1,641 research outputs found

    Code Book for the Annotation of Diverse Cross-Document Coreference of Entities in News Articles

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    This paper presents a scheme for annotating coreference across news articles, extending beyond traditional identity relations by also considering near-identity and bridging relations. It includes a precise description of how to set up Inception, a respective annotation tool, how to annotate entities in news articles, connect them with diverse coreferential relations, and link them across documents to Wikidata's global knowledge graph. This multi-layered annotation approach is discussed in the context of the problem of media bias. Our main contribution lies in providing a methodology for creating a diverse cross-document coreference corpus which can be applied to the analysis of media bias by word-choice and labelling

    Stony realms: mineral collections as markers of social, cultural and political spaces in the 18th and early 19th Century

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    "As mineral collecting and classifying various rock types constituted an important cultural and scientific practice of enlightened societies in Europe in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, the paper analyses the sometimes extremely different spatial dimensions the mineral collections embodied, amongst which the exhibits mediated. It shows how the development of scientific mineralogy at the end of the eighteenth century not only accentuated universally-scientific claims and classifications, but was simultaneously associated with the utilitarian goals of economic development of the individual states and territories. In this context, mineral collections became an important tool of state knowledge through which mining officials as well as private collectors tried to exhibit their “patriotic” vision of economic development and deliver a public picture of the natural resources of their respective country. However, these scientific and political orders present in most contemporary collections did not destroy a classical vision which highlighted in the tradition of the older Wunderkammer the most spectacular and the valuable objects of the exhibitions." (author's abstract

    Lorraine 1870 : la construction progressive d'un 'espace de violence'

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    Contrairement à l’idée reçue qui fait de la Lorraine un lieu d’importants combats de la guerre franco-allemande, l’ancien duché ne constituait guère un cadre de référence pour les journalistes et les auteurs contemporains pour parler de la violence guerrière de l’été 1870. L’analyse de témoignages contemporains, d’articles de presse, mais aussi de la littérature de souvenir montre en effet la dominance d’un regard local et topographique dans les récits sur la violence des combats autour de Metz et dans la région du Nord-Est de la France. La progressive association de la Lorraine avec l’histoire des violences de 1870-1871 ne vient pas tant de l’expérience des combats eux-mêmes que de l’occupation et puis de l’annexion d’une partie de la Lorraine par l’Allemagne. La construction d’une mémoire « Lorraine » de la guerre a donc plutôt été le résultat d’un processus relativement lent de travail de mémoire, qui n’a été terminé qu’une génération après 1870 avec l’influence grandissante d’une « génération de témoignage » de Lorrains, dont l’incarnation était Raymond Poincaré, président de la République française à partir de 1913

    Bergbau: Die "Erfindung einer Tradition"

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    Lorraine 1870 : la construction progressive d’un « espace de violence »

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    Contrairement à l’idée reçue qui fait de la Lorraine un lieu d’importants combats de la guerre franco-allemande, l’ancien duché ne constituait guère un cadre de référence pour les journalistes et les auteurs contemporains pour parler de la violence guerrière de l’été 1870. L’analyse de témoignages contemporains, d’articles de presse, mais aussi de la littérature de souvenir montre en effet la dominance d’un regard local et topographique dans les récits sur la violence des combats autour de Metz et dans la région du Nord-Est de la France. La progressive association de la Lorraine avec l’histoire des violences de 1870-1871 ne vient pas tant de l’expérience des combats eux-mêmes que de l’occupation et puis de l’annexion d’une partie de la Lorraine par l’Allemagne. La construction d’une mémoire « Lorraine » de la guerre a donc plutôt été le résultat d’un processus relativement lent de travail de mémoire, qui n’a été terminé qu’une génération après 1870 avec l’influence grandissante d’une « génération de témoignage » de Lorrains, dont l’incarnation était Raymond Poincaré, président de la République française à partir de 1913.Contrary to the widespread notion that Lorraine was the scene of significant fighting during the Franco-Prussian War, the former duchy was largely absent from contemporaneous discussions of the violence of war in the summer of 1870. Indeed, an examination of contemporary testimony, including articles in the press and memoirs, reveals that a local and topographic perspective dominates accounts of the violence of fighting around Metz and elsewhere in northeastern France. Lorraine’s gradual association with the history of violence in 1870-71 has less to do with the experience of combat in itself than with the occupation and subsequent annexation of a portion of Lorraine by Germany. The construction of a “Lorraine” memory of the war was therefore the result of a relatively slow process of elaborating memory. This process only ended a generation after 1870, with the growing influence of a “witness generation” of Lorrainers epitomized by Raymond Poincaré, who became President of the Republic in 1913

    Analysis of Structural and Functional Differences of Glucans Produced by the Natively Released Dextransucrase of Liquorilactobacillus hordei TMW 1.1822

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    The properties of the glucopolymer dextran are versatile and linked to its molecular size, structure, branching, and secondary structure. However, suited strategies to control and exploit the variable structures of dextrans are scarce. The aim of this study was to delineate structural and functional differences of dextrans, which were produced in buffers at different conditions using the native dextransucrase released by Liquorilactobacillus (L.) hordei TMW 1.1822. Rheological measurements revealed that dextran produced at pH 4.0 (MW = 1.1 * 108^{8} Da) exhibited the properties of a viscoelastic fluid up to concentrations of 10% (w/v). By contrast, dextran produced at pH 5.5 (MW = 1.86 * 108^{8} Da) was gel-forming already at 7.5% (w/v). As both dextrans exhibited comparable molecular structures, the molecular weight primarily influenced their rheological properties. The addition of maltose to the production assays caused the formation of the trisaccharide panose instead of dextran. Moreover, pre-cultures of L. hordei TMW 1.1822 grown without sucrose were substantial for recovery of higher dextran yields, since the cells stored the constitutively expressed dextransucrase intracellularly, until sucrose became available. These findings can be exploited for the controlled recovery of functionally diverse dextrans and oligosaccharides by the use of one dextransucrase type

    Size-Dependent Variability in Flow and Viscoelastic Behavior of Levan Produced by Gluconobacter albidus TMW 2.1191

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    Levan is a fructan-type exopolysaccharide which is produced by many microbes from sucrose via extracellular levansucrases. The hydrocolloid properties of levan depend on its molecular weight, while it is unknown why and to what extent levan is functionally diverse depending on ist size. The aim of our study was to gain deeper insight into the size-dependent functional variability of levan. For this purpose, levans of different sizes were produced using the water kefir isolate Gluconobacter albidus TMW 2.1191 and subsequently rheologically characterized. Three levan types could be identified, which are similarly branched, but differ significantly in their molecular size and rheological properties. The smallest levan (108^{8} Da) produced at pH ≥ 4.5 were shear-thinning, and the levan produced at pH 5.0 showed a gel-like behavior at 5% (w/v). A third (intermediate) levan variant was obtained through production in buffers at pH 4.0 and exhibited the properties of a viscoelastic fluid up to concentrations of 15% (w/v). Our study reveals that the rheological properties of levan are determined by its size and polydispersity, rather than by the amount of levan used or the structural composition

    Georeferencing of an Unmanned Aerial System by Means of an Iterated Extended Kalman Filter Using a 3D City Model

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    In engineering geodesy, the technical progress leads to various kinds of multi-sensor systems (MSS) capturing the environment. Multi-sensor systems, especially those mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles, subsequently called unmanned aerial system (UAS), have emerged in the past decade. Georeferencing for MSS and UAS is an indispensable task to obtain further products of the data captured. Georeferencing comprises at least the determination of three translations and three rotations. The availability and accuracy of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers, inertial measurement units, or other sensors for georeferencing is not or not constantly given in urban scenarios. Therefore, we utilize UAS-based laser scanner measurements on building facades. The building latter are modeled as planes in a three-dimensional city model. We determine the trajectory of the UAS by combining the laser scanner measurements with the plane parameters. The resulting implicit measurement equations and nonlinear equality constraints are covered within an iterated extended Kalman filter (IEKF). We developed a software simulation for testing the IEKF using different scenarios to evaluate the functionality, performance, strengths, and remaining challenges of the IEKF implemented

    L'historien dans la Cité. Actualités d'une question classique

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    L’histoire et le politique entretiennent une relation compliquée, parfois houleuse. Dans leur travail, les historiens sont quasi continuellement interpellés par le débat politique et les événements de leur époque. Ainsi, leurs perspectives de recherche font souvent directement écho à des interrogations qui polarisent la sphère publique et ils cherchent dans l’analyse du passé des clés pour l’intelligence des phénomènes présents qu’ils restituent dans la durée. En même temps, les approches qu’ils mobilisent les amènent souvent à critiquer et à nuancer, voire à démentir, les affirmations d’un responsable politique qui tendent facilement vers le raccourci ou l’amalgame et qui, fréquemment, instrumentalisent l’Histoire et ses interprétations. L’élection présidentielle française en administre la preuve. Le 28 août 2016, François Fillon a plaidé pour le rétablissement de la continuité du récit national « en partant de la France et en axant ce récit sur celle-ci et non en le diluant, comme on le fait aujourd’hui dans l’étude des faits généraux "mondialisés" ». Emmanuel Macron n’a pas été en reste. Lors d’un déplacement à Alger, il a déclaré le 14 février 2017 à une télévision locale que la colonisation française fut « un crime. Un crime contre l’humanité. C’est une vraie barbarie et ça fait partie de notre passé que nous devons regarder en face en présentant nos excuses à l’égard de celle et ceux avec lesquels nous avons commis ces gestes ». Deux déclarations emblématiques qui ont aussitôt nourri des controverses politiques et historiographiques, les historiens étant sollicités par les médias ou prenant d’eux-mêmes l’initiative de donner leur avis et leur évaluation de la pertinence des propos de ces deux candidats à la magistrature suprême
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