21,568 research outputs found

    Reactor antineutrino spectra and their application to antineutrino-induced reactions. II

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    The antineutrino and electron spectra associated with various nuclear fuels are calculated. While there are substantial differences between the spectra of different uranium and plutonium isotopes, the dependence on the energy and flux of the fission-inducing neutrons is very weak. The resulting spectra can be used for the calculation of the antineutrino and electron spectra of an arbitrary nuclear reactor at various stages of its refueling cycle. The sources of uncertainties in the spectrum are identified and analyzed in detail. The exposure time dependence of the spectrum is also discussed. The averaged cross sections of the inverse neutron β decay, weak charged and neutral-current-induced deuteron disintegration, and the antineutrino-electron scattering are then evaluated using the resulting ν̅_e spectra. [RADIOACTIVITY, FISSION 235U, 238U, (^239)Pu, (^240)Pu, (^241)Pu, antineutrino and electron spectra calculated. σ for ν̅ induced reactions analyzed.

    Caging dynamics in a granular fluid

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    We report an experimental investigation of the caging motion in a uniformly heated granular fluid, for a wide range of filling fractions, ϕ\phi. At low ϕ\phi the classic diffusive behavior of a fluid is observed. However, as ϕ\phi is increased, temporary cages develop and particles become increasingly trapped by their neighbors. We statistically analyze particle trajectories and observe a number of robust features typically associated with dense molecular liquids and colloids. Even though our monodisperse and quasi-2D system is known to not exhibit a glass transition, we still observe many of the precursors usually associated with glassy dynamics. We speculate that this is due to a process of structural arrest provided, in our case, by the presence of crystallization.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Analysis of Structural and Functional Differences of Glucans Produced by the Natively Released Dextransucrase of Liquorilactobacillus hordei TMW 1.1822

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    The properties of the glucopolymer dextran are versatile and linked to its molecular size, structure, branching, and secondary structure. However, suited strategies to control and exploit the variable structures of dextrans are scarce. The aim of this study was to delineate structural and functional differences of dextrans, which were produced in buffers at different conditions using the native dextransucrase released by Liquorilactobacillus (L.) hordei TMW 1.1822. Rheological measurements revealed that dextran produced at pH 4.0 (MW = 1.1 * 108^{8} Da) exhibited the properties of a viscoelastic fluid up to concentrations of 10% (w/v). By contrast, dextran produced at pH 5.5 (MW = 1.86 * 108^{8} Da) was gel-forming already at 7.5% (w/v). As both dextrans exhibited comparable molecular structures, the molecular weight primarily influenced their rheological properties. The addition of maltose to the production assays caused the formation of the trisaccharide panose instead of dextran. Moreover, pre-cultures of L. hordei TMW 1.1822 grown without sucrose were substantial for recovery of higher dextran yields, since the cells stored the constitutively expressed dextransucrase intracellularly, until sucrose became available. These findings can be exploited for the controlled recovery of functionally diverse dextrans and oligosaccharides by the use of one dextransucrase type

    Origin of non-exponential relaxation in a crystalline ionic conductor: a multi-dimensional 109Ag NMR study

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    The origin of the non-exponential relaxation of silver ions in the crystalline ion conductor Ag7P3S11 is analyzed by comparing appropriate two-time and three-time 109Ag NMR correlation functions. The non-exponentiality is due to a rate distribution, i.e., dynamic heterogeneities, rather than to an intrinsic non-exponentiality. Thus, the data give no evidence for the relevance of correlated back-and-forth jumps on the timescale of the silver relaxation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Magnon valley Hall effect in CrI3-based vdW heterostructures

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    Magnonic excitations in the two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) ferromagnet CrI3 are studied. We find that bulk magnons exhibit a non-trivial topological band structure without the need for Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction. This is shown in vdW heterostructures, consisting of single-layer CrI3 on top of different 2D materials as MoTe2, HfS2 and WSe2. We find numerically that the proposed substrates modify substantially the out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy on each sublattice of the CrI3 subsystem. The induced staggered anisotropy, combined with a proper band inversion, leads to the opening of a topological gap of the magnon spectrum. Since the gap is opened non-symmetrically at the K+ and K- points of the Brillouin zone, an imbalance in the magnon population between these two valleys can be created under a driving force. This phenomenon is in close analogy to the so-called valley Hall effect (VHE), and thus termed as magnon valley Hall effect (MVHE). In linear response to a temperature gradient we quantify this effect by the evaluation of the temperature-dependence of the magnon thermal Hall effect. These findings open a different avenue by adding the valley degrees of freedom besides the spin, in the study of magnons

    Joint Optical Flow and Temporally Consistent Semantic Segmentation

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    The importance and demands of visual scene understanding have been steadily increasing along with the active development of autonomous systems. Consequently, there has been a large amount of research dedicated to semantic segmentation and dense motion estimation. In this paper, we propose a method for jointly estimating optical flow and temporally consistent semantic segmentation, which closely connects these two problem domains and leverages each other. Semantic segmentation provides information on plausible physical motion to its associated pixels, and accurate pixel-level temporal correspondences enhance the accuracy of semantic segmentation in the temporal domain. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach on the KITTI benchmark, where we observe performance gains for flow and segmentation. We achieve state-of-the-art optical flow results, and outperform all published algorithms by a large margin on challenging, but crucial dynamic objects.Comment: 14 pages, Accepted for CVRSUAD workshop at ECCV 201

    Radial Dependence of the Pattern Speed of M51

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    The grand-design spiral galaxy M51 has long been a crucial target for theories of spiral structure. Studies of this iconic spiral can address the question of whether strong spiral structure is transient (e.g. interaction-driven) or long-lasting. As a clue to the origin of the structure in M51, we investigate evidence for radial variation in the spiral pattern speed using the radial Tremaine-Weinberg (TWR) method. We implement the method on CO observations tracing the ISM-dominant molecular component. Results from the method's numerical implementation--combined with regularization, which smooths intrinsically noisy solutions--indicate two distinct patterns speeds inside 4 kpc at our derived major axis PA=170 deg., both ending at corotation and both significantly higher than the conventionally adopted global value. Inspection of the rotation curve suggests that the pattern speed interior to 2 kpc lacks an ILR, consistent with the leading structure seen in HST near-IR observations. We also find tentative evidence for a lower pattern speed between 4 and 5.3 kpc measured by extending the regularized zone. As with the original TW method, uncertainty in major axis position angle (PA) is the largest source of error in the calculation; in this study, where \delta PA=+/-5 deg. a ~20% error is introduced to the parameters of the speeds at PA=170 deg. Accessory to this standard uncertainty, solutions with PA=175 deg. (also admitted by the data) exhibit only one pattern speed inside 4 kpc, and we consider this circumstance under the semblance of a radially varying PA.Comment: 14 pages in emulateapj format, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Reactor antineutrino spectra and their application to antineutrino-induced reactions

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    The knowledge of reactor antineutrino spectra is necessary for the interpretation of weak-interaction experiments located at nuclear reactors. We calculate the antineutrino and electron spectra accompanying thermal neutron fission of 235U and 239Pu for various irradiation times. It is stressed that the higher energy part (E≳4 MeV) of the spectra depends sensitively on the β-decay characteristics of fission products with experimentally unknown decay schemes. We also discuss the accuracy of a semiempirical conversion of the electron spectrum into the antineutrino spectrum. The resulting ν̅ e spectra are used to calculated cross sections and reaction rates for the inverse neutron β decay, weak charged and neutral current induced deuteron disintegration, and the antineutrino-electron scattering

    Herschel-Bulkley rheology from lattice kinetic theory of soft-glassy materials

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    We provide a clear evidence that a two species mesoscopic Lattice Boltzmann (LB) model with competing short-range attractive and mid-range repulsive interactions supports emergent Herschel-Bulkley (HB) rheology, i.e. a power-law dependence of the shear-stress as a function of the strain rate, beyond a given yield-stress threshold. This kinetic formulation supports a seamless transition from flowing to non-flowing behaviour, through a smooth tuning of the parameters governing the mesoscopic interactions between the two species. The present model may become a valuable computational tool for the investigation of the rheology of soft-glassy materials on scales of experimental interest.Comment: 5 figure

    Determination of Strong-Interaction Widths and Shifts of Pionic X-Rays with a Crystal Spectrometer

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    Pionic 3d-2p atomic transitions in F, Na, and Mg have been studied using a bent crystal spectrometer. The pionic atoms were formed in the production target placed in the external proton beam of the Space Radiation Effects Laboratory synchrocyclotron. The observed energies and widths of the transitions are E=41679(3) eV and Γ=21(8) eV, E=62434(18) eV and Γ=22(80) eV, E=74389(9) eV and Γ=67(35) eV, in F, Na, and Mg, respectively. The results are compared with calculations based on a pion-nucleus optical potential