252 research outputs found

    Exposure of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration: From laboratory experiments to outdoor simulated pile-driving

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    Activities directly interacting with the seabed, such as pile-driving, can produce vibrations that have the potential to impact benthic invertebrates within their vicinity. This stimuli may interfere with crucial behaviors such as foraging and predator avoidance, and the sensitivity to vibration is largely unknown. Here, the responsiveness of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration is discussed in relation to laboratory and semi-field trials with two marine species: the mussel (Mytilus edulis) and hermit crab (Pagurus bernhardus). Sensory threshold curves were produced for both species in controlled laboratory conditions, followed by small-scale pile-driving exposures in the field. The merits of behavioral indicators are discussed, in addition to using physiological measures, as a method of determining reception and measuring responses. The measurement and sensors required for sediment vibration quantification are also discussed. Response and threshold data were related to measurements taken in the vicinity of anthropogenic sources, allowing a link between responsiveness and actual operations. The impact of pile-driving on sediment-dwelling invertebrates has received relatively little research, yet the data here suggest that such activities are likely to impact key coastal species which play important roles within the marine environment

    Exposure of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration: From laboratory experiments to outdoor simulated pile-driving

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Acoustical Society of America via the DOI in this record.Fourth International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Dublin, Ireland, 10-16 July 2016Activities directly interacting with the seabed, such as pile-driving, can produce vibrations that have the potential to impact benthic invertebrates within their vicinity. This stimuli may interfere with crucial behaviors such as foraging and predator avoidance, and the sensitivity to vibration is largely unknown. Here, the responsiveness of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration is discussed in relation to laboratory and semi-field trials with two marine species: the mussel (Mytilus edulis) and hermit crab (Pagurus bernhardus). Sensory threshold curves were produced for both species in controlled laboratory conditions, followed by small-scale pile-driving exposures in the field. The merits of behavioral indicators are discussed, in addition to using physiological measures, as a method of determining reception and measuring responses. The measurement and sensors required for sediment vibration quantification are also discussed. Response and threshold data were related to measurements taken in the vicinity of anthropogenic sources, allowing a link between responsiveness and actual operations. The impact of pile-driving on sediment-dwelling invertebrates has received relatively little research, yet the data here suggest that such activities are likely to impact key coastal species which play important roles within the marine environment.LR would like to thank the organizers and sponsors of the 2016 conference for supporting her attendance for which she is extremely grateful. This study was partially funded by a research award from the Malacological Society of London to LR. The authors would also like to acknowledge Defra and NERC who funded the laboratory and field work aspects respectively, and the staff at the OREC field site, Blyth

    Dynamic Rearrangement of Cell States Detected by Systematic Screening of Sequential Anticancer Treatments

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    Signaling networks are nonlinear and complex, involving a large ensemble of dynamic interaction states that fluctuate in space and time. However, therapeutic strategies, such as combination chemotherapy, rarely consider the timing of drug perturbations. If we are to advance drug discovery for complex diseases, it will be essential to develop methods capable of identifying dynamic cellular responses to clinically relevant perturbations. Here, we present a Bayesian dose-response framework and the screening of an oncological drug matrix, comprising 10,000 drug combinations in melanoma and pancreatic cancer cell lines, from which we predict sequentially effective drug combinations. Approximately 23% of the tested combinations showed high-confidence sequential effects (either synergistic or antagonistic), demonstrating that cellular perturbations of many drug combinations have temporal aspects, which are currently both underutilized and poorly understood

    Exposure of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration:From laboratory experiments to outdoor simulated pile-driving

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    Activities directly interacting with the seabed, such as pile-driving, can produce vibrations that have the potential to impact benthic invertebrates within their vicinity. This stimuli may interfere with crucial behaviors such as foraging and predator avoidance, and the sensitivity to vibration is largely unknown. Here, the responsiveness of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration is discussed in relation to laboratory and semi-field trials with two marine species: the mussel (Mytilus edulis) and hermit crab (Pagurus bernhardus). Sensory threshold curves were produced for both species in controlled laboratory conditions, followed by small-scale pile-driving exposures in the field. The merits of behavioral indicators are discussed, in addition to using physiological measures, as a method of determining reception and measuring responses. The measurement and sensors required for sediment vibration quantification are also discussed. Response and threshold data were related to measurements taken in the vicinity of anthropogenic sources, allowing a link between responsiveness and actual operations. The impact of pile-driving on sediment-dwelling invertebrates has received relatively little research, yet the data here suggest that such activities are likely to impact key coastal species which play important roles within the marine environment.</p

    Terrestrial laser scanning survey in support of unstable slopes analysis. The case of Vulcano Island (Italy)

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    The capability to measure at distance dense cloud of 3D point has improved the relevance of geomatic techniques to support risk assessment analysis related to slope instability. This work focuses on quantitative analyses carried out to evaluate the effects of potential failures in the Vulcano Island (Italy). Terrestrial laser scanning was adopted to reconstruct the geometry of investigated slopes that is required for the implementation of numerical modeling adopted to simulate runout areas. Structural and morphological elements, which influenced past instabilities or may be linked to new events, were identified on surface models based on ground surveying. Terrestrial laser scanning was adopted to generate detailed 3D models of subvertical slopes allowing to characterize the distribution and orientation of the rock discontinuities that affect instability mechanism caused by critical geometry. Methods for obtaining and analyzing 3D topographic data and to implement simulation analyses contributing to hazard and risk assessment are discussed for two case studies (Forgia Vecchia slope and Lentia rock walls)

    Increased noise levels have different impacts on the anti-predator behaviour of two sympatric fish species.

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    types: Journal ArticleCopyright: © 2014 Voellmy et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Animals must avoid predation to survive and reproduce, and there is increasing evidence that man-made (anthropogenic) factors can influence predator-prey relationships. Anthropogenic noise has been shown to have a variety of effects on many species, but work investigating the impact on anti-predator behaviour is rare. In this laboratory study, we examined how additional noise (playback of field recordings of a ship passing through a harbour), compared with control conditions (playback of recordings from the same harbours without ship noise), affected responses to a visual predatory stimulus. We compared the anti-predator behaviour of two sympatric fish species, the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and the European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus), which share similar feeding and predator ecologies, but differ in their body armour. Effects of additional-noise playbacks differed between species: sticklebacks responded significantly more quickly to the visual predatory stimulus during additional-noise playbacks than during control conditions, while minnows exhibited no significant change in their response latency. Our results suggest that elevated noise levels have the potential to affect anti-predator behaviour of different species in different ways. Future field-based experiments are needed to confirm whether this effect and the interspecific difference exist in relation to real-world noise sources, and to determine survival and population consequences.University of BristolBasler Stiftung für Biologische ForschungDefr

    Co-chaperones are limiting in a depleted chaperone network

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    To probe the limiting nodes in the chaperoning network which maintains cellular proteostasis, we expressed a dominant negative mutant of heat shock factor 1 (dnHSF1), the regulator of the cytoplasmic proteotoxic stress response. Microarray analysis of non-stressed dnHSF1 cells showed a two- or more fold decrease in the transcript level of 10 genes, amongst which are the (co-)chaperone genes HSP90AA1, HSPA6, DNAJB1 and HSPB1. Glucocorticoid signaling, which requires the Hsp70 and the Hsp90 folding machines, was severely impaired by dnHSF1, but fully rescued by expression of DNAJA1 or DNAJB1, and partially by ST13. Expression of DNAJB6, DNAJB8, HSPA1A, HSPB1, HSPB8, or STIP1 had no effect while HSP90AA1 even inhibited. PTGES3 (p23) inhibited only in control cells. Our results suggest that the DNAJ co-chaperones in particular become limiting in a depleted chaperoning network. Our results also suggest a difference between the transcriptomes of cells lacking HSF1 and cells expressing dnHSF1

    The Identification of Protein Kinase C Iota as a Regulator of the Mammalian Heat Shock Response Using Functional Genomic Screens

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    BACKGROUND: The heat shock response is widely used as a surrogate of the general protein quality control system within the cell. This system plays a significant role in aging and many protein folding diseases as well as the responses to other physical and chemical stressors. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, a broad-based functional genomics approach was taken to identify potential regulators of the mammalian heat shock response. In the primary screen, a total of 13724 full-length genes in mammalian expression vectors were individually co-transfected into human embryonic kidney cells together with a human HSP70B promoter driving firefly luciferase. A subset of the full-length genes that showed significant activation in the primary screen were then evaluated for their ability to hyper-activate the HSP70B under heat shock conditions. Based on the results from the secondary assay and gene expression microarray analyses, eight genes were chosen for validation using siRNA knockdown. Of the eight genes, only PRKCI showed a statistically significant reduction in the heat shock response in two independent siRNA duplexes compared to scrambled controls. Knockdown of the PRKCI mRNA was confirmed using quantitative RT-PCR. Additional studies did not show a direct physical interaction between PRKCI and HSF1. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results suggest that PRKCI is an indirect co-regulator of HSF1 activity and the heat shock response. Given the underlying role of HSF1 in many human diseases and the response to environmental stressors, PRKCI represents a potentially new candidate for gene-environment interactions and therapeutic intervention

    Hsp90β inhibition modulates nitric oxide production and nitric oxide-induced apoptosis in human chondrocytes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hsp90β is a member of the Hsp90 family of protein chaperones. This family plays essential roles in the folding, maturation and activity of many proteins that are involved in signal transduction and transcriptional regulation. The role of this protein in chondrocytes is not well understood, although its increase in osteoarthritic cells has been reported. The present study aimed to explore the role of Hsp90β in key aspects of OA pathogenesis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Human OA chondrocytes were isolated from cartilage obtained from patients undergoing joint replacement surgery, and primary cultured. Cells were stimulated with proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1β or TNF-α) and nitric oxide donors (NOC-12 or SNP). For Hsp90β inhibition, two different chemical inhibitors (Geldanamycin and Novobiocin) were employed, or siRNA transfection procedures were carried out. Gene expression was determined by real-time PCR, apoptosis was quantified by flow cytometry and ELISA, and nitric oxide (NO) production was evaluated by the Griess method. Indirect immunofluorescence assays were performed to evaluate the presence of Hsp90β in stimulated cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Hsp90β was found to be increased by proinflammatory cytokines. Inhibition of Hsp90β by the chemicals Geldanamycin (GA) and Novobiocin (NB) caused a dose-dependent decrease of the NO production induced by IL-1β in chondrocytes, up to basal levels. Immunofluorescence analyses demonstrate that the NO donors NOC-12 and SNP also increased Hsp90β. Chemical inhibition or specific gene silencing of this chaperone reduced the DNA condensation and fragmentation, typical of death by apoptosis, that is induced by NO donors in chondrocytes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The present results show how Hsp90β modulates NO production and NO-mediated cellular death in human OA chondrocytes.</p

    Protein Kinase A Regulates Molecular Chaperone Transcription and Protein Aggregation

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    Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) regulates one of the major pathways of protein quality control and is essential for deterrence of protein-folding disorders, particularly in neuronal cells. However, HSF1 activity declines with age, a change that may open the door to progression of neurodegenerative disorders such as Huntington's disease. We have investigated mechanisms of HSF1 regulation that may become compromised with age. HSF1 binds stably to the catalytic domain of protein kinase A (PKAcα) and becomes phosphorylated on at least one regulatory serine residue (S320). We show here that PKA is essential for effective transcription of HSP genes by HSF1. PKA triggers a cascade involving HSF1 binding to the histone acetylase p300 and positive translation elongation factor 1 (p-TEFb) and phosphorylation of the c-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II, a key mechanism in the downstream steps of HSF1-mediated transcription. This cascade appears to play a key role in protein quality control in neuronal cells expressing aggregation-prone proteins with long poly-glutamine (poly-Q) tracts. Such proteins formed inclusion bodies that could be resolved by HSF1 activation during heat shock. Resolution of the inclusions was inhibited by knockdown of HSF1, PKAcα, or the pTEFb component CDK9, indicating a key role for the HSF1-PKA cascade in protein quality control