33 research outputs found

    Features of the intestinal microbiota functional status in early-aged children with rotavirus infection

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    The aim is to assess the intestinal microflora functional and structural disorders in early-aged children in the dynamics of rotavirus infection by studying intestinal metabolites in faeces – short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). Materials and methods. The study included 60 breastfed children aged 1-24 months with rotavirus infection (the study group) and 30 healthy children, representative by age and sex (the comparison group). Determination of SCFA (acetate, propionate, butyrate) in faeces was carried out in all children of the study group three times in the dynamics of the disease (on the 3rd, 5th and 10th day) and in healthy children once. Results. The total concentration of SCFA in children with rotavirus infection was 3 and 2.2 times lower than in healthy children in the acute period of the disease (p<0.01 on the 3rd and 5th day, respectively), increasing on the 10th day (p<0.05), however, not reaching the normal level (p<0.01). The decrease in the total pool of SCFA occurred due to all volatile acids (C2, C3, C4), the concentrations of which were lower than in healthy children (p<0.01). Violation of the volatile acids ratio in their general pool was observed from the first days of rotavirus gastroenteritis in the form of an increase in the C2 relative concentration (p˂0.05) and a decrease in C3 and C4 profiles (p˂0.05). Correspondingly, a decrease in anaerobic index was noted. It was equal to 0.04 [0.01; 0.11] on the 3rd and 5th day of the disease, constituting only 1/5 of the healthy children values (p˂0,01), increasing on the 10th day to 0,09 [0,02; 0.17], however, remaining twice as lower than in children of the comparison group (p˂0,01). Conclusions. There is a violation of the intestinal microflora functional condition in early-aged children from the first days of rotavirus infection, which is expressed by depletion of the total pool of SCFA and concentrations of each of them, as well as structural disorders of intestinal microbiocinosis in the form of reducing its anaerobiosis. These changes are most pronounced during the first five days of rotavirus gastroenteritis and last up to 10th day of illness

    Психологический отбор в игровых видах спорта на примере баскетбола

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    For the first time, an integrated approach based on the assessment of the technical and tactical skills of basketball players in combination with the psychological selection was used for selectionthe candidates for the Ukrainian cadet team. From the 144 athletes, who participated in the Ukrainian Championship, 36 players were selected based on the level of technical and tactical skills. According to the results of the psychological tests main characteristics of basketball players were defended and recommendations for coaches were given. As a result, 18 players, who were selected using psychological methods, had better technical and tactical mastery. They took part in the training process for preparation for the main competitions of the year (European Championship).Вперше застосовано комплексний підхід на основі оцінки техніко-тактичної мастерності баскетболістів в поєднанні з психологічним відбором кандидатів у кадетську збірну команду України для проведення навчально-тренувальних зборів. Зі 144 спортсменів, які брали участь у чемпіонаті України, відібрано 36 гравців по результатам визначення рівня техніко-тактичної майстерності. За підсумками проведених досліджень по вивченню психологічних характеристик баскетболістів відібрано 18 гравців для проведення навчально-тренувального процесу по підготовці до головних змагань року (чемпіонату Європи).Впервые был применен комплексный подход на основе оценки технико-тактического мастерства баскетболистов в сочетании с психологическим отбором кандидатов в кадетскую сборную Украины для проведения учебно-тренировочных сборов. Из 144 спортсменов, которые участвовали в чемпионате Украины, отобрано 36 игроков по результатам определения уровня технико-тактического мастерства. По итогам проведенных исследований по изучению психологических характеристик баскетболистов отобрано 18 игроков для проведения учебно-тренировочного процесса по подготовке к главным соревнованиям года (чемпионату Европы)

    Growth and yield of spinach depending on absorbents’ action

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    The use of absorbents from Maximarin for growing spinach contributed to its faster germination, increased plant growth and development, and resulted in an increase in yields of commodity products by 2.0–6.1 t ha-1 and an increase in chemical composition. The use of absorbents in open ground for spinach made it possible to obtain the highest amount of contingent net profit for making the drug Maximarin in the form of a gel and the company Eco – with small granules, and in the Krasen Polissia variety – 2,160 and 2,102 USD ha-1 , in the Malakhit variety for introduction the drug Maximarin in the form of a gel 1,949 USD ha-1 and the company Eco absorbent with potassium – 1,575 USD ha-1 . Profitability for the Matador variety has reached 75%, Malakhit grade – 69–75%, Keb – 3.0–3.2. It was established that in the closed ground application of the drug Maximarin in the form of gel and granules for spinach made it possible to obtain the highest amount of contingent net profit, which was Matador 3,079 and 3,025 USD ha-1 , in the Malakhit variety for the introduction of gel 4,304 USD ha-1 and granules – 4,245 USD ha-1 . Profitability for the use of drugs for the Krasenʹ Polissia variety reached 84–77%, Malakhit – 118–116 %, the bioenergy efficiency ratio – 3.0–3.3

    Opposite roles of serotonin and neuropeptide FMRFamide in the regulation of epigenetic processes involved in the longterm memory formation

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    Epigenetic modifications are studied intensively to understand mechanisms of long-term memory. We have shown that histone H3 methylation is important for the defense reflexes formation in the mollusk Helix lucorum. We suggested that these epigenetic modifications are controlled by facilitatory and inhibitory pathways involved in the long-term memory formation. Serotonin and neuropeptide FMRFamide play opposite roles in the formation of defensive reflexes. Serotonin strengthens synaptic connections between neurons of the network, and FMRFamid is an inhibitory transmitter leading to long-term depression. To study the epigenetic regulation of the processes involved in the long-term memory formation, we performed comparative studies on the serotonin and FMRFamide effects on histone H3 methylation in the CNS of the Helix. We found that the incubation of the CNS with serotonin induces methylation of histone H3 at both activating (Н3K4me3) and inhibitory (Н3K9me2) sites, while incubation with FMRFamide has an opposite effect reducing methylation of histone H3 in the subesophageal complex of ganglia, important for defensive behaviour. We observed a different methylation pattern of histone H3 in the cerebral ganglia involved in signal processing of food stimuli, where serotonin did not affect the methylation of histone H3 at the activator site and reduced methylation at the inhibitory site, while FMRFamid had no effect on methylation. The data indicate that the facilitatory and inhibitory processes mediated by serotonin and FMRFamide can interact at the epigenetic level, through histone H3 methylation by activating or inhibiting it, respectively. This may underlie the convergence of the activator and inhibitory pathways involved in the long-term memory formation and underlie following regulation of the expression of genes involved in long-term plasticity

    Effect of superabsorbent on soil moisture, productivity and some physiological and biochemical characteristics of basil

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    Received: February 8th, 2021 ; Accepted: May 5th, 2021 ; Published: May 14th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] study was carried out in 2019–2020, in the conditions of the Right-Bank ForestSteppe of Ukraine. The results on the influence of absorbents in gel and powder forms on the productivity of basil plants (Ocimum basilicum L.) are presented. For research were used field, laboratory, statistical and calculation-analytical methods. Absorbent in the form of a gel was used while transplanting: dip the roots of the plant in the solution and then transplant in the field. Absorbent in the form of a powder - 5 kg ha-1 , application of the absorbent into the soil layer 20–25 cm-1 . Absorbents contributed to a slight decrease of sugar content (-0.86–2.68% in the cultivar of Badioryi, -1.48–2.35% in the cultivar of Rutan), significantly decrease ascorbic acid (-8.6–20.1%) and content of the essential oil (8.0–19.4%) and indirectly increased essential oil yield by increasing fresh weight yield in both varieties. The activity of APX, CAT, SOD, tended to decrease in all variants of the experiment, regardless of the form of the absorbent. APX (-12.8–35.1%), CAT (-10.9–22.0%), SOD (-11.9–17.0%). Higher yields were observed in the version with the introduction of the absorbent in the form of a gel. Thus, the yield of the cultivars of Badioryi and Rutan exceeded the control by 52.67 and 50.05%, in accordance. The productivity of basil is increased with the use of superabsorbent polymers. This practice can be recommended to agricultural producers who grow vegetables, in particular, basil in areas of unstable or insufficient moisture

    Agrobiological evaluation of Allium ampeloprasum L. variety samples in comparison with Allium sativum L. cultivars

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    ArticleThe purpose of investigation is to study the biological and morphological features, to establish the economic and valuable characteristics of the introduced and local forms of Allium ampeloprasum L. in comparison with Allium sativum L. and to study the effect of removal of the scape in the yield. The studies used field, statistical, settlement and analytical methods. The weight of the bulb without removing the inflorescence shoot of the cultivar Sofiivskyi was 28.4– 53.3 g smaller than the variety samples No. 2 and No. 3 respectively. With removing the scape the difference increased by 60.5–68.6 g. The yield of No. 2 variety sample Allium ampeloprasum L. without removing the scape was lower than the standard by 1.7 t ha-1 while the variety sample No. 3 exceeded the standard by 1.1 t ha-1 . With the removal of inflorescence shoot the yields of variety samples No. 2 and No. 3 exceeded the cultivar Sofiivskyi by 1.6 and 2.2 t ha-1 . It has been established according to the researches that introduced forms of Allium ampeloprasum L. have high indicators of economic and valuable characteristics, but they are limited in the first years of cultivation, by the period of adaptation to the new soil and climatic conditions

    Individual Dose Calculations with Use of the Revised Techa River Dosimetry System TRDS-2009D

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    An updated deterministic version of the Techa River Dosimetry System (TRDS-2009D) has been developed to estimate individual doses from external exposure and intake of radionuclides for residents living on the Techa River contaminated as a result of radioactive releases from the Mayak plutonium facility in 1949–1956. The TRDS-2009D is designed as a flexible system that uses, depending on the input data for an individual, various elements of system databases to provide the dosimetric variables requested by the user. Several phases are included in the computation schedule. The first phase includes calculations with use of a common protocol for all cohort members based on village-average-intake functions and external dose rates; individual data on age, gender and history of residence are included in the first phase. This phase results in dose estimates similar to those obtained with system TRDS-2000 used previously to derive risks of health effects in the Techa River Cohort. The second phase includes refinement of individual internal doses for those persons who have had body-burden measurements or exposure parameters specific to the household where he/she lived on the Techa River. The third phase includes summation of individual doses from environmental exposure and from radiological examinations. The results of TRDS-2009D dose calculations have demonstrated for the ETRC members on average a moderate increase in RBM dose estimates (34%) and a minor increase (5%) in estimates of stomach dose. The calculations for the members of the ETROC indicated similar small changes for stomach, but significant increase in RBM doses (400%). Individual-dose assessments performed with use of TRDS-2009D have been provided to epidemiologists for exploratory risk analysis in the ETRC and ETROC. These data provide an opportunity to evaluate the possible impact on radiogenic risk of such factors as confounding exposure (environmental and medical), changes in the Techa River source-term data and the change of the approach to individual internal dose estimation (90Sr-body burden measurements and family correlations vs. village averages). Our further plan is to upgrade the TRDS-2009D and to complete a stochastic version of the dosimetry system


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    The paper studies regularities and mechanisms of structure and phase formation in the surface layers of magnesium alloys when they are processed by method of micro-arc oxidation [MAO]. It has been determined that the same specific features of structure formation, namely: existence of a thin dense inner sublayer and a thicker outer sublayer with developed porosity are common for all types of coatings on the surface of magnesium and aluminum alloys. Such structural state of a protective coating can not be considered as a guaranteed protection against operational impacts, taking into account the fields of their primary application that is aviation construction, automotive construction, instrumentation, building construction, etc. The paper has analyzed the effect of alkaline electrolytes with varying chemical composition due to additions of sodium fluoride or potassium on the structure and properties of these alloys as well as on the level of basic performance characteristics of the layers formed in such electrolytes. On the basis of the analysis a conclusion has been made that it is possible to extend their life-span under operational conditions. It has been revealed that the existing techniques and methods for process control of MAO aluminum and magnesium alloys, particularly processing modes and technological equipment capacity determine a nature of structure formation and changes in a phase composition of the formed coatings.Изучены закономерности и механизмы структурои фазообразования в поверхностных слоях магниевых сплавов при их обработке методом микродугового оксидирования. Определено, что для всех видов покрытий на поверхности магниевых и алюминиевых сплавов характерны одинаковые особенности структурообразования: наличие тонкого плотного внутреннего подслоя и более толстого с развитой пористостью наружного. Такое структурное состояние защитного покрытия не является гарантированной защитой объектов от эксплуатационных воздействий, учитывая области их преимущественного использования – авиа-, автомобиле-, приборостроение, строительство и т. п. Проанализировано влияние щелочных электролитов с изменяющимся химическим составом за счет добавок фторидов натрия или калия на структуру и свойства указанных сплавов, а также на уровень основных эксплуатационных характеристик слоев, формируемых в таких электролитах. На основании этого сделан вывод о возможности продления их ресурса в эксплуатационных условиях. Выявлено, что существующие приемы и способы управления процессом микродугового оксидирования алюминиевых и магниевых сплавов, в частности режимы обработки и мощность технологического оборудования, определяют характер структурообразования и изменение фазового состава формируемых покрытий

    Методы оценки эффективности ингибиторов коррозии для систем оборотного водоснабжения

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    It has been shown that both gravimetric method and electrochemical methods can be used to evaluate the effect of additives on the rate of corrosion. The results of determining the corrosion rate by the electrochemical method under dynamic conditions are in good agreement with the results of field tests.Проведен сравнительный анализ современных методов оценки эффективности ингибиторов коррозии для систем оборотного водоснабжения. На примере ингибиторов двух классов - полифосфатов и полиакрилатов -показано, что как весовой, так и электрохимические методы отражают влияние добавок на интенсивность коррозии, при этом абсолютные значения скорости коррозии, рассчитанные различными методами, отличаются. Использование метода вращающегося электрода позволяет существенно повысить точность электрохимических измерений. Результаты определения скорости коррозии электрохимическим методом в динамических условиях хорошо согласуются с результатами производственных испытаний. Полученные данные позволяют рекомендовать электрохимический метод вращающегося электрода для оценки и сравнения эффективности ингибиторов коррозии, используемых в системах оборотного водоснабжения


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    FTIR spectroscopy analysis of the organic reagent content (a mixture of amine to extract oil) in samples of potassium chloride was done and the main metrological characteristics were determined. To improve the accuracy of the analysis of the spectral data on the processing and construction of calibration curves, it is proposed to use second-degree non-linear polynomial equations and to take into account the optical density of several absorption bands.Методом ИК фурье-спектроскопии проведен анализ содержания органических реагентов (смеси амина с экстрактом нефтяным) в образцах хлорида калия и определены основные метрологические характеристики. Для повышения точности анализа при обработке спектральных данных и построении градуировочных графиков предложено использовать нелинейное полиноминальное уравнение второй степени и учитывать оптическую плотность нескольких полос поглощения