35 research outputs found


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    The gut microbiota plays an important role in host metabolism, immunity, digestibility and even behaviour. Candida spec. is common resident of the gastrointestinal tract and integral part of the microbiota. The aim of the study was to evaluate if positive Candida cultures in the stool influence metabolic parameters in type 2DM patients. 46 patients with type 2 DM and oral antidiabetic treatment, were divided into a study group (S=18 patients with positive Candida sp. cultures in stool) and the control group (C= remaining 28 patients). Besides medical history and clinical examination, all patients were tested for coproculture, fasting glycaemia (FPG), HbA1C, total cholesterol (CL) triglycerides (TG), high- density lipoproteins (HDL) and low- density lipoproteins (LDL). Study group patients had a significantly higher BMI (31.41 Ā± 5.29 vs. 25.18 Ā± 3.58; p<0.001); HbA1C (9.8 % Ā± 1.74 vs 6.9% Ā± 1.89; p<0.05) as well as FPG (10.87 Ā± 1.35 vs 7.47 Ā± 1.03; p<0.01), compared to the control group. Even though the study group patients had higher TG, CL, LDL and HDL, compared to the control group, there was no statistical significance verified. Uncontrolled glucoregulation is one of the host condition which favours candida colonization and subsequent infection. This may be related to the decrease in commensal bacteria, probably as the result of yeast-bacterial competition. On the other hand, we have to keep in mindthat a significantly increased number of Candida colonies can affect the rate of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and consequently increase the level of glycaemia in patients with diabetes

    Temperature changes in the pulp chamber induced by polymerization of resin-based dental restoratives following simulated direct pulp capping

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    The objective of this study was to measure temperature changes in the pulp chamber induced by polymerization of resin-based dental restoratives following a simulated procedure of direct pulp capping. Class I cavities with a microperforation at the pulp horn were prepared in extracted human molar teeth. The complete procedure of direct pulp capping and cavity restoration was performed with the root part of extracted teeth fixed in a water bath at 37 degrees C. Mineral trioxide aggregate, bioactive dentin substitute or calcium-hydroxide paste were used as pulp capping materials. Cavities were restored with a light-cured or chemically-cured resin-modified glass ionomer, universal adhesive and a bulk-fill composite, cured with a high-intensity LED unit. Pulp capping materials caused a slight temperature decrease. Lower temperature increase was recorded during light-curing of the glass ionomer liner after direct capping with mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium-hydroxide than that recorded for the bioactive dentin substitute. Adhesive light-curing increased temperature in all groups with higher mean temperatures in groups with chemically-cured as compared to those for the light-cured glass ionomer liner. Direct pulp capping with mineral trioxide aggregate or calcium-hydroxide followed by the light-cured resin-modified glass ionomer liner and a bonded bulk-fill composite restoration induced temperature changes below the potentially adverse threshold of 42.5 degrees C

    Chemical Analysis of Mortars of Archeological Samples form Mediana

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    The aim of this study was mineralogical and chemical analysis of mortar from the floor, ceiling and wall of Stibadium B, from the archaeological site of Mediana. ICP-OES and FTIR-spectroscopy were used to determine chemical composition and some major mineralogical species. The obtained results show that lime mortar is probably used. Large contribution of silicon- and aluminum-oxides, indicate the presence of quartz and clay minerals derived from the aggregate, river sand and crushed bricks. The obtained results also show large amount of iron, manganese and copper. The determinated metals in samples from floor and wall of Stibadium B, are mostly present in oxide fraction, while in sample from ceiling, they are mostly found in silicate fraction


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    Childrenā€™s patterns of behavior in the school environment, conditioned by various levels of individual or group needs, represent the basic modalities of their relationship towards the immediate, both social and physical, environment.This paper studies the connection between the behavior of school children, whose relationships with their given social environment can take various forms, and certain spatial characteristics of elementary schools.The results indicate that there is a need to achieve a balanced relationship between a strictly defined and an open form of the physical environment in order to create conditions in which school children will express their current orientation and attitude toward their immediate social environment through their behavior in that particular physical environment. This includes the organization of a dynamic and shifting environment, spatial planning which needs to enable a greater degree of privacy in certain zones and the organization of spatial flow which enables adequate visual communication between the school children and the flexible structure of the space meant for education

    Butler-Volmer current equation and fractal nature correction in electrochemical energy

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    The Global Energy Crisis necessitated improving research into new, renewable and alternative energy sources. Due to that, our focus is on the area of some phenomena and applications where different synthetic methods and micro-structure property optimization achieved significant improvement in the electro physical properties of output materials and components. This is especially important for higher energy efficiency and electricity production (batteries and battery systems, fuel cells, and hydrogen energy).The improvement of energy storage tank capacity is one of the most important development issues in the energy sphere too. It is because of this very promising research and application area that we are expanding the knowledge on these phenomena through fractal nature analysis. So, the results obtained in the field of electrochemical energy sources, especially in electrolyte development, are taken into account the analysis of fractal nature optimization. Based on the research field of fractal material science, particularly electronic materials, we conducted research in micro-structure fractal influence in the area of electrochemistry. We investigated the consolidation parameters of Fe2O3 redox processes. The influence of activation energy, fundamental thermodynamic parameters, and also the fractal correction of electrode surface area through complex fractal dimension with recognized grains and pores, and the Brownian motion of particles is introduced. Finally, the electrochemical Butler-Volmer equation fractalization is obtained. These results practically open new frontiers in electrochemical energy processes performed through the Arrhenius equation within electrolyte bulk and electrode relations and more complete and precise energy generation

    Butler-volmer current equation and fractal nature correction in electrochemical energy

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    The Global Energy Crisis necessitated improving research into new, renewable and alternative energy sources. Due to that, our focus is on the area of some phenomena and applications where different synthetic methods and microstructure property optimization achieved significant improvement in the electro physical properties of output materials and components. This is especially important for higher energy efficiency and electricity production (batteries and battery systems, fuel cells, and hydrogen energy). The improvement of energy storage tank capacity is one of the most important development issues in the energy sphere too. It is because of this very promising research and application area that we are expanding the knowledge on these phenomena through fractal nature analysis. So, the results obtained in the field of electrochemical energy sources, especially in electrolyte development, are taken into account the analysis of fractal nature optimization. Based on the research field of fractal material science, particularly electronic materials, we conducted research in micro-structure fractal influence in the area of electrochemistry. We investigated the consolidation parameters of Fe2O3 redox processes. The influence of activation energy, fundamental thermodynamic parameters, and also the fractal correction of electrode surface area through complex fractal dimension with recognized grains and pores, and the Brownian motion of particles is introduced. Finally, the electrochemical Butler-Volmer equation fractalization is obtained. These results practically open new frontiers in electrochemical energy processes performed through the Arrhenius equation within electrolyte bulk and electrode relations and more complete and precise energy generation

    Delovanje meda na nivo malondialdehida u plazmi izloženoj terapijskoj dozi zračenja

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    Malondialdehyde (MDA) is the end product of lipid peroxidation and biomarker of free radicals. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of honey on concentrations of MDA in plasma exposed to a therapeutic dose of radiation. In this experiment animals were divided into two groups: in CONTROL group the animals were given distilled water orally for 28 days, and HONEY group consisted of animals given 1,5 ml/kg honey orally for 28 days. Blood samples of both groups were collected from a rat's tail. All blood samples were exposed to radiation of 2 Gy. Malondialdehyde concentration in plasma was determined using spectrophotometric method. Honey treatment in the blood plasma exposed to a therapeutic dose of 2 Gy significantly decreased MDA level by 30 % compared with control group. The present results indicated that honey had an effect on the levels of MDA in plasma exposed to radiation.Malondialdehid (MDA) je krajnji proizvod peroksidacije lipida i biomarker slobodnih radikala. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj meda na koncentraciju MDA u krvnoj plazmi izloženoj terapijskoj dozi zračenja. U ovom eksperimentu životinje su podeljene u dve grupe: u kontrolnoj grupi životinje su dobijale destilovanu vodu oralno tokom 28 dana, a drugu grupu činile su životinje koje su tokom 28 dana dobijale oralno 1.5 ml/kg meda. Uzorci krvi obe grupe su sakupljeni iz repa pacova. Svi uzorci krvi bili su izloženi zračenju od 2 Gy. Koncentracija MDA u plazmi određena je spektrofotometrijskom metodom. Tretman medom u krvnoj plazmi izložen terapijskoj dozi od 2 Gy značajno je smanjio nivo MDA (30 %) u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom.XXXII Simpozijum DruÅ”tva za zaÅ”titu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, 4-6. oktobar 2023; Budva, Crna GoraProceedings: [https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11602

    Registri bolesnika s hroničnim opstruktivnim bolestima pluća ā€“ zaÅ”to su važni?

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    COPD is most probably not just a single disease, but a syndrome made up of numerous individual overlapping diseases. The concept of phenotyping COPD patients would not be feasible without major population-based studies and patient registries. The aim of setting up a COPD registry has been defined as the need to establish the disease prevalence, phenotype incidence, clinical features, co-morbidities, treatment specificities, together with monitoring of the diseaseā€™s natural course and its outcome on a large sample of patients. In Serbia, an online registry of COPD patients has been operational since 2016, and the recent insight (before the manuscriptā€™s submission) shows over 4,200 entries. Analysis of the population of patients entered shows that an average patient is male (63%), smoker or ex-smoker (90.48%), over 60 years of age (82.01%). Pulmonary function analysis shows that the majority of enrolled patients (82%) have moderate to severe obstruction, with an average FEV1 of 52.82% of the predicted value, while 45% of patients have FEV1 value below 50% of the predicted value. The Charlson Comorbidity Index shows that half of the patients (49.97%) have one comorbidity. Most common comorbidities are arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, liver disease, congestive heart failure, and coronary ischemic disease. Comorbidities such as osteoporosis, depression, and anxiety have been reported very rarely. The phenotype analysis showed equal shares of two predominant groups: non-exacerbators (51.12%), and exacerbators (48.88%) within which there are groups of patients with pulmonary emphysema (34.35%) and patients with chronic bronchitis (14.53%). The data indicate that strategy for COPD treatment in our environment is changing towards adoption of modern recommendations and guidelines for treatment of this disease. The data enable a comprehensive insight into the disease and drawing up of feasible treatment strategies that give us hope for success.HOBP verovatno nije samo jedna bolest već sindrom sačinjen od brojnih, pojedinačnih bolesti koje se preklapaju. Koncept fenotipizacije pacijenata sa HOBP-om ne bi bio moguć bez velikih, populacionih studija i registara pacijenata. Cilj kreiranja registara pacijenata sa HOBP-om je definisan potrebom da se na velikom uzorku utvrdi prevalenca bolesti, učestalost fenotipova, kliničke karakteristike, komorbiditeti, specifičnosti terapije, uz praćenje prirodnog toka bolesti do njenog ishoda. U Srbiji od 2016. godine postoji elektronski (onlajn) registar pacijenata sa hroničnom opstruktivnom boleŔću pluća, koji je u momentu pisanja ovog teksta brojao viÅ”e od 4200 unosa. Analiza populacije pacijenta unetih u registar HOBP-a ukazuje na to da je prosečan pacijent muÅ”karac (63% pacijenata), puÅ”ač ili bivÅ”i puÅ”ač (ukupno 90,48% pacijenata), stariji od 60 godina (82,01% pacijenata). Analiza plućne funkcije pokazuje da većina pacijenata (82%) ima umerenu i srednje teÅ”ku opstrukciju, sa prosečnom vrednoŔću FEV1 od 52,82% predviđene vrednosti, dok 45% pacijenata ima vrednost FEV1 nižu od 50% predviđene vrednosti. Čarlsonov indeks komorbiditeta je pokazao da polovina pacijenata (49,97%) ima jedan komorbiditet. Najučestaliji komorbiditeti su: arterijska hipertenzija, dijabetes melitus, bolesti jetre, kongestivna srčana slabost i koronarna ishemijska bolest. Komorbiditeti poput osteoporoze, depresije i anksioznosti su vrlo retko prijavljivani. U pogledu fenotipova zapaža se da je učestalost dve dominirajuće grupe bolesnika izjednačena: grupa neegzacerbatora (51,12%), zatim egzacerbatora (48,88%), u okviru kojih se nalaze grupe pacijenata sa emfizemom pluća sa 34,35% zastupljenosti i pacijenata sa hroničnim bronhitisom sa 14,53% zastupljenosti. Podaci ukazuju na to da se strategija lečenja HOBP-a u naÅ”oj sredini ipak menja, uz usvajanje savremenih preporuka i smernica za lečenje ove bolesti. Ovakvi podaci nam omogućavaju da sagledamo bolest iz svih uglova i kreiramo realno izvodljive strategije lečenja koje daju nadu za postizanje uspeha

    Evaluation of black carbon in fine atmospheric particulate matter on various filter types by multi-wavelength light absorption technique

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    Besides the evident harmful impact to human health, black carbon (BC) is considered as second important contributor to climate change due to its sunlight absorption and warming effects. It is a major component of fine atmospheric particulate matter emitted during the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and biomass burning emissions from both natural and anthropogenic sources. Atmospheric carbon was recognized in forms of soot, black carbon, elemental carbon, inorganic carbon, organic carbon, brown carbon, etc, depending on the origin and absorption characteristics. Measurement methodologies for BC analysis in aerosol samples are mostly based on optical and thermal properties of carbon species. Here are presented results of the application of the optical analytical technique which relies on the multi-wavelenght light attenuation by black carbon component of fine particulate matter deposited on filter media. For that purpose, standard polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), quartz and carbon nanotube filters with different qualitative features and pore diameters were exposed to fine aerosol fraction at urban background monitoring site in heating and non heating seasons, using low-volume air samplers with 2.3 m3/h air flow. A multi wavelength absorption black carbon instrument (MABI) with 405 nm, 465 nm, 525 nm, 639 nm, 870 nm, 940 nm and 1050 nm LEDs was used for blank and exposed filters analysis and black carbon evaluation. Differences in obtained BC values are discussed in relation to various absorption potential of different filter media, taking into account absorption coefficients dependence on the wavelength and density. Main advantage of this method is simplicity and complementarity with nondestructive nuclear analytical techniques (EDXRF, PIXE) for elemental analysis of fine aerosol fraction on specific filter media. Differentiation between black carbon coming from fossil fuels combustion and from biomass burning sources would be additional information valuable for source apportionment analysis using positive matrix factorization and reliable discussion of air pollution observed at selected receptor site.IX International Conference on Radiation in Various Fields of Research : RAD 2021 : book of abstracts; June 14-18, 2021; Herceg Novi, Montenegr

    Chemical Analysis of Mortars of Archeological Samples form Mediana

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    The aim of this study was mineralogical and chemical analysis of mortar from the floor, ceiling and wall of Stibadium B, from the archaeological site of Mediana. ICP-OES and FTIR-spectroscopy were used to determine chemical composition and some major mineralogical species. The obtained results show that lime mortar is probably used. Large contribution of silicon- and aluminum-oxides, indicate the presence of quartz and clay minerals derived from the aggregate, river sand and crushed bricks. The obtained results also show large amount of iron, manganese and copper. The determinated metals in samples from floor and wall of Stibadium B, are mostly present in oxide fraction, while in sample from ceiling, they are mostly found in silicate fraction