445 research outputs found

    Radiation measurements from polar and geosynchronous satellites

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    Nimbus 5 satellite data and its use to study climate and develop climate model experiments are examined. Data cover: (1) physical basis for understanding long range and climate monitoring and prediction problem, (2) delineating energy loss to space between contributions from land, ocean, and atmosphere, (3) temporal and spatial distribution in earth's energy budget and its variations due to global cloud fields, and (4) studies of the frequency of occurrence of precipitation over ocean areas

    Radiation measurements from polar and geosynchronous satellites

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    Towards understanding the role of radiation in the dynamics of climate, a climatology of radiation budget data has been compiled and several aspects of the problem are under study: (1) minimum albedoes; (2) diurnal variation in cloudiness and the radiation budget; (3) the partitioning of energy loss to space between land, ice, ocean and atmosphere; and (4) the effects of clouds on the radiation budget. Oceanic precipitation using Nimbus 5 microwave data, and a new study of mesoscale applications of satellite infrared temperature and moisture soundings are also described

    Mesoscale temperature and moisture fields from satellite infrared soundings

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    The combined use of radiosonde and satellite infrared soundings can provide mesoscale temperature and moisture fields at the time of satellite coverage. Radiance data from the vertical temperature profile radiometer on NOAA polar-orbiting satellites can be used along with a radiosonde sounding as an initial guess in an iterative retrieval algorithm. The mesoscale temperature and moisture fields at local 9 - 10 a.m., which are produced by retrieving temperature profiles at each scan spot for the BTPR (every 70 km), can be used for analysis or as a forecasting tool for subsequent weather events during the day. The advantage of better horizontal resolution of satellite soundings can be coupled with the radiosonde temperature and moisture profile both as a best initial guess profile and as a means of eliminating problems due to the limited vertical resolution of satellite soundings

    Optimum satellite orbits for accurate measurement of the earth's radiation budget, summary

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    The optimum set of orbit inclinations for the measurement of the earth radiation budget from spacially integrating sensor systems was estimated for two and three satellite systems. The best set of the two were satellites at orbit inclinations of 80 deg and 50 deg; of three the inclinations were 80 deg, 60 deg and 50 deg. These were chosen on the basis of a simulation of flat plate and spherical detectors flying over a daily varying earth radiation field as measured by the Nimbus 3 medium resolution scanners. A diurnal oscillation was also included in the emitted flux and albedo to give a source field as realistic as possible. Twenty three satellites with different inclinations and equator crossings were simulated, allowing the results of thousand of multisatellite sets to be intercompared. All were circular orbits of radius 7178 kilometers

    Design definition study of the Earth radiation budget satellite system

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    Instruments for measuring the radiation budget components are discussed, and the conceptual design of instruments for the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite System (ERBSS) are reported. Scanning and nonscanning assemblies are described. The ERBSS test program is also described

    Rain volume estimation over areas using satellite and radar data

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    The feasibility of rain volume estimation over fixed and floating areas was investigated using rapid scan satellite data following a technique recently developed with radar data, called the Area Time Integral (ATI) technique. The radar and rapid scan GOES satellite data were collected during the Cooperative Convective Precipitation Experiment (CCOPE) and North Dakota Cloud Modification Project (NDCMP). Six multicell clusters and cells were analyzed to the present time. A two-cycle oscillation emphasizing the multicell character of the clusters is demonstrated. Three clusters were selected on each day, 12 June and 2 July. The 12 June clusters occurred during the daytime, while the 2 July clusters during the nighttime. A total of 86 time steps of radar and 79 time steps of satellite images were analyzed. There were approximately 12-min time intervals between radar scans on the average

    Liberal Feminism and Cultural Critique

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    In this paper, I consider an objection that liberal feminism is unable to sufficiently accommodate feminist cultural critique. I begin by introducing the practice of feminist cultural critique and how this practice presents a challenge to liberal feminism’s ability to be simultaneously liberal and feminist. I then discuss one account which attempts to draw a distinction between “legitimacy” and “ethos” justice, which can accommodate feminist cultural critique as a persuasive tool to advance ethos justice. I find that this account, however, is not equipped to explain cases where feminist cultural critique aims to produce coercive government intervention. After doing this, I turn to an account which argues that the realm of acceptable government action is broader under the Rawlsian liberal framework than previously believed. By applying these accounts to the issue of feminist cultural critique, I demonstrate that the liberal feminist can accommodate the practice while being both liberal and feminist

    Tropical cyclone intensities from satellite microwave data

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    Radial profiles of mean 1000 mb to 250 mb temperature from the Nimbus 6 scanning microwave spectrometer (SCAMS) were constructed around eight intensifying tropical storms in the western Pacific. Seven storms showed distinct inward temperature gradients required for intensification; the eighth displayed no inward gradient and was decaying 24 hours later. The possibility that satellite data might be used to forecast tropical cyclone turning motion was investigated using estimates obtained from Nimbus 6 SCAMS data tapes of the mean 1000 mb to 250 mb temperature field around eleven tropical storms in 1975. Analysis of these data show that for turning storms, in all but one case, the turn was signaled 24 hours in advance by a significant temperature gradient perpendicular to the storm's path, at a distance of 9 deg to 13 deg in front of the storm. A thresholding technique was applied to the North Central U.S. during the summer to estimate precipitation frequency. excep

    Numerical simulation of VTPR temperature retrievals in a severe storm environment

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    Environmental conditions prior to convective development on the Great Plains of the U.S. on one case study day were investigated using the high-resolution infrared radiation sounder (HIRS) on Nimbus 6. A dual-retrieval scheme was developed to retrieve both lower tropospheric moisture and temperature parameters from the HIRS radiances. Total precipitable water, surface dew point temperatures, and stability indices were analyzed at a resolution of up to 30 Km on this day. Correlations with interpolated NES rawinsonde values were high and intrinsic noise levels were low. The true quality of the mesoscale analyses, however, is only seen by examining the small scale features at a scale of approximately 100 Km. Perturbations on the dry line feature for this day were seen in the satellite data, although the dry line position was just as easily picked up by surface observations. Convective development 2 1/2 hours later did seem to correlate well with the local maxima of moisture and instability seen in the satellite analyses

    Efficiency of Solar Cell Design and Materials

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    Fossil fuels have dominated the energy world ever since their introduction in the Industrial Revolution, and the world has grown more dependent on them in the Postmodern Era. However, the limited amount of fossil fuels in the world poses a problem for future generations; solar energy is the solution to this potential future energy crisis. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive review of solar panel materials so that solar panels can be refined until they can replace fossil fuels entirely. In this study, I have researched designs for solar cells and determined the most efficient design for commercial and residential use while finding the most cost-effective materials to produce these cells. I delved into previous research studies on solar cell production and efficiency and current research updates on the materials involved in high-efficiency cells, and I gathered sources that discussed the different materials involved in solar cell manufacturing. This study has allowed me to determine that gallium arsenide compounds combined with crystalline silicon cells are the most effective at absorbing and storing solar energy. I have also determined that factors such as multi-junction cells and the concentration of light increase the cell’s efficiency. These advances in solar research will allow for more efficient cells to find their way into neighborhoods everywhere in only a matter of time