8 research outputs found
Deutscher Rheumatologiekongress virtuell – erfolgreich tagen trotz Pandemie
In 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic led to the annual meeting of the German Society for Rheumatology (DGRh) being conducted as the virtual German Rheumatology Congress.
How is the virtual German Rheumatology Congress accepted and what are the possibilities of optimization for the future?
Material and method
The registered participants were asked to take part in an online congress evaluation.
Of 2566 congress attendees, 721 participated in the evaluation. The majority (80.2%) were (very) satisfied with the event overall. Compared to the traditional format collegial exchange was perceived as worse using the virtual approach. The technology platform was predominantly described as easy to use and easily accessible. The selected topics of the congress met the expectations of 89% of the participants. The presented contents were estimated to be relevant for their professional activities by 85.2% of the participants. The majority of participants (85.3%) would welcome the congress contents to be permanently available on demand.
Overall, the participants appreciated the virtual format of the German Rheumatology Congress. Optimization aspects could be shown and these could be considered in the implementation of further (digital) congresses. The results of this work provide suggestions for improvement on how the DGRh can meet and exceed the needs of participants in organizing a virtual or hybrid conference in the future.Hintergrund
Die COVID-19-Pandemie führte im Jahr 2020 dazu, dass der Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie (DGRh) als „Deutscher Rheumatologiekongress virtuell“ durchgeführt wurde.
Wie wird der „Deutsche Rheumatologiekongress virtuell“ angenommen und welche Optimierungsmöglichkeiten bieten sich für die Zukunft?
Material und Methode
Die registrierten Teilnehmer wurden gebeten, an einer Online-Kongressevaluation teilzunehmen.
Von 2566 Kongressteilnehmern nahmen 721 an der Evaluation teil. Die Mehrheit (80,2 %) war mit der Veranstaltung insgesamt zufrieden oder sehr zufrieden. Das Format wurde als für den kollegialen Austausch weniger geeignet angesehen. Die verwendete Technik wurde überwiegend als leicht bedienbar und problemlos zugänglich beschrieben. Die ausgewählten Themen des Kongresses entsprachen den Erwartungen von 89 % der Teilnehmer. Die präsentierten Inhalte wurden von 85,2 % der Teilnehmer als für ihre Tätigkeit relevant eingestuft. Eine deutliche Mehrheit der Teilnehmer (85,3 %) würde es begrüßen, die Kongressinhalte dauerhaft und flexibel „on demand“ abrufen zu können.
Insgesamt konnte ein gut akzeptiertes Format für die Durchführung des „Deutschen Rheumatologiekongresses virtuell“ gefunden werden. Optimierungsaspekte konnten aufgezeigt werden, diese können bei der Umsetzung weiterer (digitaler) Kongresse Berücksichtigung finden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit geben Aufschluss darüber, wie die DGRh virtuelle und/oder hybride Konferenzen in der Zukunft gestalten kann, um den Interessen und Wünschen der Teilnehmer zu entsprechen
One year of digital health applications (DiGA) in Germany – Rheumatologists’ perspectives
Based on given legislation the German approach to digital health applications (DiGA) allows reimbursed prescription of approved therapeutic software products since October 2020. For the first time, we evaluated DiGA-related acceptance, usage, and level of knowledge among members of the German Society for Rheumatology (DGRh) 1 year after its legal implementation.
Materials and methods
An anonymous cross-sectional online survey, initially designed by the health innovation hub (think tank and sparring partner of the German Federal Ministry of Health) and the German Pain Society was adapted to the field of rheumatology. The survey was promoted by DGRh newsletters and Twitter-posts. Ethical approval was obtained.
In total, 75 valid response-sets. 80% reported to care ≥ 70% of their working time for patients with rheumatic diseases. Most were working in outpatient clinics/offices (54%) and older than 40 years (84%). Gender distribution was balanced (50%). 70% knew the possibility to prescribe DiGA. Most were informed of this for the first time via trade press (63%), and only 8% via the scientific/professional society. 46% expect information on DiGA from the scientific societies/medical chambers (35%) but rarely from the manufacturer (10%) and the responsible ministry (4%). Respondents would like to be informed about DiGA via continuing education events (face-to-face 76%, online 84%), trade press (86%), and manufacturers′ test-accounts (64%). Only 7% have already prescribed a DiGA, 46% planned to do so, and 47% did not intend DiGA prescriptions. Relevant aspects for prescription are provided. 86% believe that using DiGA/medical apps would at least partially be feasible and understandable to their patients. 83% thought that data collected by the patients using DiGA or other digital solutions could at least partially influence health care positively. 51% appreciated to get DiGA data directly into their patient documentation system/electronic health record (EHR) and 29% into patient-owned EHR.
Digital health applications awareness was high whereas prescription rate was low. Mostly, physician-desired aspects for DiGA prescriptions were proven efficacy and efficiency for physicians and patients, risk of adverse effects and health care costs were less important. Evaluation of patients’ barriers and needs is warranted. Our results might contribute to the implementation and dissemination of DiGA
Rheumatologische Weiterbildungsstellen in Deutschland
In den nächsten Jahren gehen viele Haus- bzw. Fachärzt:innen in den Ruhestand. Wie in anderen Disziplinen stellt sich in der Rheumatologie die Frage, ob ausreichend Weiterbildungsstellen zur Verfügung stehen, um das Versorgungsangebot bedarfsgerecht aufrechterhalten bzw. ausweiten zu können. Daher hat die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie (DGRh) ihre Kommission Fort- und Weiterbildung beauftragt, die aktuell zur Verfügung stehenden Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten in Deutschland zu überprüfen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Erfassung der Weiterbildungskapazität zur Fachärztin bzw. zum Facharzt für Innere Medizin und Rheumatologie.
Im Rahmen dieser Studie erfolgte die Erhebung der Weiterbildungsbefugten, deren Tätigkeitsort und die Dauer von deren Weiterbildungsbefugnis über die Homepages der 17 Landesärztekammern. Basierend auf diesen Daten erfolgte dann eine deutschlandweite Umfrage zu den Weiterbildungsstellen.
Die Weiterbildung zum/zur Facharzt/Fachärztin für Rheumatologie erfolgte in Deutschland im Jahr 2021 an 229 Weiterbildungsorten. Dabei standen von 187 Weiterbildungsorten nähere Daten für eine Analyse zur Verfügung (81,7 %). Die Weiterbildungsorte verteilten sich dabei auf Kliniken (52,4 %) und Niederlassungen (47,6 %), wobei der Großteil (81,8 %) der insgesamt 478,4 Weiterbildungsstellen (Klinik: 391,4 und Niederlassung: 87) im Krankenhausbereich lag. Insgesamt waren zum Erhebungszeitpunkt 17,2 % aller Weiterbildungsstellen (Klinik: 11,4 % und Niederlassung: 43,1 %) nicht besetzt.
Die Studie zeigt, dass die meisten Weiterbildungsstellen in klinischen Einrichtungen vorhanden sind. Demgegenüber gibt es im niedergelassenen Bereich vergleichsweise wenige Weiterbildungsstellen, die zudem zur Hälfte nicht besetzt sind. Für eine optimale Nutzung bereits bestehender Weiterbildungskapazitäten müssen sektorübergreifende Weiterbildungskonzepte entwickelt und v. a. muss auch eine eigenständige Vergütung des Weiterbildungsaufwandes etabliert werden. In diesem Kontext muss eine gute rheumatologische Versorgung in ganz Deutschland dauerhaft gewährleistet sein, um den betroffenen ca. 2 Mio. Patienten mit entzündlich rheumatischen Erkrankung gerecht werden zu können
Deutscher Rheumatologiekongress virtuell – erfolgreich tagen trotz Pandemie
Background!#!In 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic led to the annual meeting of the German Society for Rheumatology (DGRh) being conducted as the virtual German Rheumatology Congress.!##!Aim!#!How is the virtual German Rheumatology Congress accepted and what are the possibilities of optimization for the future?!##!Material and method!#!The registered participants were asked to take part in an online congress evaluation.!##!Results!#!Of 2566 congress attendees, 721 participated in the evaluation. The majority (80.2%) were (very) satisfied with the event overall. Compared to the traditional format collegial exchange was perceived as worse using the virtual approach. The technology platform was predominantly described as easy to use and easily accessible. The selected topics of the congress met the expectations of 89% of the participants. The presented contents were estimated to be relevant for their professional activities by 85.2% of the participants. The majority of participants (85.3%) would welcome the congress contents to be permanently available on demand.!##!Discussion!#!Overall, the participants appreciated the virtual format of the German Rheumatology Congress. Optimization aspects could be shown and these could be considered in the implementation of further (digital) congresses. The results of this work provide suggestions for improvement on how the DGRh can meet and exceed the needs of participants in organizing a virtual or hybrid conference in the future
FID Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism digital - A platform for science (BAUdigital)
University Library Braunschweig (UB Braunschweig), University and State Library Darmstadt (ULB Darmstadt), TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Technology and Natural Sciences and the Fraunhofer Information Centre for Planning and Building (Fraunhofer IRB) are jointly establishing a specialised information service (FID, "Fachinformationsdienst") for the disciplines of civil engineering, architecture and urbanism. The FID BAUdigital, which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft"), will provide researchers working on digital design, planning and production methods in construction engineering with a joint information, networking and data exchange platform and support them with innovative services for documentation, archiving and publication in their data-based research
FID Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism digital - A platform for science (BAUdigital)
University Library Braunschweig (UB Braunschweig), University and State Library Darmstadt (ULB Darmstadt), TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Technology and Natural Sciences and the Fraunhofer Information Centre for Planning and Building (Fraunhofer IRB) are jointly establishing a specialised information service (FID, "Fachinformationsdienst") for the disciplines of civil engineering, architecture and urbanism. The FID BAUdigital, which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft"), will provide researchers working on digital design, planning and production methods in construction engineering with a joint information, networking and data exchange platform and support them with innovative services for documentation, archiving and publication in their data-based research
A survey to evaluate knowledge, perceptions and attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccinations among rheumatologists in Germany
The objective is to evaluate the attitude of rheumatologists regarding the use of COVID-19 vaccination in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases (IRDs). From February 2nd until March 15th, 2021, rheumatologists from Germany were asked to participate anonymously in a survey addressing their attitude with respect to COVID-19 vaccinations of IRD patients. The survey was completed by 214 participants (107 men, 103 women, 4 unspecified). More than half of the physicians (61%) were working in rheumatologic private practices and 62% had more than 20Â years of experience in rheumatology. 90% reported to be at least confidential in handling issues of COVID-19 vaccination and 99% would recommend COVID-19 vaccination for IRD patients. The majority would not recommend to stop or reduce immunomodulatory drugs for vaccination except for rituximab. More than 70% would prefer vaccination with a mRNA vaccine for their IRD patients. This study shows that almost all rheumatologists in Germany support the COVID-19 vaccination for their IRD patients without reducing or terminating the actual immunomodulatory medication to potentially improve the response to the vaccine. This attitude is in accordance with the current recommendations of the German Society of Rheumatology regarding COVID-19 vaccination in IRD patients, and indicates that these have been well accepted and work in everyday clinical practice