158 research outputs found

    Fino podešavanje nn sile, p-d i n-d opservable niskoenergijskog elastičnog raspršenja i učinak Coulombovog usporavanja

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    We examine the differences between n-d and p-d analysing power in elastic scattering at energies below 25 MeV and investigate whether these differences can be understood as the result of charge-symmetry breaking in the 3PJ states. We show that a correction of the data to account for the slowing down of the proton under the Coulomb force does not account for these differences. The differences can be explained by introducing 3 to 4 % charge symmetry breaking in the 3PJ states of the Bonn potential. We give the explicit values of the parameters setting the strength of the NN force in 3Pj states for n-n, n-p and p-p forces. Such modified Bonn potential gives simultaneously good agreement for both 2N scattering data and the 3N observables.Ispitujemo razlike moći analiziranja u elastičnom n-d i p-d raspršenju na energijama ispod 25 MeV i istražujemo mogu li se te razlike tumačiti kao posljedica kršenja nabojne simetrije u 3PJ stanjima. Pokazujemo da popravka podataka zbog usporenja protona pod djelovanjem Coulombove sile ne može objasniti te razlike. Te se razlike mogu objasniti uvođenjem kršenja nabojne simetrije od 3 do 4% u stanjima 3PJ Bonnskog potencijala. Dajemo izričite vrijednosti parametara koji određuju NN silu u stanjima 3PJ za n-n, n-p i p-p sile. Tako izmijenjen Bonnski potencijal daje dobro slaganje za 2N raspršenje i opservable 3N procesa

    Nakupinski račun 9ΛBe hiperjezgre Faddeevom metodom

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    Configuration-space Faddeev calculations are performed for cluster model ααΛ of the 9 ΛBe hypernucleus using various αΛ potentials. For the αα interaction, the nuclear component is only taken into account (phenomenological Ali-Bodmer potential). The binding energy of the 9 ΛBe hypernuclei is calculated for two different potential models. In the first model, the s-wave αΛ potential acting in all partial waves in the αΛ subsystem is used. In the second model, a recent more realistic αΛ potential having the s- and p-partial components is employed. The core effect of nuclear αα potential is also studied.Načinili smo račune Faddeevom metodom u konfiguracijskom prostoru za nakupinski model ααΛ hiperjezgre 9 ΛBe primjenom različitih potencijala. Za nuklearnu sastavnicu međudjelovanja αα primijenili smo samo fenomenološki Ali-Bodmerov potencijal. Energiju vezanja hiperjezgre 9 ΛBe smo računali dvama različitim potencijalnim modelima. U prvome se rabi s-valni potencijal αΛ koji djeluje na sve parcijalne valove u podsustavu αΛ. U drugome, rabi se nov realističniji potencijal αΛ koji sadrži s- i p-parcijalne sastavnice. Proučavali smo također učinak sredice u potencijalu αα


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    Modern business trends in agriculture include increasing the productivity and efficiency of agricultural production in order to achieve a competitive position in the market. The growth of the population imposes an increasing need for agricultural food products, accessibility of products and the necessity of preserving the environment. In order to ensure the long-term sustainability of the agricultural sector in a dynamic environment, it is necessary to make timely business decisions. The use of information technologies in agricultural farms, primarily computers and the Internet, enables agricultural producers access to a large amount of information. The aim of this paper is to examine the current level of IT usage in the markets of the countries of South East Europe, with an emphasis on the agricultural sector, as well as to analyze future trends in the development of modern technologies. The paper uses the data of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia and the EUROSTAT database. The survey covers the period 2009-2018, which analyzes the frequency of using computers, the Internet and e-commerce

    TiO2 based nanomaterials and nanostructures for green convergent technologies and environmental protection

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    Imajući u vidu značaj razvoja naprednih nanomaterijala za zaštitu prirodne okoline, u ovome radu su prezentovane primene nanomaterijala i nanostruktura na bazi TiO2 u oblastima obnovljivih izvora energije, hemijske i bio dekontaminacije. Objašnjena je uloga TiO2 u formiranju kompozitnih hibridnih struktura za prikupljanje solarne energije, kao i primena različitih antimikrobnih materijala na bazi TiO2 koji se koriste za fotokatalitičko uklanjanje polutanata. Naročita pažnja je posvećena strukturi i svojstvima titan dioksidnih nanotuba dobijenih primenom metode elektrohemijske anodizacije i njihova primena u bio dekontaminaciji.Taking into account the importance of development of the advanced nanomaterials for the environmental protection, in this article the application of TiO2 based nanomaterials and nanostructures in the fields of renewable energy, chemical and bio decontamination has been presented. The role of TiO2 in formation of composite hybrid structures for solar energy harvesting has been explained, as well as the use photocatalytic degradation of pollutants. properties of TiO2 nanotubes obtained by decontamination

    TiO2 based nanomaterials and nanostructures for green convergent technologies and environmental protection

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    Imajući u vidu značaj razvoja naprednih nanomaterijala za zaštitu prirodne okoline, u ovome radu su prezentovane primene nanomaterijala i nanostruktura na bazi TiO2 u oblastima obnovljivih izvora energije, hemijske i bio dekontaminacije. Objašnjena je uloga TiO2 u formiranju kompozitnih hibridnih struktura za prikupljanje solarne energije, kao i primena različitih antimikrobnih materijala na bazi TiO2 koji se koriste za fotokatalitičko uklanjanje polutanata. Naročita pažnja je posvećena strukturi i svojstvima titan dioksidnih nanotuba dobijenih primenom metode elektrohemijske anodizacije i njihova primena u bio dekontaminaciji.Taking into account the importance of development of the advanced nanomaterials for the environmental protection, in this article the application of TiO2 based nanomaterials and nanostructures in the fields of renewable energy, chemical and bio decontamination has been presented. The role of TiO2 in formation of composite hybrid structures for solar energy harvesting has been explained, as well as the use photocatalytic degradation of pollutants. properties of TiO2 nanotubes obtained by decontamination

    Tehnike neuromarketinga - savremeni način istraživanja ponašanja potrošača

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    Neuromarketing studies reveal significant new information about human preferences by measuring brain activity. The use of neuromarketing enables marketers to discover the desires and needs of consumers and therefore define their goals. This method can reveal unconscious thoughts, feelings and desires of consumers to manage their everyday purchasing decisions. The field of neuromarketing uses advances in technology and goes beyond the traditional methods of qualitative and quantitative research. Focusing on the brain's response to consumer marketing stimuli, it helps us clarify what consumers think in a situation where they are faced with a product. With the increasing application of new technologies, a large number of companies are involved in the implementation of neuromarketing studies in order to improve their sales. With this in mind, this paper will discuss neuromarketing techniques, when they are applied, which tools they are measured with, as well as the advantages and limitations when applying them.Neuromarketinška istraživanja otkrivaju značajne nove informacije o ljudskim željama merenjem moždane aktivnosti. Upotreba tehnika neuromarketinga omogućava marketinškim stručnjacima da otkriju potrebe potrošača i da prema tim saznanjima usmeravaju svoje ciljeve. Ovim metodama mogu se otkriti nesvesne misli, osećanja i žudnje potrošača, koje upravljaju njihovim svakodnevnim odlukama o kupovini. Polje neuromarketinga koristi napredak u tehnologiji i prevazilazi tradicionalne (konvencionalne) metode kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog istraživanja. Fokusirajući se na reakcije mozga potrošača, pomaže da se razjasne šta potrošači misle u situaciji kada su suočeni sa potencijalnom kupovinom nekog proizvoda. Sa povećanjem primene novih tehnologija, veliki broj kompanija uključio se u sprovođenje neuromarketinških studija, kako bi, pre svega, poboljšali prodaju svojih proizvoda i povećali profit. Zbog toga se u ovom radu prikazuju tehnike neuromarketinga, uslovi u kojima se koriste, alati koji se upotrebljavaju, kao i prednosti i ograničenja njihove primene

    Thermal parameters defined with graph theory approach in synthetized diamonds

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    The Nanocrystaline diamonds are very important biomedical material with variety of applications. The experimental procedures and results have been done in the Institute of Functional Nanosystems at the University Ulm, Germany. There is an existing biocompatibility of the diamond layers, selectively improved by biomimetic 3-D patterns structuring. Based on that, we have been inspired to apply the graph theory approach in analysing and defining the physical parameters within the structure of materials structure samples. Instead the parameters values, characteristic at the samples surface, we penetrate the graphs deeply in the bulk structure. These values could be only, with some probability, distributed through the micro-structure what defines not enough precious parameters values between the micro-structure constituents, grains and pores. So, we originally applied the graph theory to get defined the physical parameters at the grains and pores levels. This novelty, in our paper, we applied for thermophysical parameters, like thermoconductiviy. By graph approach we open new frontiers in controlling and defining the processes at micro-structure relations. In this way, we can easily predict and design the structure with proposed parameters


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    Spoljnotrgovinska razmena agroindustrijskih proizvoda i liberalizacija trgovine ispoljava pored prednosti i niz otežavajućih okolnosti i rizika. Za proizvođače hrane u Srbiji proces liberalizacije trgovine predstavlja oštru konkurenciju. To podrazumeva neophodnost podizanja tehnološkog nivoa proizvodnje, produktivnosti, efikasnosti i primene marketing menadžmenta. Veća konkurencija na domaćem tržištu treba da doprinese povećanju kvaliteta i ponude robe. Realno je očekivati i pad cena proizvoda, što u perspektivi može predstavljati problem domaćim proizvođačima, smanjenjenjm njihovog dohotka. Međutim, ovaj proces potrošačima pruža mogućnost šireg izbora proizvoda raznovrsnijom ponudom jeftinije robe. Predmet istraživanja ovog rada jeste spoljnotrgovinska razmena agroindustri-jskih proizvoda Republike Srbije sa Republikom Hrvatskom u okviru potpisanog CEFTA sporazuma, u skladu sa sporazumom o slobodnoj trgovini. On doprinosi da Zapadni Balkan postane ekonomski integrisano područje za promet roba i usluga. Ujedno treba da predstavlja prepoznatljivu destinaciju za strana ulaganja. Cilj istraživanja jeste sagledavanje mogućnosti unapređenja i proširenja spoljno trgovinske razmene agroindustrijskih proizvoda Republike Srbije, kao i smanjenje uvoza iz Republike Hrvatke. Zadatak, je, pored ostalog da se kvantifikuju nastale promene, kako bi se dobio uvid o kretanju i ostvarenim tendencijama, kao i da se utvrde međusobne uslovljenosti faktora koji su dominantno uticali na ispoljene tendencije