7 research outputs found

    Bone apposition to titanium implants biocoated with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2 (rhBMP-2). A pilot study in dogs

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate bone formation to recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2)-biocoated and rhBMP-2-nonbiocoated titanium implants after implantation in dogs. Implantation of sand-blasted and acid-etched (C), chromosulfuric acid surface-enhanced (CSA), and rhBMP-2-biocoated CSA [BMP-A: noncovalently immobilized rhBMP-2 (596 ng/cm(2)), BMP-B: covalently immobilized rhBMP-2 (819 ng/cm(2))] implants was performed in both the mandible and tibia of dogs. After 4 weeks of healing, the percentage of direct bone to implant contact (BIC) and the induced bone density (BD) at a distance of less than and greater than 1 mm adjacent to each implant was assessed. Histomorphometric analysis of implants inserted in the mandible and tibia revealed that BIC values appeared to be highest in the BMP-B group, followed by BMP-A, CSA, and C. BD as measured at a distance of <1 mm revealed obvious differences between groups: BMP-B>BMP-A>CSA>C. However, no differences between groups were observed at a distance of >1 mm. Within the limits of the present study, it may be concluded that rhBMP-2 immobilized by covalent and noncovalent methods on CSA-treated implant surfaces seemed to be stable and promoted direct bone apposition in a concentration-dependant manner

    Relationship between serum tumor necrosis factor receptor-2 concentration and periodontal destruction in patients with type 2 diabetes: Cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: The role of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) is well documented in pathogenesis of chronic periodontitis (CP) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Considering short half-life of TNFα, tumor necrosis factor receptor-2 (TNFR2) is used as prosperous surrogate marker of TNFα activity. Objective The aim was to detect TNFR2 serum concentration and correlate it with periodontal destruction in patients with diagnosed T2D and nondiabetics. Methods The study included 85 patients divided into three groups: T2D + CP (group T2D, n = 34); nondiabetics + CP (Group PD, n = 27); and healthy controls (group HC, n = 24). T2D was diagnosed according to WHO criteria (2013) and periodontitis was diagnosed using International Workshop for a Classification of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions criteria (1999). TNFR2 level was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results There was no difference in TNFR2 level among the groups (Kruskal-Wallis, p = 0.482). Significant correlation (Pearson's correlation coefficient) was observed between clinical attachment loss (CAL) and TNFR2 concentration in PD group (rp = -0.460, p = 0.016). In T2D group, correlations were observed between TNFR2 concentration and CaL (rp = 0.363, p = 0.005) and periodontal inflamed surface area (PISA) (rp = 0.345, p = 0.046) and periodontalepithelial surface area (PESA) (rp = 0.578, p = 0.000). Conclusion Higher concentration of TNFR2 was associated with higher CAL, PESA, and PISA scores in T2D group. Contrary to that, nondiabetics with higher values of CAL exhibited lower concentration of TNFR2, presenting potential protective effect on periodontal destruction. These results imply that diabetes may alter TNFR2 secretion originated from periodontium.Uvod: Uloga faktora nekroze tumora-alfa (TNFα) dokazana je u patogenezi hronične parodontopatije (HP) i dijabetesa melitusa tipa 2 (DM tip 2). S obzirom na to da je poluživot TNFα veoma kratak, receptor 2 faktora nekroze tumora (TNFR2) koristi se kao marker aktivnosti TNFα. Cilj rada Cilj ovog rada je određivanje koncentracije TNFR2 u serumu i koreliranje sa parametrima destrukcije parodoncijuma kod zdravih i ispitanika sa dijagnostikovanim DM tip 2. Metode rada U studiju je uključeno 85 pacijenata podeljenih u tri grupe: DM tip 2 + HP (DM grupa, n = 34), zdravi ispitanici + HP (PD grupa, n = 27) i zdrave kontrole (ZK grupa, n = 24). Dijagnoza DM tip 2 postavljena je na osnovu kriterijuma SZO (2013), dok je dijagnoza HP postavljena na osnovu kriterijuma Internacionalne radionice za klasifikaciju stanja i oboljenja parodoncijuma (1999). Koncentracija TNFR2 merena je ELISA metodom. Rezultati Koncentracija serumskog TNFR2 nije se razlikovala među grupama (Kraskal-Volis, p = 0,482). Postoji značajna korelacija (Pirson) između nivoa pripojnog epitela (NPE) i koncentracije TNFR2 u PD grupi (rp = -0,460, p = 0,016). U DM tip 2 grupi, statistički značajna korelacija uočena je između koncentracije TNFR2 i NPE (rp = 0,363, p = 0,005), kao i parametara uticaja inflamacije iz parodoncijuma na sistemsko zdravlje - PISA (rp = 0,345, p = 0,046) i PESA (rp = 0,578, p = 0,000). Zaključak Kod pacijenata sa dijabetesom veće koncentracije TNFR2 odgovaraju većim vrednostima NPE, PESA i PISA. Nasuprot tome, kod sistemski zdravih ispitanika sa HP veće vrednosti NPE su povezane sa manjim koncentracijama TNFR2, što bi moglo govoriti o potencijalnoj zaštitnoj ulozi ovog citokina na destrukciju parodoncijuma. Rezultati govore da dijabetes može uticati na sekreciju TNFR2 iz parodoncijuma