1,056 research outputs found

    Social well-being of the man and society as a strategic goal of social work

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    В статье раскрывается понятие социального благополучия, определяется его место и роль в современной социальной работе. Раскрыты особенности достижения социального благополучия как стратегического ориентира в на макро-, мезо- и микроуровнях социальной работы.The article reveals the concept of social well-being, determines its place and role in modern social work. The features achieve social well-being as a strategic reference point in the macro, meso and micro levels of social work

    Information-statistical approach to inverse optical problem solution for 3D disperse systems with nano- and micro particles

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    Multiparameter analysis of simultaneous optical data for 3D disperse systems (consisted from nano- and/or microparticles of different nature) by information-statistical methods can help to estimate the share of different types of particles in mixtures. At the solution of inverse optical problem for unknown poly-component 3D DS, the comparison of measured parameters with the known ones from the set of mono-component 3D DS can help to identify the component content of the system under study. The approach was tested on the biomineral water mixtures of kaolin clay and bacterium coli bacillus with the help of the program based on the information-statistical theory. To solve the impurity optical recognition tasks, the Base of optical data for 3D DS is needed.Multiparameter analysis of simultaneous optical data for 3D disperse systems (consisted from nano- and/or microparticles of different nature) by information-statistical methods can help to estimate the share of different types of particles in mixtures. At the solution of inverse optical problem for unknown poly-component 3D DS, the comparison of measured parameters with the known ones from the set of mono-component 3D DS can help to identify the component content of the system under study. The approach was tested on the biomineral water mixtures of kaolin clay and bacterium coli bacillus with the help of the program based on the information-statistical theory. To solve the impurity optical recognition tasks, the Base of optical data for 3D DS is needed

    Зовнішньоекономічна діяльність та фінансові результати машинобудівних підприємств України

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    The aim of the article is to study the interrelationships between indicators of foreign economic activity and financial results of machine-building enterprises at the current stage of development. The analysis of statistical reports related to series of two groups of indicators for 2005–2015 is carried out. The first group describing financial results includes the following indicators: volumes of sales, financial results before taxes, net income, return on operating activities. The second group characterizing the foreign economic activity includes the indicators of foreign direct investments, exports and imports, trade balance, share of exports in the total sales and the official average annual exchange rate of the national currency. Particular stages of interrelated trends of changes in the indicators in dynamics are determined. The degree of closeness of interrelationships between factor and result indicators is assessed by correlation analysis. Current interdependent problems associated with the development of foreign economic activity and financial soundness of the machine-building enterprises of Ukraine are revealed.Метою статті є дослідження взаємозв'язку між показниками зовнішньоекономічної діяльності та фінансовими результатами машинобудівних підприємств на сучасному етапі розвитку. Проведено аналіз статистичної звітності за 2005–2015 рр. динамічних рядів двох груп показників. Перша група, що характеризує фінансові результати, включає: обсяг реалізованої продукції, фінансові результати до оподаткування, чистий прибуток, рентабельність операційної діяльності. Друга, що характеризує зовнішньоекономічну діяльність, включає: прямі іноземні інвестиції, розміри експорту та імпорту, сальдо експорту та імпорту, питому вагу експорту в загальному обсязі реалізованої продукції та офіціальний середньорічний курс гривні. Виокремлено етапи взаємопов'язаних тенденцій змінення даних груп показників у динаміці. Виконано кореляційний аналіз, що дозволив оцінити щільність зв'язку між факторними та результативними параметрами. Виявлені сучасні взаємозалежні проблеми забезпечення фінансового благополуччя та розвитку зовнішньоекономічної діяльності підприємств машинобудування

    The principle of creative presentation at education of students

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    В статье предлагаются перспективные направления деятельности, которые позволят сформировать готовность педагогов к реализации принципа творческой наглядности. Подробно рассматривается программа дополнительного профессионального образования педагогических работников (повышения квалификации) «Формирование готовности педагогов к методическому сопровождению процесса развития креативных ресурсов студентов профессиональной образовательной организации посредством социоигровой деятельности».The article offers promising activities that will form the willingness of teachers to implement the principle of creative visualization. Considered in detail the program of additional professional education of teachers (training) "Formation of readiness of teachers to support methodological development of creative resources of students professional educational organization through sotsioigrovoy activity", which allows to increase the level of self-development and self-realization of the teacher

    Brain Gangliosides and Their Function as Natural Adaptogenes

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    In brain gangliosides and phospholipids of stenothermal cold-water teleost fishes, higher content of polyenoic and monoenoic fatty acids was revealed than in brain gangliosides and phospholipids of warm-water stenothermal teleosts. The changes in fatty acid composition of lipids during adaptation of fishes to living in cold water (or at great water depth) are directed to the maintenance of liquid-crystalline state of cell membranes and their optimal fluidity, physical state, and microheterogeneity. The results of cluster analysis of the data on composition of carbohydrate component of brain gangliosides of various ectothermic vertebrates were used to create the dendrogram. This dendrogram was found to correspond appreciably to the tree of classical taxonomy of vertebrates. The changes in molecular organization of brain gangliosides in the course of evolution of vertebrates are suggested to contribute to differentiation of brain and complication of its functions in phylogenesis. The main brain gangliosides (GM1, GD1a, GD1b, GT1b) may be considered to be typical adaptogens. They protect neurons against the action of excitatory amino acids, hydrogen peroxide, amyloid β-peptide, and other toxins. Protective effect of gangliosides against these toxins depends on activation of Trk receptor tyrosine kinase and downstream protein kinases

    University-business-government relations in the development of the institutional environment of Russian regions

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    Relevance. University-business-government relations drive regional innovation. Therefore, in order to stimulate innovation, a favourable institutional environment is necessary. Research objective. The article proposes an original methodology to examine regional institutional environment based on the analysis of the interactions between the government, business and universities.Methods and data. The study relies on the statistical data on 12 Russian regions for a 6-year period. The data are used to create three sets of indicators characterizing the institutional sectors 'Government', 'Business' and 'Universities'. Regions are divided into clusters and ranked according to the state of their institutional environments by calculating subindices and the integral index. Other research methods include cluster analysis and correlation regression analysis. Results. The regions were grouped according to their innovation performance: in lagging regions, the interactions between the government, business and universities are inefficient, which means that their regional institutional environment is not conducive to innovation. The opposite situation is observed in the group of leaders. We also found that interactions between the government, business and universities have a direct influence on GRP.Conclusion. For each group of regions, areas for improvement and the corresponding measures were identified. Interventions may vary in terms of intensity and government participation

    Basic Principles for the Implementation of Health Training (Lecture)

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    Health of the population of the Russian Federation is an indicator of national safety. Therefore, one of the priority directions of state policy organization of events, providing preservation and increase in level of somatic health of citizens of the Russian Federation is considered. In this context, one of powerful methods of management of activity of the person is muscular work, long-term adaptation to which causes formation of a number of the effects having improving and preventive orientation. In this connection in recent years, the attention of experts and patients to the various systems of improving trainings increases, and the need for them in all of age groups of the population stimulates active development of their various forms and the fitness services industry. At the same time, achievement of necessary result demands understanding of both regularities of formation of adaptation reactions of an organism when using of the existing arsenal of physical activities, exercises, and the basic principles of their realization taking into account conclusions and recommendations of evidential medicine. These are organizational and methodical features of planning of training programs and styles of concrete occupations, the choice and dispensing both classical forms of physical activity, and options of technologies of fitness taking into account exercises potentially dangerous to the musculoskeletal device especially at children. Within the above-stated positions, the real material in a format of lecture statement is made and presented

    preAssemble: a tool for automatic sequencer trace data processing

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    BACKGROUND: Trace or chromatogram files (raw data) are produced by automatic nucleic acid sequencing equipment or sequencers. Each file contains information which can be interpreted by specialised software to reveal the sequence (base calling). This is done by the sequencer proprietary software or publicly available programs. Depending on the size of a sequencing project the number of trace files can vary from just a few to thousands of files. Sequencing quality assessment on various criteria is important at the stage preceding clustering and contig assembly. Two major publicly available packages – Phred and Staden are used by preAssemble to perform sequence quality processing. RESULTS: The preAssemble pre-assembly sequence processing pipeline has been developed for small to large scale automatic processing of DNA sequencer chromatogram (trace) data. The Staden Package Pregap4 module and base-calling program Phred are utilized in the pipeline, which produces detailed and self-explanatory output that can be displayed with a web browser. preAssemble can be used successfully with very little previous experience, however options for parameter tuning are provided for advanced users. preAssemble runs under UNIX and LINUX operating systems. It is available for downloading and will run as stand-alone software. It can also be accessed on the Norwegian Salmon Genome Project web site where preAssemble jobs can be run on the project server. CONCLUSION: preAssemble is a tool allowing to perform quality assessment of sequences generated by automatic sequencing equipment. preAssemble is flexible since both interactive jobs on the preAssemble server and the stand alone downloadable version are available. Virtually no previous experience is necessary to run a default preAssemble job, on the other hand options for parameter tuning are provided. Consequently preAssemble can be used as efficiently for just several trace files as for large scale sequence processing

    Deformation behaviour of aluminium nanocrystals under shock-wave loading

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    Nonequilibrium process of shock-wave loading of aluminum nanocrystals were investigated numerically under uniaxial stress conditions using molecular dynamics simulations (MD). Deformation curves, time dependence of strain rate and the change in potential energy were constructed. Calculated properties of aluminium using embedded atom interatomic potential are compared with each other. Relationship between the calculated characteristics are discussed. The behaviour of deformation curves for two different aluminium nanosrystals is explained. The problems of modeling the deformation hardening of aluminum nanocrystals are considered. © 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd