26 research outputs found

    CuO-CeO2 nanocomposite catalysts produced by mechanochemical synthesis

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    Mechanochemical synthesis based on ball-milling of individual oxides was applied as a one-step preparation technique for CuO-CeO2 catalyst for preferential CO oxidation in H2 excess. The mechanical energy dose transferred to the original powder mixture determines both the catalyst composition and activity. It is found that after 90 min of milling (corresponding to a dose of 372 kJ mol-1), a mixture of 10 wt.% CuO-CeO2 powder exhibits a CO conversion of 97% at 423 K. Four active oxygen states, which are not observed in case of pure CeO2, were detected in the nanocomposite lattice and attributed to the presence of Cu in surface sites as well as in subsurface bulk sites of CeO2, in nearest neighbor and next nearest neighbor positions. Correspondingly, oxidation of CO to CO2 was found to occur in a two-stage process with Tmax = 395/460 K, and oxidation of H2 to H2O likewise in a four-stage process with Tmax = 426/448/468/516 K. The milled powder consists of CeO2 crystallites sized 8-10 nm agglomerated to somewhat larger aggregates, with CuO dispersed on the surface of the CeO2 crystallites, and to a lesser extent present as Cu2O. © 2019 Author(s).This work was partially supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research [Projects n.n. 16-03-00330a and 16-03-00178a] in theoretical studies and part of experimental research and by FASO [program no. AAAA-A18-118012390374-3]. XPS measurements were supported by FASO (Theme “Electron”). The Alexander von Humboldt foundation is gratefully acknowledged for funding. We also would like to thank N. Berezkina for SEM measurements. We acknowledge support by the Open Access Publication Funds of the Göttingen University. Declarations of interest: none

    Cu–CeO2 nanocomposites: mechanochemical synthesis, physico-chemical properties, CO-PROX activity

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    Catalytic systems designated for preferential oxidation of CO in the presence of H2 are prepared by ball milling of Cu and CeO2, a simple and cheap one-step process to synthesize such catalysts. It is found that after 60 min of milling, a mixture of 8 wt.% Cu–CeO2 powders exhibits CO conversion of 96% and CO selectivity of about 65% at 438 K. Two active oxygen states, which are not observed in case of pure CeO2, were detected in the nanocomposite lattice and attributed to the presence of Cu in surface sites as well as in subsurface bulk sites. Correspondingly, oxidation of CO to CO2 was found to occur in a two-stage process with Tmax ≈ 395/460 K, and oxidation of H2 to H2O likewise in a two-stage process with Tmax ≈ 465/490 K. The milled powder consists of CeO2 crystallites sized 8–10 nm agglomerated to somewhat larger aggregates, with Cu dispersed on the surface of the CeO2 crystallites, and to a lesser extent present as Cu2O. [Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht


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    The late Cretaceous-Cenozoic sediments of fossil soils and weathering crusts of the Baikal rift have been subject to long-term studies. Based on our research results, it is possible to distinguish the following litho-stratigraphic complexes which are related to particular stages of the rift development: the late Cretaceous–early Oligocene (crypto-rift Arheo-baikalian), the late Oligocene–early Pliocene (ecto-rift early orogenic Pra-baikalian), and the late Pliocene-Quaternary (ecto-rift late orogenic Pra-baikalian – Baikalian) complexes. Changes of weathering modes (Cretaceous-quarter), soil formation (Miocene-quarter) and differences of precipitation by vertical and lateral stratigraphy are analysed with regard to specific features of climate, tectonics and facial conditions of sedimentation. Tectonic phases are defined in the Cenozoic period of the Pribaikalie.Подведены итоги многолетних исследований позднемеловых–кайнозойских отложений, палеопочв и кор выветривания Байкальского рифта. Они расчленены на позднемеловой–раннеолигоценовый (крипторифтовый – Археобайкальский), позднеолигоценовый–раннеплиоценовый (экторифтовый раннеорогенный – Прабайкальский) и позднеплиоценовый–четвертичный (экторифтовый позднеорогенный Палеобайкальский – Байкальский) литостратиграфические комплексы, связанные с отдельными этапами геологического развития рифта. Прослежены изменения характера выветривания (мел–квартер), почвообразования (миоцен–квартер) и различия осадков по стратиграфической вертикали и латерали, определяемые особенностями климата, тектоники и фациальных условий осадконакопления. Выявлены тектонические фазы в кайнозое Прибайкалья – Тункинская (27–25 млн), Северобайкальская (10 млн), Ольхонская (4–3 млн), Приморская (1.2–0.8 млн), Тыйская (0.15–0.12 млн лет)


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    The short-term performance criteria (PSA blood level and prostate volume) were analyzed concerning the complex (hormonal and radiation) treatment of 57 patients with prostate adenocarcinoma, stratified into three disease progression risk groups. Two treatment regimens were differed in the duration of neoadjuvant hormone therapy: 9 or 32 ± 13 months in combination with external beam radiation therapy with a total dose 76–80 Gy. Statistical analysis of the multimodal treatment efficiency criteria of patients with high risk of prostate adenocarcinoma showed the best result (significant decrease of PSA blood level) using a single 9-month course of hormone therapy and subsequent external beam radiation therapy. The prostate volume indicator in the applicable mode of radiation therapy has mixed dynamics, and requires further study as a multimodal treatment effectiveness criterion.Изучены ближайшие критерии эффективности – уровень простатспецифического антигена (ПСА) и объем предстательной железы (ПЖ) – комплексного (гормонального и лучевого) лечения 57 пациентов с аденокарциномой ПЖ, стратифицированных по 3 группам риска прогрессирования заболевания. Использованы 2 схемы лечения, различающиеся по длительности неоадъювантной гормонотерапии: 9 мес или 32 ± 13 мес в сочетании с дистанционной лучевой терапией с суммарной дозой 76–80 Гр. У пациентов с высоким риском прогрессирования опухолевого процесса продемонстрирована достоверно высокая эффективность комбинированного метода лечения с наилучшими показателями снижения уровня ПСА в группе 9-месячного курса гормонотерапии. Показатель объема органа в применяемом режиме лучевой терапии имеет разнонаправленную динамику и требует дальнейшего изучения в качестве критерия эффективности мультимодального лечения


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    The late Cretaceous-Cenozoic sediments of fossil soils and weathering crusts of the Baikal rift have been subject to long-term studies. Based on our research results, it is possible to distinguish the following litho-stratigraphic complexes which are related to particular stages of the rift development: the late Cretaceous–early Oligocene (crypto-rift Arheo-baikalian), the late Oligocene–early Pliocene (ecto-rift early orogenic Pra-baikalian), and the late Pliocene-Quaternary (ecto-rift late orogenic Pra-baikalian – Baikalian) complexes. Changes of weathering modes (Cretaceous-quarter), soil formation (Miocene-quarter) and differences of precipitation by vertical and lateral stratigraphy are analysed with regard to specific features of climate, tectonics and facial conditions of sedimentation. Tectonic phases are defined in the Cenozoic period of the Pribaikalie

    RNA Aptamer against Autoantibodies Associated with Multiple Sclerosis and Bioluminescent Detection Probe on Its Basis

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    Nowadays, there are no specific laboratory tests for establishing the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). The presence of proteolytic autoantibodies against myelin basic protein is now considered as a characteristic feature of MS. New 2′-F-containing RNA aptamer of high affinity and specificity to these antibodies was selected. Covalent conjugate of this aptamer and Ca<sup>2+</sup>-regulated photoprotein obelin was obtained for the first time and applied as a label in bioluminescent microplate assay to detect target antibodies. The developed model solid-phase microassay is simple, fast, and highly sensitive


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    <p>The short-term performance criteria (PSA blood level and prostate volume) were analyzed concerning the complex (hormonal and radiation) treatment of 57 patients with prostate adenocarcinoma, stratified into three disease progression risk groups. Two treatment regimens were differed in the duration of neoadjuvant hormone therapy: 9 or 32 ± 13 months in combination with external beam radiation therapy with a total dose 76–80 Gy. Statistical analysis of the multimodal treatment efficiency criteria of patients with high risk of prostate adenocarcinoma showed the best result (significant decrease of PSA blood level) using a single 9-month course of hormone therapy and subsequent external beam radiation therapy. The prostate volume indicator in the applicable mode of radiation therapy has mixed dynamics, and requires further study as a multimodal treatment effectiveness criterion.</p