50 research outputs found

    In vivo glioblastoma growth is reduced by apyrase activity in a rat glioma model

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    BACKGROUND: ATP is an important signalling molecule in the peripheral and central nervous system. Both glioma growth and tumor resection induces cell death, thus liberating nucleotides to the extracellular medium. Nucleotides are hydrolyzed very slowly by gliomas when compared with astrocytes and induce neuronal cell death and glioma proliferation. The objective of the present study was to test the involvement of extracellular ATP in glioblastoma growth in a rat glioma model. METHODS: To deplete the extracellular ATP, the enzyme apyrase was tested on the treatment of gliomas implanted in the rats CNS. One million glioma C6 cells in 3 microliters of DMEM/FCS were injected in the right striata of male Wistar rats, 250–270 g. After 20 days, the rats were decapitated and the brain sectioning and stained with hematoxylin and eosine. We performed immunohistochemical experiments with Ki67, CD31 and VEGF. Total RNA was isolated from cultured glioma C6 cells and the cDNA was analyzed by Real Time-PCR with primers for the NTPDase family. RESULTS: C6 glioma cells effectively have a low expression of all NTPDases investigated, in comparison with normal astrocytes. The implanted glioma co-injected with apyrase had a significant reduction in the tumor size (p < 0.05) when compared with the rats injected only with gliomas or with gliomas plus inactivated apyrase. According to the pathological analysis, the malignant gliomas induced by C6 injection and co-injected with apyrase presented a significant reduction in the mitotic index and other histological characteristics that indicate a less invasive/proliferative tumor. Reduction of proliferation induced by apyrase co-injection was confirmed by counting the percentage of Ki67 positive glioma cell nuclei. According to counts with CD31, vessel density and neoformation was higher in the C6 group 20 days after implantation. Confirming this observation, rats treated with apyrase presented less VEGF staining in comparison to the control group. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the participation of extracellular ATP and the ecto-nucleotidases may be associated with the development of this type of brain tumor in an in vivo glioma model

    Cloning and characterization of the ecto-nucleotidase NTPDase3 from rat brain: Predicted secondary structure and relation to other members of the E-NTPDase family and actin

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    The protein family of ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (E-NTPDase family) contains multiple members that hydrolyze nucleoside 5’-triphosphates and nucleoside 5’-diphosphates with varying preference for the individual type of nucleotide. We report the cloning and functional expression of rat NTPDase3. The rat brain-derived cDNA has an open reading frame of 1590 bp encoding 529 amino acid residues, a calculated molecular mass of 59.1 kDa and predicted N- and C-terminal hydrophobic sequences. It shares 94.3% and 81.7% amino acid identity with the mouse and human NTPDase3, respectively, and is more closely related to cell surface-located than to the intracellularly located members of the enzyme family. The NTPDase3 gene is allocated to chromosome 8q32 and organized into 11 exons. Rat NTPDase3 expressed in CHO cells hydrolyzed both nucleoside triphosphates and nucleoside diphosphates with hydrolysis ratios of ATP:ADP of 5:1 and UTP:UDP of 8:1. After addition of ATP, ADP is formed as an intermediate product that is further hydrolyzed to AMP. The enzyme is preferentially activated by Ca2+ over Mg2+ and reveals an alkaline pH optimum. Immunocytochemistry confirmed expression of heterologously expressed NTPDase3 to the surface of CHO cells. PC12 cells express endogenous surface-located NTPDase3. An immunoblot analysis detects NTPDase3 in all rat brain regions investigated. An alignment of the secondary structure domains of actin conserved within the actin/HSP70/sugar kinase superfamily to those of all members of the NTPDase family reveals apparent similarity. It infers that NTPDases share the two-domain structure with members of this enzyme superfamily

    A capillary electrophoresis method for the characterization of ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (NTPDases) and the analysis of inhibitors by in-capillary enzymatic microreaction

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    A capillary electrophoresis (CE) method for the characterization of recombinant NTPDases 1, 2, and 3, and for assaying NTPDase inhibitors has been developed performing the enzymatic reaction within the capillary. After hydrodynamic injection of plugs of substrate solution with or without inhibitor in reaction buffer, followed by a suspension of an enzyme-containing membrane preparation, and subsequent injection of another plug of substrate solution with or without inhibitor, the reaction took place close to the capillary inlet. After 5 min, the electrophoretic separation of the reaction products was initiated by applying a constant current of  μA. The method employing a polyacrylamide-coated capillary and reverse polarity mode provided baseline resolution of substrates and products within a short separation time of less than 7 min. A 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.5) was used for the separations and the products were detected by their UV absorbance at 210 nm. The Michaelis–Menten constants (Km) for the recombinant rat NTPDases 1, 2, and 3 obtained with this method were consistent with previously reported data. The inhibition studies revealed pronounced differences in the potency of reactive blue 2, pyridoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl-2-4-disulfonic acid (PPADS), suramin, and N6-diethyl-β,γ-dibromomethylene-ATP (ARL67156) towards the NTPDase isoforms. Notably, ARL67156 does not inhibit all NTPDases, having only a minor inhibitory effect on NTPDase2. Dipyridamole is not an inhibitor of the NTPDase isoforms investigated. The new method is fast and accurate, it requires only tiny amounts of material (nanoliter scale), no sample pretreatment and can be fully automated; thus it is clearly superior to the current standard methods

    Modulation of purinergic signaling by NPP-type ectophosphodiesterases

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    Extracellular nucleotides can elicit a wide array of cellular responses by binding to specific purinergic receptors. The level of ectonucleotides is dynamically controlled by their release from cells, synthesis by ectonucleoside diphosphokinases and ectoadenylate kinases, and hydrolysis by ectonucleotidases. One of the four structurally unrelated families of ectonucleotidases is represented by the NPP-type ectophosphodiesterases. Three of the seven members of the NPP family, namely NPP1–3, are known to hydrolyze nucleotides. The enzymatic action of NPP1–3 (in)directly results in the termination of nucleotide signaling, the salvage of nucleotides and/or the generation of new messengers like ADP, adenosine or pyrophosphate. NPP2 is unique in that it hydrolyzes both nucleotides and lysophospholipids and, thereby, generates products that could synergistically promote cell motility. We review here the enzymatic properties of NPPs and analyze current evidence that links their nucleotide-hydrolyzing capability to epithelial and neural functions, the immune response and cell motility

    Identifizierung und funktionelle Charakterisierung von Enzymen, die extrazelluläre Diadenosinpolyphosphate hydrolysieren

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    Diadenosinpolyphosphate (ApnAs), wirken in einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Gewebe als extrazelluläre Signalmoleküle. Ihre asymmetrische Hydrolyse durch Enzyme auf der Zelloberfläche oder durch lösliche Enzyme im extrazellulären Milieu wurde in der Literatur bereits mehrfach beschrieben. Die molekulare Identität dieser Enzyme war jedoch nicht bekannt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Fähigkeit von NPP1, NPP2 und NPP3, den drei Mitgliedern der E-NPP-Familie, Diadenosinpolyphosphate zu hydrolysieren, untersucht. Dazu wurden humanes NPP1 und NPP3 aus der Ratte heterolog in CHO-Zellen exprimiert und die enzymatische Aktivität wurde anhand von Membranfraktionen analysiert. Für die Charakterisierung der katalytischen Eigenschaften von NPP2 wurde eine lösliche sekretierte Form des humanen NPP2 aus partiell aufgereinigtem Vaccinia-Viruslysat eingesetzt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die heterolog exprimierten Enzyme NPP1, NPP2 und NPP3 die untersuchten Diadenosinpolyphosphate Diadenosin-5´,5´´´-P1,P3-triphosphat (Ap3A), Diadenosin-5´,5´´´-P1,P4-tetraphosphat (Ap4A) und Diadenosin-5´,5´´´-P1,P5-pentaphosphat (Ap5A), sowie das Diguanosinpolyphosphat Diguanosin-5´,5´´´-P1,P4-tetraphosphat (Gp4G) hydrolysieren.. Ein Vergleich der Hydrolyseraten zeigte, dass NPP1-2 Ap3A, Ap4A, Ap5A und Gp4G mit vergleichbarer Rate hydrolysieren. NPP3 zeigte ebenfalls keine Präferenz für eines der untersuchten Diadenosinpolyphosphate, hydrolysierte aber Gp4G im Vergleich zu Ap4A deutlich langsamer. Die Hydrolyse der Dinukleotide erfolgte asymmetrisch durch Spaltung der α,β-Pyrophosphatbindung. Als primäre Hydrolyseprodukte entstanden Nukleosid-5´-Monophosphat und der verbleibende Mononukleotidrest Npn-1. Für Ap3A als Substrat wurde für NPP1-3 ein alkalisches pH-Optimum mit maximaler Aktivität bei pH 8.5-9 (NPP1 und NPP3), bzw. pH 10 (NPP2) nachgewiesen. Die enzymatische Aktivität von NPP1-3 wurde durch EDTA inhibiert und die Km-Werte für Ap3A lagen mit 5,1 ± 3,6 µM (NPP1), 8,0 ± 0,5 µM (NPP2) und 49,5 ± 17,7 µM (NPP3) im niedrigen mikromolaren Bereich. Untersuchungen zur Hemmbarkeit der NPP-vermittelten Diadenosinpolyphosphathydrolyse (Ap4A) zeigten, dass die Enzyme NPP1, NPP2 und NPP3 nach Koapplikation verschiedener P2-Rezeptorantagonisten in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß inhibiert wurden. Cibacron Blue inhibierte kräftig alle drei Enzyme, während PPADS einen stärkeren inhibitorischen Einfluss auf die katalytsiche Aktivität von NPP1 und NPP3 als auf die katalytische Aktivität von NPP2 zeigte. Suramin inhibierte dagegen nur die NPP1 und NPP2 katalysierte Ap4AHydrolyse und hatte keinen Einfluss auf NPP3. Eine Inhibierung von NPP1-3 durch NaF wurde nicht beobachtet. Eine geringe inhibitorische Wirkung auf NPP1 wurde durch die extrazellulären Matrix-Komponenten Heparin und Heparansulfat, durch ATP und die Nukleotidanaloga, AMP-CP, AMP-CPP und ATP-γ-S beobachtet. NPP2 und NPP3 wurden durch AMP-CP nicht inhibiert. Den schwächsten inhibitorischen Einfluss zeigte ATP auf die durch NPP3-vermittelte Ap4AHydrolyse. Die hier für NPP1-3 ermittelten katalytischen Eigenschaften zeigten Übereinstimmgen aber auch Unterschiede gegenüber früheren Daten, die für die Hydrolyse von Diadenosinpolyphosphaten auf der Oberfläche von Zellen ermittelt wurden. Insgesamt sprechen die Ergebnisse dafür, dass NPP1-3 die Hauptvertreter der Diadenosinpolyphosphat-hydrolysierenden Enzyme in Säugergewebe darstellen. Möglicherweise gibt es aber auch ApnA-hydrolysierende Enzyme, die nicht zu den bisher charakterisierten Mitgliedern der E-NPP-Familie zugehören. In einem zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde die Expression von NPP1-3 im Gehirn der Ratte mittels Western-Blot-Analyse (Entwicklungsstadien P1, P21 und adult) untersucht. Aufgrund der geringen Spezifität der gegen NPP1 und NPP2 zur Verfügung stehenden Antikörper, konnten jedoch keine eindeutigen Aussagen zur Expression von NPP1 und NPP2 im Gehirn getroffen werden. NPP3 konnte im Rattengehirn nachgewiesen werden. Die Expression war entwicklungsabhängig und nahm mit zunehmendem Alter der Tiere deutlich ab. Die Entwicklung spezifischer Antikörper erscheint ein lohnender Ansatz, um die zelluläre Verteilung von NPP1-3 im Nervengewebe zu bestimmen


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    POVZETEK V diplomskem delu smo predstavili delitev lepil in njihovo uporabo v proizvodnji. Opisali smo več vrst delitev lepil in podrobneje analizirali in opisali industrijska lepila (tista, ki jih proizvaja podjetje Kemis plus d. o. o.) in njihovo uporabo. Poseben pomen smo posvetili opisu industrijskih lepil, saj je njihova izdelava in nadalje uporaba zaradi vsebnosti strupenih snovi nevarna in škodljiva zdravju in okolju. Zaradi njihove škodljivosti smo opisali tudi način ravnanja z lepili, ko le-ti postanejo odpadki. Pregledali in opisali smo tudi zakone na Evropski in nacionalni ravni ter druge uredbe in določila. Posebno pozornost smo posvetili ISO standardoma 9000 in 14000, ki najbolj natančno opisujeta priporočila, načine in postopke za ravnanje z odpadki. Opisali smo, katere snovi so bile pri izdelavi lepil zaradi svoje strupenosti in škodljivosti odstranjene oziroma zamenjane z manj škodljivimi. Z anketo smo skušali izvedeti, ali ljudje, ki pri svojem delu uporabljajo lepila, poznajo postopke pravilnega lepljenja, uporabljajo zaščitna sredstva, ločujejo odpadke ter ali poznajo ISO standarda 9000 in 14000 in njun pomen. Na koncu diplomskega dela smo opisali priporočila na individualni, nacionalni in svetovni ravni, ki naj bi se izvajala za čim boljše doseganje varovanja zdravja ljudi in okolja.ABSTRACT The thesis presents the classification of adhesives and their industrial application. It describes various different classifications, and provides an in-depth analysis and description of industrial adhesives (the ones produced by Kemis plus d.o.o.), including their application. Special focus is given to the description of the industrial adhesives, as their manufacture and subsequent use may be dangerous to health and the environment due to hazardous components. Because of the latter, the handling of adhesives in the process of their disposal is described in more detail. The thesis also provides an overview of national and European laws, as well as other related decrees. Special focus is given to the ISO standards 9000 and 14000, which ostensibly describe recommendations, manners and procedures regarding waste management. Further more, the description of which hazardous components of the adhesives were removed or replaced with less hazardous is provided. A survey was used to discern whether the people that use adhesives are aware of the proper adhesive bonding procedures, use protective equipment, recycle and if they are aware of the ISO standards 9000 and 14000, including their meaning. The thesis concludes with individual, national and global recommendations that would help protect the public health and the environment

    Tota pulchra es, Maria /

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    the trypanocidal and bacteriostatic action of propamidine, a number of investigators have studied the antimicrobial action of the aromatic diamidines. Kohn (1943) reported the inhibition of growth of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus by propamidine. This observation was extended to include Lactobacillus casei and Streptococcus lactis strain R by Snell (1944), who showed that polyamines added at the same time as propamidine prevented the inhibition of growth. Bichowsky-Slomnitzki (1948a, b) found that nucleic acids would reverse the bacteriostatic effect of pentamidine and stilbamidine on Esch-erichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus as effec-tively as polyamines. Bernheim (1943) investigated the effect of propamidine on resting cells of Escherichia coli and observed the reduction of oxygen utilization on the substrates alanine and arginine and on peptone in presence of the drug. Respiration on glucose and pyruvate was much less sensitive to propamidine. Blaschko and Duthie (1945) suggested the inhibition of amine oxidases as a point of possible metabolic interference by these compounds. The present study of the inhibition by pentami-dine of the growth of Escherichia coli strain K-12 was undertaken as one phase of the investi-gation of the effect of this diamidine on bac-teriophage production in K-12. The reversal of growth inhibition by L-glutamic or a-ketoglutaric acids and the interference by pentamidine with transaminations involving glutamic acid consti-tute the subject matter of this paper