3 research outputs found

    Study Of Mass Losses Of Cauliflower At Storage Depending On A Packing Way

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    Tissues of fresh vegetables are characterized by the high quantity of moisture (80…96 %), active metabolism, low resistance to mechanical lesions, are spoiled fast. Metabolism in cells of tissues, so mass losses, depends on the content of water and dry substances.It is impossible to manage abiotic factors under conditions of open soil. So, there appears a necessity to study the influence of abiotic factors on the process of mass decrease at cauliflower storage that gives a possibility to prognosticate its mass losses and aptitude to storage.The aim of the study was to analyze the influence of weather conditions of the vegetation period of cauliflower, volume, specific mass and porosity of heads and packing methods on the intensity of natural mass losses of cauliflower at storage. The research gives a possibility to decrease natural losses of cauliflower heads and to prolong the storage duration of it. Cauliflower mass losses at the expanse of water evaporation depend on weather conditions of the vegetation period of the plant. It has been established, that there is a middle force reverse connection with the coefficient correlation r=–0,465 between the intensity of water evaporation at cauliflower heads storage and GTC, middle force connection with the coefficient correlation r=0,437 – with the average day temperature, and strong reverse connection r=–0,776 with the relative air humidity. There was elaborated the regression equation that gives an understanding about mass losses of cauliflower heads, packed in PF, at the expanse of water evaporation.The intensity of water evaporation of cauliflower at storage depends on package method. At packing in a stretch-film (SF), the intensity of moisture decrease, % a day, was the least, equal to 0,30–0,31. The ratio between moisture losses to ones of dry substances was 0,45–0,68. At packing in a performed stretch-film (PSF), the intensity of moisture decrease, % a day, was higher a little – 0,37–0,43.The more storage duration of cauliflower of late ripeness was provided by individual packing of heads in a polyethylene stretch-film. This packing type provided less total natural losses of products: in Skywoker F1– 6,0 %, in Kasper F1 and Santamaria F1 – 6,3 %. Natural losses for a day in variants with using a stretch-film were within 0,05–0,06 % depending on hybrid

    Determining A Technique for Transmitting Measuring Data on the Spatial Positioning of the Piercing Head in Small-size Installations During Controlled Soil Piercing

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    For laying of underground utility systems in urban conditions by the method of horizontally directed soil piercing, small-sized units are designed. Such units should have measurement systems for determining the spatial position of the piercing head. In known systems, the surface layer of the soil is used as a data transmission line for transmitting measurement information.This method of transmitting information signals in urban conditions is not very acceptable. Ground-based objects reflect electromagnetic radiation of the head transmitter which leads to distortion of the directional diagram of the emitter and complicates the reliable reception of measurement information.It was proposed to use an autonomous measuring system with an operating frequency of 5 GHz based on Wi-Fi technologies and an unconventional method of transmitting measurement information using hollow steel bars in the piercing unit itself. This transmission line has periodic discontinuities because of the bar design. These discontinuities accumulate as the piercing head advances. For the basic vibration type Đť11, more accurate analytical expressions were obtained for calculating the power transfer coefficient of the measurement signal in such non-uniform lines. It was shown that inhomogeneity of the transmission line in comparison with its surface resistance does not significantly affect the transmission coefficient.For example, damping in the line increased by 1.2 dB with the maximum length of inhomogeneity of 5 mm and the total length of jointed bars of 50 m. It has been theoretically proven that the range of soil piercing with reliable signal reception can be up to 50 meters.The proposed method for transmitting information signals makes it possible to reduce the transmitter power, ensure noise immunity of the measuring system, and reliable reception of the measuring information throughout the entire piercing pat

    Studying the Loss of Mass by Cauliflower Depending on Agrobiological Factors, Varietal Features, and Package Technique

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    The aim of this study was to scientifically substantiate influence of weather conditions during vegetation season of cauliflower, the content of some components of the chemical composition, physical properties, as well as packaging techniques, on the intensity of loss of cauliflower heads during storage. We established that the following types of loss occur during storage of cauliflower: weight loss due to a decrease in dry matter, weight loss due to partial evaporation of water, development of microorganisms and physiological disorders.Weather conditions over the years of study were very variable. The sum of average daily temperatures ranged from 1,743.4 to 2,544.3 °C over the years of study, it exceeded the upper limit of the optimal amount by 58.9–380.3°C. HTC (hydrothermal coefficient) was 0.58–1.10. Humidity was sufficient during the vegetation period. Conditions of the vegetation period affected weight loss of late-ripening cauliflower heads during storage in the following way: the greatest loss was 12.8–16.9 % in control in 2015, it was less in 2016 ‒ 11.7–13.8 %, depending on a hybrid. The difference between hybrids over the years of study was significant. The natural decreases in weight loss of cauliflower heads during unpacked storage were for Casper F1 hybrid ‒ 13.7 %, for Santamaria F1 ‒ 12.7 %, for Skywalker F1 ‒ 15.5 % in 2015–2017.The intensity of moisture reduction when cauliflower was stored at a temperature of 1±0.5°C ranged from 0.27 to 9.3 %, depending on the packaging technique. The intensity of moisture evaporation in all hybrids was the same and it was 0.3 % per day under packaging by stretch film. Perforated stretch film increased the moisture evaporation slightly, from 0.37 % in Casper F1 hybrid to 0.43 in Skywalker F1 hybrid. The ratio of moisture loss to the loss of dry matter ranged from 11.2 in heads of Santamaria F1 to 13.2 in heads of Casper F1 during storage without packaging. And it was 0.23–0.23 when stored under SF, and 0.35–0.43 during storage under PSF.We found out the correlation between cauliflower weight loss during storage on HTC, average daily temperature, and relative humidity of air in the vegetation period and on dry matter content, volume, and porosity of a head. The regression equations made it possible to forecast cauliflower weight loss during storage, depending on weather conditions of the vegetation period and on the dry matter content and physical indicators of heads