16 research outputs found

    A MeerKAT look at the polarization of 47 Tucanae pulsars: magnetic field implications

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    We present the polarization profiles of 22 pulsars in the globular cluster 47Tucanae using observations from the MeerKAT radio telescope at UHF-band(544-1088 MHz) and report precise values of dispersion measure (DM) androtation measure (RM). We use these measurements to investigate the presence ofturbulence in electron density and magnetic fields. The structure function ofDM shows a break at 30\sim 30 arcsec (0.6\sim 0.6 pc at the distance of 47Tucanae) that suggests the presence of turbulence in the gas in the clusterdriven by the motion of wind-shedding stars. On the other hand, the structurefunction of RM does not show evidence of a break. This non-detection could beexplained either by the limited number of pulsars or by the effects of theintervening gas in the Galaxy along the line of sight. Future pulsardiscoveries in the cluster could help confirm the presence and localise theturbulence.<br

    A MeerKAT look at the polarization of 47 Tucanae pulsars: magnetic field implications

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    We present the polarization profiles of 22 pulsars in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae using observations from the MeerKAT radio telescope at UHF-band (544-1088 MHz) and report precise values of dispersion measure (DM) and rotation measure (RM). We use these measurements to investigate the presence of turbulence in electron density and magnetic fields. The structure function of DM shows a break at 30\sim 30 arcsec (0.6\sim 0.6 pc at the distance of 47 Tucanae) that suggests the presence of turbulence in the gas in the cluster driven by the motion of wind-shedding stars. On the other hand, the structure function of RM does not show evidence of a break. This non-detection could be explained either by the limited number of pulsars or by the effects of the intervening gas in the Galaxy along the line of sight. Future pulsar discoveries in the cluster could help confirm the presence and localise the turbulence.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 14 pages, 6 figure

    TRAPUM discovery of thirteen new pulsars in NGC 1851 using MeerKAT

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    We report the discovery of 13 new pulsars in the globular cluster NGC 1851 by the TRAPUM Large Survey Project using the MeerKAT radio telescope. The discoveries consist of six isolated millisecond pulsars (MSPs) and seven binary pulsars, of which six are MSPs and one is mildly recycled. For all the pulsars, we present the basic kinematic, astrometric, and orbital parameters, where applicable, as well as their polarimetric properties, when these are measurable. Two of the binary MSPs (PSR J0514-4002D and PSR J0514-4002E) are in wide and extremely eccentric (e > 0.7) orbits with a heavy white dwarf and a neutron star as their companion, respectively. With these discoveries, NGC 1851 is now tied with M28 as the cluster with the third largest number of known pulsars (14). Its pulsar population shows remarkable similarities with that of M28, Terzan 5 and other clusters with comparable structural parameters. The newly-found pulsars are all located in the innermost regions of NGC 1851 and will likely enable, among other things, detailed studies of the cluster structure and dynamics

    The TRAPUM L-band survey for pulsars in Fermi-LAT gamma-ray sources

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    More than 100 millisecond pulsars (MSPs) have been discovered in radioobservations of gamma-ray sources detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope(LAT), but hundreds of pulsar-like sources remain unidentified. Here we presentthe first results from the targeted survey of Fermi-LAT sources being performedby the Transients and Pulsars with MeerKAT (TRAPUM) Large Survey Project. Weobserved 79 sources identified as possible gamma-ray pulsar candidates by aRandom Forest classification of unassociated sources from the 4FGL catalogue.Each source was observed for 10 minutes on two separate epochs using MeerKAT'sL-band receiver (856-1712 MHz), with typical pulsed flux density sensitivitiesof \sim100μ\,\muJy. Nine new MSPs were discovered, eight of which are inbinary systems, including two eclipsing redbacks and one system, PSRJ1526-2744, that appears to have a white dwarf companion in an unusuallycompact 5 hr orbit. We obtained phase-connected timing solutions for two ofthese MSPs, enabling the detection of gamma-ray pulsations in the Fermi-LATdata. A follow-up search for continuous gravitational waves from PSRJ1526-2744 in Advanced LIGO data using the resulting Fermi-LAT timingephemeris yielded no detection, but sets an upper limit on the neutron starellipticity of 2.45×1082.45\times10^{-8}. We also detected X-ray emission from theredback PSR J1803-6707 in data from the first eROSITA all-sky survey, likelydue to emission from an intra-binary shock.<br

    The TRAPUM L-band survey for pulsars in Fermi-LAT gamma-ray sources

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    More than 100 millisecond pulsars (MSPs) have been discovered in radio observations of gamma-ray sources detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT), but hundreds of pulsar-like sources remain unidentified. Here we present the first results from the targeted survey of Fermi-LAT sources being performed by the Transients and Pulsars with MeerKAT (TRAPUM) Large Survey Project. We observed 79 sources identified as possible gamma-ray pulsar candidates by a Random Forest classification of unassociated sources from the 4FGL catalogue. Each source was observed for 10 minutes on two separate epochs using MeerKAT's L-band receiver (856-1712 MHz), with typical pulsed flux density sensitivities of \sim100μ\,\muJy. Nine new MSPs were discovered, eight of which are in binary systems, including two eclipsing redbacks and one system, PSR J1526-2744, that appears to have a white dwarf companion in an unusually compact 5 hr orbit. We obtained phase-connected timing solutions for two of these MSPs, enabling the detection of gamma-ray pulsations in the Fermi-LAT data. A follow-up search for continuous gravitational waves from PSR J1526-2744 in Advanced LIGO data using the resulting Fermi-LAT timing ephemeris yielded no detection, but sets an upper limit on the neutron star ellipticity of 2.45×1082.45\times10^{-8}. We also detected X-ray emission from the redback PSR J1803-6707 in data from the first eROSITA all-sky survey, likely due to emission from an intra-binary shock.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Discovery and timing of ten new millisecond pulsars in the globular cluster Terzan 5

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    We report the discovery of ten new pulsars in the globular cluster Terzan 5 as part of the Transients and Pulsars with MeerKAT (TRAPUM) Large Survey Project. We observed Terzan 5 at L-band (856--1712 MHz) with the MeerKAT radio telescope for four hours on two epochs, and performed acceleration searches of 45 out of 288 tied-array beams covering the core of the cluster. We obtained phase-connected timing solutions for nine discoveries, covering nearly two decades of archival observations from the Green Bank Telescope for all but one. Highlights include PSR J1748-2446ao which is an eccentric (e=0.32e = 0.32) wide-orbit (orbital period Pb=57.55P_{\rm b} = 57.55 d) system. We were able to measure the rate of advance of periastron (ω˙\dot{\omega}) for this system allowing us to determine a total mass of 3.17±0.02M3.17 \pm \, 0.02\, \rm M_{\odot}. With a minimum companion mass (McM_{\rm c}) of 0.8M\sim 0.8\, \rm M_{\odot}, PSR J1748-2446ao is a candidate double neutron star (DNS) system. If confirmed to be a DNS, it would be the fastest spinning pulsar (P=2.27P = 2.27 ms) and the longest orbital period measured for any known DNS system. PSR J1748-2446ap has the second highest eccentricity for any recycled pulsar (e0.905e \sim 0.905) and for this system we can measure the total mass (1.997±0.006M1.997 \pm 0.006\, \rm M_{\odot}) and also estimate the individual pulsar and companion masses. PSR J1748-2446ar is an eclipsing redback (minimum Mc0.34MM_{\rm c} \sim 0.34\, \rm M_{\odot}) system whose properties confirm it to be the counterpart to a previously published source identified in radio and X-ray imaging. With these discoveries, the total number of confirmed pulsars in Terzan 5 is 49, the highest for any globular cluster so far. These discoveries further enhance the rich set of pulsars known in Terzan 5 and provide scope for a deeper understanding of binary stellar evolution, cluster dynamics and ensemble population studies

    A targeted radio pulsar survey of redback candidates with MeerKAT

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    International audienceRedbacks are millisecond pulsar binaries with low mass, irradiated companions. These systems have a rich phenomenology that can be used to probe binary evolution models, pulsar wind physics, and the neutron star mass distribution. A number of high-confidence redback candidates have been identified through searches for variable optical and X-ray sources within the localisation regions of unidentified but pulsar-like Fermi-LAT gamma-ray sources. However, these candidates remain unconfirmed until pulsations are detected. As part of the TRAPUM project, we searched for radio pulsations from six of these redback candidates with MeerKAT. We discovered three new radio millisecond pulsars, PSRs J0838-2527, J0955-3947 and J2333-5526, confirming their redback nature. PSR J0838-2827 remained undetected for two years after our discovery despite repeated observations, likely due to evaporated material absorbing the radio emission for long periods of time. While, to our knowledge, this system has not undergone a transition to an accreting state, the disappearance, likely caused by extreme eclipses, illustrates the transient nature of spider pulsars and the heavy selection bias in uncovering their radio population. Radio timing enabled the detection of gamma-ray pulsations from all three pulsars, from which we obtained 15-year timing solutions. All of these sources exhibit complex orbital period variations consistent with gravitational quadrupole moment variations in the companion stars. These timing solutions also constrain the binary mass ratios, allowing us to narrow down the pulsar masses. We find that PSR J2333-5526 may have a neutron star mass in excess of 2 M_{\odot}

    MeerKAT discovery of 13 new pulsars in Omega Centauri

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    International audienceThe most massive globular cluster in our Galaxy, Omega Centauri, is an interesting target for pulsar searches, because of its multiple stellar populations and the intriguing possibility that it was once the nucleus of a galaxy that was absorbed into the Milky Way. The recent discoveries of pulsars in this globular cluster and their association with known X-ray sources was a hint that, given the large number of known X-ray sources, there is a much larger undiscovered pulsar population. We used the superior sensitivity of the MeerKAT radio telescope to search for pulsars in Omega Centauri. In this paper, we present some of the first results of this survey, including the discovery of 13 new pulsars; the total number of known pulsars in this cluster currently stands at 18. At least half of them are in binary systems and preliminary orbital constraints suggest that most of the binaries have light companions. We also discuss the ratio between isolated and binaries pulsars and how they were formed in this cluster