74 research outputs found


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    In recent years, the field of structure monitoring has been making increasing use of systems based on fiber-optic technologies. Fiber-optic technology offers many advantages, including higher quality measurements, greater reliability, easier installation and maintenance, insensitivity to the environment (mainly to the electromagnetic field), corrosion resistance, safety in explosive and flammable environments, the possibility of long-term monitoring and lower cost per lifetime. We have used SOFO fibre-optic strain gauges to perform measurements to check the overall relative deformation of a real reinforced concrete structure. Long-term monitoring of the structure revealed that the measurement readings obtained from these fibre-optic strain gauges differed from each other. Greater attention was therefore paid to the calibration of the fibre-optic strain gauges, and to determining their measurement accuracy. The experimental results show that it is necessary to calibrate SOFO strain gauges before they are used, and to determine their calibration constant

    Public Transport to the Airport and Its Influence on Handling Process

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    The paper focuses on several possibilities of the mass public transport to the airport, including analyses of the expected impact on the various airport processes. Within the article, three main transportation system types will be described and compared. Firstly, the problem regarding current bus transfer system to the Václav Havel airport Prague will be analyzed. According to the analysis results the focus now turns to the description of the potential influence of the introduction of the new transfer systems, including the impact on the airport security and passport control process, and other procedures, which include some kind of a queuing process. This airport was chosen as the biggest airport in the Czech Republic, which in today and future business environment could expect problems related to the public transport of the passengers to and from the airport. Besides the description of the current structure, the paper tries to elaborate issues such as calculation of the queue waiting times and to propose a new system, more suitable for the given conditions. Results of the research include various calculations, such dependence of a modal split and intervals of the waiting times within a check-in process

    The Dependence of Airport Profit on Passenger Satisfaction and Operational Efficiency

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    Since the airports are in fact commercial companies, their main objective is to make profit. Therefore, it is important for the airports to identify the business activities that may increase the income as well as those that may reduce the costs. The terminal process, handling the passengers’ baggage both on their departure and arrival, is a basic process at all airports that are intended for the commercial air transport. The quality of the terminal process provided by the airports has a significant impact on the passengers especially in terms of their satisfaction. In this text, the passenger satisfaction is regarded as a key factor of the terminal process affecting a whole range of other areas. Its high efficiency leads to cost reduction from the perspective of the airport. As it is proposed here, there is a connection between the passenger satisfaction and the process efficiency. For example, the queues that form due to the check-in process may be a result of the imbalance between the passenger arrival rate and the service rate. Therefore, there is a necessity of improving not only the passenger satisfaction but also the process efficiency

    The need for concept of efficiency evaluation of security control at airports

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    There are many demands placed on centralized security checkpoints of passenger and cabin luggage. Among the most important rank requirements for high passenger satisfaction, assurance of high security check effectiveness and operational efficiency. These three base requirements, however, do not support each other and in some ways they even conflict. Other aspects influencing operational security control are ever increasing volumes of handled passengers and the efforts to reduce flight ticket prices. Operational efficiency evaluation and targeted control are supported by the possibility to assure specific basic requirements. These include assuring required amount of security control staff, on the right place and at the right time. In sequence, a concept of security control efficiency evaluation is needed for operational, tactical and strategic planning

    The Methods of Terminal Capacity Analysis

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    The capacity is a critical issue at many airports today. There are tools for capacity examining and management. But terminal operations are comprehensive and complex and some methods are not suitable. This paper deals with two basic approaches in methods of analyzing the terminal capacity

    Material Properties of Polymeric Interlayers under Static and Dynamic Loading with Respect to the Temperature

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    Looking at a current architecture, there are many examples of glass load bearing structures such as beams, panes, balustrades, columns or even stairs. These elements are mostly made of laminated glass panels. Panels are bonded together with polymer interlayer significantly influencing a shear forces transfer between them. There is still overall lack of knowledge in the task of shear forces transfer between these panels. It principally depends on the polymer stiffness, which is affected by an ambient temperature, humidity and load duration. Civil engineers currently tend to design laminated glass members on the safe side, generally not taking laminated panels interaction provided by the interlayer into account. This approach leads to uneconomical and robust glass bearing members significantly preventing the use of laminated glass more extensively. There are many polymer interlayers made for structural laminated glass applications available on a market. Most of them differ in stiffness and other important properties therefore these must be experimentally examined to design safer and more economical laminated glass members. This paper is focused on the shear modulus of PVB (polyvinyl-buthyral) and SentryGlasÒ (ionoplast) experimental investigations as a function of temperature and loading ratio. It is possible to find out these functions by static creep or relaxation tests as well as by dynamic mechanical thermal analysis-DMTA. A lot of DMTA experiments in shear with the aforementioned interlayers in various loading conditions have been performed in order to determine their shear stiffness. It also enables to identify their Prony parameters as a part of the next survey. Experimentally verified common polymer interlayer stiffness helps engineers to design safer and cheaper glass constructions. This is the way how to extend the use of laminated glass in a current architecture

    Games on Graphs

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    Import 23/08/2017Cílem práce bylo vypracovat systematický přehled her rozdělených do jednotlivých kategorií, popsat vlastnosti vybraných her a připravit shrnutí otevřených problémů, na které by mohly navázat další práce. Jedná se o přehledovou práci, kde čerpám z mnoha různých zdrojů a hlavním výsledkem práce je shrnutí informací z těchto zdrojů do přehledné struktury. Na úvod jsem uvedl základní pojmy související s tématem, kterému se práce věnuje, a přehledně jsem popsal přístup k dělení her. Ve zbytku práce se věnuji hlavně představení konkrétních vybraných her, kde je hlavním tématem diskuze o strategiích a jsou popsány některé důkazy těchto strategií. Na závěr je uveden seznam her, jejich rozdělení do kategorií, kde jsou zahrnuty jak hry, kterým jsem se věnoval ve své práci, tak další známější hry, na které se už v práci nedostalo, ale jsou typově podobné uvedeným hrám. Práce je ukončena přehledem otevřených problémů u her, které jsme v práci představili.The purpose of the thesis was to develop a systematic overview of games divided into various categories, describe the characteristics of the selected games and prepare a summary of open problems on which someone could build his further work. This thesis is an overview work, where I draw from many different sources and the main result of the thesis is a summary of the information from these sources into a clear structure. In the introduction I stated the basic concepts related to the topic, to which the work is dedicated, and I described the approach to the classification of games. The rest of the work is devoted mainly to the detailed description of selected games, where the main topic of discussion are strategies and we described some of the proofs of these strategies. In the conclusion, there is a list of games, their division into categories, that include games, which I introduced and also further types of games, which are not in thesis, but they are similar to games in the thesis. We close the thesis by giving an overview of open problems for games that were in the thesis presented.470 - Katedra aplikované matematikyvýborn

    Four-point bending tests of PVB double laminated glass panels – experiments and numerical analysis

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    Current architecture uses glass even for load bearing structural elements. Typical example is perpendicularly loadedlaminated glass panel as a part of balustrade, staircase, or canopy. Laminated glass is a composition of two or more glassplies bonded by polymeric interlayer which enables the shear transfer between the individual plies in a laminated panel.The shear transfer depends on the shear stiffness of a certain interlayer as a time and temperature dependent parameter.Shear stiffness in time and temperature domain can be numerically described by a discrete Maxwell model whose Pronyparameters may be obtained by Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) of a particular interlayer. There arevarious techniques of DMTA as well as various Prony parameters fitting methods. As soon as shear stiffness given byMaxwell model is quantified, it is desirable to verify its credibility by experiment. This paper compares the experimentaldata from displacement-controlled four-point bending tests in various loading rates and from four point bending longtermcreep experiment of double laminated glass panels with PVB interlayer Trosifol BG-R20® to the numerical analysisperformed in ANSYS® 18.0. The interlayer was modelled as a viscoelastic material by two discrete Maxwell models.Prony parameters of the first Maxwell model were based on DMTA results performed on small scale specimens in singlelap shear mode and Prony parameters of the second Maxwell model were based on DMTA results performed on smallscale specimens in single lap shear mode and torsion mode. Results show that Maxwell model based only on single lapshear tests enabled to describe the long-term response of a panel while that based on single lap shear and torsion testswas more precise in task of displacement-controlled test. All experiments and analyses were performed at CTU in Prague

    Comprehensive assessment of the residual life of the turbine body based on current material data obtained using sub-sized specimens

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    V průběhu provozování dochází vlivem dlouhodobého působení provozních podmínek (namáhání, teplota, tlak, prostředí) k degradaci vlastností materiálů stěžejních komponent energetických zařízení, což může vést ke snížení až ztrátě spolehlivosti a bezpečnosti při jejich dalším provozu. Znalost aktuálních materiálových vlastností je pro predikci zbytkové životnosti daného zařízení klíčová. Semidestruktivní odběr polotovaru na výrobu miniaturizovaných zkušebních těles a jejich zkoušení širokým portfoliem zkušebních metod je cestou, jak tyto aktuální vlastnosti zjistit a změřit. V článku je popsána použitelnost těchto zkušebních metod pro konkrétní případ turbínového tělesa.During operation, due to the long-term effect of operating conditions (stress, temperature, pressure, environment), the properties of the materials of the core components of energy equipment degrade, which can lead to a reduction or loss of reliability and safety during their continued operation. Knowledge of the current material properties is crucial for predicting the residual life of a given device. A semi-destructive sampling of the semi-finished product for producing miniaturized test specimens and their testing with a broad portfolio of test methods is the way to find out and measure these current properties. The article describes the applicability of these test methods for the specific case of a turbine body

    Nomenclature of Cambrian lithostratigraphy of the Skryje-Týřovice Basin

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    Ecuador Debate es una publicación periódica electrónica dependiente del Centro Andino de Acción Popular (CAAP), que cubre diversos temas de la actualidad local y Latinoamericana. Centrada especialmente en asuntos económicos y políticos del Ecuador, la publicación también incluye importantes secciones dedicadas a la cultura (crítica literaria), el mundo agrario, social-urbano, y los temas de conflictividad social. Estos últimos son analizados desde un punto de vista de sociológico y cuantitat..