887 research outputs found

    Academic underachievement: understanding and implications for educators

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    Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers

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    The prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers continues topresent a challenge across acute and long-term care settings, and costs the NHS up to ÂŁ2.64 billion annually. As well as causing a reduced quality of life for sufferers, they can prove to be fatal. The complexity of the exact causes of skin breakdown and accurate risk assessment has proved problematic to fully understanding this common nursing problem, yet despite limited evidence clear guidelines on best practice exist, suggesting that prevention strategies should encompass interventions in three areas: risk assessment; relief of pressure, and education. Evidence exists that where these strategies are adopted at an organizational level, and strong leadership provided, the outcomes can be remarkable. This article outlines effective prevention and risk-reduction strategies, together with interventions that can promote healing.<br/

    F. A. Hayek\u27s Defense of the Market Distribution of Income

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    Liberalism and Tolerance

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    I began by raising the possibility that tolerance is minor issue, having no bearing on whether liberalism works out or makes sense. I conclude by noting that it is a central question, for liberalism and politics in general. Tolerance is important because intolerance is important. “Anything Goes” is one of Cole Porter’s best songs, but is unlikely to become any country’s national anthem. The questions of what doesn’t go, and why, and how to prevent it from going any further, explain a great deal about the political ideologies of our era, as well as the premises on which social orders in other times and places have been based

    Postwar American Liberalism and the Welfare State

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    Intégrer le risque en éducation physique et sportive

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    « Le juste risque pour la juste personne au juste moment. » (Pfefferlé & Liardet, 2011, p. 21). Cette citation résume mon intention de départ et à la fois la conclusion de mon travail. Dans notre société occidentale et contemporaine, le risque est considéré comme un élément nocif à bannir. L’école n’échappe pas à cette doctrine sous prétexte qu’elle veille à la sécurité des élèves. Pourtant, éradiquer le risque n’est pas une façon de prévenir le danger. Au contraire, ne pas former les élèves à la gestion du risque c’est accepter la potentialité de les exposer au danger. Si un élève n’a pas l’occasion de mettre son corps et son intellect en situation de difficulté, comment peut-on savoir s’il aura les bons réflexes le jour où il en aura besoin ? Pour moi, l’école a un véritable rôle à jouer dans la préservation de la sécurité en s’engageant dans une éducation au risque. Dans ma problématique, j’ai tenté de mettre cette conception de l’enseignement en valeur en définissant le risque et surtout en le différenciant de son cousin méconnu, le danger. J’ai donc proposé à une enseignante de 3e et 4e Harmos, une séquence intégrant le risque conçue en particulier à partir du moyen d’enseignement « Courageux, c’est mieux ! ». Les résultats de ma recherche sont prometteurs car les élèves ont pu travailler des habiletés motrices en situation de risque et ont tous exprimé être devenus plus courageux après avoir mis en pratique les exercices proposés

    Extending the Aircraft Availability Model to a Constrained Depot Environment Using Activity-Based Costing and the Theory of Constraints

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    The Aircraft Availability Model (AAM) assists managers in the selection of an optimal list of items to repair in order to attain the best aircraft availability rate. The model considers procurement or repair costs for the components as if the costs were unit variable as a price, instead of a repair cost representing a mix of both fixed and variable cost. This research used the AAM in conjunction with Activity Based-Costing (ABC) and The Theory of Constraints (TOC) methodologies to investigate the relationships between price, product mix, Aircraft Availability (AA) and total cost. This approach explicitly recognizes that the Air Force Material Command uses its own resources in repairing components, and that it is always operating in a constrained environment in which resources practical capacities are exceeded by requirements that limit the attainable AA. The results of this investigation shows that the choice of the optimal mix of reparable items is sensitive to the pricing method used as well as environmental factors like repair cycle time, fleet size, and the intensity and balanced of shop resource load. In addition, the research found that the performance of the repair center should be evaluated under the metric Aircraft Availability per System Total Cost, following the rationale under the TOC methodology that considers labor costs as operational expenses, fixed in the period, and only raw materials as variable costs

    Oxidative status and reproductive effort of great tits in a handicapping experiment

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    Father's contribution in child care matters. Using an experimental approach, we showed that handicapped great tit fathers are more likely to reduce investment in their offspring compared with control fathers. In contrast, handicapped mothers did not reduce investment in their offspring. Furthermore, cellular stress levels differed between males and females, supporting the idea that males and females follow different lifetime strategies when it comes to the trade-off between self-maintenance and reproductio
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