1,659 research outputs found

    High redshift X-ray galaxy clusters. II. The L_X-T relationship revisited

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    In this paper we re-visit the observational relation between X-ray luminosity and temperature for high-z galaxy clusters and compare it with the local L_X-T and with theoretical models. To these ends we use a sample of 17 clusters extracted from the Chandra archive supplemented with additional clusters from the literature, either observed by Chandra or XMM-Newton, to form a final sample of 39 high redshift (0.25 < z < 1.3) objects. Different statistical approaches are adopted to analyze the L_X-T relation. The slope of the L_X-T relation of high redshift clusters is steeper than expected from the self-similar model predictions and steeper, even though still compatible within the errors, than the local L_X-T slope. The distant cluster L_X-T relation shows a significant evolution with respect to the local Universe: high-z clusters are more luminous than the local ones by a factor ~2 at any given temperature. The evolution with redshift of the L_X-T relation cannot be described by a single power law nor by the evolution predicted by the self-similar model. We find a strong evolution, similar or stronger than the self-similar model, from z = 0 to z <0.3 followed by a much weaker, if any, evolution at higher redshift. The weaker evolution is compatible with non-gravitational models of structure formation. According to us a statistically significant sample of nearby clusters (z < 0.25) should be observed with the current available X-ray telescopes to completely exclude observational effects due to different generation detectors and to understand this novel result.Comment: 14 pages, 10 postscript figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Corrected typo

    IUE absorption studies of broad- and narrow-line gas in Seyfert galaxies

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    The interstellar medium of a galaxy containing an active nucleus may be profoundly affected by the high energy (X-ray, EUV) continuum flux emanating from the central source. The energetic source may photoionize the interstellar medium out to several kiloparsecs, thereby creating a global H II region. The International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite has attempted to observe in several Seyfert galaxies (NGC 3516, NGC 4151, NGC 1068, 3C 120) the narrow absorption lines expected from such global H II regions. Instead, in two of the galaxies (NGC 3516, NGC 4151) broad, variable absorption lines at C IV lambda 1550, N V lambda 1240, and Si IV lambda 1400 were found, as well as weaker absorption features at O I lambda 1302 and C II lambda 1335. These features swamp any possible global H II region absorption. Such broad absorption features have previously been observed in IUE data, but their origin is still not well understood

    Spin-charge separation and simultaneous spin and charge Kondo effect

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    We study the spin-charge separation in a Kondo-like model for an impurity with a spin and a charge (isospin) degree of freedom coupled to a single conduction channel (the ``spin-charge'' Kondo model). We show that the spin and charge Kondo effects can occur simultaneously at any coupling strength. In the continuum (wide-band or weak coupling) limit, the Kondo screening in each sector is independent, while at finite bandwidth and strong coupling the lattice effects lead to a renormalization of the effective Kondo exchange constants; nevertheless, universal spin and charge Kondo effects still occur. We find similar behavior in the two-impurity Anderson model with positive and negative electron-electron interaction and in the two-impurity Anderson-Holstein model with a single phonon mode. We comment on the applicability of such models to describe the conductance of deformable molecules with a local magnetic moment.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Vacuum properties of a Non-Local Thirring-Like Model

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    We use path-integral methods to analyze the vacuum properties of a recently proposed extension of the Thirring model in which the interaction between fermionic currents is non-local. We calculate the exact ground state wave functional of the model for any bilocal potential, and also study its long-distance behavior. We show that the ground state wave functional has a general factored Jastrow form. We also find that it posess an interesting symmetry involving the interchange of density-density and current-current interactions.Comment: 25 pages, latex, no figure

    Functional central limit theorems for multivariate Bessel processes in the freezing regime

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    Multivariate Bessel processes (Xt,k)t0(X_{t,k})_{t\ge0} describe interacting particle systems of Calogero-Moser-Sutherland type and are related with β\beta-Hermite and β\beta-Laguerre ensembles. They depend on a root system and a multiplicity kk which corresponds to the parameter β\beta in random matrix theory. In the recent years, several limit theorems were derived for kk\to\infty with fixed t>0t>0 and fixed starting point. Only recently, Andraus and Voit used the stochastic differential equations of (Xt,k)t0(X_{t,k})_{t\ge0} to derive limit theorems for kk\to\infty with starting points of the form kx\sqrt k\cdot x with xx in the interior of the corresponding Weyl chambers. Here we provide associated functional central limit theorems which are locally uniform in tt. The Gaussian limiting processes admit explicit representations in terms of matrix exponentials and the solutions of the associated deterministic dynamical systems.Comment: This is an abridged version of the previous paper without the ODE parts. The ODE part in an extended form can be found in Arxiv:1910.0788

    A General Precipitation-Limited L_X-T-R Relation Among Early-Type Galaxies

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    The relation between X-ray luminosity (L_X) and ambient gas temperature (T) among massive galactic systems is an important cornerstone of both observational cosmology and galaxy-evolution modeling. In the most massive galaxy clusters, the relation is determined primarily by cosmological structure formation. In less massive systems, it primarily reflects the feedback response to radiative cooling of circumgalactic gas. Here we present a simple but powerful model for the L_X-T relation as a function of physical aperture R within which those measurements are made. The model is based on the precipitation framework for AGN feedback and assumes that the circumgalactic medium is precipitation-regulated at small radii and limited by cosmological structure formation at large radii. We compare this model with many different data sets and show that it successfully reproduces the slope and upper envelope of the L_X-T-R relation over the temperature range from ~0.2 keV through >10 keV. Our findings strongly suggest that the feedback mechanisms responsible for regulating star formation in individual massive galaxies have much in common with the precipitation-triggered feedback that appears to regulate galaxy-cluster cores.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 9 pages, 3 figures (v2 fixes a few small typos

    Galaxy cluster outskirts: a universal entropy profile for relaxed clusters?

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    We fit a functional form for a universal ICM entropy profile to the scaled entropy profiles of a catalogue of X-ray galaxy cluster outskirts results, which are all relaxed cool core clusters at redshift below 0.25. We also investigate the functional form suggested by Lapi et al. and Cavaliere et al. for the behaviour of the entropy profile in the outskirts and find it to fit the data well outside 0.3r200 . We highlight the discrepancy in the entropy profile behaviour in the outskirts between observations and the numerical simulations of Burns et al., and show that the entropy profile flattening due to gas clumping calculated by Nagai & Lau is insufficient to match observations, suggesting that gas clumping alone cannot be responsible for all of the entropy profile flattening in the cluster outskirts. The entropy profiles found with Suzaku are found to be consistent with ROSAT, XMM-Newton and Planck results.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA