129 research outputs found

    Longitudinal Study of Tree Swallows

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    Tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) are the most widely distributed of the Tachycineta species, extending from northern Alaska and Canada to the southern United States. They are semi-colonial, secondary cavity nesters, primarily aerial insectivores, and migratory throughout most of their range. Tree swallows are a widely used model organism for avian ecologists and environmental physiologists because their life history lends itself to longterm study. They can be readily and repeatedly trapped at nests, and losses to nest predators are low. Adults return to previous breeding sites with high fidelity, so individuals marked during or after their first reproductive season can be reliably captured in subsequent years, and return rate to the breeding area can be used as an index of survival. Swallows using nest boxes are extraordinarily resistant to the disturbance of handling, allowing repeated captures to obtain measurements, blood samples, etc., both within and between breeding seasons

    Comparison of Immune Structure and Function of Nestling and Adult Tree Swallows

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    Immature individuals are generally more susceptible to infection and disease than adults. Study of humans and domesticated animals suggest that the immune system mediates this age-related pattern. Despite the rapid growth of ecological immunology in the last few decades, we still know very little about age-related patterns of immunity of organisms in their natural environments. In this study we compared several aspects of immune structure and function between free-living nestling and adult tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). We measured several components of both the innate and acquired arms of the immune system and predicted that nestlings would have reduced levels when compared with adults

    Periodic Cooling of Bird Eggs Reduces Embryonic Growth Efficiency

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    For many bird embryos, periodic cooling occurs when the incubating adult leaves the nest to forage, but the effects of periodic cooling on embryo growth, yolk use, and metabolism are poorly known. To address this question, we conducted incubation experiments on eggs of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) that were frequently cooled and then rewarmed or were allowed to develop at a constant temperature. After 12 d of incubation, embryo mass and yolk reserves were less in eggs that experienced periodic cooling than in controls incubated constantly at 37.5C. Embryos that regularly cooled to 20C had higher mass-specific metabolic rates than embryos incubated constantly at 37.5C. Periodic cooling delayed development and increased metabolic costs, reducing the efficiency with which egg nutrients were converted into embryo tissue. Avian embryos can tolerate periodic cooling, possibly by adjusting their physiology to variable thermal conditions, but at a cost to growth efficiency as well as rate of development. This reduction in embryo growth efficiency adds a new dimension to the fitness consequences of variation in adult nest attentiveness

    Individual variation in baseline and stress-induced corticosterone and prolactin levels predicts parental effort by nesting mourning doves

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    Endocrine systems have an important mechanistic role in structuring life-history trade-offs. During breeding, individual variation in prolactin (PRL) and corticosterone (CORT) levels affects behavioral and physiological processes that drive trade-offs between reproduction and self-maintenance. We examined patterns in baseline (BL) and stress induced (SI; level following a standard capture-restraint protocol) levels of PRL and CORT for breeding mourning doves (Zenaida macroura). We determined whether the relationship of adult condition and parental effort to hormone levels in wild birds was consistent with life-history predictions. Both BL PRL and BL CORT level in adults were positively related to nestling weight at early nestling ages, consistent with the prediction of a positive relationship of hormone levels to current parental effort of adults and associated increased energy demand. Results are consistent with the two hormones acting together at baseline levels to limit negative effects of CORT on reproduction while maintaining beneficial effects such as increased foraging for nestling feeding. Our data did not support predictions that SI responses would vary in response to nestling or adult condition. The magnitude of CORT response in the parents to our capture-restraint protocol was negatively correlated with subsequent parental effort. Average nestling weights for adults with the highest SI CORT response were on average 10–15% lighter than expected for their age in follow-up visits after the stress event. Our results demonstrated a relationship between individual hormone levels and within population variation in parental effort and suggested that hormonal control plays an important role in structuring reproductive decisions for mourning doves

    Interrelations among Immune Defense Indexes Reflect Major Components of the Immune System in a Free-Living Vertebrate

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    Understanding the relationships among immune components in free-living animals is a challenge in ecoimmunology, and it is important not only for selecting the immune assays to be used but also for more knowledgeable interpretation of results. In this study, we investigated the relationships among six immune defense indexes commonly used by ecoimmunologists and measured simultaneously in individual free-living tree swallows. Three main axes of variation in immune function were identified using a principal components analysis, representing variation in T-cell, B-cell, and innate immunity. Measures within each axis tended to be positively correlated among individuals, while measures in different axes were uncorrelated. A trade-off between T-cell function and B-cell function became apparent only when variation among individuals in body condition, age, and general quality was taken into account. Interestingly, the level of natural antibodies, a component of innate immunity, showed the strongest association with components of acquired B-cell function, possibly reflecting a common underlying genetic mechanism, as has been documented in poultry. Our results indicate that despite the complexity of the immune system, important insights can be gained by using the currently available assays but in a more comprehensive approach than has generally been used in the field of ecoimmunology

    Developmental and Immediate Thermal Environments Shape Energetic Trade-Offs, Growth Efficiency, and Metabolic Rate in Divergent Life-History Ecotypes of the Garter Snake Thamnophis elegans

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    Interactions at all levels of ecology are influenced by the rate at which energy is obtained, converted, and allocated. Tradeoffs in energy allocation within individuals in turn form the basis for life-history theory. Here we describe tests of the influences of temperature, developmental environment, and genetic background on measures of growth efficiency and resting metabolic rate in an ectothermic vertebrate, the western terrestrial garter snake (Thamnophis elegans). After raising captive-born snakes from divergent life-history ecotypes on thermal regimes mimicking natural habitat differences (2#2 experimental design of ecotype and thermal environment), we measured oxygen consumption rate at temperatures spanning the activity range of this species. We found ecotypic differences in the reaction norms of snakes across the measured range of temperatures and a temperature-dependent allometric relationship between mass and metabolic rate predicted by the metabolic-level boundaries hypothesis. Additionally, we present evidence of within-individual trade-offs between growth efficiency and resting metabolic rate, as predicted by classic lifehistory theory. These observations help illuminate the ultimate and proximate factors that underlie variation in these interrelated physiological and life-history traits

    Trans-Gulf of Mexico loop migration of tree swallows revealed by solar geolocation

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    One of the greatest feats of avian migration is the non-stop crossing of extensive areas of inhospitable habitat such as deserts and seas. Differences in spring and autumn migration routes have been reported in species that cross such barriers, and are thought to have evolved in response to seasonal variation in prevailing wind direction. We tested the hypothesis that migration routes vary seasonally with respect to the Gulf of Mexico in the tree swallow Tachycineta bicolor using solar geolocators attached and retrieved at 4 breeding sites in central North America. We found that 100 % of birds (n = 10) made a trans-Gulf flight of \u3e850 km from Louisiana south to their wintering grounds in the Yucatan Peninsula in 12–36 hours, achieving minimum ground speeds as high as 32 m/s. Although most days during autumn migration were characterized by unfavorable headwinds blowing to the northwest, migration over the Gulf mostly occurred on days with strong winds blowing to the south. In contrast, in 8 of 9 (88 %) birds on spring migration returned from the wintering grounds towards Louisiana following a clockwise loop pat tern flying over land to the west around the Gulf. During this spring period there were few days with prevailing winds from the south to assist northward migration. Results suggest that, despite being up to three times further (ca. 2,700 km), a coastal cir- cum-Gulf spring migration represents the less risky route when wind conditions are not favorable. These findings also help to re solve a long-standing dispute in the literature concerning migration patterns between the US Gulf coast and Mexico, and provide insight into the factors shaping migration strategies of small songbirds migrating across large bodies of water

    Physiological requirements in triathlon

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    This article aims to present the current knowledge on physiological requirements in Olympic distance and Ironman triathlon. Showing the data available from a “traditional point of view” (aerobic power, anaerobic threshold, heart rate, running economy) and from a “contemporary” point of view (V̇ O2 kinetics), it emphasises where we are currently and the areas that remain unknown


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    An equation is derived to predict expected phenotypic response to selection when the trait under selection is influenced by both direct and maternal genetic effects. The expected phenotypic response after the i+lth generation of selection is Pi+1 = (i+l){Delta}D + i{Delta}M + {Delta}MC where {Delta}D and {Delta}M are the averages of the genetic selection differentials of the parents for the direct and maternal effects and {Delta}MC is the maternal genetic selection differential for selected females. An example, corresponding to published reports of genetic variances and covariance for direct and maternal effects on weaning weight, illustrates the importance of the covariance term in long term response. With a large negative covariance, selection of males for direct and females for maternal genetic value would give greater expected response in progeny after the first generation than selection of females for direct genetic value