпатии у студентов-психологов и о взаимосвязи способности к эмпатии с эмоциональным интеллектом и его компонентами

    Mg2+ activation of Escherichia coli inorganic pyrophosphatase

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    AbstractFurther refinement of X-ray data on Escherichia coli inorganic pyrophosphatase [Oganessyan et al. (1994) FEBS Lett. 348, 301–304] to 2.2 Å reveals a system of noncovalent interactions involving Tyr55 and Tyr141 in the active site. The pKa for one of the eight Tyr residues in wild-type pyrophosphatase is as low as 9.1 and further decreases to 8.1 upon Mg2+ binding, generating characteristic changes in the absorption spectrum. These effects are lost in a Y55F but not in a Y141F variant. It is suggested that the lower-affinity site for Mg2+ in the enzyme is formed by Tyr55 and Asp70, which are in close proximity in the apo-enzyme structure

    Soviet Recreation Park as a Project of the 1930s: Metropolitan Patterns and Provincial Practices

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    Статья посвящена восстановлению логики формирования сети парков культуры и отдыха в Советском Союзе и выявлению реальных условий существования провинциальных парков. Выделены ключевые черты проектов парков, показана динамика их развития. На материале протоколов общих собраний в парторганизации ЦПКиО им. В. Маяковского (г. Свердловск), которые авторы впервые вводят в научный оборот, раскрыты и описаны трудности первых лет работы парков, а именно отсутствие квалифицированного персонала, постоянные трансформации проектов парка и недостаток финансирования. Сделан вывод, что на таком проблемном фоне первоочередной задачей администрации парков являлась организация нормального функционирования, а задачи идеологической обработки посетителей с целью формирования нового советского человека на данном этапе не ставились.The article is devoted to the restoration of the logic of the formation of a network of recreation parks in the Soviet Union and the identification of the real conditions of existence of provincial parks. The key features of park projects are highlighted, the dynamics of their development is shown. The authors for the first time introduce into scientific circulation the minutes of general meetings in the party organization of the Central recreation park named after V. Mayakovsky (Sverdlovsk). The difficulties of the first years of the parks are disclosed and described on the material of these minutes, namely: the lack of qualified personnel, constant transformations of the parks project and lack of funding. It is concluded that due to such serious problems, the main task of the park administration was to organize normal functioning. The tasks of ideological influence on visitors in order to form a new Soviet person were not set at this stage.Исследование выполнено за счет средств гранта РФФИ, проект № 20-411-660005 «Специфика конструирования гражданственности в 1920–2010-х гг. на материале публичных парковых пространств г. Свердловска/Екатеринбурга».The study was funded by a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 20-411-660005 “The Specifics of the Construction of Citizenship in the 1920s–2010s. based on the material of public park spaces in Sverdlovsk/Yekaterinburg”

    Peculiarities of Recognition of Basic Emotions by Carriers of BDNF, COMT, DRD2 and HTR2A Genotypes

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    The paper presents the results of a study of the features of recognition of basic emotions presented using images of actors on a computer monitor. Respondents were presented with images of actors with expressions of joy, anger, fear, surprise, disgust and sadness. In the course of the genetic study, biomaterials were taken (buccal scraping), followed by DNA extraction and genotyping by the polymerase chain reaction method (Biological Solutions and Technologies, Moscow). Genotyping of study participants was carried out for genes BDNF, COMT, DRD2, and HTR2A. As a result of the analysis of variance, it was found that genotypes for the COMT gene are associated with the accuracy of recognizing the emotion of anger. Genotypes for the DRD2 gene are associated with the recognition time of the emotions of anger, sadness, and joy.Приведены результаты исследования особенностей распознавания базовых эмоций, предъявляемых с применением изображений актеров на мониторе компьютера. Респондентам предъявлялись изображения актеров с выражениями радости, гнева, страха, удивления, отвращения и печали. В ходе генетического исследования был проведен забор биоматериала (буккального соскоба) с последующим выделением ДНК и генотипированием методом полимеразной цепной реакции (ООО «Биологические решения и технологии», Москва). Проводилось генотипирование участников исследования по генам BDNF, COMT, DRD2 И HTR2A. Выявлено, что генотипы по гену COMT ассоциированы с точностью распознавания эмоции гнева. Генотипы по гену DRD2 связаны с временем распознавания эмоций гнева, печали и радости.Исследование выполнено при поддержке РФФИ по гранту 18-013-01019

    Genetic Correlates of Emotional Intelligence

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    В работе приводятся результаты исследования генетических коррелятов эмоционального интеллекта. Для оценки эмоционального интеллекта у 400 здоровых взрослых обследуемых применялись объективный тест эмоционального интеллекта Д. Майера, П. Саловея, Д. Карузо и самоотчетные опросники эмоционального интеллекта. Было проведено генотипирование участников исследования по генам COMT, DRD2, HTR2A, BDNF. Получены данные о том, что эмоциональный интеллект выше у носителей генотипа Val/Met гена COMT, генотипа C/С гена DRD2, генотипа A/A гена HTR2A.The paper presents the results of the study of genetic correlates of emotional intelligence. To assess the emotional intelligence, 400 healthy adults were applied to the objective test of the emotional intelligence D. Mayer, P. Salovey, D. Caruso and self-reported questionnaires of emotional intelligence. The genotyping of the participants was carried out by COMT, DRD2, HTR2A, BDNF genes. Data is obtained that the emotional intelligence is higher in the carriers of Val/Met genotype COMT gene, C/C genotype DRD2 gene, A/A genotype HTR2A gene.Исследование выполнено при поддержке РФФИ, грант 18‑013‑01019

    Political activity of modern russian youth and marginal political practices

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    The article presents a typology and analysis of the most typical marginal political practices, describes the general political activity of young people, their attitude to certain types of political practices and their willingness to use them in their own models of behavior.В статье представлена типология и анализ наиболее типичных маргинальных политических практик, описана общая политическая активность молодежи, ее отношение к отдельным видам политических практик и готовность к их включению в собственные модели поведения

    Echinococcal Cyst Blockade — the Rare Cause of Acute Pancreatitis and Obstructive Jaundice

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    Aim: demonstrate an algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of acute pancreatitis and obstructive jaundice caused by obstruction of the terminal part of the common bile duct by daughter echinococcal cyst.Key points. The article presents a clinical case of acute echinococcal obstruction of the terminal part of the common bile duct in a patient with a complicated course of liver echinococcosis. A 33-year-old man was hospitalized with epigastrium and right hypochondrium pains and jaundice. In 2019 the patient underwent the removal of a cyst in the 7th liver segment and cholecystectomy for liver and gallbladder echinococcal lesions. Laboratory research revealed leukocytosis, hyperbilirubinemia and an increase in the transaminases level. Transabdominal ultrasound showed signs of dilatation throughout bile ducts. Duodenoscopy revealed a fixed yellowish-white oval formation with transluent capsule, completely blocking bile and pancreatic juice outflow at the major duodenal papilla. After non-annulation endoscopic papillotomy, migration of the substrate (echinococcal cyst) into the duodenum was noted, active flow of bile and pancreatic secretions was restored. Oral transpapillary cholangioscopy was performed for a detailed bile ducts examination. It revealed no echinococcal cysts, residual parasitic structures or biliary tree lesions. The treatment was completed with pancreatic stenting. After complex treatment in the intensive care and surgery unit with complete condition stabilization, the patient was discharged with recommendations for further treatment in a specialized clinic.Conclusion. Migration of a daughter cyst from the echinococcal liver focus can cause acute blockade of the terminal part of the common bile duct and acute obstructive pancreatitis. The combination of clinical, radiological and endoscopic methods allows to diagnose and eliminate this rare complication of liver echinococcosis with subsequent successful treatment