244 research outputs found

    Monitoring mosselzaadinvang met MZI Wieringen in Waddenzee 2008

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    In de Waddenzee is in 2008 een experiment uitgevoerd ten behoeve van verbreding van kennis over mosselzaadinvang (MZI) op de percelen Wieringen 36 en 37. Hierbij is gebruik gemaakt van twee op de bodem geplaatste kooiconstructies met daarin collectortouwen die het zaad in kunnen vangen. Doel van het project is het onderzoeken van de mogelijkheden voor mosselinvang met behulp van speciaal ontwikkelde kooiconstructies met ‘fuzzy rope’ touw als collectoren. Hierbij is door Wageningen IMARES de invangcapaciteit, invangefficiëntie en groei-efficiëntie op de collectortouwen bepaald en zijn het aantal mossellarven in het water gemonitord. Een ander doel voor de ondernemer was ervaring opdoen met het plaatsten en oogsten van de installatie. Verder zijn observaties van en door de kweker gerapporteerd; dit betreft (1) de oogst, (2) de aanwezigheid van vogels en zeezoogdieren en (3) de visuele kenmerken van de invangsystemen, waarbij de landschappelijke effecten met behulp van foto’s in beeld zijn gebracht. Voor effecten op bodem en bodemfauna wordt gerefereerd aan het PRODUS project. De gekozen locatie is geschikt voor mosselzaadinvang; dit blijkt uit de aanwezigheid van schelpdierlarven in het water en schelpdierbroed en -zaad op de touwen. Ook de constructie is technisch/biologisch geschikt voor zaadinvan

    PRODUS 1 d: Rendement MZI zaad op percelen 2005-2008

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    Fluctuaties in aanbod van mosselzaad en druk op de visserij hebben er toe geleid dat de sector mosselzaadinvangsystemen (MZI's) is gaan ontwikkelen. Door de extra kosten aan arbeid en materiaal is MZI zaad duurder dan traditioneel gevist zaad, daarom is een hoog rendement van het mosselzaad tijdens doorkweek op de percelen van belang. Dit is het onderwerp van studie van PRODUS deelproject 1d. Het rendement wordt bepaald door groei en overleving van het zaad. Het onderzoek heeft zich gericht op factoren die de groei en overleving van MZI zaad kunnen beïnvloeden. Het huidige rapport geeft een samenvatting van het onderzoek dat is uitgevoerd in de periode 2005-2008

    MZI Monitoring en oogst van vier experimenten in Waddenzee en Oosterschelde 2008

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    Doel van het onderzoek was om met een viertal ondernemers een gezamelijke mzi monitoring uit te voeren op de oogst van vier verschillende MZI projecten: EMERGO, MIOS, de Rooij Mosselkweek en Mosselkweek Barbé B.V. De monitoring heeft plaatsgevonden op een uniforme wijze, aan boord van het oogstschip. De resultaten van de monitoring zijn collectief gerapporteerd. De eigen waarneming en monitoringgegevens van iedere ondernemer over ecologische effecten, landschappelijke effecten en totale oogst zijn apart onderdeel van de rapportage

    Long-term scar quality after hydrosurgical versus conventional debridement of deep dermal burns (HyCon trial): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Deep dermal burns require tangential excision of non-viable tissue and skin grafting to improve wound healing and burn-scar quality. Tangential excision is conventionally performed with a knife, but during the last decade hydrosurgery has become popular as a new tool for tangential excision. Hydrosurgery is generally thought to be a more precise and controlled manner of burn debridement leading to preservation of viable tissue and, therefore, better scar quality. Although scar quality is considered to be one of the most important outcomes in burn surgery today, no randomized controlled study has compared the effect of these two common treatment modalities with scar quality as a primary outcome. The aim of this study is, therefore, to compare long-term scar quality after hydrosurgical versus conventional tangential excision in deep dermal burns. Methods/design: A multicenter, randomized, intra-patient, controlled trial will be conducted in the Dutch burn centers of Rotterdam, Beverwijk, and Groningen. All patients with deep dermal burns that require excision and grafting are eligible. Exclusion criteria are: a burn wound 30%, full-thickness burns, chemical or electrical burns, infected wounds (clinical symptoms in combination with positive wound swabs), insufficient knowledge of the Dutch or English language, patients that are unlikely to comply with requirements of the study protocol and follow-up, and patients who are (temporarily) incompetent because of sedation and/or intubation. A total of 137 patients will be included. Comparable wound areas A and B will be appointed, randomized and either excised conventionally with a knife or with the hydrosurgery system. The primary outcome is scar quality measured by the observer score of the Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale (POSAS); a subjective scar-assessment instrument, consisting of two separate six-item scales (observer and patient) that are both scored on a 10-point rating scale. Discussion: This study will contribute to the optimal surgi

    Hydrosurgical and conventional debridement of burns:randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Tangential excision of burned tissue followed by skin grafting is the cornerstone of burn surgery. Hydrosurgery has become popular for tangential excision, with the hypothesis that enhanced preservation of vital dermal tissue reduces scarring. The aim of this trial was to compare scar quality after hydrosurgical versus conventional debridement before split-skin grafting. Methods: A double-blind randomized within-patient multicentre controlled trial was conducted in patients with burns that required split-skin grafting. One wound area was randomized to hydrosurgical debridement and the other to Weck knife debridement. The primary outcome was scar quality at 12 months, assessed with the observer part of the Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale (POSAS). Secondary outcomes included complications, scar quality, colour, pliability, and histological dermal preservation. Results: Some 137 patients were randomized. At 12 months, scars of the hydrosurgical debrided wounds had a lower POSAS observer total item score (mean 2.42 (95 per cent c.i. 2.26 to 2.59) versus 2.54 (95 per cent c.i. 2.36 to 2.72; P =0.023)) and overall opinion score (mean 3.08 (95 per cent c.i. 2.88 to 3.28) versus 3.30 (95 per cent c.i. 3.09-3.51); P = 0.006). Patient-reported scar quality and pliability measurements were significantly better for the hydrosurgically debrided wounds. Complication rates did not differ between both treatments. Histologically, significantly more dermis was preserved with hydrosurgery (P < 0.001). Conclusion: One year after surgery scar quality and pliability was better for hydrosurgically debrided burns, probably owing to enhanced histological preservation of dermis

    Mutations in Potassium Channel KCND3 Cause Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 19

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify the causative gene for the neurodegenerative disorder spinocerebellar ataxia type 19 (SCA19) located on chromosomal region 1p21-q21. METHODS: Exome sequencing was used to identify the causal mutation in a large SCA19 family. We then screened 230 ataxia families for mutations located in the same gene (KCND3, also known as Kv4.3) using high-resolution melting. SCA19 brain autopsy material was evaluated, and in vitro experiments using ectopic expression of wild-type and mutant Kv4.3 were used to study protein localization, stability, and channel activity by patch-clamping. RESULTS: We detected a T352P mutation in the third extracellular loop of the voltage-gated potassium channel KCND3 that cosegregated with the disease phenotype in our original family. We identified 2 more novel missense mutations in the channel pore (M373I) and the S6 transmembrane domain (S390N) in 2 other ataxia families. T352P cerebellar autopsy material showed severe Purkinje cell degeneration, with abnormal intracellular accumulation and reduced protein levels of Kv4.3 in their soma. Ectopic expression of all mutant proteins in HeLa cells revealed retention in the endoplasmic reticulum and enhanced protein instability, in contrast to wild-type Kv4.3 that was localized on the plasma membrane. The regulatory β subunit Kv channel interacting protein 2 was able to rescue the membrane localization and the stability of 2 of the 3 mutant Kv4.3 complexes. However, this either did not restore the channel function of the membrane-located mutant Kv4.3 complexes or restored it only partially. INTERPRETATION: KCND3 mutations cause SCA19 by impaired protein maturation and/or reduced channel function

    Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles as a Powerful Systems Biology. Characterization Tool in the Physiological Context

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    Recently, functionalized superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) have been utilized for protein separation and therapeutic delivery of DNA and drugs. The development of new methods and tools for the targeting and identification of specific biomolecular interactions within living systems is of great interest in the fields of systems biology, target and drug identification, drug delivery, and diagnostics. Magnetic separation of organelles and proteins from complex whole-cell lysates allows enrichment and elucidation of intracellular interaction partners for a specific immobilized protein or peptide on the surface of SPIONs
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