1,182 research outputs found

    Spin and charge transport in graphene-based spin transport devices with Co/MgO spin injection and spin detection electrodes

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    In this review we discuss spin and charge transport properties in graphene-based single-layer and few-layer spin-valve devices. We give an overview of challenges and recent advances in the field of device fabrication and discuss two of our fabrication methods in more detail which result in distinctly different device performances. In the first class of devices, Co/MgO electrodes are directly deposited onto graphene which results in rough MgO-to-Co interfaces and favor the formation of conducting pinholes throughout the MgO layer. We show that the contact resistance area product (Rc_cA) is a benchmark for spin transport properties as it scales with the measured spin lifetime in these devices indicating that contact-induced spin dephasing is the bottleneck for spin transport even in devices with large Rc_cA values. In a second class of devices, Co/MgO electrodes are first patterned onto a silicon substrate. Subsequently, a graphene-hBN heterostructure is directly transferred onto these prepatterned electrodes which provides improved interface properties. This is seen by a strong enhancement of both charge and spin transport properties yielding charge carrier mobilities exceeding 20000 cm2^2/(Vs) and spin lifetimes up to 3.7 ns at room temperature. We discuss several shortcomings in the determination of both quantities which complicates the analysis of both extrinsic and intrinsic spin scattering mechanisms. Furthermore, we show that contacts can be the origin of a second charge neutrality point in gate dependent resistance measurements which is influenced by the quantum capacitance of the underlying graphene layer.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Stability of strained heteroepitaxial systems in (1+1) dimensions

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    We present a simple analytical model for the determination of the stable phases of strained heteroepitaxial systems in (1+1) dimensions. In order for this model to be consistent with a subsequent dynamic treatment, all expressions are adjusted to an atomistic Lennard-Jones system. Good agreement is obtained when the total energy is assumed to consist of two contributions: the surface energy and the elastic energy. As a result, we determine the stable phases as a function of the main ``control parameters'' (binding energies, coverage and lattice mismatch). We find that there exists no set of parameters leading to an array of islands as a stable configuration. We however show that a slight modification of the model can lead to the formation of stable arrays of islands.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Dynamics of homogeneous nucleation

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    The classical nucleation theory for homogeneous nucleation is formulated as a theory for a density fluctuation in a supersaturated gas at a given temperature. But Molecular Dynamics simulations reveal that it is small cold clusters which initiates the nucleation. The temperature in the nucleating clusters fluctuate, but the mean temperature remains below the temperature in the supersaturated gas until they reach the critical nucleation size. The critical nuclei have, however, a temperature equal to the supersaturated gas. The kinetics of homogeneous nucleation is not only caused by a grow or shrink by accretion or evaporation of monomers only, but by an exponentially declining change in cluster size per time step equal to the cluster distribution in the supersaturated gas.Comment: 5 figure

    Contact-induced charge contributions to non-local spin transport measurements in Co/MgO/graphene devices

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    Recently, it has been shown that oxide barriers in graphene-based non-local spin-valve structures can be the bottleneck for spin transport. The barriers may cause spin dephasing during or right after electrical spin injection which limit spin transport parameters such as the spin lifetime of the whole device. An important task is to evaluate the quality of the oxide barriers of both spin injection and detection contacts in a fabricated device. To address this issue, we discuss the influence of spatially inhomogeneous oxide barriers and especially conducting pinholes within the barrier on the background signal in non-local measurements of graphene/MgO/Co spin-valve devices. By both simulations and reference measurements on devices with non-ferromagnetic electrodes, we demonstrate that the background signal can be caused by inhomogeneous current flow through the oxide barriers. As a main result, we demonstrate the existence of charge accumulation next to the actual spin accumulation signal in non-local voltage measurements, which can be explained by a redistribution of charge carriers by a perpendicular magnetic field similar to the classical Hall effect. Furthermore, we present systematic studies on the phase of the low frequency non-local ac voltage signal which is measured in non-local spin measurements when applying ac lock-in techniques. This phase has so far widely been neglected in the analysis of non-local spin transport. We demonstrate that this phase is another hallmark of the homogeneity of the MgO spin injection and detection barriers. We link backgate dependent changes of the phase to the interplay between the capacitance of the oxide barrier to the quantum capacitance of graphene.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Inter-valley dark trion states with spin lifetimes of 150 ns in WSe2_2

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    We demonstrate long trion spin lifetimes in a WSe2_2 monolayer of up to 150 ns at 5 K. Applying a transverse magnetic field in time-resolved Kerr-rotation measurements reveals a complex composition of the spin signal of up to four distinct components. The Kerr rotation signal can be well described by a model which includes inhomogeneous spin dephasing and by setting the trion spin lifetimes to the measured excitonic recombination times extracted from time-resolved reflectivity measurements. We observe a continuous shift of the Kerr resonance with the probe energy, which can be explained by an adsorbate-induced, inhomogeneous potential landscape of the WSe2_2 flake. A further indication of extrinsic effects on the spin dynamics is given by a change of both the trion spin lifetime and the distribution of g-factors over time. Finally, we detect a Kerr rotation signal from the trion's higher-energy triplet state when the lower-energy singlet state is optically pumped by circularly polarized light. We explain this by the formation of dark trion states, which are also responsible for the observed long trion spin lifetimes.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure

    Free energy of cluster formation and a new scaling relation for the nucleation rate

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    Recent very large molecular dynamics simulations of homogeneous nucleation with (18)109(1-8) \cdot 10^9 Lennard-Jones atoms [Diemand et al. J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 139}, 074309 (2013)] allow us to accurately determine the formation free energy of clusters over a wide range of cluster sizes. This is now possible because such large simulations allow for very precise measurements of the cluster size distribution in the steady state nucleation regime. The peaks of the free energy curves give critical cluster sizes, which agree well with independent estimates based on the nucleation theorem. Using these results, we derive an analytical formula and a new scaling relation for nucleation rates: lnJ/η\ln J' / \eta is scaled by lnS/η\ln S / \eta, where the supersaturation ratio is SS, η\eta is the dimensionless surface energy, and JJ' is a dimensionless nucleation rate. This relation can be derived using the free energy of cluster formation at equilibrium which corresponds to the surface energy required to form the vapor-liquid interface. At low temperatures (below the triple point), we find that the surface energy divided by that of the classical nucleation theory does not depend on temperature, which leads to the scaling relation and implies a constant, positive Tolman length equal to half of the mean inter-particle separation in the liquid phase.Comment: 7 figure

    Nucleolar localization of influenza A NS1: striking differences between mammalian and avian cells

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    In mammalian cells, nucleolar localization of influenza A NS1 requires the presence of a C-terminal nucleolar localization signal. This nucleolar localization signal is present only in certain strains of influenza A viruses. Therefore, only certain NS1 accumulate in the nucleolus of mammalian cells. In contrast, we show that all NS1 tested in this study accumulated in the nucleolus of avian cells even in the absence of the above described C-terminal nucleolar localization signal. Thus, nucleolar localization of NS1 in avian cells appears to rely on a different nucleolar localization signal that is more conserved among influenza virus strains

    Role of MgO barriers for spin and charge transport in Co/MgO/graphene non-local spin-valve devices

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    We investigate spin and charge transport in both single and bilayer graphene non-local spin-valve devices. Similar to previous studies on bilayer graphene, we observe an inverse dependence of the spin lifetime on the carrier mobility in our single layer devices. This general trend is only observed in devices with large contact resistances. Furthermore, we observe a second Dirac peak in devices with long spin lifetimes. This results from charge transport underneath the contacts. In contrast, all devices with low ohmic contact resistances only exhibit a single Dirac peak. Additionally, the spin lifetime is significantly reduced indicating that an additional spin dephasing occurs underneath the electrodes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Evaluation of a Mutually Coupled Diversity Receiver

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    A quick, reliable, and simple evaluation of mutual coupling effects is essential for the optimization of antenna arrays for small mobile communications devices. In recent papers we have proposed novel figures of merit that quantify the impact on diversity reception in terms of scattering matrix of the array and have confirmed the validity of these formulas by practical diversity measurements. The present paper provides an extended analysis of the measurement data and contrasts the benefits of this method of array characterization with existing approaches