109 research outputs found

    Monitoring and forecasting the development of local food systems : a case study

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    The motivation of this research is the need to explore the role of a local food system in solving the problem of food security. The article develops the methods for analyzing the current state of a food system and forecasting the future development of food markets. The methods and techniques have been tested for the food system in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The current trends in food supply chains in specific sectors (potatoes and vegetables, meat and milk, eggs and cereal products) have been highlighted for this region. The problems and the possible solutions have been identified. The medium-term and long-term consumption prospects offer opportunities for an in-depth study of the promising areas in the food industry of the region.peer-reviewe

    Phenological assessment of early-maturing soybean accessions (<i>Glycine max</i> (L.) Merr.) under the conditions of Moscow Province

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    Background. The range of early-maturing cultivars suitable for the Non-Black-Earth Zone of the Russian Federation (RF) is extremely limited. The main method of finding sources of earliness for crop production and breeding is the evaluation of the gene pool under the required conditions.Materials and methods. The objects of the study were 81 soybean accessions from the VIR collection, precharacterized as early-ripening under the conditions of Northwest Russia. The studies were carried out in 2018–2020 as field trials under the conditions of Moscow Province.Results. Soybean accessions were characterized by the duration of the emergence-to-flowering (37–53 days), flowering-to-ripening (50–85 days) and emergence-to-ripening (81–130 days) periods. The extreme ripening dates for the accessions were observed from August 20 to October 5, while the maximum duration from emergence to ripening was from 93 to 139 days. The highest sum of active temperatures above 10°C for a growing season ranged from 1642 to 2189°C. Most of the studied accessions were characterized by a short emergence-to-flowering period. Therefore, the differences among accessions in the duration of the growing season were mainly due to the different lengths of their flowering-to-ripening period.Conclusion. Soybean seeds should ripen no later than the first 10 days of September for a stable harvest under the weather conditions of the Russian Non-Black-Earth Zone. There were 32 accessions from breeding centers of the RF, Belarus, Poland, Germany, Sweden, and the U.S. that met these requirements during the three years of observations. The selected accessions demonstrated a short emergence-to-flowering period of 37–48 days, and the length of their flowering-to-ripening period of 50–66 days, on average for three years. They can be used as sources of earliness in soybean breeding

    New advances in Raman study of polyvinylchloride structure

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    In this work we investigated Raman spectra of a number of industrial grades of polyvinylchloride powder and films, prepared from solutions in tetrahydrofuran and acetophenone. The number and spectral characteristics of the Raman lines in the spectral regions of the C-Cl stretching vibrations and in the region of the C-H and CH2 stretching vibrations were evaluated


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    We carried out clinical-psychological examination of 504 children of 12—17 years old. According to the comparative analysis of indices of children in main (with arterial hypertension — AH) and control (without AH) groups we resealed frequency, age and. sex structure, factors of risk of arterial hypertension. We analyzed, psychosocial (acute and chronic psychologic traumatic experience) and sociocultural factors (medico-demographic and social-economic family status), studied individual and. typological features of the person, structure of temperament, psychic conditions, peculiarities of interpersonal attitudes (in family and. in school). We studied interactions and determined diagnostic significance of studied indices as the factors of risk of development of hypertension with estimation of their quantitative characteristics by the index of chances ratio and. its confidence intervals

    Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in legumes as a genetic and selection trait

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    The results of long-term studies on legume symbiogenetics and breeding are summarized by the example of pea Pisum sativum L. A collection of symbiotic mutants was developed by chemical and radiational mutagenesis of pea varieties and genetically characterized. Various sym genes were recognized. From the large set, supernodulating (proved to be recessive) and dominant hypernodulating types of symbiotic mutants were chosen for breeding programs. Varieties differed dramatically in hypernodulation degree. Aiming at nitrogen fixation intensification, accessions bearing recessive genes for supernodulation (nod4) and dominant genes for hypernodulation (Nod5) were selected. The recurrent method of symbiotic mutants utilization in pea breeding for nitrogen fixation intensification was developed. The best results were obtained by combining two sym genes in one pea genotype: the dominant hypernodulation gene Nod5 and the recessive supernodulation gene nod4. A set of recurrent lines tagged with both these genes was raised to use in breeding programs as donors of intense nitrogen fixation combined with good performance. In addition, they are good preceding crops. After their harvesting, soil accumulates large amounts of nitrogen-rich root and bacterial biomass. The nitrogen is preserved for years, whereas mineral nitrogen is rapidly washed out with precipitation. Endemic pea accessions originated from various regions can be successful starting material in breeding for nitrogen fixation intensification, accessions from Egypt and Syria having provided best results. Nodulation and nitrogen fixation intensities were assessed in seven cultivars derived from three promising pea lines raised at the Siberian Research Institute of Plant Breeding and Selection

    Quality of Housing of Collective Farm Families in Sverdlovsk Region and Construction “Boom” of Second Half of 1950-ies

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    Изложены результаты исследования качества жилья, в котором проживала одна из самых многочисленных категорий населения Свердловской области — крестьяне-колхозники — на исходе 1950-х годов XX века. Базой проведенного исследования стали результаты статистических обследований жителей села, которые проводились в СССР с начала 1930-х до второй половины 1960-х годов. Вводятся в оборот новые архивные материалы. Констатируется, что в истории XX века жилищная проблема осталась еще одной из перечня тех, которые советская командно-административная система так и не смогла разрешить. Заявляется, что вопросы обеспеченности жильем сельских жителей и его качества практически не получили освещения в трудах среднеуральских обществоведов. Отмечается, что основное внимание исследователей обычно занимали материальные условия жизни колхозников, то есть их доходы, расходы, а также уровень потребления. Декларируется, что к середине 1950-х годов напряженность ситуации в жилищной сфере страны достигла своего апогея. Утверждается, что с 1956 года началась полная модернизация всей организации строительного дела в СССР. Выдвигается тезис о том, что не стоит переоценивать развитость городской инфраструктуры Среднего Урала в 1950-е годы. Делается вывод, что почти по всем показателям жизни населения среднеуральская деревня находилась в явно худших условиях, а строительный «бум» второй половины 1950-х мало отразился на объеме и качестве ее жилищного фонда.The results of the study of the quality of housing, where one of the largest categories of the population of the Sverdlovsk region — peasants-collective farmers — lived at the end of the 1950-ies of 20th century. The base of the conducted research were the results of statistical surveys of the villagers, which were held in the USSR since the early 1930-ies until the second half of 1960-ies. New archival materials are being put into circulation. It is stated that in the history of the 20th century the housing problem has remained one of the list of those that the Soviet command and administrative system has not been able to solve. It is stated that the issues of provision of housing for rural residents and its quality are practically not covered in the works of Middle Ural social scientists. It is noted that the main researchers’ attention is usually occupied by the material conditions of life of farmers, that is, their income, expenses, as well as the level of consumption. It is declared that by the mid-1950-ies the tension in the housing sector of the country reached its apogee. It is argued that since 1956 a complete modernization of the entire organization of construction business in the USSR had begun. The thesis that the development of urban infrastructure of the Middle Urals in the 1950-ies should not be overestimated is put forward. It is concluded that the Middle Ural village was in clearly the worst conditions by almost all indicators of life of the population, and the construction “boom” of the second half of the 1950-ies had little impact on the volume and quality of its housing stock

    Применение ингибитора JAK1 и JAK2 руксолитиниба в качестве пред- и посттрансплантационной терапии па% циентов с миелофиброзом

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    Primary myelofibrosis (PMF) is а chronic BCRABL–negative myeloproliferative disorder with progressive clinical course. Allogeneic stem cell transplantation is the only treatment optionin patients with PMF with curative potential. Most of PMF patients have active disease phase at the moment of alloHSCT. The Januskinase inhibitor ruxolitinib is effective in decreasingof tumor mass before alloHSCT. Here we report our experience in administration of ruxolitinib as pre and posttransplant therapy of patients with PMF as well as patients with polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythaemia with transformation into myelofibrosis.Первичный миелофиброз (ПМФ) – хроническое Ph-негативное миелопролиферативное заболевание, характеризующееся, как правило, непрерывно прогрессирующим течением. АллоТГСК в настоящий момент является единственным методом терапии, позволяющим излечить больных ПМФ. Однако большая часть пациентов на момент алло-ТГСК находится в активной фазе заболевания. Использование ингибиторов JAK позволяет уменьшить объем опухолевой массы перед аллоТГСК. Проанализирован опыт применения руксолитиниба в качестве пред и посттрансплантационной терапии пациентов с ПМФ, а также больных с истинной полицитемией и эссенциальной тромбоцитемией с трансформацией в миелофиброз

    Видавнича діяльність як фактор підвищення якості викладання фармакології

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    Розглядаються напрями оптимізації процесу навчання в Українській медичній стоматологічній академії на кафедрі експериментальної та клінічної фармакології з клінічною імунологією та алергологією в умовах пандемії СоVіD-19 і карантину в закладах вищої освіти. Одним із важливих видів такої роботи викладачі кафедри визнають створення й упровадження в процес навчання новітньої навчально-методичної літератури.The article discusses optimization directions of the learning process at a Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy at the Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology with Clinical Immunology and Allergology in the context of a global CоVіD-19 pandemic and quarantine in higher educational institutions. One of the important types of such work: the teachers of the department recognize the creation and implementation of the latest educational and methodological literature in the learning process

    Ключевые звенья патогенеза токсической миокардиопатии

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    Goal. To identify key links in the pathogenesis of toxic myocardiopathy in conditions of endogenous intoxication in peritonitis. Materials and methods. Experimental studies were carried out on dogs (n = 24). The model of purulent fecal peritonitis. We studied the run-time content of toxic products in blood plasma, the lipid composition, the intensity of lipid peroxidation, the activity of phospholipase A2 and superoxide dismutase, and hypoxia of myocardial tissue. We evaluated loss of water and proteins, electrogenesis of the myocardium cells and changes in the ECG parameters. We also performed histological examination of the myocardial tissue. Results. Experimental studies in dogs showed that the development of endotoxicosis of peritoneal origin is accompanied by significant metabolic disorders and cardiac malfunction leading to the development of myocardiopathy. The most important role in the development and progression of myocardial damage in endotoxicosis is played by biomembrane damage and disruption of associated processes. The main processes are quantitative and qualitative modifications of phospholipids in cardiac cell membranes. Conclusion. The obtained data demonstrate the key role of the interrelation between dyslipidemia in the investigated cellular structures and intensification of lipid peroxidation, an increase in phospholipase A 2 activity, and hypoxia; which confirms the significance of these processes in destabilization of the phospholipid matrix of biomembranes.Цель. Выявить ключевые звенья патогенеза токсической миокардиопатии в условиях эндогенной интоксикации при перитоните. Материалы и методы. Проведены экспериментальные исследования на собаках (n = 24). Смоделирован гнойный каловый перитонит. В динамике процесса исследовали содержание токсических продуктов в плазме крови, липидный состав, интенсивность процессов перекисного окисления липидов и активность фосфолипазы А2, супероксиддисмутазы, показатели гипоксии ткани миокарда. Оценивали трофику и электрогенез миокарда, изменения показателей электрокардиограммы. Проводили гистологическое исследование ткани миокарда. Результаты. Развитие эндотоксикоза перитонеального генеза вызывает значительные нарушения метаболизма и функции сердца с развитием миокардиопатии. Ключевую роль в развитии и прогрессировании повреждений сердца при эндотоксикозе играет нарушение целостности биомембран и расстройство процессов, реализующихся с их участием. К числу основных среди них относят количественную и качественную модификацию фосфолипидов мембран кардиоцитов. Заключение. Полученные факты свидетельствуют о ключевой роли сопряженности дислипидных явлений в исследованных клеточных структурах с интенсификацией перекисного окисления липидов, увеличением активности фосфолипазы А2, гипоксией, что подтверждает значимость данных процессов в дестабилизации фосфолипидной матрицы биомембран

    Colorization and Automated Segmentation of Human T2 MR Brain Images for Characterization of Soft Tissues

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    Characterization of tissues like brain by using magnetic resonance (MR) images and colorization of the gray scale image has been reported in the literature, along with the advantages and drawbacks. Here, we present two independent methods; (i) a novel colorization method to underscore the variability in brain MR images, indicative of the underlying physical density of bio tissue, (ii) a segmentation method (both hard and soft segmentation) to characterize gray brain MR images. The segmented images are then transformed into color using the above-mentioned colorization method, yielding promising results for manual tracing. Our color transformation incorporates the voxel classification by matching the luminance of voxels of the source MR image and provided color image by measuring the distance between them. The segmentation method is based on single-phase clustering for 2D and 3D image segmentation with a new auto centroid selection method, which divides the image into three distinct regions (gray matter (GM), white matter (WM), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) using prior anatomical knowledge). Results have been successfully validated on human T2-weighted (T2) brain MR images. The proposed method can be potentially applied to gray-scale images from other imaging modalities, in bringing out additional diagnostic tissue information contained in the colorized image processing approach as described