7 research outputs found

    Eksperymentalne badania nad zagęszczaniem cyjanobakterii Microcystis aeruginosa w celu uzyskania biomasy do produkcji energii

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    The purpose of the presented research is to analyse possible methods of thickening of the Microcystis aeruginosa (Kützing) Kützing cyanobacteria using the obtained concentrate as a biomass for the production of energy carriers and biologically valuable substances. Method of cyanobacteria thickening under the action of electric current and in the electric field, as well as the method of coagulation–flocculation and gravity thickening, was experimentally investigated in labscale conditions. Electrical methods didn't show positive results for the Microcystis aeruginosa thickening, despite the reports of their potential efficiency in a number of previous studies. The high efficiency of the method of coagulation– flocculation and gravity thickening of Microcystis aeruginosa suspensions was obtained. The optimum concentrations of industrial polymeric coagulants and flocculants for the thickening of Microcystis aeruginosa suspensions were defined in the range of about 10 ppm for the coagulants and about 1 ppm for the flocculants. Negative effect of the previous cavitational treatment of the diluted suspensions of Microcystis aeruginosa on the effectiveness of the coagulation–flocculation and gravitational thickening was confirmed experimentally. Hydrodynamic cavitation should be recommended to use after the thickening as the next step of processing of concentrated suspensions of Microcystis aeruginosa to achieve maximum extraction of energy carriers and biologically valuable substances.Celem przedstawionych badań była analiza możliwych metod zagęszczania cyjanobakterii Microcystis aeruginosa (Kützing) Kützing do uzyskania koncentratu biomasy przydatnego do produkcji energii i substancji czynnych biologicznie. W skali laboratoryjnej analizowano metody zagęszczania pod wpływem prądu i pola elektrycznego oraz metody koagulacji– flokulacji i zagęszczania grawitacyjnego. Metody elektryczne nie dały pozytywnych wyników mimo wielu wcześniejszych badań na temat ich potencjalnej efektywności. Dużą efektywność uzyskano natomiast w przypadku metod koagulacji– flokulacji i grawitacyjnego zagęszczania zawiesiny Microcystis aeruginosa. Optymalne stężenie przemysłowych polimerowych koagulantów użytych do zagęszczania ustalono na 10 ppm, a flokulantów – na 1 ppm. Doświadczalnie potwierdzono ujemny wpływ wcześniejszego poddawania rozcieńczonych roztworów Microcystis aeruginosa działaniu kawitacji na skuteczność zagęszczania metodami koagulacji i flokulacji oraz zagęszczania grawitacyjnego. Hydrodynamiczną kawitację zaleca się stosować po zagęszczaniu, jako następny etap w przetwarzaniu zagęszczonej zawiesiny Microcystis aeruginosa do postaci nośnika energii i pozyskania substancji biologicznie czynnych

    Critical analysis of biotechnologies on using resource potential of hydrobionts

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    Hydrobionts are considered as highly potential source for bioproduction (including energy carriers and fertilizers) and many biotechnological processes that include hydrobionts, particularly their biomass as a substrate are used in different fields of energy, cosmetology, medicine, pharmaceutics, aquaculture, agriculture, forestry etc. Latest developments prove efficiency in applying anaerobic digestion for purifying wastewaters from organic pollutants with the help of macrophytes and microphytes in conducting biomethanogenesis. Many studies have established that it is possible to reach high level of lipid extraction from algae (to 95%) with the help of organic solvents (methanol, acetone, hexane, diethyl ether etc). Blue – green algae biomass has been scientifically proved to be a good source for methane, methanol, ethanol, propanol, isopropanol, biodiesel and other biofuel types production. Macroalgae and microalgae contain β- carotene, biotin, folic acid, fucoidans, lectins, phenolics, sulphated polysaccharides and other derived biologically active compounds that can be used in producing vitamins, have anti-ulcer, antioxidant, antibiotic, antifouling, immune modulatory and other properties. Cyanidioschyzon merolae, Ostreococcus lucimarinus, O. tauri, Micromonas pusilla have shown high potential for hydrogen production while Rhizoclonium sp. has been experimentally used as a bounding material in briquetting miscanthus granules, resulting in 20 % higher dynamic strength. The article is a literature review and the purpose of this work is to classify and systemize hydrobionts, reveal regularity of their growth, conduct critical analysis on existing biotechnologies on using separate representatives of aquatic biomes as a raw material and also to review ways of intensification for these biotechnologies

    Дослідження шляхів комплексної біотехнологічної переробки синьозелених водоростей

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    The results of long­term research of various ways and methods of collection and processing of blue­green algae that cause “bloom” of the Dnieper reservoirs were presented. The possibility and feasibility of the blue­green algae biomass processing to biogas by methanogenesis were substantiated. It was found experimentally that preliminary mechanical cavitation of the blue­green algae biomass increases the biogas yield by 21.5 %. It was determined that the biogas produced contains up to 72 % of methane and hydrogen, up to 21 % of carbon dioxide, up to 6.5 % of molecular nitrogen. Oxygen, carbon oxide (II), hydrogen sulfide and other impurities constitute up to 2 % of the biogas volume. Biotesting of the spent substrate to determine its toxicity for further use as a biofertilizer in agriculture and forestry was held. Modern methods of electron microscopy found that the average diameter of cells of blue­green algae Microcystis aeruginosa is 3.14 microns. The flow diagram of the blue­green algae biomass complex processing was proposed. It consists in removal of valuable components for medicine, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, production of technical detergents, mixtures of aliphatic alcohols as biofuels or additives to gasoline. Thus, it is possible to obtain more biogas by involving the spent activated sludge from sewage treatment facilities in methanogenesis. This will improve the treatment quality of wastewater of various productions. The similarity of the nutritional value of the blue­green algae spent substrate to the green biomass of plants in terms of the elemental composition was experimentally proved. The environmental, energy saving and agricultural efficiency of the cyanogen biomass use was proved.Приведены результаты многолетних исследований различных способов и методов сбора и переработки сине-зеленых водорослей, вызывающих «цветение» днепровских водохранилищ (Украина). Обоснована возможность и целесообразность переработки биомассы сине-зелёных водорослей в биогаз путем метаногенеза. Экспериментально установлена динамика образования биогаза, его качественный состав и количественные характеристики. Проведено биотестирование отработанного субстрата на установление его токсичности для дальнейшего использования в качестве биоудобрения в сельском хозяйствеНаведено результати багаторічних досліджень різноманітних способів і методів збору і переробки синьо-зелених водоростей, що викликають «цвітіння» дніпровських водосховищ. Обґрунтовано можливість і доцільність переробки   біомаси синьо-зелених водоростей на біогаз шляхом метаногенезу. Експериментально встановлено динаміку утворення біогазу, його якісний склад і кількісні характеристики. Проведено біотестування відпрацьованого субстрату на визначення його токсичності задля подальшого застосування як біодобрива у сільському господарств

    The Biotechnological Ways of Blue-green Algae Complex Processing

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    The results of long­term research of various ways and methods of collection and processing of blue­green algae that cause “bloom” of the Dnieper reservoirs were presented. The possibility and feasibility of the blue­green algae biomass processing to biogas by methanogenesis were substantiated. It was found experimentally that preliminary mechanical cavitation of the blue­green algae biomass increases the biogas yield by 21.5 %. It was determined that the biogas produced contains up to 72 % of methane and hydrogen, up to 21 % of carbon dioxide, up to 6.5 % of molecular nitrogen. Oxygen, carbon oxide (II), hydrogen sulfide and other impurities constitute up to 2 % of the biogas volume. Biotesting of the spent substrate to determine its toxicity for further use as a biofertilizer in agriculture and forestry was held. Modern methods of electron microscopy found that the average diameter of cells of blue­green algae Microcystis aeruginosa is 3.14 microns. The flow diagram of the blue­green algae biomass complex processing was proposed. It consists in removal of valuable components for medicine, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, production of technical detergents, mixtures of aliphatic alcohols as biofuels or additives to gasoline. Thus, it is possible to obtain more biogas by involving the spent activated sludge from sewage treatment facilities in methanogenesis. This will improve the treatment quality of wastewater of various productions. The similarity of the nutritional value of the blue­green algae spent substrate to the green biomass of plants in terms of the elemental composition was experimentally proved. The environmental, energy saving and agricultural efficiency of the cyanogen biomass use was proved

    Perspective Technologies of the Treatment of the Wastewaters with High Content of Organic Pollutants and Ammoniacal Nitrogen

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    The paper analyzes the advanced technologies of wastewater treatment with a high content of organic pollutants and ammonium ions. Two different bi-stage scenarios for the treatment of such effluents are proposed. The first scenario includes the pretreatment in aerated lagoons and the final stage at the wastewater treatment plants after appropriate dilution with municipal sewages. The second scenario also includes the first stage in aerated lagoons with a tertiary treatment at the plant for cyanobacteria cultivation with the use of obtained biomass for biofuels production. The effects of the aeration periodicity on the leachate treatment efficiency and also on the composition of microbiocenosis in the aerated lagoons were investigated. Leachates of the Lviv landfill of municipal solid waste (MSW) were used in experimental investigations. Lviv landfill of MSW was used for domestic and industrial wastes deposition for almost six decades, since the 1960's. It was found that the highest effect of ammoniacal nitrogen removal was obtained in the mode of periodic aeration, with the cycle duration of two hours including the one-hour aeration. It is found that microorganisms extracted from the leachates of the Lviv MSW landfill are prospective for the new biotechnologies of treatment of the highly concentrated wastewaters, since this microbiocenosis is resistant to the widespread pollutants, in particular to heavy metal ions

    Ethological Changes and Teratogenesis of Model Organisms as an Indicator of Biotesting of the Electromagnetic Radiation Influence

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    With the development of information technology, electromagnetic radiation becomes a tangible view of the physical (wave) environmental pollution. Modern scientific research aimed at the components of the elec tromagnetic environment pollution problems mainly involves the anthropocentric approach. There is no procedure for determining the influence of harmful physical factors on biota, in particular in terms of water (Daphnia magna Straus) and air (Drosophila melanogaster L.) environments. A clear system of rationing of maximum permissible levels of electromagnetic radiation, including volume and ecosystems protected areas has not been developed. The article considers the relevant scientific and practical problem of creating a framework for assessing and predicting the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation on the biota related to ethological changes and teratogenesis. The characteristic of all the constituent elements of the system determines the degree of the negative impact of the induction of the magnetic field on the biota: activity, mortality; reproduction; availability, and frequency of Teratology. A method for determining the activity levels of Daphnia and Drosophila total average activity biota was developed and described. The trajectory patterns of Daphnia motion at low activity in the state of stability, with increased activity in the excited state, were created. The results of the research on the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation of industrial frequency on biota were presented. The critical levels of the magnetic field and noise pollution, which cause the depletion and destruction of the test object, the relationship between ethological changes and the occurrence of mutations depending on radiation levels were determined. The biological test objects were proven to minimize the error of the results of determination of electromagnetic effects on the biota, in comparison with the mathematical methods of research


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    The theoretical and practical aspects of the application of the econometric approach to making managerial decisions in a crisis at the micro and macro levels are highlighted. Theoretical aspects determine the basic categories of the research problem: managerial decision, stages of managerial decision-making to determine the feasibility of using econometric methods, crisis and crisis phenomena, econometric approach. The specifics of making managerial decisions in a crisis at the micro and macro levels have been determined; the characteristic features, areas of problem solving and methods for solving managerial problems are considered, depending on the level of their formalization. Practical aspects highlight the rationale for the use of econometric methods at the stage of problem identification: identification of crisis phenomena in the relevant areas; a quantitative analysis of the crisis made it possible to identify and determine the imbalances. The advantages and disadvantages of the econometric approach to managerial decision-making are determined; general econometric methods of substantiating managerial decisions and their consequences are described. The features and advantages of Data-driven decision-making over Highest Paid Person's Opinion are determined; the types of information and analytical support of managerial decisions and the methods used for its formation are determined. The author's understanding of the concepts "econometric approach to managerial decision making", "information and analytical support of managerial decisions" is proposed. Practical aspects highlight the feasibility of using econometric methods and at the stage of justifying managerial decisions – the use of econometric methods in accordance with the scope of application, taking into account its specificity and state: a matrix "economic security – standard of living – innovative development" has been developed to justify the decision on the application of strategies to ensure economic security through changes in the level of innovative development and the standard of living of the population of the region (transformation strategy, innovative development strategy, human development strategy and growth strategy) on the basis of correlation-regression analysis, calculation of partial elasticity coefficients, a potentially most effective variant of reconfiguring the functional components of the innovation infrastructure was established; a model of authentic management of the development of the Ukrainian tourist services market has been developed, which assumes the use of specific mechanisms of authentic management and accounting for the authenticity of the cultural and historical resources of local tourism markets, the asymmetry of infrastructural and socio-economic development of markets, the spatial polarization of the location of climatic and recreational factors of local tourist markets; based on the results of the taxonomic analysis of the state of the hotel and restaurant industry, managerial solutions were proposed for the implementation of the strategy for the development of the hotel and restaurant industry for the coming period, including activities at the national level and at the level of individual business entities; an algorithm for making optimal decisions based on the development of the innovative potential of personnel has been developed: defining the problems of enterprise development; search for the reasons for the retardation of the development of the enterprise; determination of the reasons for the retardation of the development of the enterprise; determination of optimal solutions depending on the formulated problem; development of recommendations for achieving strategic goals, based on the construction of a "tree of opportunities"; a cognitive map (graph) of the process of making strategic decisions in the sphere of making strategic changes at mining and processing enterprises was built taking into account the influence of the following concepts: goals of strategic changes; the goals of the enterprise strategy implementation; the duration of the change lag; the level of encouragement of the team of changes; threshold opportunities for strategic change; unique opportunities for strategic change; average opportunities for strategic change; sufficiency of the potential for strategic changes; resistance to change; fiduciary corporate culture