5 research outputs found
CILJEVI ISTRAŽIVANJA: Primarni cilj ovog istraživanja jest odrediti ukupan udio medicinske dokumentacije pacijenata kojima je dijagnosticiran potres mozga koja se ne može prihvatiti od strane sudskomedicinskog struÄnjaka te prezentirati glavne probleme koji se javljaju kod vjeÅ”taÄenja ovih dijagnoza. Sekundarni cilj istraživanja jest odrediti epidemiologiju ozljede potresa mozga u gradu Splitu za 2017. godinu.
ISPITANICI I METODE: Provedena je retrospektivna studija pregledom otpusnih pisama pacijenata za razdoblje od 01.01.2017. do 31.12.2017. godine na Hitnom kirurÅ”kom prijemu KBC-a Split. Prezentirani uzorak je promatran s obzirom na vrijeme proteklo od nastupa ozljede do prvog pregleda pacijenta, simptome kojima se pacijent prezentira te odgovarajuÄu potvrdu i opis istih od strane lijeÄnika, odstupanja u opÄem statusu pri pregledu pacijenta, odstupanja u neuroloÅ”kom statusu, rezultat Glasgovske ljestvice kome te s obzirom na nalaze dodatnih uÄinjenih dijagnostiÄkih pretraga, s naglaskom na kompjutoriziranoj tomografiji. U medicinskoj dokumentaciji svakog pojedinog pacijenta analizirani su koriÅ”teni dijagnostiÄki kriteriji te kritiÄnost i objektivnost lijeÄnika pri postavljanju dijagnoze potresa mozga. Postavljena je nulta hipoteza koja glasi: Ukupno 95% nalaza je po sudskomedicinskim kriterijima ispravno napisano. Preostalih 5% nalaza ne može biti prihvaÄeno pri vjeÅ”taÄenju, Å”to je posljedica vanjskih i unutarnjih faktora koji se pripisuju sluÄajnoj ljudskoj pogreÅ”ci. Svakom su pacijentu takoÄer analizirane i sljedeÄe karakteristike: kronoloÅ”ka dob u godinama, spol, mehanizam nastanka ozljede potresa mozga, pridružene ozljede, preporuÄena hospitalizacija i ordinirana terapija. Ovi podaci su potom usporeÄeni sa svjetskom literaturom kako bi se utvrdile eventualne razlike u epidemiologiji.
REZULTATI: Ukupan broj nalaza koji mogu biti prihvaÄeni pri vjeÅ”taÄenju bio je 37, Å”to je statistiÄki znaÄajan rezultat (p<0,05) koji govori da pogreÅ”ke pronaÄene pri pregledu medicinske dokumentacije nisu posljedica sluÄajnosti. NajveÄi broj ispitanika spada u dobnu kategoriju radno sposobne populacije od 18-64 godine. PronaÄeno je da su muÅ”karci pod veÄim rizikom od žena za nastanak ozljede potresa mozga, pri Äemu su u obe skupine najÄeÅ”Äi uzroci bili padovi i prometne nezgode. Ovi podaci su u skladu sa podacima iz svjetske literature. S obzirom na ukupan broj preporuÄenih hospitalizacija, preporuka lijeÄnika za hospitalizaciju pacijenata kod kojih je jedina indikacija potres mozga pronaÄena je u 17 sluÄajeva.
ZAKLJUÄCI: Literatura bi uvelike beneficirala uvoÄenjem klasifikacijskog sustava ozljede potresa mozga. Do tada, kritiÄnost i objektivnost lijeÄnika pri susretu s ovim pacijentima kao i praÄenje suvremenih pravnih i medicinskih smjernica predstavljaju jedini naÄin ispravnog dijagnosticiranja blage traumatske moždane ozljede. Stoga se dodatna edukacija lijeÄniÄkog osoblja postavlja kao imperativ.OBJECTIVES: The primary goal of this study is to determine how much medical documentation of the patients diagnosed with concussion cannot be accepted by a forensic expert and to present the main problems that occur when expertising this diagnosis. The secondary goal is to determine the epidemiology of concussion in the city of Split for the year of 2017.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: This retrospective study was conducted by examining the leave letters of year 2017 in the Emergency Surgical Unit of the University Hospital of Split. Observed components of the presented sample were: time that had passed between the event and the first examination of the patient, symptoms which the patients were presenting (including their adequate confirmation and description by a doctor), deviations in somatic and neurological status of the patients, the result of GCS and the results of additional diagnostic tools with the emphasis on the CT. The used diagnostic criteria and the criticality and objectivity of the medical doctors were analysed in the medical documentation of every patient. Null hypothesis was set: 95% of the observed medical documentation of the patients is acceptable by a forensic expert, while the remaining 5% isn't; this is the consequence of external and internal factors attributed to standard accidental human error. The following characteristics were also analysed for every patient: sex and chronological age, the mechanism of concussion, associated injuries, recommended hospitalisation and recommended therapy. The acquired data was then compared with world literature in order to determine the differences in epidemiology.
RESULTS: The total number of medical documentation accepted when expertising this diagnosis was 37, which represents a statistically significant result (p<0,05) and leads to a conclusion that the errors found were not accidental. The majority of the respondents fall to the group of work-capable population aged 18 to 64 years. It was found that men have greater risk for concussion than women, whereby in both sexes the most common cause of concussion were falls and traffic accidents. This data is in unison with the world literature data. Considering the total number of recommended hospitalisations, that in which the only indication is an injury of the patient resulting in concussion was found in 17 cases.
CONCLUSIONS: Introducing and implementing a viable classification system for concussion would greatly benefit the existing literature. Until then, criticality and objectivity of medical doctors and following the modern legal and medical guidelines when meeting with these patients represent the only way of diagnosing concussion accurately. That is why additional education of the medical personnel is set as an imperativ
Appliance of Pentadecapeptid BPC-157 in Additional Feeding of Honeybee (Apis Mellifera)
Medonosnu pÄelu (Apis mellifera) smatra se najpogodnjom vrstom pÄela za suvremeni naÄin pÄelarenja zbog njezinih dobrih bioloÅ”kih i proizvodnih osobina. Nozemoza je nametniÄka bolest pÄela uzrokovana mikrosporidijama Nosema apis i Nosema ceranae. Nozemoza tipa C izrazito je patogena bolest kroniÄnog tijeka s dugim inkubacijskim razdobljem, a najÄeÅ”Äe prolazi asimptomatski ili se manifestira nespecifiÄnim simptomima poput postepenog slabljenja pÄelinjih zajednica, poveÄanog stupnja ugibanja odraslih pÄela i posljediÄno smanjenja proizvodnje meda. Zbog asimptomatske prirode, izrazite patogenosti kao i zabranjene uporabe antibiotika, nozemoza tipa C predstavlja ozbiljan problem u suvremenom pÄelarstvu. Obzirom na ovu problematiku, danas su znanstvena istraživanja usmjerena na ispitivanje uÄinkovitosti prirodnih tvari u kontroliranju i suzbijanju nozemoze. BPC 157 je visoko stabilan protein koji se koristi bez nosaÄa, sistemski i lokalno. DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja na sisavcima su pokazala da znatno unaprjeÄuje cijeljenje razliÄitih tkiva. Stoga je cilj ovoga rada bio utvrditi utjecaj primjene pentadekapeptida BPC 157 u obliku dodatka hrani tijekom jesenskog prihranjivanja na broj spora N. ceranae, a s pretpostavkom o moguÄem utjecaju na zacjeljivanje mikro oÅ”teÄenja srednjeg crijeva medonosne pÄele.Honeybee (Apis mellifera) is considered one of the most favorable species of bees for modern way of beekeeping because of her good biological and producing characteristics. Nosemosis is a parasitic disease of adult honeybees, caused by microsporidia Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae. Nosemosis type C is a significantly pathogenic disease with chronic course and long incubation period, which usually passes asymptomatically or manifests by nonspecific symptoms like gradual weakening of honeybee colonies, enhanced loss of adult bees and decreased production of honey. Because of asymptomatic nature, significant pathogenic and prohibited use of antibiotics, nosemosis type C represents serious problem in modern beekeeping. Regarding this issues, the researches today are focused on determination of effectiveness of natural supstances in controlling and combating nosemosis. BPC 157 is a high stable protein, which is used without carrier, systematically and locally. The researchers on mammals showed that it considerably enhances healing of different matter. So, the aim of this research was to determine the effect of applying pentadecapeptide 157 as food supplement during autumn additional feeding on a number of N. ceranae spores, and with presumption about possible effect on healing micro damages of honeybee middle intestine
CILJEVI ISTRAŽIVANJA: Primarni cilj ovog istraživanja jest odrediti ukupan udio medicinske dokumentacije pacijenata kojima je dijagnosticiran potres mozga koja se ne može prihvatiti od strane sudskomedicinskog struÄnjaka te prezentirati glavne probleme koji se javljaju kod vjeÅ”taÄenja ovih dijagnoza. Sekundarni cilj istraživanja jest odrediti epidemiologiju ozljede potresa mozga u gradu Splitu za 2017. godinu.
ISPITANICI I METODE: Provedena je retrospektivna studija pregledom otpusnih pisama pacijenata za razdoblje od 01.01.2017. do 31.12.2017. godine na Hitnom kirurÅ”kom prijemu KBC-a Split. Prezentirani uzorak je promatran s obzirom na vrijeme proteklo od nastupa ozljede do prvog pregleda pacijenta, simptome kojima se pacijent prezentira te odgovarajuÄu potvrdu i opis istih od strane lijeÄnika, odstupanja u opÄem statusu pri pregledu pacijenta, odstupanja u neuroloÅ”kom statusu, rezultat Glasgovske ljestvice kome te s obzirom na nalaze dodatnih uÄinjenih dijagnostiÄkih pretraga, s naglaskom na kompjutoriziranoj tomografiji. U medicinskoj dokumentaciji svakog pojedinog pacijenta analizirani su koriÅ”teni dijagnostiÄki kriteriji te kritiÄnost i objektivnost lijeÄnika pri postavljanju dijagnoze potresa mozga. Postavljena je nulta hipoteza koja glasi: Ukupno 95% nalaza je po sudskomedicinskim kriterijima ispravno napisano. Preostalih 5% nalaza ne može biti prihvaÄeno pri vjeÅ”taÄenju, Å”to je posljedica vanjskih i unutarnjih faktora koji se pripisuju sluÄajnoj ljudskoj pogreÅ”ci. Svakom su pacijentu takoÄer analizirane i sljedeÄe karakteristike: kronoloÅ”ka dob u godinama, spol, mehanizam nastanka ozljede potresa mozga, pridružene ozljede, preporuÄena hospitalizacija i ordinirana terapija. Ovi podaci su potom usporeÄeni sa svjetskom literaturom kako bi se utvrdile eventualne razlike u epidemiologiji.
REZULTATI: Ukupan broj nalaza koji mogu biti prihvaÄeni pri vjeÅ”taÄenju bio je 37, Å”to je statistiÄki znaÄajan rezultat (p<0,05) koji govori da pogreÅ”ke pronaÄene pri pregledu medicinske dokumentacije nisu posljedica sluÄajnosti. NajveÄi broj ispitanika spada u dobnu kategoriju radno sposobne populacije od 18-64 godine. PronaÄeno je da su muÅ”karci pod veÄim rizikom od žena za nastanak ozljede potresa mozga, pri Äemu su u obe skupine najÄeÅ”Äi uzroci bili padovi i prometne nezgode. Ovi podaci su u skladu sa podacima iz svjetske literature. S obzirom na ukupan broj preporuÄenih hospitalizacija, preporuka lijeÄnika za hospitalizaciju pacijenata kod kojih je jedina indikacija potres mozga pronaÄena je u 17 sluÄajeva.
ZAKLJUÄCI: Literatura bi uvelike beneficirala uvoÄenjem klasifikacijskog sustava ozljede potresa mozga. Do tada, kritiÄnost i objektivnost lijeÄnika pri susretu s ovim pacijentima kao i praÄenje suvremenih pravnih i medicinskih smjernica predstavljaju jedini naÄin ispravnog dijagnosticiranja blage traumatske moždane ozljede. Stoga se dodatna edukacija lijeÄniÄkog osoblja postavlja kao imperativ.OBJECTIVES: The primary goal of this study is to determine how much medical documentation of the patients diagnosed with concussion cannot be accepted by a forensic expert and to present the main problems that occur when expertising this diagnosis. The secondary goal is to determine the epidemiology of concussion in the city of Split for the year of 2017.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: This retrospective study was conducted by examining the leave letters of year 2017 in the Emergency Surgical Unit of the University Hospital of Split. Observed components of the presented sample were: time that had passed between the event and the first examination of the patient, symptoms which the patients were presenting (including their adequate confirmation and description by a doctor), deviations in somatic and neurological status of the patients, the result of GCS and the results of additional diagnostic tools with the emphasis on the CT. The used diagnostic criteria and the criticality and objectivity of the medical doctors were analysed in the medical documentation of every patient. Null hypothesis was set: 95% of the observed medical documentation of the patients is acceptable by a forensic expert, while the remaining 5% isn't; this is the consequence of external and internal factors attributed to standard accidental human error. The following characteristics were also analysed for every patient: sex and chronological age, the mechanism of concussion, associated injuries, recommended hospitalisation and recommended therapy. The acquired data was then compared with world literature in order to determine the differences in epidemiology.
RESULTS: The total number of medical documentation accepted when expertising this diagnosis was 37, which represents a statistically significant result (p<0,05) and leads to a conclusion that the errors found were not accidental. The majority of the respondents fall to the group of work-capable population aged 18 to 64 years. It was found that men have greater risk for concussion than women, whereby in both sexes the most common cause of concussion were falls and traffic accidents. This data is in unison with the world literature data. Considering the total number of recommended hospitalisations, that in which the only indication is an injury of the patient resulting in concussion was found in 17 cases.
CONCLUSIONS: Introducing and implementing a viable classification system for concussion would greatly benefit the existing literature. Until then, criticality and objectivity of medical doctors and following the modern legal and medical guidelines when meeting with these patients represent the only way of diagnosing concussion accurately. That is why additional education of the medical personnel is set as an imperativ
Appliance of Pentadecapeptid BPC-157 in Additional Feeding of Honeybee (Apis Mellifera)
Medonosnu pÄelu (Apis mellifera) smatra se najpogodnjom vrstom pÄela za suvremeni naÄin pÄelarenja zbog njezinih dobrih bioloÅ”kih i proizvodnih osobina. Nozemoza je nametniÄka bolest pÄela uzrokovana mikrosporidijama Nosema apis i Nosema ceranae. Nozemoza tipa C izrazito je patogena bolest kroniÄnog tijeka s dugim inkubacijskim razdobljem, a najÄeÅ”Äe prolazi asimptomatski ili se manifestira nespecifiÄnim simptomima poput postepenog slabljenja pÄelinjih zajednica, poveÄanog stupnja ugibanja odraslih pÄela i posljediÄno smanjenja proizvodnje meda. Zbog asimptomatske prirode, izrazite patogenosti kao i zabranjene uporabe antibiotika, nozemoza tipa C predstavlja ozbiljan problem u suvremenom pÄelarstvu. Obzirom na ovu problematiku, danas su znanstvena istraživanja usmjerena na ispitivanje uÄinkovitosti prirodnih tvari u kontroliranju i suzbijanju nozemoze. BPC 157 je visoko stabilan protein koji se koristi bez nosaÄa, sistemski i lokalno. DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja na sisavcima su pokazala da znatno unaprjeÄuje cijeljenje razliÄitih tkiva. Stoga je cilj ovoga rada bio utvrditi utjecaj primjene pentadekapeptida BPC 157 u obliku dodatka hrani tijekom jesenskog prihranjivanja na broj spora N. ceranae, a s pretpostavkom o moguÄem utjecaju na zacjeljivanje mikro oÅ”teÄenja srednjeg crijeva medonosne pÄele.Honeybee (Apis mellifera) is considered one of the most favorable species of bees for modern way of beekeeping because of her good biological and producing characteristics. Nosemosis is a parasitic disease of adult honeybees, caused by microsporidia Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae. Nosemosis type C is a significantly pathogenic disease with chronic course and long incubation period, which usually passes asymptomatically or manifests by nonspecific symptoms like gradual weakening of honeybee colonies, enhanced loss of adult bees and decreased production of honey. Because of asymptomatic nature, significant pathogenic and prohibited use of antibiotics, nosemosis type C represents serious problem in modern beekeeping. Regarding this issues, the researches today are focused on determination of effectiveness of natural supstances in controlling and combating nosemosis. BPC 157 is a high stable protein, which is used without carrier, systematically and locally. The researchers on mammals showed that it considerably enhances healing of different matter. So, the aim of this research was to determine the effect of applying pentadecapeptide 157 as food supplement during autumn additional feeding on a number of N. ceranae spores, and with presumption about possible effect on healing micro damages of honeybee middle intestine
CILJEVI ISTRAŽIVANJA: Primarni cilj ovog istraživanja jest odrediti ukupan udio medicinske dokumentacije pacijenata kojima je dijagnosticiran potres mozga koja se ne može prihvatiti od strane sudskomedicinskog struÄnjaka te prezentirati glavne probleme koji se javljaju kod vjeÅ”taÄenja ovih dijagnoza. Sekundarni cilj istraživanja jest odrediti epidemiologiju ozljede potresa mozga u gradu Splitu za 2017. godinu.
ISPITANICI I METODE: Provedena je retrospektivna studija pregledom otpusnih pisama pacijenata za razdoblje od 01.01.2017. do 31.12.2017. godine na Hitnom kirurÅ”kom prijemu KBC-a Split. Prezentirani uzorak je promatran s obzirom na vrijeme proteklo od nastupa ozljede do prvog pregleda pacijenta, simptome kojima se pacijent prezentira te odgovarajuÄu potvrdu i opis istih od strane lijeÄnika, odstupanja u opÄem statusu pri pregledu pacijenta, odstupanja u neuroloÅ”kom statusu, rezultat Glasgovske ljestvice kome te s obzirom na nalaze dodatnih uÄinjenih dijagnostiÄkih pretraga, s naglaskom na kompjutoriziranoj tomografiji. U medicinskoj dokumentaciji svakog pojedinog pacijenta analizirani su koriÅ”teni dijagnostiÄki kriteriji te kritiÄnost i objektivnost lijeÄnika pri postavljanju dijagnoze potresa mozga. Postavljena je nulta hipoteza koja glasi: Ukupno 95% nalaza je po sudskomedicinskim kriterijima ispravno napisano. Preostalih 5% nalaza ne može biti prihvaÄeno pri vjeÅ”taÄenju, Å”to je posljedica vanjskih i unutarnjih faktora koji se pripisuju sluÄajnoj ljudskoj pogreÅ”ci. Svakom su pacijentu takoÄer analizirane i sljedeÄe karakteristike: kronoloÅ”ka dob u godinama, spol, mehanizam nastanka ozljede potresa mozga, pridružene ozljede, preporuÄena hospitalizacija i ordinirana terapija. Ovi podaci su potom usporeÄeni sa svjetskom literaturom kako bi se utvrdile eventualne razlike u epidemiologiji.
REZULTATI: Ukupan broj nalaza koji mogu biti prihvaÄeni pri vjeÅ”taÄenju bio je 37, Å”to je statistiÄki znaÄajan rezultat (p<0,05) koji govori da pogreÅ”ke pronaÄene pri pregledu medicinske dokumentacije nisu posljedica sluÄajnosti. NajveÄi broj ispitanika spada u dobnu kategoriju radno sposobne populacije od 18-64 godine. PronaÄeno je da su muÅ”karci pod veÄim rizikom od žena za nastanak ozljede potresa mozga, pri Äemu su u obe skupine najÄeÅ”Äi uzroci bili padovi i prometne nezgode. Ovi podaci su u skladu sa podacima iz svjetske literature. S obzirom na ukupan broj preporuÄenih hospitalizacija, preporuka lijeÄnika za hospitalizaciju pacijenata kod kojih je jedina indikacija potres mozga pronaÄena je u 17 sluÄajeva.
ZAKLJUÄCI: Literatura bi uvelike beneficirala uvoÄenjem klasifikacijskog sustava ozljede potresa mozga. Do tada, kritiÄnost i objektivnost lijeÄnika pri susretu s ovim pacijentima kao i praÄenje suvremenih pravnih i medicinskih smjernica predstavljaju jedini naÄin ispravnog dijagnosticiranja blage traumatske moždane ozljede. Stoga se dodatna edukacija lijeÄniÄkog osoblja postavlja kao imperativ.OBJECTIVES: The primary goal of this study is to determine how much medical documentation of the patients diagnosed with concussion cannot be accepted by a forensic expert and to present the main problems that occur when expertising this diagnosis. The secondary goal is to determine the epidemiology of concussion in the city of Split for the year of 2017.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: This retrospective study was conducted by examining the leave letters of year 2017 in the Emergency Surgical Unit of the University Hospital of Split. Observed components of the presented sample were: time that had passed between the event and the first examination of the patient, symptoms which the patients were presenting (including their adequate confirmation and description by a doctor), deviations in somatic and neurological status of the patients, the result of GCS and the results of additional diagnostic tools with the emphasis on the CT. The used diagnostic criteria and the criticality and objectivity of the medical doctors were analysed in the medical documentation of every patient. Null hypothesis was set: 95% of the observed medical documentation of the patients is acceptable by a forensic expert, while the remaining 5% isn't; this is the consequence of external and internal factors attributed to standard accidental human error. The following characteristics were also analysed for every patient: sex and chronological age, the mechanism of concussion, associated injuries, recommended hospitalisation and recommended therapy. The acquired data was then compared with world literature in order to determine the differences in epidemiology.
RESULTS: The total number of medical documentation accepted when expertising this diagnosis was 37, which represents a statistically significant result (p<0,05) and leads to a conclusion that the errors found were not accidental. The majority of the respondents fall to the group of work-capable population aged 18 to 64 years. It was found that men have greater risk for concussion than women, whereby in both sexes the most common cause of concussion were falls and traffic accidents. This data is in unison with the world literature data. Considering the total number of recommended hospitalisations, that in which the only indication is an injury of the patient resulting in concussion was found in 17 cases.
CONCLUSIONS: Introducing and implementing a viable classification system for concussion would greatly benefit the existing literature. Until then, criticality and objectivity of medical doctors and following the modern legal and medical guidelines when meeting with these patients represent the only way of diagnosing concussion accurately. That is why additional education of the medical personnel is set as an imperativ