530 research outputs found

    Les milieux médicaux à Paris vus par un médecin italien de Catherine de Médicis

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    L'Epitome: un ouvrage méconnu d'André Vésale (1543)

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    International audienceThe Epitome was published a few days before De humani corporis Fabrica libri septem, in 1543, from Oporinuss' office at Basels. This workis divided into two parts : the first of them includes six chapters describing the human body, the second is composed of eleven anatomical plates with indices ; they play an active part in anatomical knowledge acquisition, just as the text does; the reader is invited to cut up the last two and stick them onto the preceding, so as to make a human three-dimensional figure.Ce traité publié en 1543 quelques jours le De humani corporis Fabrica libri septem, à Bâle, chez l'éditeur Oporinus est divisé en deux parties : la première comprend six chapitres descriptifs, la seconde est constituée de onze planches anatomiques, accompagnées de légendes, qui participent à l'acquisition du savoir anatomique au même titre que le texte ; le lecteur est invité à découper les deux dernières planches et à les coller aux précédentes pour fabriquer des figures humaines en trois dimensions

    Le médecin, les institutions, le roi. Médecine et politique aux XVIe-XVIIe siècles

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    International audienceÉtude portant sur les relations entre la faculté de médecine de Paris, les médecins universitaires qui en sont issus aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles, et le contexte curial avec les premières tentatives du pouvoir royal pour coopérer avec les médecins dans l'intérêt public, mais aussi pour leur imposer des changements de pratiques et de doctrines. L'étude du jeu des pouvoirs entre médecins, chirurgiens, institutions et sociétés savantes parallèles à la faculté, voire concurrentes est fondée sur la consultation de textes manuscrits (registres de la la faculté de médecine de Paris et archives)

    Vie et mort de Marie-Elisabeth de France (1572-1578), fille de Charles IX et Elisabeth d'Autriche

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    http://cour-de-france.fr/article744.htmlInternational audienc

    Look who's talking:the GAZE groupware system

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    The GAZE Groupware System is a multiparty mediated system which provides support for gaze awareness in communication and collaboration. The system uses an advanced, desk-mounted eyetracker to metaphorically convey gaze awareness in a 3D virtual meeting room and within shared documents

    Robotic Welding Design for Steel Drum

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá výrobou ocelových bubnů. V úvodu je popsána metoda svařování a její technologický postup. Dále je charakteristika technologie ručního svařování. Je zde popsána časová náročnost, použitý přídavný materiál, parametry svařování a způsoby kontroly kvality po zhotovení výrobku. V další kapitole je rozebrána technologie robotického svařování. Obsahuje popis robotického pracoviště a postup kvalifikace WPQR. Pro porovnání efektivity robotického svařování a ručního svařování byly rozebrány 3 možnosti úspor a to časová, technologická a finanční.The bachelor thesis deals with the production of steel drums. The welding method and its technological procedure are described in the introduction. Next is the characteristic of manual welding technology. The time required, the additional material used, the welding parameters and the methods of quality control after the welding of the product are described here. In the next chapter, robotic welding technology is described. It contains a description of the robotic workplace and the WPQR qualification process. In order to compare the effectiveness of robotic welding and manual welding, 3 savings options were analyzed: time, technology and financial.345 - Katedra mechanické technologievýborn

    Densidade de semeadura de ervilhaca em pastagem de aveia e azevém utilizada para a recria de bovinos de corte

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    The study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different seeding rates of vetch (Vicia sativa L.) mixed with oat (Avena strigosa Schieb) plus annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) in the structural and chemical composition of pasture, density and population dynamics of, and performance of beef steers. The experiment was conducted at the Federal Technologic University of Paraná in Dois Vizinhos. An area of 8.3 ha, divided into 11 paddocks of 0.75 ha. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks with four treatments: oat + ryegrass, oat + ryegrass + 15 kg/ha vetch, oat + ryegrass + 30 kg/ha vetch and oat + ryegrass + vetch 45 kg/ha, with 76 days of evaluation. Pasture production, density and population dynamics of tillers bromatological quality and productive performance of heifers were evaluated. The grazing method was continuous stocking to keep herbage allowance of 15%. There was no effect (P>0.05) among treatments for pasture production parameters. The higher vetch proportion the higher the average daily weight gain (ADG) obtained. The stocking rate and gains weight per area were similar within treatments and periods, averaging 877.48 kg/ha. Chemical analyzes there was an increase in protein only for vetches with increasing density.CNPqO trabalho foi desenvolvido para avaliar os efeitos das diferentes densidades de semeadura de ervilhaca (Vicia sativa L.) consorciada com aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schieb) mais azevém (Lolium multiflorum) na composição estrutural e bromatológica das pastagens, na densidade e dinâmica populacional de perfilhos, e no desempenho de novilhos de corte. O experimento foi realizado na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná em Dois Vizinhos. Foi utilizada uma área de 8,3 ha, divididos em 11 piquetes de 0,75 ha. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos: pastagem de aveia + azevém, pastagem de aveia + azevém + 15 kg de ervilhaca ha, pastagem de aveia + azevém + 30 kg de ervilhaca ha e pastagem de aveia + azevém + 45 kg de ervilhaca ha, com 76 dias de avaliação. Foram avaliados as variáveis de produção da pastagem, densidade e dinâmica populacional de perfilhos valor nutritivo e desempenho produtivo dos novilhos. O método de pastejo utilizado foi o de lotação contínua e taxa de lotação variável para manter oferta de forragem de 15%. Não houve influência (P>0,05) dos tratamentos sobre os parâmetros produtivos da pastagem. Os ganhos de pesos médios diários (GMD) apresentados durante o experimento foram crescentes para os respectivos tratamentos, 0; 15; 30; 45 kg/ha de ervilhaca. A carga animal e os ganhos de peso por área foram semelhantes dentro dos tratamentos e dos períodos, obtendo médias de 877,48 kg/ha, 0,765 kg/dia, respectivamente. Para as análises químicas houve aumento em proteína apenas para a ervilhaca com o aumento nas maiores densidades da leguminosa


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    У даній роботі актуалізуються проблеми лікування хворих із діабетичною нефропатією, а також пропонується нова схема терапії з додавання L-аргініну по 1 мірній ложці (5 мл) і біфрену в дозуванні 250 мг тричі на добу впродовж4 тижнів. Тівортін використовувався в якості донатора азоту з метою антиоксидантного впливу. Біфрен – із метою корекції депресивного синдрому. Проведено оцінку якості життя даної когорти пацієнтів