17 research outputs found

    First records of the summerfruit tοrticid, Adoxophyes oranα F. ν .R. in Greece

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    Το πολυφάγο Αεπιδόπτερο Adoxophyes orana F.v.R. της οικογένειας Tortricidae παρατηρήθηκε για πρώτη φορά στην περιοχή της Νάουσας το 1985, σε μηλιές, ροδακινιές και κερασιές, όπου προσέβαλε την άνοιξη τους οφθαλμούς και αργότερα τα φύλλα και τους καρπούς. Πιθανότατα εισήλθε στην Ελλάδα από τη γειτονική Γιουγκοσλαβία, όπου ήταν γνωστό και προκαλούσε ζημιά στα οπωροφόρα δέντρα τουλάχιστον από το 1975. Το ενήλικο σε γενικό χρωματισμό και μορφή μοιάζει με το επίσης πολυφάγο φυλλοδετικό Λεπιδόπτερο.4Γί7φί rosanus L. Το άνοιγμα των πτερύγων στο ενήλικο αρσενικό είναι 15-20 mm και το θηλυκό 19-22 mm. Οι πρόσθιες πτέρυγες στο αρσενικό έχουν βασικό χρώμα κίτρινο ώχρας και στο θηλυκό σκοτεινότερο, συχνά καστανόμαυρο. Οι πτέρυγες αυτές και στα δύο φύλλα, έχουν χαρακτηριστικές κηλίδες και λωρίδες σκοτεινότερες από το βασικό χρώμα. Η πλήρως αναπτυγμένη προνύμφη είναι πράσινη και μήκους 18-20 mm.In spring 1985, buds of apple and peach trees in the Naoussa area of northern Greece were severely damaged by larvae of a tortricid moth. Adults emerged in late May and early June. Later in the season, we found larvae of the same species established and feeding on leaves and green or ripe fruits of apple and peach, as well as on ripe cherries. Larvae collected in late June were reared in the laboratory on peach leaves and on an artificial diet. The adults obtained were identified as Adoxophyes orana Fischer von Rosslerstamm (Lepidoptera. Tortricidae). A. orana is a synonym of A. reticulates Huebner, A.tripsiana Eversmann, A. fasciata Walsh., or Capua or Cacoecia reticulana Huebner and most probably, is a recent introduction to Greece. The damage it causes to fruits such as apples, peaches and cherries is such that it could not have escaped the attention of fruit growers and plant protection specialists if the insect had earlier been present in the country. A. orana has been established and caused damage to fruit trees in northwest and central Europe for approximately fifty years and in southern Yugoslavia for at least the last ten years. It is probable that it spread to northern Greece from neighboring Yugoslavia. In the Naoussa area, the moths laid their eggs in batches on fruits or leaves. On peach and cherry the eggs were laid on both sides of the leaves, whereas on apple on the upper side as was observed also in other countries. In early October, the larvae abandoned their feeding sites and went next to auxiliary buds and crevices of the bark of branches to spin their hibernating webs. The adult maleof A. orana has a wingspan of 15-20 mm and the female one of 19-22 mm. The fore wings of the male are yellow ochre reddish, and have distinct rusty-red designs. There is a basal darker (brown) area, and two large darker stripes. The median one departs from the basal third of the costa and terminates, widening or divided in two branches, at the tornus. The other stripe is preapical and may take the form of a triangular spot of which sometimes only the borders are visible. The fore wings of the female are normally darker than those of the male, often blackish-brown, and have darker and dimmer stripes and other markings. The hind wings are light grey in the male and grey-brown in the female. The ground colour in the specimens of northwestern Europe is varying from light brown to dark brown. The fully grown larva is 18-20 mm long, green, with a light brown head. It somewhat resembles the larva of another tortricid, Archipsrosanus L. which is a monovoltine polyphagous species common in Greek orchards in spring. A. orana is polyvoltine and feeds on buds, leaves and fruits of a great number of cultivated and wild plants. Among its reported many hosts are species of Betula, Crataegus, Cydonia, Gossypium, Ligustrum, Lonicera, Malus, Medicago, Pyrus, Populus, Pistacia, Parrotia, Proms,Quercus, Ribes, Rubus, Rosa, Salix, Solanum, Syringa, Tilia, Ulmus, Vaccinium and the grapevine Vitis vinifera

    Vermindering gebruik chemische gewasbeschermingsmiddelen bij bestrijding van emelten en rouwvlieglarven op grasland

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    In dit rapport worden de onderzoeksresultaten met betrekking tot het verbruik van insecticiden beschreven. Op grasland worden met name emelten en rouwvlieglarven bestreden. Het rapport richt zich vooral op schade door emelten. De gevonden aantallen rouwvlieglarven in de proeven waren te klein om gericht onderzoek naar te doen

    Long-term oncological outcomes of endoscopic full-thickness resection after previous incomplete resection of low-risk T1 CRC (LOCAL-study): study protocol of a national prospective cohort study

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    Background: T1 colorectal cancer (CRC) without histological high-risk factors for lymph node metastasis (LNM) can potentially be cured by endoscopic resection, which is associated with significantly lower morbidity, mortality and costs compared to radical surgery. An important prerequisite for endoscopic resection as definite treatment is the histological confirmation of tumour-free resection margins. Incomplete resection with involved (R1) or indeterminate (Rx) margins is considered a strong risk factor for residual disease and local recurrence. Therefore, international guidelines recommend additional surgery in case of R1/Rx resection, even in absence of high-risk factors for LNM. Endoscopic full-thickness resection (eFTR) is a relatively new technique that allows transmural resection of colorectal lesions. Local scar excision after prior R1/Rx resection of low-risk T1 CRC could offer an attractive minimal invasive strategy to achieve confirmation about radicality of the previous resection or a second attempt for radical resection of residual luminal cancer. However, oncologic safety has not been established and long-term data are lacking. Besides, surveillance varies widely and requires standardization. Methods/design: In this nationwide, multicenter, prospective cohort study we aim to assess feasibility and oncological safety of completion eFTR following incomplete resection of low-risk T1 CRC. The primary endpoint is to assess the 2 and 5 year luminal local tumor recurrence rate. Secondary study endpoints are to assess feasibility, percentage of curative eFTR-resections, presence of scar tissue and/or complete scar excision at histopathology, safety of eFTR compared to surgery, 2 and 5 year nodal and/or distant tumor recurrence rate and 5-year disease-specific and overall-survival rate. Discussion: Since the implementation of CRC screening programs, the diagnostic rate of T1 CRC is steadily increasing. A significant proportion is not recognized as cancer before endoscopic resection and is therefore resected through conventional techniques primarily reserved for benign polyps. As such, precise histological assessment is often hampered due to cauterization and fragmentation and frequently leads to treatment dilemmas. This first prospective trial will potentially demonstrate the effectiveness and oncological safety of completion eFTR for patients who have undergone a previous incomplete T1 CRC resection. Hereby, substantial surgical overtreatment may be avoided, leading to treatment optimization and organ preservation.Cellular mechanisms in basic and clinical gastroenterology and hepatolog

    SUGAR-DIP trial: Oral medication strategy versus insulin for diabetes in pregnancy, study protocol for a multicentre, open-label, non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction In women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) requiring pharmacotherapy, insulin was the established first-line treatment. More recently, oral glucose lowering drugs (OGLDs) have gained popularity as a patient-friendly, less expensive and safe alternative. Monotherapy with metformin or glibenclamide (glyburide) is incorporated in several international guidelines. In women who do not reach sufficient glucose control with OGLD monotherapy, usually insulin is added, either with or without continuation of OGLDs. No reliable data from clinical trials, however, are available on the effectiveness of a treatment strategy using all three agents, metformin, glibenclamide and insulin, in a stepwise approach, compared with insulin-only therapy for improving pregnancy outcomes. In this trial, we aim to assess the clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and patient experience of a stepwise combined OGLD treatment protocol, compared with conventional insulin-based therapy for GDM. Methods The SUGAR-DIP trial is an open-label, multicentre randomised controlled non-inferiority trial. Participants are women with GDM who do not reach target glycaemic control with modification of diet, between 16 and 34 weeks of gestation. Participants will be randomised to either treatment with OGLDs, starting with metformin and supplemented as needed with glibenclamide, or randomised to treatment with insulin. In women who do not reach target glycaemic control with combined metformin and glibenclamide, glibenclamide will be substituted with insulin, while continuing metformin. The primary outcome will be the incidence of large-for-gestational-age infants (birth weight >90th percentile). Secondary outcome measures are maternal diabetes-related endpoints, obstetric complications, neonatal complications and cost-effectiveness analysis. Outcomes will be analysed according to the intention-to-treat principle. Ethics and dissemination The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Utrecht University Medical Centre. Approval by the boards of management for all participating hospitals will be obtained. Trial results will be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals

    Catalogue of the Platygastridae (Platygastroidea)

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    Vermindering gebruik chemische gewasbeschermingsmiddelen bij bestrijding van emelten en rouwvlieglarven op grasland

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    In dit rapport worden de onderzoeksresultaten met betrekking tot het verbruik van insecticiden beschreven. Op grasland worden met name emelten en rouwvlieglarven bestreden. Het rapport richt zich vooral op schade door emelten. De gevonden aantallen rouwvlieglarven in de proeven waren te klein om gericht onderzoek naar te doen