50 research outputs found

    Measuring the principal Hugoniot of inertial-confinement-fusion-relevant TMPTA plastic foams

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    Wetted-foam layers are of significant interest for inertial-confinement-fusion capsules, due to the control they provide over the convergence ratio of the implosion and the opportunity this affords to minimize hydrodynamic instability growth. However, the equation of state for fusion-relevant foams are not well characterized, and many simulations rely on modeling such foams as a homogeneous medium with the foam average density. To address this issue, an experiment was performed using the VULCAN Nd:glass laser at the Central Laser Facility. The aim was to measure the principal Hugoniot of TMPTA plastic foams at 260mg/cm3, corresponding to the density of liquid DT-wetted-foam layers, and their “hydrodynamic equivalent” capsules. A VISAR was used to obtain the shock velocity of both the foam and an α-quartz reference layer, while streaked optical pyrometry provided the temperature of the shocked material. The measurements confirm that, for the 20–120 GPa pressure range accessed, this material can indeed be well described using the equation of state of the homogeneous medium at the foam density

    Direct observation of phase transitions between delta- and alpha-phase FAPbI 3 via defocused Raman spectroscopy

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    The ability to characterise perovskite phases non-destructively is key on the route to ensuring their long-term stability in operando. Raman spectroscopy holds the promise to play an important role in this task. Among all perovskites, formamidinium lead iodide (FAPbI3) has emerged as one of the most promising candidates for single-junction photovoltaic cells. However, Raman spectroscopy of FAPbI3 remains challenging as is evidenced by conflicting reports in the literature. Here, we demonstrate that due to the vulnerability of FAPbI3 to laser-induced degradation, the detected Raman spectrum depends strongly on the experimental conditions. This can lead to conflicting results and is revealed as the origin of discrepancies in the literature. We overcome this issue by deploying defocused Raman spectroscopy, preventing laser-induced damage to the sample and simultaneously improving the signal-to-noise ratio, allowing us to furthermore resolve much weaker Raman modes than was previously possible. We offer step-by-step instructions on how to apply this technique to a given spectrometer. Non-destructive characterisation of the FAPbI3 phases further enables us to quantify the phase stability of pristine FAPbI3 crystals and FAPbI3 grown with the high-performance additive methylenediammonium chloride (MDACl2). This shows that the neat crystals fully degrade within two weeks, whereas in samples grown with the additive only about 2% of the crystal bulk is in the δ-phase after 400 days. This establishes defocused Raman spectroscopy as a powerful tool for the characterisation of FAPbI3 and other perovskite materials

    Precision medicine in cancer: Challenges and recommendations from an EU-funded cervical cancer biobanking study

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    Background:Cervical cancer (CC) remains a leading cause of gynaecological cancer-related mortality worldwide. CC pathogenesis is triggered when human papillomavirus (HPV) inserts into the genome, resulting in tumour suppressor gene inactivation and oncogene activation. Collecting tumour and blood samples is critical for identifying these genetic alterations.Methods:BIO-RAIDs is the first prospective molecular profiling clinical study to include a substantial biobanking effort that used uniform high-quality standards and control of samples. In this European Union (EU)-funded study, we identified the challenges that were impeding the effective implementation of such a systematic and comprehensive biobanking effort.Results:The challenges included a lack of uniform international legal and ethical standards, complexities in clinical and molecular data management, and difficulties in determining the best technical platforms and data analysis techniques. Some difficulties were encountered by all investigators, while others affected only certain institutions, regions, or countries.Conclusions:The results of the BIO-RAIDs programme highlight the need to facilitate and standardise regulatory procedures, and we feel that there is also a need for international working groups that make recommendations to regulatory bodies, governmental funding agencies, and academic institutions to achieve a proficient biobanking programme throughout EU countries. This represents the first step in precision medicine

    Energy gain of wetted-foam implosions with auxiliary heating for inertial fusion studies

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    Low convergence ratio implosions (where wetted-foam layers are used to limit capsule convergence, achieving improved robustness to instability growth) and auxiliary heating (where electron beams are used to provide collisionless heating of a hotspot) are two promising techniques that are being explored for inertial fusion energy applications. In this paper, a new analytic study is presented to understand and predict the performance of these implosions. Firstly, conventional gain models are adapted to produce gain curves for fixed convergence ratios, which are shown to well-describe previously simulated results. Secondly, auxiliary heating is demonstrated to be well understood and interpreted through the burn-up fraction of the deuterium-tritium fuel, with the gradient of burn-up with respect to burn-averaged temperature shown to provide good qualitative predictions of the effectiveness of this technique for a given implosion. Simulations of auxiliary heating for a range of implosions are presented in support of this and demonstrate that this heating can have significant benefit for high gain implosions, being most effective when the burn-averaged temperature is between 5 and 20 keV

    Energy gain of wetted-foam implosions with auxiliary heating for inertial fusion studies

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    Low convergence ratio implosions (where wetted-foam layers are used to limit capsule convergence, achieving improved robustness to instability growth) and auxiliary heating (where electron beams are used to provide collisionless heating of a hotspot) are two promising techniques that are being explored for inertial fusion energy applications. In this paper, a new analytic study is presented to understand and predict the performance of these implosions. Firstly, conventional gain models are adapted to produce gain curves for fixed convergence ratios, which are shown to well-describe previously simulated results. Secondly, auxiliary heating is demonstrated to be well understood and interpreted through the burn-up fraction of the deuterium-tritium fuel, with the gradient of burn-up with respect to burn-averaged temperature shown to provide good qualitative predictions of the effectiveness of this technique for a given implosion. Simulations of auxiliary heating for a range of implosions are presented in support of this and demonstrate that this heating can have significant benefit for high gain implosions, being most effective when the burn-averaged temperature is between 5 and 20 keV

    Conserved expression and functions of PDE4 in rodent and human heart

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    PDE4 isoenzymes are critical in the control of cAMP signaling in rodent cardiac myocytes. Ablation of PDE4 affects multiple key players in excitation–contraction coupling and predisposes mice to the development of heart failure. As little is known about PDE4 in human heart, we explored to what extent cardiac expression and functions of PDE4 are conserved between rodents and humans. We find considerable similarities including comparable amounts of PDE4 activity expressed, expression of the same PDE4 subtypes and splicing variants, anchoring of PDE4 to the same subcellular compartments and macromolecular signaling complexes, and downregulation of PDE4 activity and protein in heart failure. The major difference between the species is a fivefold higher amount of non-PDE4 activity in human hearts compared to rodents. As a consequence, the effect of PDE4 inactivation is different in rodents and humans. PDE4 inhibition leads to increased phosphorylation of virtually all PKA substrates in mouse cardiomyocytes, but increased phosphorylation of only a restricted number of proteins in human cardiomyocytes. Our findings suggest that PDE4s have a similar role in the local regulation of cAMP signaling in rodent and human heart. However, inhibition of PDE4 has ‘global’ effects on cAMP signaling only in rodent hearts, as PDE4 comprises a large fraction of the total cardiac PDE activity in rodents but not in humans. These differences may explain the distinct pharmacological effects of PDE4 inhibition in rodent and human hearts

    A multicenter prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled phase II/III trial for preemptive acute graft-versus-host disease therapy

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    Acute graft-versus-host disease (aGvHD) contributes to about 50% of transplant-related mortality (non-relapse mortality) after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Here the predictive value of a urinary proteomic profile (aGvHD_MS17) was tested together with preemptive prednisolone therapy. Two-hundred and fifty-nine of 267 patients were eligible for analysis. Ninety-two patients were randomized upon aGvHD_MS17 classification factor above 0.1 to receive either prednisolone (2–2.5 mg/kg, N = 44) or placebo (N = 47; N = 1 randomization failure) for 5 days followed by tapering. The remaining 167 patients formed the observation group. The primary endpoint of the randomized trial was incidence of aGvHD grade II between randomization and day +100 post HSCT. Analysis of the short-term preemptive prednisolone therapy in the randomized patients showed no significant difference in incidence or severity of acute GvHD (HR: 1.69, 95% CI: 0.66–4.32, P = 0.27). Prednisolone as preemptive treatment did not lead to an increase in relapse (20.2% in the placebo and 14.0% in the prednisolone group (P = 0.46)). The frequency of adverse events was slightly higher in the placebo group (64.4% versus 50%, respectively). Taken together, the results of the Pre-GvHD trial demonstrated the feasibility and safety of preemptive prednisolone treatment in the randomized patients

    Pathways towards break-even for low convergence ratio direct-drive ICF

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    Following indirect-drive experiments which demonstrated promising performance for low convergence ratios (below 17), previous direct-drive simulations identified a fusion-relevant regime which is expected to be robust to hydrodynamic instability growth. This paper expands these results with simulated implosions at lower energies of 100 kJ and 270 kJ, and ‘hydrodynamic equivalent’ capsules which demonstrate comparable convergence ratio, implosion velocity and in-flight aspect ratio without the need for cryogenic cooling, which would allow the assumptions of 1D-like performance to be tested on current facilities. A range of techniques to improve performance within this regime are then investigated, including the use of two-colour and deep ultraviolet laser pulses. Finally, further simulations demonstrate that the deposition of electron energy into the hotspot of a low convergence ratio implosion through auxiliary heating also leads to significant increases in yield. Results include break-even for 1.1 MJ of total energy input (including an estimated 370 kJ of short-pulse laser energy to produce electron beams for the auxiliary heating), but are found to be highly dependent upon the efficiency with which electron beams can be created and transported to the hotspot to drive the heating mechanism