116 research outputs found

    The Influence Of The Author's Method "Improvisation And Event Prediction" On The Formation Of Future Teachers's Professional Preparedness For Decision-Making

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    The purpose of the research: identify the influence of the author's method "improvisation and prediction of events" on the formation of future teachers' professional readiness to solve difficult pedagogical situations with students. Materials and Methods: To determine the impact of the author's method «Improvisation and prediction of events» for the formation of future teachers' professional readiness to solve complex pedagogical situations with students, we used a set of diagnostic methods: methods of diagnostics of creative thinking of E. Torrens; self-confidence questionnaire (by Reisas); Critical Thinking Test (L. Starkey); neuropsychiatric stress questionnaire (T. Nemchin)

    The Influence of the Author's Knowledge Assessment Method "Intellectual Duel" on the Formation of the Professional Competence of Future Coaches

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the degree of influence of the author's knowledge assessment method "intellectual duel" on the formation of professional competence of future trainers. Students of the control group (n = 162) and the experimental group (n = 165) took part in the experimental work. The duration of experimental work was 8 months. After the introduction of the author's knowledge assessment method "intellectual duel", the level of formation of the professional competence of prospective trainers increased significantly in the experimental group compared to the control group. Using the Pearson test χ2 confirmed the differences between the control and experimental groups as statistically significant (p<0.001) in favor of the experimental group. The implementation of the author's knowledge assessment method "intellectual duel" confirmed its effectiveness in terms of increasing the level of professional competence of future trainers by all indicators

    Improvement of teaching methods of theoretical component of physical education (wıth the application of author teaching techniques) in the context of improving the level of social health of students of the special medical group

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    The purpose of the study is to substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of the teaching method of the theoretical component of physical education with the use of author's methods of teaching in the context of increasing the level of social health of students of a special medical group. The following diagnostic tools were chosen: “value orientations” questionnaire (M. Rokich) “need for achievement questionnaire” (Y. B. Orlov). It was established that in real practice, with the traditional method of teaching theoretical material on physical education in a special medical group, mostly inefficient teaching methods are used, which do not involve students in active, creative activities in the class. Students of the control group (n = 156), students of the experimental group (n = 159) took part in the experimental work. Study of the dynamics of the levels of formation of the motivation of students of the special medical group to increase their own level of social health shows the significant advantages of the experimental group over the control group, which, in turn, confirms the effectiveness of the teaching method of the theoretical component of physical education. The use of the Pearson 2 test made it possible to find out that at the final control stage (after the end of the experiment) the differences between the distributions of the control and experimental groups are statistically significant (p<0,001)

    Identifying the interconnection between self-esteem and the development rate of agility and speed of girls at the age of 13 in the process of physical education

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    Đąhe aim of the study is to identify the interconnection between self-esteem of girls at the age of 13 and the development rate of physical qualities (agility and speed). To develop and verify experimentally the effectiveness of the methods for the formation of self-esteem and to discover its influence on the development of physical condition. The experiment involved 13-year-old female students of the standard training group (healthy school students) who study at general secondary school. The number of respondents was 97 schoolgirls (48 girls in the control group and 49 girls in the experimental group). A significant interconnection has been discovered between self-esteem of 13-year-old schoolgirls and their physical condition. It has been proved that the indices characterizing the level of self-esteem have a statistically significant influence on the development of agility and speed. The implementation of the original methods (a set of fitness exercises from fitness yoga, body-ballet, fly-yoga), as well as the use of modified psychotechnics (the autogenic training) have contributed to raising self-esteem and, as a consequence, accelerating the development rates of the level of physical qualities, in particular speed and agility


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    Objective: to ascertain the influence of the updated Physical Education syllabus in the context of forming social health of secondary school students, as well as motivation of schoolchildren for Physical Education classes. Material: 457 school students (230 females and 227 males) of the 6th and 7th grades (aged 12-13) from different regions of Ukraine were respondents of the survey. Method: observation, interviews and the authors’ questionnaires (‘Interest in Physical Education’with the use of customized tests by M. Ginzburg (Zaniuk, 2002), questionnaires ‘value orientations’ by M. Rokeach (Rozov, 2005), ‘Orientation towards Increasing Social Health of a Person’, as well as a questionnaire on the need of accomplishments by Yu. Orlov and Reyzas Assertiveness Schedule (Big Encyclopedia of Psychological Tests, 2007).Results: It was discovered that in 2008-2009 only 23.7% of schoolchildren liked physical education classes. Within this period of time, 18.5% of school students had a high level of orientation towards improving their own social health. The corrections made in 2012 to Physical Education syllabus contributed to an increase in the number of school students with a high level of motivation for Physical Education classes(+ 41.7%), as well as the number of students who had a high level of orientation towards improving their own social health (+23.3%). Positive changes were also recorded after the improvement of Physical Education syllabus in 2017 (under conditions of Physical Education reformation in Ukraine). The number of schoolchildren with a high level of motivation for Physical Education classes increased by 10.5% compared with the results recorded in 2012-2016. The number of students aimed at improving their own state of social health increased by 17.1%.The content of Physical Education syllabus of years 2012 and 2017 has significant advantages over the syllabus of the Soviet times in the context of developing students’ desire to be engaged in Physical Education on the whole and improve their own level of social health in particular. It is characterized by the improvement of the system of assessing schoolchildren’s achievements in physical fitness, the option to increase the amount of time devoted to students’ mastering various kinds of sports that are of particular interest to them, and the focus on providing schoolchildren with key life competencies

    Data for increase of Lymantria dispar male survival after topical application of single-stranded RING domain fragment of IAP-3 gene of its nuclear polyhedrosis virus

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    This data article is related to the research article entitled “The RING for gypsy moth control: topical application of fragment of its nuclear polyhedrosis virus anti-apoptosis gene as insecticide” [1]. This article reports on significantly higher survival of gypsy moth Lymantria dispar male individuals in response to topical application of single-stranded DNA, based on RING (really interesting new gene) domain fragment of LdMNPV (L. dispar multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus) IAP-3 (inhibitor of apoptosis) gene and acted as DNA insecticide

    Molecular alliance of Lymantria dispar multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus and a short unmodified antisense oligonucleotide of its anti-apoptotic IAP-3 gene: A novel approach for gypsy moth control

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    Baculovirus IAP (inhibitor-of-apoptosis) genes originated by capture of host genes. Unmodified short antisense DNA oligonucleotides (oligoDNAs) from baculovirus IAP genes can down-regulate specific gene expression profiles in both baculovirus-free and baculovirus-infected insects. In this study, gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) larvae infected with multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (LdMNPV), and LdMNPV-free larvae, were treated with oligoDNA antisense to the RING (really interesting new gene) domain of the LdMNPV IAP-3 gene. The results with respect to insect mortality, biomass accumulation, histological studies, RT-PCR, and analysis of DNA apoptotic fragmentation suggest that oligoRING induced increased apoptotic processes in both LdMNPV-free and LdMNPV-infected insect cells, but were more pronounced in the latter. These data open up possibilities for promising new routes of insect pest control using antisense phosphodiester DNA oligonucleotides
