13 research outputs found

    Heteronuclear Molecules from a Quantum Degenerate Fermi-Fermi Mixture

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    Quantum-assisted finite-element design optimization

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    Quantum annealing devices such as the ones produced by D-Wave systems are typically used for solving optimization and sampling tasks, and in both academia and industry the characterization of their usefulness is subject to active research. Any problem that can naturally be described as a weighted, undirected graph may be a particularly interesting candidate, since such a problem may be formulated a as quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) instance, which is solvable on D-Wave's Chimera graph architecture. In this paper, we introduce a quantum-assisted finite-element method for design optimization. We show that we can minimize a shape-specific quantity, in our case a ray approximation of sound pressure at a specific position around an object, by manipulating the shape of this object. Our algorithm belongs to the class of quantum-assisted algorithms, as the optimization task runs iteratively on a D-Wave 2000Q quantum processing unit (QPU), whereby the evaluation and interpretation of the results happens classically. Our first and foremost aim is to explain how to represent and solve parts of these problems with the help of a QPU, and not to prove supremacy over existing classical finite-element algorithms for design optimization.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum simulation of battery materials using ionic pseudopotentials

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    Ionic pseudopotentials are widely used in classical simulations of materials to model the effective potential due to the nucleus and the core electrons. Modeling fewer electrons explicitly results in a reduction in the number of plane waves needed to accurately represent the states of a system. In this work, we introduce a quantum algorithm that uses pseudopotentials to reduce the cost of simulating periodic materials on a quantum computer. We use a qubitization-based quantum phase estimation algorithm that employs a first-quantization representation of the Hamiltonian in a plane-wave basis. We address the challenge of incorporating the complexity of pseudopotentials into quantum simulations by developing highly-optimized compilation strategies for the qubitization of the Hamiltonian. This includes a linear combination of unitaries decomposition that leverages the form of separable pseudopotentials. Our strategies make use of quantum read-only memory subroutines as a more efficient alternative to quantum arithmetic. We estimate the computational cost of applying our algorithm to simulating lithium-excess cathode materials for batteries, where more accurate simulations are needed to inform strategies for gaining reversible access to the excess capacity they offer. We estimate the number of qubits and Toffoli gates required to perform sufficiently accurate simulations with our algorithm for three materials: lithium manganese oxide, lithium nickel-manganese oxide, and lithium manganese oxyfluoride. Our optimized compilation strategies result in a pseudopotential-based quantum algorithm with a total runtime four orders of magnitude lower than the previous state of the art for a fixed target accuracy

    Initial state preparation for quantum chemistry on quantum computers

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    Quantum algorithms for ground-state energy estimation of chemical systems require a high-quality initial state. However, initial state preparation is commonly either neglected entirely, or assumed to be solved by a simple product state like Hartree-Fock. Even if a nontrivial state is prepared, strong correlations render ground state overlap inadequate for quality assessment. In this work, we address the initial state preparation problem with an end-to-end algorithm that prepares and quantifies the quality of initial states, accomplishing the latter with a new metric -- the energy distribution. To be able to prepare more complicated initial states, we introduce an implementation technique for states in the form of a sum of Slater determinants that exhibits significantly better scaling than all prior approaches. We also propose low-precision quantum phase estimation (QPE) for further state quality refinement. The complete algorithm is capable of generating high-quality states for energy estimation, and is shown in select cases to lower the overall estimation cost by several orders of magnitude when compared with the best single product state ansatz. More broadly, the energy distribution picture suggests that the goal of QPE should be reinterpreted as generating improvements compared to the energy of the initial state and other classical estimates, which can still be achieved even if QPE does not project directly onto the ground state. Finally, we show how the energy distribution can help in identifying potential quantum advantage

    How to simulate key properties of lithium-ion batteries with a fault-tolerant quantum computer

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    There is a pressing need to develop new rechargeable battery technologies that can offer higher energy storage, faster charging, and lower costs. Despite the success of existing methods for the simulation of battery materials, they can sometimes fall short of delivering accurate and reliable results. Quantum computing has been discussed as an avenue to overcome these issues, but only limited work has been done to outline how they may impact battery simulations. In this work, we provide a detailed answer to the following question: how can a quantum computer be used to simulate key properties of a lithium-ion battery? Based on recently-introduced first-quantization techniques, we lay out an end-to-end quantum algorithm for calculating equilibrium cell voltages, ionic mobility, and thermal stability. These can be obtained from ground-state energies of materials, which is the core calculation executed by the quantum computer using qubitization-based quantum phase estimation. The algorithm includes explicit methods for preparing approximate ground states of periodic materials in first quantization. We bring these insights together to perform the first estimation of the resources required to implement a quantum algorithm for simulating a realistic cathode material, dilithium iron silicate.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure

    Non-Standard Errors

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    In statistics, samples are drawn from a population in a data-generating process (DGP). Standard errors measure the uncertainty in estimates of population parameters. In science, evidence is generated to test hypotheses in an evidence-generating process (EGP). We claim that EGP variation across researchers adds uncertainty: Non-standard errors (NSEs). We study NSEs by letting 164 teams test the same hypotheses on the same data. NSEs turn out to be sizable, but smaller for better reproducible or higher rated research. Adding peer-review stages reduces NSEs. We further find that this type of uncertainty is underestimated by participants