145 research outputs found

    Deducing topology of protein-protein interaction networks from experimentally measured sub-networks.

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    BackgroundProtein-protein interaction networks are commonly sampled using yeast two hybrid approaches. However, whether topological information reaped from these experimentally-measured sub-networks can be extrapolated to complete protein-protein interaction networks is unclear.ResultsBy analyzing various experimental protein-protein interaction datasets, we found that they are not random samples of the parent networks. Based on the experimental bait-prey behaviors, our computer simulations show that these non-random sampling features may affect the topological information. We tested the hypothesis that a core sub-network exists within the experimentally sampled network that better maintains the topological characteristics of the parent protein-protein interaction network. We developed a method to filter the experimentally sampled network to result in a core sub-network that more accurately reflects the topology of the parent network. These findings have fundamental implications for large-scale protein interaction studies and for our understanding of the behavior of cellular networks.ConclusionThe topological information from experimental measured networks network as is may not be the correct source for topological information about the parent protein-protein interaction network. We define a core sub-network that more accurately reflects the topology of the parent network

    IRE1 phosphatase PP2Ce regulates adaptive ER stress response in the postpartum mammary gland.

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    We recently reported that the PPM1l gene encodes an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane targeted protein phosphatase (named PP2Ce) with highly specific activity towards Inositol-requiring protein-1 (IRE1) and regulates the functional outcome of ER stress. In the present report, we found that the PP2Ce protein is highly expressed in lactating epithelium of the mammary gland. Loss of PP2Ce in vivo impairs physiological unfolded protein response (UPR) and induces stress kinase activation, resulting in loss of milk production and induction of epithelial apoptosis in the lactating mammary gland. This study provides the first in vivo evidence that PP2Ce is an essential regulator of normal lactation, possibly involving IRE1 signaling and ER stress regulation in mammary epithelium

    genomeSidekick: A user-friendly epigenomics data analysis tool

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    Recent advances in epigenomics measurements have resulted in a preponderance of genomic sequencing datasets that require focused analyses to discover mechanisms governing biological processes. In addition, multiple epigenomics experiments are typically performed within the same study, thereby increasing the complexity and difficulty of making meaningful inferences from large datasets. One gap in the sequencing data analysis pipeline is the availability of tools to efficiently browse genomic data for scientists that do not have bioinformatics training. To bridge this gap, we developed genomeSidekick, a graphical user interface written in R that allows researchers to perform bespoke analyses on their transcriptomic and chromatin accessibility or chromatin immunoprecipitation data without the need for command line tools. Importantly, genomeSidekick outputs lists of up- and downregulated genes or chromatin features with differential accessibility or occupancy; visualizes omics data using interactive volcano plots; performs Gene Ontology analyses locally; and queries PubMed for selected gene candidates for further evaluation. Outputs can be saved using the user interface and the code underlying genomeSidekick can be edited for custom analyses. In summary, genomeSidekick brings wet lab scientists and bioinformaticians into a shared fluency with the end goal of driving mechanistic discovery

    Epigenomic regulation of heart failure: integrating histone marks, long noncoding RNAs, and chromatin architecture [version 1; referees: 2 approved]

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    Epigenetic processes are known to have powerful roles in organ development across biology. It has recently been found that some of the chromatin modulatory machinery essential for proper development plays a previously unappreciated role in the pathogenesis of cardiac disease in adults. Investigations using genetic and pharmacologic gain- and loss-of-function approaches have interrogated the function of distinct epigenetic regulators, while the increased deployment of the suite of next-generation sequencing technologies have fundamentally altered our understanding of the genomic targets of these chromatin modifiers. Here, we review recent developments in basic and translational research that have provided tantalizing clues that may be used to unlock the therapeutic potential of the epigenome in heart failure. Additionally, we provide a hypothesis to explain how signal-induced crosstalk between histone tail modifications and long non-coding RNAs triggers chromatin architectural remodeling and culminates in cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis

    Caracterización socio productiva y ambiental en la Comunidad de San Joaquín, Municipio El Tuma La Dalia II semestre 2015

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    El estudio caracterización socio productivo y ambiental en la comunidad San Joaquín Municipio El Tuma – La Dalia Matagalpa 2015 – 2016 se tomó en cuenta los siguientes objetivos. Analizar las características sociales, productivas y ambientales de la comunidad San Joaquín. La población sujeta de estudio fue 65 productores, la técnica de investigación una encuesta. Para el procesamiento de los datos se realizó una base datos en el programa spss versión 5, determinando porcentaje y frecuencia de los indicadores y para los gráficos el programa Excel, Se determinaron los siguientes resultados: Entre los productores encuestados el sexo que sobresale es el masculino, la edad más avanzada es de 79 años, el 79% tiene un nivel académico de primaria, su situación financiera es regular, cuentan con escuela de primaria y no existe ningún centro de salud. La principal actividad agrícola es la producción de granos básico (Arroz, maíz, frijol) con un rendimiento de 96,900 kg maíz, 88,000 kg frijol y 7,400 kg arroz, en cuanto a lo pecuario la producción de aves de patio con 655 y las dificultades encontradas son los bajos recursos económicos y los altos costos de insumos.La contaminación de las fuentes de agua se da por el uso de agroquímicos, no se le da manejo adecuado a las aguas mieles y la mayoría de los productores no practican ninguna obra de conservación de suelo en sus unidades productivas. Palabras claves: socio, productivo, ambiental, productores, comunida

    Mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake by the voltage-dependent anion channel 2 regulates cardiac rhythmicity.

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    Tightly regulated Ca(2+) homeostasis is a prerequisite for proper cardiac function. To dissect the regulatory network of cardiac Ca(2+) handling, we performed a chemical suppressor screen on zebrafish tremblor embryos, which suffer from Ca(2+) extrusion defects. Efsevin was identified based on its potent activity to restore coordinated contractions in tremblor. We show that efsevin binds to VDAC2, potentiates mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake and accelerates the transfer of Ca(2+) from intracellular stores into mitochondria. In cardiomyocytes, efsevin restricts the temporal and spatial boundaries of Ca(2+) sparks and thereby inhibits Ca(2+) overload-induced erratic Ca(2+) waves and irregular contractions. We further show that overexpression of VDAC2 recapitulates the suppressive effect of efsevin on tremblor embryos whereas VDAC2 deficiency attenuates efsevin\u27s rescue effect and that VDAC2 functions synergistically with MCU to suppress cardiac fibrillation in tremblor. Together, these findings demonstrate a critical modulatory role for VDAC2-dependent mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake in the regulation of cardiac rhythmicity

    Early adaptive chromatin remodeling events precede pathologic phenotypes and are reinforced in the failing heart

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    The temporal nature of chromatin structural changes underpinning pathologic transcription are poorly understood. We measured chromatin accessibility and DNA methylation to study the contribution of chromatin remodeling at different stages of cardiac hypertrophy and failure. ATAC-seq and reduced representation bisulfite sequencing were performed in cardiac myocytes after transverse aortic constriction (TAC) or depletion of the chromatin structural protein CTCF. Early compensation to pressure overload showed changes in chromatin accessibility and DNA methylation preferentially localized to intergenic and intronic regions. Most methylation and accessibility changes observed in enhancers and promoters at the late phase (3 weeks after TAC) were established at an earlier time point (3 days after TAC), before heart failure manifests. Enhancers were paired with genes based on chromatin conformation capture data: while enhancer accessibility generally correlated with changes in gene expression, this feature, nor DNA methylation, was alone sufficient to predict transcription of all enhancer interacting genes. Enrichment of transcription factors and active histone marks at these regions suggests that enhancer activity coordinates with other epigenetic factors to determine gene transcription. In support of this hypothesis, ChIP-qPCR demonstrated increased enhancer and promoter occupancy of GATA4 and NKX2.5 at Itga9 and Nppa, respectively, concomitant with increased transcription of these genes in the diseased heart. Lastly, we demonstrate that accessibility and DNA methylation are imperfect predictors of chromatin structure at the scale of A/B compartmentalization—rather, accessibility, DNA methylation, transcription factors and other histone marks work within these domains to determine gene expression. These studies establish that chromatin reorganization during early compensation after pathologic stimuli is maintained into the later decompensatory phases of heart failure. The findings reveal the rules for how local chromatin features govern gene expression in the context of global genomic structure and identify chromatin remodeling events for therapeutic targeting in disease
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