103 research outputs found

    Mortality and injuries of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) that are caught by pelagic longline

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    By-catches of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) below legal size (44 cm total length) in the seasonal pelagic longline fisheries for haddock off the coast of Finnmark, northern Norway, are often high. The small fish are torn off the hook at the vessel side by means of a crucifier or a gaff and returned to the sea. It is generally thought that most of the discarded haddock die. An investigation to quantify this mortality was done in the season for this fishery in 1997. The undersized haddock that were torn off the longline hook were recaptured by gently catching them in a dip net as they reached the sea surface. Survival of haddock torn off by means of crucifier alone was compared to haddock torn of the hook by means of a gaff. The fish were transferred in tanks onboard a vessel to holding pens made of small meshed knotless netting floating at the surface. They were visually monitored for 7-11 days. The control group consisted of haddock fished with clean hooks without barbs and gently released by hand. At the end of the observation period the live and dead fish were examined for external damage. The experiment showed a total mortality of 39% for fish that had been torn off by means of a crucifier, and 53% mortality of fish released by means of a gaff. The mortality of the control group was 9%. The injuries of the fish were also analysed

    Mortality and injuries of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) that are caught by pelagic longline

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    By-catches of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) below legal size (44 cm total length) in the seasonal pelagic longline fisheries for haddock off the coast of Finnmark, northern Norway, are often high. The small fish are torn off the hook at the vessel side by means of a crucifier or a gaff and returned to the sea. It is generally thought that most of the discarded haddock die. An investigation to quantify this mortality was done in the season for this fishery in 1997. The undersized haddock that were torn off the longline hook were recaptured by gently catching them in a dip net as they reached the sea surface. Survival of haddock torn off by means of crucifier alone was compared to haddock torn of the hook by means of a gaff. The fish were transferred in tanks onboard a vessel to holding pens made of small meshed knotless netting floating at the surface. They were visually monitored for 7-11 days. The control group consisted of haddock fished with clean hooks without barbs and gently released by hand. At the end of the observation period the live and dead fish were examined for external damage. The experiment showed a total mortality of 39% for fish that had been torn off by means of a crucifier, and 53% mortality of fish released by means of a gaff. The mortality of the control group was 9%. The injuries of the fish were also analysed

    Tests to find “best practices” for purse seine release

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    Relevance of Adult Higher Education on Knowledge Management in the Healthcare Sector

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    Organizations, including the healthcare sector, are subject to changes in market, technology and regulations. This requires enhanced and different types of knowledge and has led to an increased demand for adult higher education. However, the competencies required need to be met by the providers of higher education. This article presents a qualitative case study investigating the work relevance of an adult education study bachelor program for middle managers of the public health sector in Norway. The paper explores how the education has shaped the interplay between the student/practitioner and his/her surroundings. The data in the study have been collected using in-depth interviews. The case study showcases the potential impacts of higher education within public healthcare management in the workplace, also highlighting the factors that are predominant regarding the application and dissemination of formal knowledge in the workplace. The primary findings of this study are that there is an interplay between the form and content of the education, personal capabilities, and individual characteristics of the student (employee/health manager), as well as an organizational maturity pertaining to knowledge-management and the exposure to organizational innovation in the broader healthcare system. The case study contributes to the field of knowledge management issues by showing how a study program can support the development of knowledge management practices in an organization, through focusing on the relevance pronounced through the management practices.publishedVersio

    TrÄling over steindekte rÞrledninger i NordsjÞen

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    Between 17 June and 1 July 1997 an experiment was conducted to determine to what extent gravel dumped on pipelines crossing the sea floor obstructs bottom trawling in the North Sea. The investigation was carried out by the Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, and was financed by Statoil. Representatives of two fishermen's organisations and the Directorate of Fisheries joined the study as observers. The experiment was conducted on board the research vessel «Michael Sars». The following trawl types, representative for gears normally used in the North Sea fisheries, were used: shrimp trawl («Ballong») with sabb; two industrial fish trawls ("Expon"), one rigged with a small bobbin gear, the other with sabb. During a total of 23 hauls the stone covered pipelines were crossed 41 times. Eighteen hauls were made with the industrial fish trawl and five with the shrimp trawl. During hauling the trawl performance was documented by an underwater camera carried by a towed vehicle (FOCUS) and by trawl instrumentation (Scanmar) that measured the trawl geometry and tension behind the trawl doors. The experiments were performed at several locations along the Zeepipe IIB gas pipeline, around the Draupner platform, and across pipelines between underwater installations and the Statfjord C platform. The gravel dumps turned out to obstruct fishing with industrial fish trawl and shrimp trawl in the investigation area. The trawl was severely damaged in 10 of the 23 hauls. In eight cases the damage could be ascribed to the gravel dumps or the bare pipelines. This conclusion was drawn on the basis of the following observations: trawl inspections with UTV just prior to passing the gravel dumps showed the gear looking normal. Just after passage it was observed that the trawl was severely damaged. In the majority of the hauls in which the trawl was torn, the door spread increased, the trawl opening height decreased and the wire tension decreased just after the trawl had passed the gravel dumps. The damage was fairly similar in all hauls in which tears occurred. The lower belly had been torn from the lower wing or just behind the fishing line and back towards the cod-end. In the majority of hauls it was observed that gravel or stones passed over the gear or sabb and entered the trawl while it was crossing the stone dumps. Gravel was also found in the cod-end after hauling, but never in such large amounts that the weight of the stones in the cod-end itself could explain why the trawl was torn. Stones lying on the rather thin netting in the wings or the belly may increase the friction between the netting and the sea bottom and thus cause small tears, which may easily hook on an uneven bottom and increase the damage. The shrimp trawl and the industrial fish trawl rigged with a sabb were damaged in almost every haul tested. The industrial fish trawl with a bobbins gear was damaged significantly less often. This may be explained by the difference in bottom contact caused by sabb and bobbins gear. In a trawl rigged with a sabb, the trawl opening from wing to wing closely follows the bottom contour, and is likely to dig into the bottom and catch any stone in the trawl path. The bobbins gear, however, has the ability to roll across small objects or uneven seabed and is thus less likely to catch stones, get hooked and break. It may be concluded that light trawl gears rigged with a sabb are unsuitable for trawling over gravel covered pipelines. NORSK SAMMENDRAG: I perioden 17. juni til 1. juli 1997 gjennomfÞrte Havforskningsinstituttet etter oppdrag fra Statoil en undersÞkelse som skulle belyse i hvilken grad steinfyllinger pÄ rÞrledninger i NordsjÞen kan vÊre til hinder for utÞvelse av fiske med bunntrÄl. UndersÞkelsen ble utfÞrt i samarbeid med representanter fra Fiskeridirektoratet og fiskeriorganisasjoner. TrÄlforsÞkene ble utfÞrt ombord pÄ forskningsfartÞyet «Michael Sars». FÞlgende trÄltyper, som er ordinÊre trÄlredskaper som brukes i kommersielt fiske i NordsjÞen, ble benyttet: ReketrÄl (type «Ballong») med sabb og to industrifisktrÄler (type «Expo»), den ene med et lite bobbins-gear, den andre med sabb. Det ble gjennomfÞrt 23 hal i forsÞksperioden med til sammen 41 kryssinger over steinfyllinger/rÞrledninger. 18 av halene ble gjort med industrifisktrÄl og 5 med reketrÄl. Under halene ble trÄlen video-overvÄket med undervannsfarkosten FOCUS og med trÄlinstrumentering (Scanmar) som mÄlte trÄlens geometri og strekk bak trÄldÞrene. ForsÞkene ble gjennomfÞrt fÞlgende omrÄder: - over steinfylte partier langs Zeepipe IIB (40") gassrÞrledning - i kryssingspunktene mellom Zeepipe IIB (40") gassledning og Sleipner kondensat (20") rÞrledning, og mellom Statpipe S35 (36") og Sleipner kondensat rÞrledning - over steindumpede rÞrledninger rundt Draupner-plattformen - langs produksjons- og vanninjeksjonsrÞr mellom Statfjord C og undervanns produksjonsbrÞnner - langs Statpipe S34 (28") gassledning i Norskerenna Steinfyllingene viste seg Ä vÊre til hinder for fiske med industrifisktrÄl og reketrÄl i undersÞkelsesomrÄdet. I 10 av de 23 halene som ble gjennomfÞrt i forsÞksperioden ble trÄlen sterkt skadet. I Ätte av disse er det sannsynlig at trÄling over steinfyllinger/rÞrledninger var Ärsaken til skadene. FÞlgende observasjoner stÞtter opp om dette. I flere hal kontrollerte man med FOCUS at trÄlen var hel like fÞr steinhellingen ble passert. NÄr trÄlen ble inspisert igjen like etter passering, hadde den store synlige skader. I de fleste hal der trÄlen ble Þdelagt ble det registrert at dÞrspredningen Þkte, ÄpningshÞyden gikk ned og wirestrekket ble redusert like etter at steinfyllingen ble passert, noe som indikerer at trÄlen er skadd. I sÄ godt som alle hal der trÄlen ble revet, var hele underbelgen Þdelagt fra undervinge eller garneringen bak gear/sabb bakover til forlengelsen eller trÄlposen. I de fleste hal gjorde man video-observasjoner av at stein gikk inn i trÄlen under passering av steinhellingene. Det ble ogsÄ funnet stein i trÄlposen etter hiving, men aldri sÄ mye at tyngden av steinen i seg selv kunne forklare at trÄlen ble Þdelagt. Reke- og industrifisktrÄlene er laget av relativt tynt nett, og stein som har lagt seg oppÄ nettet i vinger eller underbelg har trolig forÄrsaket Þkt friksjon mot sjÞbunnen og forÄrsaket rifter. Slike smÄ rifter hekter seg lett fast i ujevnheter pÄ bunnen slik at skadene forstÞrres. IndustritrÄlen som var utstyrt med sabb ble skadet i alle hal. Det samme gjaldt reketrÄlen, med unntak av to hal som ble gjort pÄ blÞt bunn i Norskerenna. Frekvensen av skader pÄ industrifisktrÄlen med bobbinsgear var mindre. Det var trolig gearet og ikke selve trÄlen som var viktigste Ärsak til forskjell i skadefrekvens. Sabb gÄr tettere i bunnen enn bobbinsgear, hekter lettere i ujevnheter og tar inn mer stein, og er derfor mer utsatt for skader. En kan konkludere med at trÄlredskaper utstyrt med sabb ikke er egnet til Ä krysse steinfylte rÞrledninger

    Overleving av torskefisk som unnslipper fra reketrÄl med NordmÞrsrist

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    The survival of one year old cod (Gadus morhua), haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefrzus) and whiting (Merlangius merlangius) escaping from a shrimp trawl with a metal grid sorting device (the NordmÞre grid) was studied during two subsequent seasons. The fish escapees were collected in cylindrical net cages connected to a cover net covering the exit window above the sorting grid. The cages were released from the trawl and anchored for 5 to 12 days. The fish in the cages were observed daily by underwater television and in the second season also by divers. The escapees from separate trawl hauls were analysed for fish body damage. No mortality was found among the young gadoids during the observation period, except for one haddock in a control group. There was almost no visible skin injuries or scale loss of cod, while that of whiting and haddock was significantly larger. No correlation was observed between the amount of scale loss and fish size.NORSK SAMMENDRAG:Hensikten med Ä montere inn skillerist (NordmÞrsrist) i en reketrÄl er i hovedsak Ä sortere ut bifangst av fisk fra rekefangstene. For Ä studere om ett Är gammel torsk (Gadus morhua), hyse (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) og hvitting (Merlangius merlangius) som unnslipper fra en slik reketrÄl overlever, ble det gjennornfÞrt feltforsÞk i fjordene i Troms gjennom to feltsesonger. For Ä fange opp fisk som ble sortert ut fra trÄlen under tauing, ble utslippsvinduet over skillerista dekket med et finmasket dekknett. Til dekknettet var det festet sylinderformede netting-bur som kunne 1Þses fra trÄlen nede i fiskedypet ved hjelp av en akustisk utlÞsningsmekanisme. Til kontrollgruppe ble det samlet opp fisk fra trÄlhal der oppsamlingsburet var festet direkte til trÄlens forlengelse uten skillerist. Etter en tauetid pÄ 30 minutter ble burene frigjort og ankret opp like ved trÄlbanen i 5 til 12 dager for Ä studere overlevelsen til den oppsarnlede fisken. Burene ble overvÄket ved hjelp av undervannskamera, og i den andre feltsesongen ogsÄ ved hjelp av dykker. Bur med fisk fra tre trÄlhal ble brakt direkte til overflaten for analyse av skjelltap og ytre skader. Det ble ikke observert dÞdelighet av ett Är gammel torsk, hyse eller hvitting under forsÞkene, med unntak av en hyse fra kontrollgruppen. PÄ torsk ble det bare funnet ubetydelige hudskader og skjelltap, mens hyse og hvitting hadde noe stÞrre skader. Det ble ikke funnet noen sammenheng mellom mengde av skjelltap og fiskens stÞrrelse. Ett Är gammel torskefisk ser dermed ut til Ä tÄle utsorteringen fra en reketrÄl med NordmÞrsrist godt

    Kan lyd brukast i selektivt fiske?

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    Mortality and injuries of haddock, cod and saithe escaping through codend meshes and sorting grids

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    Mortalities and injuries of the gadoids haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.), cod (Gadus morhua L.) and saithe (Pollachius virens L.) were studied after codend and grid escapement in two full scale trials in 2000 and 2001 in the Barents Sea. The escaped fish were sampled using small meshed cages. Trawl caught controls were sampled by removing the cod end and attaching the cage directly to the cod end extension. In the 2001 trial, control fish were sampled in fish traps in addition. Acoustic closing and releasing devices were used to time the sampling. Survival rates of cod and saithe escaping through codend and sorting grid were 100%. Mortality of haddock were 26.2 to 50.4% (codend escapees), 1.6 to 20% (grid escapees), 4.1 to 26.5% (trawl caught controls) and 0% (trap caught controls). The haddock mortality and injuries decreased with increasing fish length in all groups, with a mortality peek of the mesh escapees with girth approximately the mesh size circumference. Cod and saithe had significantly less skin and fin injuries than haddock, and in general, frequency of skin injuries increased towards the tail. Grid escaped gadoids had significantly less skin and fin damages than the mesh and control groups

    Avoidance reactions of ultrasonic tagged cod during bottom trawling in shallow water

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    Introduction: Observations made by echo sounder (Ona 1988) have shown that cod (Gadus morhua L.) may avoid an approaching survey vessel horizontally and vertically. However, there has been a lack of information on the escapement behaviour of the individual fish. This short note discribes an experiment carried out in a shallow fjord in Northern Norway, where the reactions of single cod towards a small survey vessel during bottom trawling were studied, using ultrasonic tagging technique

    Mortality of North Sea herring that is crowded and subsequently slipped from a purse seine

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    Catch regulation by slipping whole or parts of the catch has traditionally been used in NE-Atlantic purse seine fisheries for pelagic species if the catches are considered too big or the quality or size of the fish is considered unsatisfactory. This is particularly the case when the prize differs between sizes or quality groups of fish (high grading) as is often found with herring. No information is, however, available on the survival rate of herring that is slipped from the purse seine or how significant this mortality is in relation to total fishing mortality. The aim of this study is to quantify mortality of herring crowded to different degrees in the purse seine and subsequently slipped. Large-scale open-sea survival experiments were carried out in the North Sea in 2008 and in 2009. Herring caught by purse seine were allowed to swim from the seine to large circular net pens in an early phase of hauling. Commercial crowding conditions were simulated by lifting the bottom of the net pen. The mortality rate four to five days after crowding ranged from 1.8% in the least crowded to 50.7% and 52.0% in the hardest crowded groups. Control group mortality was low, between 0.9% and 2.0%. These results provide important information on what crowding densities can be tolerated in the purse seine fisheries for herring and suggest a need to revise the legislation on slipping in these fisheries. Keywords: unaccounted mortality, slipping, purse seine, herring, crowdin
